// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2009 Apple Inc. and contributors. // License: Licened under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*global module test equals context ok same notest */ var source, indexes, observer, obj ; // base array to work with module("SC.RangeObserver#objectPropertyDidChange", { setup: function() { // create array with 5 SC.Object's in them source = [1,2,3,4,5].map(function(x) { return SC.Object.create({ item: x, foo: "bar" }) ; }, this); indexes = SC.IndexSet.create(2,2); // select 2..3 observer = SC.Object.create({ verify: NO , callCount: 0, object: NO, key: NO, indexes: NO, context: NO, setupVerify: function(object, key, indexes, context) { this.verify = YES ; this.object = (object === undefined) ? NO : object ; this.key = (key === undefined) ? NO : key ; this.indexes = (indexes === undefined) ? NO :indexes ; this.context = (context === undefined) ? NO : context ; return this ; }, // whenever this is called, verify proper params are passed changeObserver: function(inSource, inObject, inKey, inIndexes, inContext) { this.callCount++; if (this.verify) { ok(source === inSource, 'source should match source array'); if (this.object || this.object === null) { equals(inObject, this.object, 'passed object should match'); } if (this.key !== NO) { equals(inKey, this.key, 'passed key should match'); } if (this.indexes) { ok(inIndexes && inIndexes.isIndexSet, 'passed indexes should be an index set (actual: %@)'.fmt(inIndexes)); if (this.indexes.isIndexSet) { ok(this.indexes.isEqual(inIndexes), 'passed indexes should match %@ (actual: %@)'.fmt(this.indexes, inIndexes)); } } else if (this.indexes === null) { equals(inIndexes, null, 'passed indexes should be null'); } if (this.context !== NO) { equals(inContext, this.context, 'passed context should match'); } } } }); } }); test("changing property on object that does not appear in range", function() { obj = SC.RangeObserver.create(source, indexes, observer, observer.changeObserver, null, YES); source[4].set('foo', 'baz'); equals(observer.callCount, 0, 'should not invoke observer callback') ; }); test("changing property on object that appears one time in range", function() { observer.setupVerify(source[2], 'foo', SC.IndexSet.create(2)); obj = SC.RangeObserver.create(source, indexes, observer, observer.changeObserver, null, YES); source[2].set('foo', 'baz'); equals(observer.callCount, 1, 'should not invoke observer callback') ; }) ; test("changing property on object that appears more than one time in range", function() { source[3] = source[2]; // copy item. don't use KVO because we're testing it observer.setupVerify(source[2], 'foo', SC.IndexSet.create(2,2)); obj = SC.RangeObserver.create(source, indexes, observer, observer.changeObserver, null, YES); source[2].set('foo', 'baz'); equals(observer.callCount, 1, 'should not invoke observer callback') ; }); test("changing all properties on object that apepars one time in range", function() { observer.setupVerify(source[2], '*', SC.IndexSet.create(2)); obj = SC.RangeObserver.create(source, indexes, observer, observer.changeObserver, null, YES); source[2].allPropertiesDidChange(); equals(observer.callCount, 1, 'should not invoke observer callback') ; }); test("notifications with context", function() { observer.setupVerify(source[2], 'foo', SC.IndexSet.create(2), 'context'); obj = SC.RangeObserver.create(source, indexes, observer, observer.changeObserver, 'context', YES); source[2].set('foo', 'baz'); equals(observer.callCount, 1, 'should not invoke observer callback') ; });