# frozen_string_literal: true module Alchemy module Admin class PagesController < ResourcesController include OnPageLayout::CallbacksRunner helper "alchemy/pages" before_action :load_resource, except: [:index, :flush, :new, :order, :create, :copy_language_tree, :link] authorize_resource class: Alchemy::Page, except: [:index, :tree] before_action only: [:index, :tree, :flush, :new, :order, :create, :copy_language_tree] do authorize! :index, :alchemy_admin_pages end include Alchemy::Admin::CurrentLanguage before_action :set_translation, except: [:show] before_action :set_root_page, only: [:index, :show, :order] before_action :set_preview_mode, only: [:show] before_action :load_languages_and_layouts, unless: -> { @page_root }, only: [:index] before_action :set_view, only: [:index] before_action :set_page_version, only: [:show, :edit] before_action :run_on_page_layout_callbacks, if: :run_on_page_layout_callbacks?, only: [:show] def index @query = @current_language.pages.contentpages.ransack(search_filter_params[:q]) if @view == "list" @query.sorts = default_sort_order if @query.sorts.empty? items = @query.result if search_filter_params[:tagged_with].present? items = items.tagged_with(search_filter_params[:tagged_with]) end if search_filter_params[:filter].present? items = apply_filters(items) end items = items.page(params[:page] || 1).per(items_per_page) @pages = items end end # Returns all pages as a tree from the root given by the id parameter # def tree render json: serialized_page_tree end # Used by page preview iframe in Page#edit view. # def show Page.current_preview = @page # Setting the locale to pages language, so the page content has it's correct translations. ::I18n.locale = @page.language.locale render(layout: Alchemy::Config.get(:admin_page_preview_layout) || "application") end def info render layout: !request.xhr? end def new @page ||= Page.new(layoutpage: params[:layoutpage] == "true", parent_id: params[:parent_id]) @page_layouts = Page.layouts_for_select(@current_language.id, layoutpages: @page.layoutpage?) @clipboard = get_clipboard("pages") @clipboard_items = Page.all_from_clipboard_for_select(@clipboard, @current_language.id, layoutpages: @page.layoutpage?) end def create @page = paste_from_clipboard || Page.new(page_params) if @page.save flash[:notice] = Alchemy.t("Page created", name: @page.name) do_redirect_to(redirect_path_after_create_page) else new render :new end end # Edit the content of the page and all its elements and contents. # # Locks the page to current user to prevent other users from editing it meanwhile. # def edit # fetching page via before filter if page_is_locked? flash[:warning] = Alchemy.t("This page is locked", name: @page.locker_name) redirect_to admin_pages_path elsif page_needs_lock? @page.lock_to!(current_alchemy_user) end @preview_urls = Alchemy.preview_sources.map do |klass| [ klass.model_name.human, klass.new(routes: Alchemy::Engine.routes).url_for(@page), ] end @layoutpage = @page.layoutpage? end # Set page configuration like page names, meta tags and states. def configure end # Updates page # # * fetches page via before filter # def update @old_parent_id = @page.parent_id if @page.update(page_params) @notice = Alchemy.t("Page saved", name: @page.name) @while_page_edit = request.referer.include?("edit") unless @while_page_edit @tree = serialized_page_tree end else render :configure end end # Fetches page via before filter, destroys it and redirects to page tree def destroy if @page.destroy flash[:notice] = Alchemy.t("Page deleted", name: @page.name) # Remove page from clipboard clipboard = get_clipboard("pages") clipboard.delete_if { |item| item["id"] == @page.id.to_s } else flash[:warning] = @page.errors.full_messages.to_sentence end respond_to do |format| format.js do @redirect_url = if @page.layoutpage? alchemy.admin_layoutpages_path else alchemy.admin_pages_path end render :redirect end end end def link @attachments = Attachment.all.collect { |f| [f.name, download_attachment_path(id: f.id, name: f.slug)] } end def fold # @page is fetched via before filter @page.fold!(current_alchemy_user.id, !@page.folded?(current_alchemy_user.id)) render json: serialized_page_tree end # Leaves the page editing mode and unlocks the page for other users def unlock # fetching page via before filter @page.unlock! flash[:notice] = Alchemy.t(:unlocked_page, name: @page.name) @pages_locked_by_user = Page.from_current_site.locked_by(current_alchemy_user) respond_to do |format| format.js format.html do redirect_to( params[:redirect_to].presence || admin_pages_path, allow_other_host: true, ) end end end # Sets the page public and updates the published_at attribute that is used as cache_key # def publish # fetching page via before filter @page.publish! flash[:notice] = Alchemy.t(:page_published, name: @page.name) redirect_back(fallback_location: admin_pages_path) end def copy_language_tree language_root_to_copy_from.copy_children_to(copy_of_language_root) flash[:notice] = Alchemy.t(:language_pages_copied) redirect_to admin_pages_path end # Receives a JSON object representing a language tree to be ordered # and updates all pages in that language structure to their correct indexes def order neworder = JSON.parse(params[:set]) tree = create_tree(neworder, @page_root) Alchemy::Page.transaction do tree.each do |key, node| dbitem = Page.find(key) dbitem.update_node!(node) end end flash[:notice] = Alchemy.t("Pages order saved") do_redirect_to admin_pages_path end def flush @current_language.pages.flushables.update_all(published_at: Time.current) # We need to ensure, that also all layoutpages get the +published_at+ timestamp set, # but not set to public true, because the cache_key for an element is +published_at+ # and we don't want the layout pages to be present in +Page.published+ scope. @current_language.pages.flushable_layoutpages.update_all(published_at: Time.current) respond_to { |format| format.js } end private def resource_handler @_resource_handler ||= Alchemy::Resource.new(controller_path, alchemy_module, Alchemy::Page) end def set_view @view = params[:view] || session[:alchemy_pages_view] || "tree" session[:alchemy_pages_view] = @view end def copy_of_language_root Page.copy( language_root_to_copy_from, language_id: params[:languages][:new_lang_id], language_code: @current_language.code, ) end def language_root_to_copy_from Page.language_root_for(params[:languages][:old_lang_id]) end # Returns the current left index and the aggregated hash of tree nodes indexed by page id visited so far # # Visits a batch of children nodes, assigns them the correct ordering indexes and spuns recursively the same # procedure on their children, if any # # @param [Array] # An array of children nodes to be visited # @param [Integer] # The lft attribute that should be given to the first node in the array # @param [Integer] # The page id of the parent of this batch of children nodes # @param [Integer] # The depth at which these children reside # @param [Hash] # A Hash of TreeNode's indexed by their page ids # @param [String] # The url for the parent node of these children # @param [Boolean] # Whether these children reside in a restricted branch according to their ancestors # def visit_nodes(nodes, my_left, parent, depth, tree, url, restricted) nodes.each do |item| my_right = my_left + 1 my_restricted = item["restricted"] || restricted urls = process_url(url, item) if item["children"] my_right, tree = visit_nodes(item["children"], my_left + 1, item["id"], depth + 1, tree, urls[:children_path], my_restricted) end tree[item["id"]] = TreeNode.new(my_left, my_right, parent, depth, urls[:my_urlname], my_restricted) my_left = my_right + 1 end [my_left, tree] end # Returns a Hash of TreeNode's indexed by their page ids # # Grabs the array representing a tree structure of pages passed as a parameter, # visits it and creates a map of TreeNodes indexed by page id featuring Nested Set # ordering information consisting of the left, right, depth and parent_id indexes as # well as a node's url and restricted status # # @param [Array] # An Array representing a tree of Alchemy::Page's # @param [Alchemy::Page] # The root page for the language being ordered # def create_tree(items, rootpage) _, tree = visit_nodes(items, rootpage.lft + 1, rootpage.id, rootpage.depth + 1, {}, "", rootpage.restricted) tree end # Returns a pair, the path that a given tree node should take, and the path its children should take # # This function will add a node's own slug into their ancestor's path # in order to create the full URL of a node # # @param [String] # The node's ancestors path # @param [Hash] # A children node # def process_url(ancestors_path, item) default_urlname = (ancestors_path.blank? ? "" : "#{ancestors_path}/") + item["slug"].to_s { my_urlname: default_urlname, children_path: default_urlname } end def load_resource @page = Page.includes(page_includes).find(params[:id]) end def pages_from_raw_request request.raw_post.split("&").map do |i| parts = i.split("=") { parts[0].gsub(/[^0-9]/, "") => parts[1], } end end def redirect_path_after_create_page if @page.editable_by?(current_alchemy_user) params[:redirect_to] || edit_admin_page_path(@page) else admin_pages_path end end def page_params params.require(:page).permit(*secure_attributes) end def secure_attributes if can?(:create, Alchemy::Page) Page::PERMITTED_ATTRIBUTES + [:language_root, :parent_id, :language_id, :language_code] else Page::PERMITTED_ATTRIBUTES end end def page_is_locked? return false if !@page.locker.try(:logged_in?) return false if !current_alchemy_user.respond_to?(:id) @page.locked? && @page.locker.id != current_alchemy_user.id end def page_needs_lock? return true unless @page.locker @page.locker.try!(:id) != current_alchemy_user.try!(:id) end def paste_from_clipboard if params[:paste_from_clipboard] source = Page.find(params[:paste_from_clipboard]) parent = Page.find_by(id: params[:page][:parent_id]) Page.copy_and_paste(source, parent, params[:page][:name]) end end def set_root_page @page_root = @current_language.root_page end def set_page_version @page_version = @page.draft_version end def serialized_page_tree PageTreeSerializer.new( @page, ability: current_ability, user: current_alchemy_user, ) end def load_languages_and_layouts @language = @current_language @languages_with_page_tree = Language.on_current_site.with_root_page @page_layouts = Page.layouts_for_select(@language.id) end def set_preview_mode @preview_mode = true end def page_includes Alchemy::EagerLoading.page_includes(version: :draft_version) end end end end