# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe RailsAdmin::MainController do describe "#dashboard" do before do controller.stub(:render).and_return(true) # no rendering end it "shows statistics by default" do RailsAdmin.config(Player).abstract_model.should_receive(:count).and_return(0) controller.dashboard end it "does not show statistics if turned off" do RailsAdmin.config do |c| c.actions do dashboard do statistics false end end end RailsAdmin.config(Player).abstract_model.should_not_receive(:count) controller.dashboard end end describe "#check_for_cancel" do it "redirects to back if params[:bulk_ids] is nil when params[:bulk_action] is present" do controller.stub(:back_or_index) { raise StandardError.new('redirected back') } expect { get :bulk_delete, { :model_name => "player", :bulk_action =>"bulk_delete" } }.to raise_error('redirected back') expect { get :bulk_delete, { :model_name => "player", :bulk_action =>"bulk_delete", :bulk_ids => [] } }.to_not raise_error('redirected back') end end describe "#get_sort_hash" do context "options sortable is a hash" do before do RailsAdmin.config('Player') do configure :team do sortable do :'team.name' end end end end it "returns the option with no changes" do controller.params = { :sort => "team", :model_name =>"players" } expect(controller.send(:get_sort_hash, RailsAdmin.config(Player))).to eq({:sort=>:"team.name", :sort_reverse=>true}) end end it "works with belongs_to associations with label method virtual" do controller.params = { :sort => "parent_category", :model_name =>"categories" } expect(controller.send(:get_sort_hash, RailsAdmin.config(Category))).to eq({:sort=>"categories.parent_category_id", :sort_reverse=>true}) end context "using mongoid, not supporting joins", :mongoid => true do it "gives back the remote table with label name" do controller.params = { :sort => "team", :model_name =>"players" } expect(controller.send(:get_sort_hash, RailsAdmin.config(Player))).to eq({:sort=>"players.team_id", :sort_reverse=>true}) end end context "using active_record, supporting joins", :active_record => true do it "gives back the local column" do controller.params = { :sort => "team", :model_name =>"players" } expect(controller.send(:get_sort_hash, RailsAdmin.config(Player))).to eq({:sort=>"teams.name", :sort_reverse=>true}) end end end describe "#list_entries called from view" do before do @teams = 21.times.map { FactoryGirl.create :team } controller.params = { :model_name => "teams" } end it "paginates" do expect(controller.list_entries(RailsAdmin.config(Team), :index, nil, false).to_a.length).to eq(21) expect(controller.list_entries(RailsAdmin.config(Team), :index, nil, true).to_a.length).to eq(20) end end describe "#list_entries called from view with kaminari custom param_name" do before do @teams = 21.times.map { FactoryGirl.create :team } controller.params = { :model_name => "teams" } Kaminari.config.param_name = :pagina end after do Kaminari.config.param_name = :page end it "paginates" do expect(controller.list_entries(RailsAdmin.config(Team), :index, nil, false).to_a.length).to eq(21) expect(controller.list_entries(RailsAdmin.config(Team), :index, nil, true).to_a.length).to eq(20) end end describe "#list_entries called with bulk_ids" do before do @teams = 21.times.map { FactoryGirl.create :team } controller.params = { :model_name => "teams", :bulk_action => "bulk_delete", :bulk_ids => @teams.map(&:id) } end it "does not paginate" do expect(controller.list_entries(RailsAdmin.config(Team), :bulk_delete).to_a.length).to eq(21) end end describe "#list_entries for associated_collection" do before do @team = FactoryGirl.create :team controller.params = { :associated_collection => "players", :current_action => "update", :source_abstract_model => 'team', :source_object_id => @team.id, :model_name => "player", :action => 'index' } controller.get_model # set @model_config for Team end it "doesn't scope associated collection records when associated_collection_scope is nil" do @players = 2.times.map do FactoryGirl.create :player end RailsAdmin.config Team do field :players do associated_collection_scope false end end expect(controller.list_entries.to_a.length).to eq(@players.size) end it "scopes associated collection records according to associated_collection_scope" do @players = 4.times.map do FactoryGirl.create :player end RailsAdmin.config Team do field :players do associated_collection_scope do Proc.new { |scope| scope.limit(3) } end end end expect(controller.list_entries.to_a.length).to eq(3) end it "scopes associated collection records according to bindings" do @team.revenue = BigDecimal.new('3') @team.save @players = 5.times.map do FactoryGirl.create :player end RailsAdmin.config Team do field :players do associated_collection_scope do team = bindings[:object] Proc.new { |scope| scope.limit(team.revenue) } end end end expect(controller.list_entries.to_a.length).to eq(@team.revenue.to_i) end it "limits associated collection records number to 30 if cache_all is false" do @players = 40.times.map do FactoryGirl.create :player end RailsAdmin.config Team do field :players do associated_collection_cache_all false end end expect(controller.list_entries.to_a.length).to eq(30) end it "doesn't limit associated collection records number to 30 if cache_all is true" do @players = 40.times.map do FactoryGirl.create :player end RailsAdmin.config Team do field :players do associated_collection_cache_all true end end expect(controller.list_entries.length).to eq(@players.size) end it "orders associated collection records by desc" do @players = 3.times.map do FactoryGirl.create :player end expect(controller.list_entries.to_a.first).to eq(@players.last) end end describe "index" do it "uses source association's primary key with :compact, not target model's default primary key", :skip_mongoid => true do class TeamWithNumberedPlayers < Team has_many :numbered_players, :class_name => 'Player', :primary_key => :number, :foreign_key => 'team_id' end FactoryGirl.create :team TeamWithNumberedPlayers.first.numbered_players = [FactoryGirl.create(:player, :number => 123)] get :index, {:model_name => 'player', :source_object_id => Team.first.id, :source_abstract_model => 'team_with_numbered_players', :associated_collection => 'numbered_players', :current_action => :create, :compact => true, :format => :json} expect(response.body).to match /\"id\":\"123\"/ end context "as JSON" do it "returns strings" do FactoryGirl.create :player, :team => (FactoryGirl.create :team) get :index, {:model_name => 'player', :source_object_id => Team.first.id, :source_abstract_model => 'team', :associated_collection => 'players', :current_action => :create, :compact => true, :format => :json} expect(JSON.parse(response.body).first["id"]).to be_a_kind_of String end end end describe "sanitize_params_for!" do context "in France" do before do I18n.locale = :fr end after do I18n.locale = :en end it "sanitize params recursively in nested forms" do RailsAdmin.config Comment do configure :created_at do show end end RailsAdmin.config NestedFieldTest do configure :created_at do show end end controller.params = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new({ "field_test"=>{ "unallowed_field" => "I shouldn't be here", "datetime_field"=>"1 août 2010", "nested_field_tests_attributes"=>{ "new_1330520162002"=>{ "comment_attributes"=>{ "unallowed_field" => "I shouldn't be here", "created_at"=>"2 août 2010" }, "created_at"=>"3 août 2010" } }, "comment_attributes"=>{ "unallowed_field" => "I shouldn't be here", "created_at"=>"4 août 2010" } } }) controller.send(:sanitize_params_for!, :create, RailsAdmin.config(FieldTest), controller.params['field_test']) expect(controller.params).to eq({ "field_test"=>{ "datetime_field"=>'Sun, 01 Aug 2010 00:00:00 UTC +00:00', "nested_field_tests_attributes"=>{ "new_1330520162002"=>{ "comment_attributes"=>{ "created_at"=>'Mon, 02 Aug 2010 00:00:00 UTC +00:00' }, "created_at"=>'Tue, 03 Aug 2010 00:00:00 UTC +00:00' } }, "comment_attributes"=>{ "created_at"=>'Wed, 04 Aug 2010 00:00:00 UTC +00:00' } } }) end end describe "satisfy_strong_params!" do before do ActionController::Parameters.permit_all_parameters = false end after do ActionController::Parameters.permit_all_parameters = true end it "enforces permit!" do controller.params = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new({ "model_name"=>"player", "player"=>{ "name" => "foo" } }) controller.send(:get_model) expect(controller.params['player'].permitted?).to be_false controller.send(:satisfy_strong_params!) expect(controller.params['player'].permitted?).to be_true end end it "allows for delete method with Carrierwave" do RailsAdmin.config FieldTest do field :carrierwave_asset field :dragonfly_asset field :paperclip_asset do delete_method :delete_paperclip_asset end end controller.params = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new({ "field_test"=>{ "carrierwave_asset" => "test", "carrierwave_asset_cache" => "test", "remove_carrierwave_asset" => "test", "dragonfly_asset" => "test", "remove_dragonfly_asset" => "test", "retained_dragonfly_asset" => "test", "paperclip_asset" => "test", "delete_paperclip_asset" => "test", "should_not_be_here" => "test" } }) controller.send(:sanitize_params_for!, :create, RailsAdmin.config(FieldTest), controller.params['field_test']) expect(controller.params).to eq( "field_test"=>{ "carrierwave_asset"=>"test", "remove_carrierwave_asset"=>"test", "carrierwave_asset_cache"=>"test", "dragonfly_asset"=>"test", "remove_dragonfly_asset"=>"test", "retained_dragonfly_asset"=>"test", "paperclip_asset"=>"test", "delete_paperclip_asset"=>"test" }) end it "allows for polymorphic associations parameters" do RailsAdmin.config Comment do field :commentable end controller.params = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new({ "comment"=>{ "commentable_id" => "test", "commentable_type" => "test" } }) controller.send(:sanitize_params_for!, :create, RailsAdmin.config(Comment), controller.params['comment']) expect(controller.params).to eq( "comment"=>{ "commentable_id" => "test", "commentable_type" => "test" }) end end end