require 'jekyll_plugin_support' module JekyllPluginBlockTagTemplate PLUGIN_NAME = 'block_tag_template'.freeze end # This is the module-level description. # # @example Heading for this example # Describe what this example does # {% block_tag_template 'parameter' %} # Hello, world! # {% endblock_tag_template %} # # The Jekyll log level defaults to :info, which means all the Jekyll.logger statements below will not generate output. # You can control the log level when you start Jekyll. # To set the log level to :debug, write an entery into _config.yml, like this: # plugin_loggers: # MyBlock: debug module JekyllBlockTagPlugin # This class implements the Jekyll block tag functionality class MyBlock < JekyllSupport::JekyllBlock include JekyllPluginTemplateVersion REJECTED_ATTRIBUTES = %w[content excerpt next previous].freeze # Method prescribed by the Jekyll support plugin. # @return [String] def render_impl(content) @helper.gem_file __FILE__ # This enables attribution @param1 = @helper.keys_values['param1'] # Obtain the value of parameter param1 @param2 = @helper.keys_values['param2'] @param3 = @helper.keys_values['param3'] @param4 = @helper.keys_values['param4'] @param5 = @helper.keys_values['param5'] @param_x = @helper.keys_values['not_present'] # The value of parameters that are present is nil, but displays as the empty string @logger.debug do <<~HEREDOC tag_name = '#{@helper.tag_name}' argument_string = '#{@helper.argument_string}' @param1 = '#{@param1}' @param2 = '#{@param2}' @param3 = '#{@param3}' @param4 = '#{@param4}' @param5 = '#{@param5}' @param_x = '#{@param_x}' params = #{ { |k, v| "#{k} = #{v}" }.join("\n ")} HEREDOC end @layout_hash = @envs['layout'] @logger.debug do <<~HEREDOC mode="#{@mode}" page attributes: #{@page.sort .reject { |k, _| REJECTED_ATTRIBUTES.include? k } .map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" } .join("\n ")} HEREDOC end # Compute the return value of this Jekyll tag <<~HEREDOC
#{content} #{@param1} #{@helper.attribute if @helper.attribution}
HEREDOC rescue StandardError => e @logger.error { "#{self.class} died with a #{e.full_message}" } exit 3 end JekyllPluginHelper.register(self, JekyllPluginBlockTagTemplate::PLUGIN_NAME) end end