Story: First connection There are no user in pictrails Scenario: I am redirect to signup Given there are no user save When the user go to the base URL Then should redirect to '/admin/signup' And follow redirect And render template 'admin/users/new' Scenario: Create the first User Given there are no user save And a username 'shingara' And a password 'shin' And an email '' When the user creates an account with username, password and email Then should redirect to '/admin/galleries' And user save in first And there are only one user And follow redirect And render template 'admin/galleries/index' Scenario: the signup is impossible when there are already a user Given a username 'shingara' And a password 'shin' And an email '' And the user is save When a user not logged want go to /admin/signup Then should redirect to '/admin/login' And follow redirect And render template 'admin/sessions/new'