#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'pp' require 'snmp' require 'term/ansicolor' def hosts if ARGV.size >= 1 hosts = ARGV else # Key-value pairs are hostname and number of CPUs hosts = { :miho => 4, :pebbles => 4, :schroeder => 8, :nelson => 8, :jimbo => 8, :kearney => 8, :stella => 16} end end def gather_data_on(hosts) load_data = {} hosts.each do |host| begin if host.kind_of? String hostname = host cpus = 0 elsif host.kind_of? Array hostname = host.first.to_s cpus = host.last end # mibs = ["SNMPv2-MIB", "UCD-SNMP-MIB"] mibs = ["SNMPv2-MIB"] # Since the UCD-SNMP MIB is included by default in the SNMP gem, and it # does not correctly import, and we don't need dynamic lookup anyway, # just list the required OID's directly. SNMP::Manager.open(:Host => hostname, :Community => 'brainmap', :MibModules => mibs, :retries => 1, :timeout => 1) do |manager| name = manager.get("sysName.0").varbind_list.first.value.split(".").first.to_s # 1-min: UCD-SNMP-MIB::laLoad.1 => "" # 5-min: UCD-SNMP-MIB::laLoad.2 => "" # 15-min: UCD-SNMP-MIB::laLoad.3 => "" # load_data[name] = [manager.get(["UCD-SNMP-MIB::laLoad.1", "UCD-SNMP-MIB::laLoad.2", "UCD-SNMP-MIB::laLoad.3"]).each_varbind.collect{|vb| vb.value.to_s }, cpus] load_data[name] = [manager.get(["", "", ""]).each_varbind.collect{|vb| vb.value.to_s }, cpus] # response = manager.get(["sysName.0", "UCD-SNMP-MIB::laLoad.1", "UCD-SNMP-MIB::laLoad.2", "UCD-SNMP-MIB::laLoad.3"]) # pp response end rescue SNMP::RequestTimeout => e puts "Warning: #{e}" rescue SocketError puts "Warning: Host #{hostname} not recognized. #{e}" end end display_data(load_data) end def display_data(load_data) display = "" display << "\nLoad Averages over three intervals:\n\n" display << Term::ANSIColor.bold {"\t%-15s\t%-4s\t" % ["Server (CPUs)", "% Util"] } display << Term::ANSIColor.bold {"%s\t%s\t%s\n" % ["1-minute", "5-minutes", "15-minutes"] } display << "\t%-15s\t%-4s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % ["-"*13, "-"*6, "-" * 8, "-" * 8, "-" * 8] load_data.sort_by{|la| la.last.first}.reverse.each do |average_hash| cpus = average_hash.last.last utilization = (average_hash.last.first[1].to_f / cpus) * 100 case utilization when 0.0...50.0 color = "green" when 50.0..100 color = "yellow" else color = "red" end display << eval("Term::ANSIColor.#{color}") display << "\t%-15s\t" % "#{average_hash.first} (#{average_hash.last.last})" display << "%-2.2f\t" % utilization average_hash.last.first.collect {|la| display << "%s\t\t" % la } display << "\n" end display << Term::ANSIColor.clear end puts gather_data_on hosts