require 'tty_integration.rb' module Git extend TtyIntegration def self.checkout(branch, options = :with_fetch) fetch(branch) if options == :with_fetch # prompt.say(pastel.yellow("[checkout] ") + execute {"git checkout #{branch}"} self.pull branch if options == :with_fetch end def self.merge from, to # self.checkout(from) checkout(to, :local) # prompt.say(pastel.yellow('[Merge] ')) # prompt.say("#{from} ")) # prompt.say(pastel.yellow("into ")) # prompt.say("#{to} \n\n")) result =!("git pull origin #{from}") # processs, stderr , stdout= Open3.popen3("git pull origin #{from}") do |i, o, stderr, wait_thr| # [wait_thr.value,,] # end if result.success? return result.out else print "Conflicts on merge!".yellow.bg_red print "\n\nResolve conflicts and commit. \n" print "After type '1' for to continue or '0' for abort\n".yellow choice = STDIN.gets.chomp print "\n#{choice}, " print "ok!\n".green case choice when '1' print "Continuing...\n\n" else print "Aborting merge...\n\n" execute { ('git merge --abort') } raise 'Aborting...' end end # execute {"git pull origin #{from}"} end def self.delete_branch branch # print "Delete branch: ".yellow # print "#{branch} \n\n".green execute {("git checkout develop && git branch -D #{branch}") } end def self.reset_hard from, to self.fetch from self.checkout(to) # print "Reset --hard: #{to} is equal: ".yellow # print "origin/#{from}\n".green execute { "git reset --hard origin/#{from}\n\n" } end def self.push branch # prompt.say(pastel.yellow('[Push]: ')) # prompt.say("#{branch}\n\n")) execute {"git push origin #{branch}"} end def self.push_force branch # print "Push --force: ".yellow # print "#{branch}\n\n".green execute {"git push origin #{branch} -f"} end def self.log_last_changes branch execute {%{git log origin/#{branch}..HEAD --oneline --format="%ad - %B}} end def self.pull branch # prompt.say(pastel.yellow('[Pull]: ')) # prompt.say(pastel.yellow("#{branch}\n\n")) execute { "git pull origin #{branch}" } end def self.fetch branch # prompt.say(pastel.yellow('[Fetch]: ')) # prompt.say(pastel.yellow("origin/#{branch}\n\n")) execute { "git fetch origin #{branch}" } end def self.new_branch branch # prompt.say(pastel.yellow('Create new branch: ')) # prompt.say( "#{branch}\n")) execute { "git checkout -b #{branch}" } end def self.exist_branch? branch execute {"git fetch origin #{branch}"} end private def self.execute result=!(yield) raise result.err if result.failed? return result.out end end