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git trend No. Name Lang Star --- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------ 1 lafikl/steady.js JavaScript 435 2 rpicard/explore-flask Python 316 3 dc-js/dc.js JavaScript 289 4 watilde/beeplay JavaScript 272 5 grant/swift-cheat-sheet 263 6 tictail/bounce.js CSS 260 7 jessepollak/card CSS 225 8 prat0318/json_resume Ruby 195 9 addyosmani/psi JavaScript 201 10 fullstackio/FlappySwift Swift 168 11 PythonJS/PythonJS JavaScript 185 12 numbbbbb/the-swift-programming-language-in-chinese JavaScript 137 13 maxpow4h/swiftz Swift 134 14 andlabs/ui Go 116 15 interagent/http-api-design 100 16 dotcloud/docker Go 98 17 dwightwatson/validating PHP 99 18 daneden/animate.css CSS 92 19 daimajia/AndroidImageSlider Java 87 20 austinzheng/swift-2048 Swift 73 21 Flolagale/mailin Python 77 22 hiphopapp/hiphop CoffeeScript 71 23 jas/swift-playground-builder JavaScript 62 24 medyo/dynamicbox Java 59 25 twbs/bootstrap CSS 46 ``` ### daily trending with description git trend -d e.g.: ``` $ g trend -d No. Name Lang Star Description --- -------------------------------------------------- ----------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 hummingbird-me/hummingbird JavaScript 535 Probably the coolest anime discovery platform around. 2 google/flatbuffers Shell 272 Memory Efficient Serialization Library 3 jakubroztocil/httpie Python 248 HTTPie is a command line HTTP client, a user-friendly cURL replacement. 4 mephux/komanda JavaScript 199 IRC for people who write code 5 burocratik/outdated-browser JavaScript 188 A simple tool to identify and upgrade old browsers. 6 numbbbbb/the-swift-programming-language-in-chinese Python 140 中文版 Apple 官方 Swift 教程《The Swift Programming Language》 7 pocketjoso/penthouse JavaScript 146 Critical Path CSS Generator 8 estiens/world_cup_json Ruby 126 Rails backend for a scraper that outputs World Cup data as JSON 9 medialab/artoo JavaScript 126 The client-side scraping companion. 10 justjavac/Google-IPs 97 Google 全球 IP 地址库 11 thusfresh/switchboard Erlang 114 Switchboard Server 12 greatfire/wiki 97 13 montagejs/collections JavaScript 96 This package contains JavaScript implementations of common data structure... 14 thumbtack/angular-smarty JavaScript 94 Autocomplete UI written with Angular JS. 15 Vestorly/torii JavaScript 91 A set of clean abstractions for authentication in Ember.js 16 angular/angular.js JavaScript 68 HTML enhanced for web apps 17 urish/angular-moment JavaScript 79 Angular.JS directives for Moment.JS (timeago alternative) 18 mattdonnelly/Swifter Swift 76 A Twitter framework for iOS & OS X written in Swift 19 nimbly/angular-formly JavaScript 72 AngularJS directive which takes JSON representing a form and renders to H... 20 julianshapiro/velocity JavaScript 71 Accelerated JavaScript animation. 21 GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes Go 64 Container Cluster Manager 22 twbs/bootstrap CSS 45 The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile fi... 23 google/cadvisor Go 58 Analyzes resource usage and performance characteristics of running contai... 24 CartoDB/odyssey.js JavaScript 57 Making it easy to merge map and narrative 25 ra1028/RACollectionViewReorderableTripletLayout Objective-C 55 The custom collectionView layout that can perform reordering of cells by ... ``` ### daily trending by language git trend -l e.g.: ``` $ git trend -l ruby No. Name Lang Star --- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ------ 1 prat0318/json_resume Ruby 199 2 dawn/dawn Ruby 51 3 etsy/nagios-herald Ruby 27 4 Homebrew/homebrew Ruby 13 5 CanCanCommunity/cancancan Ruby 16 6 venmo/synx Ruby 16 7 joenorton/rubyretriever Ruby 14 8 jekyll/jekyll Ruby 10 9 rapid7/metasploit-framework Ruby 9 10 discourse/discourse Ruby 9 11 torben/FlappyMotion Ruby 10 12 rails/rails Ruby 6 13 visionmedia/commander Ruby 9 14 interagent/prmd Ruby 9 15 opf/openproject Ruby 9 16 mitchellh/vagrant Ruby 8 17 twbs/bootstrap-sass Ruby 8 18 sass/sass Ruby 7 19 github/hub Ruby 8 20 gitlabhq/gitlabhq Ruby 5 21 CocoaPods/CocoaPods Ruby 7 22 plataformatec/devise Ruby 5 23 wbailey/claws Ruby 7 24 guard/guard Ruby 6 25 jordansissel/fpm Ruby 6 ``` ### weekly/monthly trending git trend -s weekly git trend -s w or git trend -s monthly git trend -s m e.g.: ``` $ git trend -s weekly No. Name Lang Star --- -------------------------------------------------- ---------- ------ 1 numbbbbb/the-swift-programming-language-in-chinese JavaScript 4161 2 justjavac/Google-IPs 1499 3 tictail/bounce.js CSS 1779 4 grant/swift-cheat-sheet JavaScript 1432 5 GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes Go 1224 6 jessepollak/card CSS 1109 7 facebook/Haxl Haskell 1003 8 greatfire/wiki 845 9 docker/libchan Go 945 10 lafikl/steady.js JavaScript 783 11 dotcloud/docker Go 660 12 fullstackio/FlappySwift Swift 603 13 docker/libswarm Go 691 14 uutils/coreutils Rust 610 15 watilde/beeplay JavaScript 542 16 dmytrodanylyk/circular-progress-button Java 510 17 mooz/percol Python 511 18 fengsp/plan Python 496 19 interagent/http-api-design 481 20 rpicard/explore-flask Python 477 21 jdorn/json-editor JavaScript 387 22 twbs/bootstrap CSS 288 23 google/cadvisor Go 371 24 irssi/irssi C 351 25 mbostock/d3 JavaScript 288 ``` ### show languages git trend languages e.g.: ``` $ git trend languages abap as3 ada agda alloy antlr apex applescript . . . ``` ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/git-trend/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create a new Pull Request