/* Example usage: var shortdata = [ [ 63, "About_Puppet/About_Puppet", "00:01:03" ], [ 81, "About_Puppet/Current_State", "00:01:21" ], [ 282, "About_Puppet/How_Puppet_Works", "00:04:42" ], [ 347, "About_Puppet/Introducing_PE", "00:05:47", "current" ], [ 33, "About_Puppet/Objectives", "00:00:33" ], [ 67, "About_Puppet/Puppet_Works_Define3", "00:01:07" ] ]; var numbers = [ 23, 64, 22, 91, 38, 12, 87, [76, null, null, "current" ], 54, 43, 32, 21, 19 ]; $(document).ready(function(){ $(".shortline").zoomline({ max: 360 data: shortdata, callback: function(element) { alert("The time is: " + element.attr("data-right")); } }); $(".numbers").zoomline({ data: numbers }); }); */ (function ( $ ) { $.fn.zoomline = function(options) { var settings = $.extend({ data: [], max: 100, click: function(element) { alert( element.attr("data-left") || element.attr("data-right") || element.attr("data-size") ); } }, options ); return this.each(function() { var zoomline = $(this); var chart = $("
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", { "class": "col" }); column.attr("data-size", item[0]) if (1 in item) { column.attr("data-left", item[1]) } if (2 in item) { column.attr("data-right", item[2]) } if (3 in item) { column.addClass(item[3]) } column.css("width", barwidth+"px"); column.append($("
", { "class": "inner", height: height })); chart.append(column); }); var left = $("
", { "class": "label left" }); var right = $("
", { "class": "label right" }); zoomline.append(left); zoomline.append(right); chart.hover(function(e) { $(this).width(widewidth); }, function(e){ $(this).width(width); left.text(''); right.text('') }); chart.children(".col").hover(function(e) { left.text( $(this).attr("data-left") ); right.text( $(this).attr("data-right") || $(this).attr("data-size") ); }); chart.children(".col").click(function(e) { settings.click( $(this) ); }); return this; }); }; }(jQuery));