#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rake/baseextensiontask' # Define a series of tasks to aid in the compilation of C extensions for # gem developer/creators. module Rake class ExtensionTask < BaseExtensionTask attr_accessor :config_script attr_accessor :cross_compile attr_accessor :cross_platform attr_accessor :cross_config_options attr_accessor :no_native def init(name = nil, gem_spec = nil) super @config_script = 'extconf.rb' @source_pattern = "*.c" @cross_compile = false @cross_config_options = [] @cross_compiling = nil @no_native = false end def cross_platform @cross_platform ||= 'i386-mingw32' end def cross_compiling(&block) @cross_compiling = block if block_given? end def binary(platform = nil) if platform == "java" warn_once <<-EOF Compiling a native C extension on JRuby. This is discouraged and a Java extension should be preferred. EOF "#{name}.#{RbConfig::MAKEFILE_CONFIG['DLEXT']}" else super end end def define if (defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) && RUBY_ENGINE == 'ironruby') warn_once <<-EOF WARNING: You're attempting to (cross-)compile C extensions from a platform (#{RUBY_ENGINE}) that does not support native extensions or mkmf.rb. Rerun `rake` under MRI Ruby 1.8.x/1.9.x to cross/native compile. EOF return end super # only gems with 'ruby' platforms are allowed to define native tasks define_native_tasks if !@no_native && (@gem_spec && @gem_spec.platform == 'ruby') # only define cross platform functionality when enabled return unless @cross_compile if cross_platform.is_a?(Array) then cross_platform.each { |platf| define_cross_platform_tasks(platf) } else define_cross_platform_tasks(cross_platform) end end private def define_compile_tasks(for_platform = nil, ruby_ver = RUBY_VERSION) # platform usage platf = for_platform || platform # lib_path lib_path = lib_dir # tmp_path tmp_path = "#{@tmp_dir}/#{platf}/#{@name}/#{ruby_ver}" # cleanup and clobbering CLEAN.include(tmp_path) CLOBBER.include("#{lib_path}/#{binary(platf)}") CLOBBER.include("#{@tmp_dir}") # directories we need directory tmp_path directory lib_dir # copy binary from temporary location to final lib # tmp/extension_name/extension_name.{so,bundle} => lib/ task "copy:#{@name}:#{platf}:#{ruby_ver}" => [lib_path, "#{tmp_path}/#{binary(platf)}"] do cp "#{tmp_path}/#{binary(platf)}", "#{lib_path}/#{binary(platf)}" end # binary in temporary folder depends on makefile and source files # tmp/extension_name/extension_name.{so,bundle} file "#{tmp_path}/#{binary(platf)}" => ["#{tmp_path}/Makefile"] + source_files do chdir tmp_path do sh make end end # makefile depends of tmp_dir and config_script # tmp/extension_name/Makefile file "#{tmp_path}/Makefile" => [tmp_path, extconf] do |t| options = @config_options.dup # include current directory cmd = [Gem.ruby, '-I.'] # if fake.rb is present, add to the command line if t.prerequisites.include?("#{tmp_path}/fake.rb") then cmd << '-rfake' end # build a relative path to extconf script abs_tmp_path = (Pathname.new(Dir.pwd) + tmp_path).realpath abs_extconf = (Pathname.new(Dir.pwd) + extconf).realpath # now add the extconf script cmd << abs_extconf.relative_path_from(abs_tmp_path) # rbconfig.rb will be present if we are cross compiling if t.prerequisites.include?("#{tmp_path}/rbconfig.rb") then options.push(*@cross_config_options) end # add options to command cmd.push(*options) chdir tmp_path do # FIXME: Rake is broken for multiple arguments system() calls. # Add current directory to the search path of Ruby # Also, include additional parameters supplied. sh cmd.join(' ') end end # compile tasks unless Rake::Task.task_defined?('compile') then desc "Compile all the extensions" task "compile" end # compile:name unless Rake::Task.task_defined?("compile:#{@name}") then desc "Compile #{@name}" task "compile:#{@name}" end # Allow segmented compilation by platform (open door for 'cross compile') task "compile:#{@name}:#{platf}" => ["copy:#{@name}:#{platf}:#{ruby_ver}"] task "compile:#{platf}" => ["compile:#{@name}:#{platf}"] # Only add this extension to the compile chain if current # platform matches the indicated one. if platf == RUBY_PLATFORM then # ensure file is always copied file "#{lib_path}/#{binary(platf)}" => ["copy:#{name}:#{platf}:#{ruby_ver}"] task "compile:#{@name}" => ["compile:#{@name}:#{platf}"] task "compile" => ["compile:#{platf}"] end end def define_native_tasks(for_platform = nil, ruby_ver = RUBY_VERSION, callback = nil) platf = for_platform || platform # tmp_path tmp_path = "#{@tmp_dir}/#{platf}/#{@name}/#{ruby_ver}" # lib_path lib_path = lib_dir # create 'native:gem_name' and chain it to 'native' task unless Rake::Task.task_defined?("native:#{@gem_spec.name}:#{platf}") task "native:#{@gem_spec.name}:#{platf}" do |t| # FIXME: truly duplicate the Gem::Specification # workaround the lack of #dup for Gem::Specification spec = gem_spec.dup # adjust to specified platform spec.platform = Gem::Platform.new(platf) # clear the extensions defined in the specs spec.extensions.clear # add the binaries that this task depends on ext_files = [] # go through native prerequisites and grab the real extension files from there t.prerequisites.each do |ext| ext_files << ext end # include the files in the gem specification spec.files += ext_files # expose gem specification for customization if callback callback.call(spec) end # Generate a package for this gem gem_package = Rake::GemPackageTask.new(spec) do |pkg| pkg.need_zip = false pkg.need_tar = false end end end # add binaries to the dependency chain task "native:#{@gem_spec.name}:#{platf}" => ["#{lib_path}/#{binary(platf)}"] # ensure the extension get copied unless Rake::Task.task_defined?("#{lib_path}/#{binary(platf)}") then file "#{lib_path}/#{binary(platf)}" => ["copy:#{@name}:#{platf}:#{ruby_ver}"] end # Allow segmented packaging by platform (open door for 'cross compile') task "native:#{platf}" => ["native:#{@gem_spec.name}:#{platf}"] # Only add this extension to the compile chain if current # platform matches the indicated one. if platf == RUBY_PLATFORM then task "native:#{@gem_spec.name}" => ["native:#{@gem_spec.name}:#{platf}"] task "native" => ["native:#{platf}"] end end def define_cross_platform_tasks(for_platform) if ruby_vers = ENV['RUBY_CC_VERSION'] ruby_vers = ENV['RUBY_CC_VERSION'].split(':') else ruby_vers = [RUBY_VERSION] end multi = (ruby_vers.size > 1) ? true : false ruby_vers.each do |version| # save original lib_dir orig_lib_dir = @lib_dir # tweak lib directory only when targeting multiple versions if multi then version =~ /(\d+.\d+)/ @lib_dir = "#{@lib_dir}/#{$1}" end define_cross_platform_tasks_with_version(for_platform, version) # restore lib_dir @lib_dir = orig_lib_dir end end def define_cross_platform_tasks_with_version(for_platform, ruby_ver) config_path = File.expand_path("~/.rake-compiler/config.yml") # warn the user about the need of configuration to use cross compilation. unless File.exist?(config_path) warn "rake-compiler must be configured first to enable cross-compilation" return end config_file = YAML.load_file(config_path) # tmp_path tmp_path = "#{@tmp_dir}/#{for_platform}/#{@name}/#{ruby_ver}" # lib_path lib_path = lib_dir unless rbconfig_file = config_file["rbconfig-#{ruby_ver}"] then warn "no configuration section for specified version of Ruby (rbconfig-#{ruby_ver})" return end # mkmf mkmf_file = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(rbconfig_file), '..', 'mkmf.rb')) # define compilation tasks for cross platform! define_compile_tasks(for_platform, ruby_ver) # chain fake.rb, rbconfig.rb and mkmf.rb to Makefile generation file "#{tmp_path}/Makefile" => ["#{tmp_path}/fake.rb", "#{tmp_path}/rbconfig.rb", "#{tmp_path}/mkmf.rb"] # copy the file from the cross-ruby location file "#{tmp_path}/rbconfig.rb" => [rbconfig_file] do |t| cp t.prerequisites.first, t.name end # copy mkmf from cross-ruby location file "#{tmp_path}/mkmf.rb" => [mkmf_file] do |t| cp t.prerequisites.first, t.name end # genearte fake.rb for different ruby versions file "#{tmp_path}/fake.rb" do |t| File.open(t.name, 'w') do |f| f.write fake_rb(ruby_ver) end end # now define native tasks for cross compiled files if @gem_spec && @gem_spec.platform == 'ruby' then define_native_tasks(for_platform, ruby_ver, @cross_compiling) end # create cross task task 'cross' do # clear compile dependencies Rake::Task['compile'].prerequisites.reject! { |t| !compiles_cross_platform.include?(t) } # chain the cross platform ones task 'compile' => ["compile:#{for_platform}"] # clear lib/binary dependencies and trigger cross platform ones # check if lib/binary is defined (damn bundle versus so versus dll) if Rake::Task.task_defined?("#{lib_path}/#{binary(for_platform)}") then Rake::Task["#{lib_path}/#{binary(for_platform)}"].prerequisites.clear end # FIXME: targeting multiple platforms copies the file twice file "#{lib_path}/#{binary(for_platform)}" => ["copy:#{@name}:#{for_platform}:#{ruby_ver}"] # if everything for native task is in place if @gem_spec && @gem_spec.platform == 'ruby' then # double check: only cross platform native tasks should be here # FIXME: Sooo brittle Rake::Task['native'].prerequisites.reject! { |t| !natives_cross_platform.include?(t) } task 'native' => ["native:#{for_platform}"] end end end def extconf "#{@ext_dir}/#{@config_script}" end def make unless @make @make = if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin/ then 'nmake' else ENV['MAKE'] || %w[gmake make].find { |c| system("#{c} -v >> #{dev_null} 2>&1") } end end @make end def dev_null windows? ? 'NUL' : '/dev/null' end def source_files @source_files ||= FileList["#{@ext_dir}/#{@source_pattern}"] end def compiles_cross_platform [*@cross_platform].map { |p| "compile:#{p}" } end def natives_cross_platform [*@cross_platform].map { |p| "native:#{p}" } end def fake_rb(version) <<-FAKE_RB class Object remove_const :RUBY_PLATFORM remove_const :RUBY_VERSION remove_const :RUBY_DESCRIPTION if defined?(RUBY_DESCRIPTION) RUBY_PLATFORM = "i386-mingw32" RUBY_VERSION = "#{version}" RUBY_DESCRIPTION = "ruby \#{RUBY_VERSION} (\#{RUBY_RELEASE_DATE}) [\#{RUBY_PLATFORM}]" end if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin|bccwin|mingw/ class File remove_const :ALT_SEPARATOR ALT_SEPARATOR = "\\\\" end end posthook = proc do $ruby = "#{Gem.ruby}" untrace_var(:$ruby, posthook) end trace_var(:$ruby, posthook) FAKE_RB end end end