class Class # Provides a way to make class attributes that inherit. Pass # in symbols for attribute names. When the class attribute is accessed from # a sublcass, it will be duped. This allows the children to receive the value # from their parent, but then change it only in the child. # # NOTE: This does not do a deep clone, so multi-nested values may be changed. def class_attribute(*attrs) attrs.each do |name| name = name.to_sym ivar = :"@#{name}" assigner = :"#{name}=" define_singleton_method(assigner) do |val| instance_variable_set(ivar, val) end define_singleton_method(name) do if instance_variable_defined?(ivar) # Get the value from the instance variable val = instance_variable_get(ivar) else # Fetch from parent and dup if superclass.respond_to?(name) val = superclass.send(name) else val = nil end # We need the numeric check because of: unless val.is_a?(Numeric) val = val.dup rescue val end instance_variable_set(ivar, val) end val end end end end