/* * Copyright (c) 1997-1999 * Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc. * * Copyright (c) 1999 * Boris Fomitchev * * Copyright (c) 2003 * Francois Dumont * * This material is provided "as is", with absolutely no warranty expressed * or implied. Any use is at your own risk. * * Permission to use or copy this software for any purpose is hereby granted * without fee, provided the above notices are retained on all copies. * Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted, * provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was * modified is included with the above copyright notice. * */ #ifndef _STLP_INTERNAL_WINDOWS_H #define _STLP_INTERNAL_WINDOWS_H #if !defined (_STLP_PLATFORM) # define _STLP_PLATFORM "Windows" #endif /* _STLP_WIN32_VERSION is used to detect targetted Windows platforms as * old ones are not supporting some Win32 functions that STLport use. * Limited OSs are going up to and including Windows 98 so they can be * detected using WINVER or _WIN32_WINDOWS macros, we do not have to use * _WINNT_WINDOWS macro for the moment. */ #if !defined (_STLP_WIN32_VERSION) # if defined (WINVER) # define _STLP_WIN32_VERSION WINVER # elif defined (_WIN32_WINDOWS) # define _STLP_WIN32_VERSION _WIN32_WINDOWS # endif #endif #if !defined (_STLP_BIG_ENDIAN) && !defined (_STLP_LITTLE_ENDIAN) # if defined (_MIPSEB) # define _STLP_BIG_ENDIAN 1 # endif # if defined (__i386) || defined (_M_IX86) || defined (_M_ARM) || \ defined (__amd64__) || defined (_M_AMD64) || defined (__x86_64__) || \ defined (__alpha__) # define _STLP_LITTLE_ENDIAN 1 # endif # if defined (__ia64__) /* itanium allows both settings (for instance via gcc -mbig-endian) - hence a seperate check is required */ # if defined (__BIG_ENDIAN__) # define _STLP_BIG_ENDIAN 1 # else # define _STLP_LITTLE_ENDIAN 1 # endif # endif #endif /* _STLP_BIG_ENDIAN */ #if !defined (_STLP_WINDOWS_H_INCLUDED) # define _STLP_WINDOWS_H_INCLUDED # if !(defined ( _STLP_MSVC ) || defined (__BORLANDC__) || defined (__ICL) || defined (__WATCOMC__) || \ defined (__MINGW32__) || defined (__DMC__)) # if defined (_STLP_USE_MFC) # include # else # include # endif # else /* This section serves as a replacement for windows.h header for Visual C++ */ # if defined (__cplusplus) extern "C" { # endif # if (defined (_M_AMD64) || defined (_M_IA64) || (!defined (_STLP_WCE) && defined (_M_MRX000)) || defined (_M_ALPHA) || \ (defined (_M_PPC) && (_STLP_MSVC_LIB >= 1000))) && !defined (RC_INVOKED) # define InterlockedIncrement _InterlockedIncrement # define InterlockedDecrement _InterlockedDecrement # define InterlockedExchange _InterlockedExchange /* Here we use a different macro name than the InterlockedExchangePointer SDK function * to avoid macro definition conflict as the SDK might already define InterlockedExchangePointer * as a macro. */ # define STLPInterlockedExchangePointer _InterlockedExchangePointer # define _STLP_STDCALL # else # if defined (_MAC) # define _STLP_STDCALL _cdecl # else # define _STLP_STDCALL __stdcall # endif # endif # if defined (_STLP_NEW_PLATFORM_SDK) _STLP_IMPORT_DECLSPEC long _STLP_STDCALL InterlockedIncrement(long volatile *); _STLP_IMPORT_DECLSPEC long _STLP_STDCALL InterlockedDecrement(long volatile *); _STLP_IMPORT_DECLSPEC long _STLP_STDCALL InterlockedExchange(long volatile *, long); # if defined (STLPInterlockedExchangePointer) _STLP_IMPORT_DECLSPEC void* _STLP_STDCALL STLPInterlockedExchangePointer(void* volatile *, void*); # endif _STLP_IMPORT_DECLSPEC long _STLP_STDCALL InterlockedExchangeAdd(long volatile *, long); # elif defined (_STLP_WCE) /* start of eMbedded Visual C++ specific section */ # include /* needed for basic windows types */ /** in SDKs generated with PB5, windef.h somehow includes headers which then define setjmp. */ # if (_WIN32_WCE >= 0x500) # define _STLP_NATIVE_SETJMP_H_INCLUDED # endif # ifndef _WINBASE_ /* winbase.h already included? */ long WINAPI InterlockedIncrement(long*); long WINAPI InterlockedDecrement(long*); long WINAPI InterlockedExchange(long*, long); # endif # ifndef __WINDOWS__ /* windows.h already included? */ # if defined (x86) # include /* needed for inline versions of Interlocked* functions */ # endif # ifndef _MFC_VER # define MessageBox MessageBoxW int WINAPI MessageBoxW(HWND hWnd, LPCWSTR lpText, LPCWSTR lpCaption, UINT uType); # define wvsprintf wvsprintfW int WINAPI wvsprintfW(LPWSTR, LPCWSTR, va_list ArgList); void WINAPI ExitThread(DWORD dwExitCode); # if !defined (COREDLL) # define _STLP_WCE_WINBASEAPI DECLSPEC_IMPORT # else # define _STLP_WCE_WINBASEAPI # endif _STLP_WCE_WINBASEAPI int WINAPI MultiByteToWideChar(UINT CodePage, DWORD dwFlags, LPCSTR lpMultiByteStr, int cbMultiByte, LPWSTR lpWideCharStr, int cchWideChar); _STLP_WCE_WINBASEAPI UINT WINAPI GetACP(); _STLP_WCE_WINBASEAPI BOOL WINAPI TerminateProcess(HANDLE hProcess, DWORD uExitCode); # define OutputDebugString OutputDebugStringW void WINAPI OutputDebugStringW(LPCWSTR); _STLP_WCE_WINBASEAPI void WINAPI Sleep(DWORD); # undef _STLP_WCE_WINBASEAPI # endif /* !_MFC_VER */ # endif /* !__WINDOWS__ */ /* end of eMbedded Visual C++ specific section */ # else /* boris : for the latest SDK, you may actually need the other version of the declaration (above) * even for earlier VC++ versions. There is no way to tell SDK versions apart, sorry ... */ _STLP_IMPORT_DECLSPEC long _STLP_STDCALL InterlockedIncrement(long*); _STLP_IMPORT_DECLSPEC long _STLP_STDCALL InterlockedDecrement(long*); _STLP_IMPORT_DECLSPEC long _STLP_STDCALL InterlockedExchange(long*, long); # endif # if !defined (STLPInterlockedExchangePointer) /* This API function do not exist in the old platform SDK and is equivalent to * InterlockedExchange on 32 bits platform: */ # if defined (__cplusplus) /* We do not define this function if we are not in a C++ translation unit just * because of the inline portability issue it would introduce. We will have to * fix it the day we need this function for a C translation unit. */ inline void* _STLP_CALL STLPInterlockedExchangePointer(void* volatile* __a, void* __b) { # if defined (_STLP_MSVC) /* Here MSVC produces warning if 64 bits portability issue is activated. * MSVC do not see that _STLP_ATOMIC_EXCHANGE_PTR is a macro which content * is based on the platform, Win32 or Win64 */ # pragma warning (push) # pragma warning (disable : 4311) // pointer truncation from void* to long # pragma warning (disable : 4312) // conversion from long to void* of greater size # endif # if !defined (_STLP_NO_NEW_STYLE_CASTS) return reinterpret_cast(InterlockedExchange(reinterpret_cast(const_cast(__a)), reinterpret_cast(__b))); # else return (void*)InterlockedExchange((long*)__a, (long)__b); # endif # if defined (_STLP_MSVC) # pragma warning (pop) # endif } # endif # endif # if !defined (_STLP_WCE) _STLP_IMPORT_DECLSPEC void _STLP_STDCALL Sleep(unsigned long); _STLP_IMPORT_DECLSPEC void _STLP_STDCALL OutputDebugStringA(const char* lpOutputString); # endif # if defined (InterlockedIncrement) # pragma intrinsic(_InterlockedIncrement) # pragma intrinsic(_InterlockedDecrement) # pragma intrinsic(_InterlockedExchange) # pragma intrinsic(_InterlockedExchangePointer) # endif # if defined (__cplusplus) } /* extern "C" */ # endif # endif /* STL_MSVC __BORLANDC__ __ICL __WATCOMC__ __MINGW32__ __DMC__*/ #endif /* _STLP_WINDOWS_H_INCLUDED */ #endif /* _STLP_INTERNAL_WINDOWS_H */