/* * $Id: calendar-core.js 5072 2006-11-13 15:16:11Z slip $ * The Zapatec DHTML Calendar * * Copyright (c) 2004-2006 by Zapatec, Inc. * http://www.zapatec.com * 1700 MLK Way, Berkeley, California, * 94709, U.S.A. * All rights reserved. * * Main Calendar file. Creates a popup or flat calendar with various options. * * Original version written by Mihai Bazon, * http://www.bazon.net/mishoo/calendar.epl */ // $Id: calendar-core.js 5072 2006-11-13 15:16:11Z slip $ /** * The Calendar object constructor. Call it, for example, like this: * * \code * // the following function is called when a date is clicked * function selFunc(cal) { * alert(cal.date); * } * // the following function is called when the calendar should be closed * function closeFunc(cal) { * cal.destroy(); * } * var cal = new Zapatec.Calendar(1, new Date(), selFunc, closeFunc); * \endcode * * The above creates a new Calendar object. The Calendar isn't displayed * instantly; using the "cal" variable, the programmer can now set certain * configuration variables, hook his own event handlers and then display the * calendar using Zapatec.Calendar.create(). * * @param firstDayOfWeek [int] the first day of week (0 for Sun, 1 for Mon, ...) * @param dateStr [string or Date] a string to be the default date, or a reference to a Date object * @param onSelected [function] this function will be called when a date is selected * @param onClose [function] this is called when the calendar should be closed */ Zapatec.Calendar = function (firstDayOfWeek, dateStr, onSelected, onClose) { // member variables this.bShowHistoryEvent=false; // did the History event on Today fire? this.activeDiv = null; this.currentDateEl = null; this.getDateStatus = null; this.getDateToolTip = null; this.getDateText = null; this.timeout = null; this.onSelected = onSelected || null; this.onClose = onClose || null; this.onFDOW = null; this.dragging = false; this.hidden = false; this.minYear = 1970; this.maxYear = 2050; this.minMonth = 0; this.maxMonth = 11; this.dateFormat = Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("DEF_DATE_FORMAT"); this.ttDateFormat = Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("TT_DATE_FORMAT"); this.historyDateFormat = "%B %d, %Y"; this.isPopup = true; this.weekNumbers = true; this.noGrab = false; if (Zapatec.Calendar.prefs.fdow || (Zapatec.Calendar.prefs.fdow == 0)) { this.firstDayOfWeek = parseInt(Zapatec.Calendar.prefs.fdow, 10); } else { var fd = 0; if (typeof firstDayOfWeek == "number") { fd = firstDayOfWeek; } else if (typeof Zapatec.Calendar._FD == 'number') { fd = Zapatec.Calendar._FD; } this.firstDayOfWeek = fd; } this.showsOtherMonths = false; this.dateStr = dateStr; this.showsTime = false; this.sortOrder = "asc"; //Sort for multiple dates in ascending order this.time24 = true; this.timeInterval = null; //step for changing time this.yearStep = 2; this.hiliteToday = true; this.multiple = null; // HTML elements this.table = null; this.element = null; this.tbody = new Array(); //array of rows of months this.firstdayname = null; // Combo boxes this.monthsCombo = null; // months this.hilitedMonth = null; this.activeMonth = null; this.yearsCombo = null; // years this.hilitedYear = null; this.activeYear = null; this.histCombo = null; // history this.hilitedHist = null; // Information this.dateClicked = false; this.numberMonths = 1; //number of months displayed this.controlMonth = 1; //the number of month with all the combos to control the date this.vertical = false; //vertical or horizontal positioning of months this.monthsInRow = 1; //number of months in one row this.titles = new Array(); //array of titles for the months this.rowsOfDayNames = new Array(); //array of rows of day names this.helpButton = true; this.disableFdowClick = true; this.disableDrag = false; this.yearNav = true; this.closeButton = true; // one-time initializations Zapatec.Calendar._initSDN(); }; /** * \internal This function is called from the constructor, only once, to * initialize some internal arrays containing translation strings. It is also * called from the calendar wizard in order to reconfigure the calendar with a * language different than the initially selected one. */ Zapatec.Calendar._initSDN = function() { if (typeof Zapatec.Calendar._TT._SDN == "undefined") { // table of short day names if (typeof Zapatec.Calendar._TT._SDN_len == "undefined") Zapatec.Calendar._TT._SDN_len = 3; var ar = []; for (var i = 8; i > 0;) { ar[--i] = Zapatec.Calendar._TT._DN[i].substr(0, Zapatec.Calendar._TT._SDN_len); } Zapatec.Calendar._TT._SDN = ar; // table of short month names if (typeof Zapatec.Calendar._TT._SMN_len == "undefined") Zapatec.Calendar._TT._SMN_len = 3; ar = []; for (var i = 12; i > 0;) { ar[--i] = Zapatec.Calendar._TT._MN[i].substr(0, Zapatec.Calendar._TT._SMN_len); } Zapatec.Calendar._TT._SMN = ar; } if (typeof Zapatec.Calendar._TT.AMPM == "undefined") { Zapatec.Calendar._TT.AMPM = {am : "am", pm : "pm"}; } }; /** * Translate a string according to the currently loaded language table. The * \em type variable can be null or missing, or can have one of the following * values: "dn", "sdn", "mn", "smn". * * -# if \em type is null or missing, the given \em str will be looked up in * the translation table. If a value is found, it is returned. Otherwise, * the string is looked up in the English table (if present). If still not * found, the value of \em str itself is returned. * -# if \em type is passed, then the value of \em str is looked up in one of * the following internal arrays, depending on the value of \em type: * - DN (day name) * - SDN (short day name) * - MN (month name) * - SMN (short month name) * * @param str [string] ID of translation text (can be the English text) * @param type [string, optional] domain to search through * * @return the translation according to the current language. */ Zapatec.Calendar.i18n = function(str, type) { var tr = ''; if (!type) { // normal _TT request if (Zapatec.Calendar._TT) tr = Zapatec.Calendar._TT[str]; if (!tr && Zapatec.Calendar._TT_en) tr = Zapatec.Calendar._TT_en[str]; } else switch(type) { case "dn" : tr = Zapatec.Calendar._TT._DN[str]; break; case "sdn" : tr = Zapatec.Calendar._TT._SDN[str]; break; case "mn" : tr = Zapatec.Calendar._TT._MN[str]; break; case "smn" : tr = Zapatec.Calendar._TT._SMN[str]; break; case "ampm" : tr = Zapatec.Calendar._TT._AMPM[str]; break; } if (!tr) tr = "" + str; return tr; }; // ** constants /// "static", needed for event handlers. Zapatec.Calendar._C = null; /// preferences Zapatec.Calendar.prefs = { fdow : null, /**< when NULL we will use the options passed at Zapatec.Calendar.setup */ history : "", /**< keeps the history as one big string */ sortOrder : "asc", /**< Sort order for multiple dates. Ascending by default */ hsize : 9 /**< maximum history size (number of stored items) */ }; // BEGIN: CALENDAR STATIC FUNCTIONS /** * Writes the preferences cookie. */ Zapatec.Calendar.savePrefs = function() { // FIXME: should we make the domain, path and expiration time configurable? // I guess these defaults are right though.. Zapatec.Utils.writeCookie("ZP_CAL", Zapatec.Utils.makePref(this.prefs), null, '/', 30); }; /** * Loads the preference cookie and merges saved prefs to Zapatec.Calendar.prefs. */ Zapatec.Calendar.loadPrefs = function() { var txt = Zapatec.Utils.getCookie("ZP_CAL"), tmp; if (txt) { tmp = Zapatec.Utils.loadPref(txt); if (tmp) Zapatec.Utils.mergeObjects(this.prefs, tmp); } // FIXME: DEBUG! //this.prefs.history = "1979/03/08,1976/12/28,1978/08/31,1998/09/21"; //this.prefs.history = null; }; /** * \internal Adds a set of events to make some element behave like a button. * * @param el [HTMLElement] reference to your element. */ Zapatec.Calendar._add_evs = function(el) { var C = Zapatec.Calendar; Zapatec.Utils.addEvent(el, "mouseover", C.dayMouseOver); Zapatec.Utils.addEvent(el, "mousedown", C.dayMouseDown); Zapatec.Utils.addEvent(el, "mouseout", C.dayMouseOut); if (Zapatec.is_ie) Zapatec.Utils.addEvent(el, "dblclick", C.dayMouseDblClick); }; /** * \internal This function undoes what Zapatec.Calendar._add_evs did, therefore * unregisters the event handlers. * * @param el [HTMLElement] reference to your element. */ Zapatec.Calendar._del_evs = function(el) { var C = this; Zapatec.Utils.removeEvent(el, "mouseover", C.dayMouseOver); Zapatec.Utils.removeEvent(el, "mousedown", C.dayMouseDown); Zapatec.Utils.removeEvent(el, "mouseout", C.dayMouseOut); if (Zapatec.is_ie) Zapatec.Utils.removeEvent(el, "dblclick", C.dayMouseDblClick); }; /** * Given an HTML element, this function determines if it's part of the "months" * combo box and if so it returns the element containing the month name. * * @param el [HTMLElement] some element (usually that triggered onclick) * @return [HTMLElement] element with the month */ Zapatec.Calendar.findMonth = function(el) { if (typeof el.month != "undefined") { return el; } else if (el.parentNode && typeof el.parentNode.month != "undefined") { return el.parentNode; } return null; }; /** Similar to findMonth() but for the history combo. */ Zapatec.Calendar.findHist = function(el) { if (typeof el.histDate != "undefined") { return el; } else if (el.parentNode && typeof el.parentNode.histDate != "undefined") { return el.parentNode; } return null; }; /** Similar to the above functions, but for the years combo. */ Zapatec.Calendar.findYear = function(el) { if (typeof el.year != "undefined") { return el; } else if (el.parentNode && typeof el.parentNode.year != "undefined") { return el.parentNode; } return null; }; /** * This function displays the months combo box. It doesn't need any parameters * because it uses the static _C variable which maintains a reference to the * last calendar that was clicked in the page. */ Zapatec.Calendar.showMonthsCombo = function () { var cal = Zapatec.Calendar._C; if (!cal) { return false; } var cd = cal.activeDiv; var mc = cal.monthsCombo; var date = cal.date, MM = cal.date.getMonth(), YY = cal.date.getFullYear(), min = (YY == cal.minYear), max = (YY == cal.maxYear); for (var i = mc.firstChild; i; i = i.nextSibling) { var m = i.month; Zapatec.Utils.removeClass(i, "hilite"); Zapatec.Utils.removeClass(i, "active"); Zapatec.Utils.removeClass(i, "disabled"); i.disabled = false; if ((min && m < cal.minMonth) || (max && m > cal.maxMonth)) { Zapatec.Utils.addClass(i, "disabled"); i.disabled = true; } if (m == MM) Zapatec.Utils.addClass(cal.activeMonth = i, "active"); } var s = mc.style; s.display = "block"; if (cd.navtype < 0) s.left = cd.offsetLeft + "px"; else { var mcw = mc.offsetWidth; if (typeof mcw == "undefined") // Konqueror brain-dead techniques mcw = 50; s.left = (cd.offsetLeft + cd.offsetWidth - mcw) + "px"; } s.top = (cd.offsetTop + cd.offsetHeight) + "px"; cal.updateWCH(mc); }; /** * Same as the above, this function displays the history combo box for the * active calendar. */ Zapatec.Calendar.showHistoryCombo = function() { var cal = Zapatec.Calendar._C, a, h, i, cd, hc, s, tmp, div; if (!cal) return false; hc = cal.histCombo; while (hc.firstChild) hc.removeChild(hc.lastChild); if (Zapatec.Calendar.prefs.history) { a = Zapatec.Calendar.prefs.history.split(/,/); i = 0; while (tmp = a[i++]) { tmp = tmp.split(/\//); h = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("div"); h.className = Zapatec.is_ie ? "label-IEfix" : "label"; h.histDate = new Date(parseInt(tmp[0], 10), parseInt(tmp[1], 10)-1, parseInt(tmp[2], 10), tmp[3] ? parseInt(tmp[3], 10) : 0, tmp[4] ? parseInt(tmp[4], 10) : 0); h.appendChild(window.document.createTextNode(h.histDate.print(cal.historyDateFormat))); hc.appendChild(h); if (h.histDate.dateEqualsTo(cal.date)) Zapatec.Utils.addClass(h, "active"); } } cd = cal.activeDiv; s = hc.style; s.display = "block"; s.left = Math.floor(cd.offsetLeft + (cd.offsetWidth-hc.offsetWidth)/2) + "px"; s.top = (cd.offsetTop + cd.offsetHeight) + "px"; cal.updateWCH(hc); cal.bEventShowHistory=true; // Set state the we DID enter History event }; /** * Displays the years combo box for the active calendar. The "fwd" parameter * tells it if it should display future (right) or past (left) years. * * @param fwd [boolean] true if it's for the right combo (future), false * otherwise. */ Zapatec.Calendar.showYearsCombo = function (fwd) { var cal = Zapatec.Calendar._C; if (!cal) { return false; } var cd = cal.activeDiv; var yc = cal.yearsCombo; if (cal.hilitedYear) { Zapatec.Utils.removeClass(cal.hilitedYear, "hilite"); } if (cal.activeYear) { Zapatec.Utils.removeClass(cal.activeYear, "active"); } cal.activeYear = null; var Y = cal.date.getFullYear() + (fwd ? 1 : -1); var yr = yc.firstChild; var show = false; for (var i = 12; i > 0; --i) { if (Y >= cal.minYear && Y <= cal.maxYear) { yr.firstChild.data = Y; yr.year = Y; yr.style.display = "block"; show = true; } else { yr.style.display = "none"; } yr = yr.nextSibling; Y += fwd ? cal.yearStep : -cal.yearStep; } if (show) { var s = yc.style; s.display = "block"; if (cd.navtype < 0) s.left = cd.offsetLeft + "px"; else { var ycw = yc.offsetWidth; if (typeof ycw == "undefined") // Konqueror brain-dead techniques ycw = 50; s.left = (cd.offsetLeft + cd.offsetWidth - ycw) + "px"; } s.top = (cd.offsetTop + cd.offsetHeight) + "px"; } cal.updateWCH(yc); }; // event handlers /** * This is an event handler that gets called when the mouse button is released * upon the document. The name (tableMouseUp) is because of historic reasons * (in the initial calendar versions this event was triggered by the calendar * table, but now it's the document who does it). * * This function does a number of things. It determines which is the element * that was actually clicked. Note that the "mouseup" event usually means * "something was clicked"; it's "mouseup" who fires the "onclick" event, not * "mousedown" ;-). So, if the clicked element is a member of one of the combo * boxes such as month, year or history, then the appropriate action is taken * (switch month, year or go to history date). * * Also, the Zapatec.Calendar.cellClick() function is called, which further * examines the target element and might do other things. * * Finally, this handler deregisters itself (it's automatically enabled at * "mousedown" on document), stops the event propagation, sets the static _C * variable to \em null (meaning "no calendar is currently in use"). * * @param ev [Event] the event object * @return false */ Zapatec.Calendar.tableMouseUp = function(ev) { var cal = Zapatec.Calendar._C; if (!cal) { return false; } if (cal.timeout) { clearTimeout(cal.timeout); } var el = cal.activeDiv; if (!el) { return false; } var target = Zapatec.Utils.getTargetElement(ev); if (typeof(el.navtype) == "undefined") { while(target && !target.calendar) { target = target.parentNode; } } ev || (ev = window.event); Zapatec.Utils.removeClass(el, "active"); if (target == el || target.parentNode == el) { Zapatec.Calendar.cellClick(el, ev); } var mon = Zapatec.Calendar.findMonth(target); var date = null; if (mon) { if (!mon.disabled) { date = new Date(cal.date); if (mon.month != date.getMonth()) { date.setMonth(mon.month); cal.setDate(date, true); cal.dateClicked = false; cal.callHandler(); } } } else { var year = Zapatec.Calendar.findYear(target); if (year) { date = new Date(cal.date); if (year.year != date.getFullYear()) { date.setFullYear(year.year); cal.setDate(date, true); cal.dateClicked = false; cal.callHandler(); } } else { var hist = Zapatec.Calendar.findHist(target); if (hist && !hist.histDate.dateEqualsTo(cal.date)) { //(date = new Date(cal.date)).setDateOnly(hist.histDate); date = new Date(hist.histDate); cal._init(cal.firstDayOfWeek, cal.date = date); cal.dateClicked = false; cal.callHandler(); cal.updateHistory(); } } } Zapatec.Utils.removeEvent(window.document, "mouseup", Zapatec.Calendar.tableMouseUp); Zapatec.Utils.removeEvent(window.document, "mouseover", Zapatec.Calendar.tableMouseOver); Zapatec.Utils.removeEvent(window.document, "mousemove", Zapatec.Calendar.tableMouseOver); cal._hideCombos(); Zapatec.Calendar._C = null; return Zapatec.Utils.stopEvent(ev); }; /** * Event handler that gets called when the end-user moves the mouse over the * document. * * This function is pretty complicated too. It adds hover/active state class * to elements that are highlighted and/or clicked. It determines whether one * is trying to modify the time by "drag'n'drop" (the original interface * implemented by the calendar). Finally, it determines if the * mouse is over combo box items, also adding/removing hover states and setting * some calendar variables with reference to the element involved. * * @param ev * */ Zapatec.Calendar.tableMouseOver = function (ev) { var cal = Zapatec.Calendar._C; if (!cal) { return; } var el = cal.activeDiv; var target = Zapatec.Utils.getTargetElement(ev); if (target == el || target.parentNode == el) { Zapatec.Utils.addClass(el, "hilite active"); Zapatec.Utils.addClass(el.parentNode, "rowhilite"); } else { if (typeof el.navtype == "undefined" || (el.navtype != 50 && ((el.navtype == 0 && !cal.histCombo) || Math.abs(el.navtype) > 2))) Zapatec.Utils.removeClass(el, "active"); Zapatec.Utils.removeClass(el, "hilite"); Zapatec.Utils.removeClass(el.parentNode, "rowhilite"); } ev || (ev = window.event); if (el.navtype == 50 && target != el) { var pos = Zapatec.Utils.getAbsolutePos(el); var w = el.offsetWidth; var x = ev.clientX; var dx; var decrease = true; if (x > pos.x + w) { dx = x - pos.x - w; decrease = false; } else dx = pos.x - x; if (dx < 0) dx = 0; var range = el._range; var current = el._current; var date = cal.currentDate; var pm = (date.getHours() >= 12); var old = el.firstChild.data; // old value of the element var count = Math.floor(dx / 10) % range.length; for (var i = range.length; --i >= 0;) if (range[i] == current) break; while (count-- > 0) if (decrease) { if (--i < 0) { i = range.length - 1; } } else if ( ++i >= range.length ) { i = 0; } //ALLOWED TIME CHECK if (cal.getDateStatus) { //Current time is changing, check with the callback to see if it's in range of allowed times // Fills the "minute" and "hour" variables with the time that user wants to set, to pass them to the dateStatusHandler for verification. // As the script passes hours in 24 format, we need to convert input values if they are not in the needed format. var minute = null; // minutes to be passed var hour = null; // hours to be passed var new_date = new Date(date); // as we pass date element to the handler, we need to create new one and fill it with new minutes or hours (depending on what had changed) // if "ampm" was clicked if (el.className.indexOf("ampm", 0) != -1) { minute = date.getMinutes(); // minutes didn't change // if the "ampm" value has changed we need to correct hours (add 12 or exclude 12 or set it to zero) if (old != range[i]) { hour = (range[i] == Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("pm", "ampm")) ? ((date.getHours() == 0) ? (12) : (date.getHours() + 12)) : (date.getHours() - 12); } else { hour = date.getHours(); } // updates our new Date object that will be passed to the handler new_date.setHours(hour); } // if hours were clicked if (el.className.indexOf("hour", 0) != -1) { minute = date.getMinutes(); // minutes didn't change hour = (!cal.time24) ? ((pm) ? ((range[i] != 12) ? (parseInt(range[i], 10) + 12) : (12)) : ((range[i] != 12) ? (range[i]) : (0))) : (range[i]); // new value of hours new_date.setHours(hour); } // if minutes were clicked if (el.className.indexOf("minute", 0) != -1) { hour = date.getHours(); // hours didn't change minute = range[i]; // new value of minutes new_date.setMinutes(minute); } } var status = false; // if the handler is set, we pass new values and retrieve result in "status" variable if (cal.getDateStatus) { status = cal.getDateStatus(new_date, date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), parseInt(hour, 10), parseInt(minute, 10)); } // if time is enabled, we set new value if (status == false) { if ( !((!cal.time24) && (range[i] == Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("pm", "ampm")) && (hour > 23)) ) { el.firstChild.data = range[i]; } } cal.onUpdateTime(); //END OF ALLOWED TIME CHECK } var mon = Zapatec.Calendar.findMonth(target); if (mon) { if (!mon.disabled) { if (mon.month != cal.date.getMonth()) { if (cal.hilitedMonth) { Zapatec.Utils.removeClass(cal.hilitedMonth, "hilite"); } Zapatec.Utils.addClass(mon, "hilite"); cal.hilitedMonth = mon; } else if (cal.hilitedMonth) { Zapatec.Utils.removeClass(cal.hilitedMonth, "hilite"); } } } else { if (cal.hilitedMonth) { Zapatec.Utils.removeClass(cal.hilitedMonth, "hilite"); } var year = Zapatec.Calendar.findYear(target); if (year) { if (year.year != cal.date.getFullYear()) { if (cal.hilitedYear) { Zapatec.Utils.removeClass(cal.hilitedYear, "hilite"); } Zapatec.Utils.addClass(year, "hilite"); cal.hilitedYear = year; } else if (cal.hilitedYear) { Zapatec.Utils.removeClass(cal.hilitedYear, "hilite"); } } else { if (cal.hilitedYear) { Zapatec.Utils.removeClass(cal.hilitedYear, "hilite"); } var hist = Zapatec.Calendar.findHist(target); if (hist) { if (!hist.histDate.dateEqualsTo(cal.date)) { if (cal.hilitedHist) { Zapatec.Utils.removeClass(cal.hilitedHist, "hilite"); } Zapatec.Utils.addClass(hist, "hilite"); cal.hilitedHist = hist; } else if (cal.hilitedHist) { Zapatec.Utils.removeClass(cal.hilitedHist, "hilite"); } } else if (cal.hilitedHist) { Zapatec.Utils.removeClass(cal.hilitedHist, "hilite"); } } } return Zapatec.Utils.stopEvent(ev); }; /** * This is a simple function that stops a "mousedown" related to the calendar's * table element. This helps avoiding text selection in certain browsers (most * notably, Safari, since Mozilla already has a better way). * * @param ev [Event] the Event object * @return false */ Zapatec.Calendar.tableMouseDown = function (ev) { if (Zapatec.Utils.getTargetElement(ev) == Zapatec.Utils.getElement(ev)) { return Zapatec.Utils.stopEvent(ev); } }; /** * \defgroup dndmove Drag'n'drop (move calendar) functions * * Contains some functions that implement calendar "drag'n'drop" facility which * allows one to move the calendar around the browser's view. */ //@{ /** * Called at mouseover and/or mousemove on document, this function repositions * the calendar according to the current mouse position. * * @param ev [Event] The Event object * @return false */ Zapatec.Calendar.calDragIt = function (ev) { ev || (ev = window.event); var cal = Zapatec.Calendar._C; if (!cal.disableDrag) { if (!(cal && cal.dragging)) { return false; } var posX = ev.clientX + window.document.body.scrollLeft; var posY = ev.clientY + window.document.body.scrollTop; cal.hideShowCovered(); var st = cal.element.style, L = posX - cal.xOffs, T = posY - cal.yOffs; st.left = L + "px"; st.top = T + "px"; Zapatec.Utils.setupWCH(cal.WCH, L, T); } return Zapatec.Utils.stopEvent(ev); }; /** * Gets called when the drag and drop operation is finished; thus, at * "onmouseup". This function unregisters D'n'D event handlers and calls * Zapatec.Calendar.hideShowCovered() which repaints as appropriate any * "windowed controls" that might have been hidden by the end user moving the * calendar. (note, this is only for IE5; for IE5.5 there are better--albeit * uglier--workarounds). * * @param ev [Event] the event object * @return false */ Zapatec.Calendar.calDragEnd = function (ev) { var cal = Zapatec.Calendar._C; if (!cal) { return false; } cal.dragging = false; Zapatec.Utils.removeEvent(window.document, "mousemove", Zapatec.Calendar.calDragIt); Zapatec.Utils.removeEvent(window.document, "mouseover", Zapatec.Calendar.calDragIt); Zapatec.Utils.removeEvent(window.document, "mouseup", Zapatec.Calendar.calDragEnd); Zapatec.Calendar.tableMouseUp(ev); cal.hideShowCovered(); }; //@} /** * Called when the mouse button is pressed upon a button. The name of this * function is so for historical reasons; currently, this function is used for * \em any type of buttons used in the calendar, not only "days". * * This function does quite some things. It checks if the clicked cell is the * title bar or the status bar, in which case it starts the calendar dragging * mechanism (cal._dragStart()). If the cell is a time part, then it registers * Zapatec.Calendar.tableMouseOver() event handler on the document. If the * cell is a "navigation" button (next/prev year or month, or today) then a * timeout is created that will show the appropriate combo box if the button is * not quickly depressed. * * @param ev [Event] the event object * @return false */ Zapatec.Calendar.dayMouseDown = function(ev) { var canDrag = true; var el = Zapatec.Utils.getElement(ev); if (el.className.indexOf("disabled") != -1 || el.className.indexOf("true") != -1) { return false; } var cal = el.calendar; //BEGIN: fix for the extra information bug in IE while(!cal) { el = el.parentNode; cal = el.calendar; } //END cal.bEventShowHistory=false; // Set state the we DID NOT enter History event cal.activeDiv = el; Zapatec.Calendar._C = cal; if (el.navtype != 300) { if (el.navtype == 50) { //turns off changing the time by dragging if timeInterval is set if (!((cal.timeInterval == null) || ((cal.timeInterval < 60) && (el.className.indexOf("hour", 0) != -1)))) {canDrag = false;} el._current = el.firstChild.data; if (canDrag) {Zapatec.Utils.addEvent(window.document, "mousemove", Zapatec.Calendar.tableMouseOver);} } else { if (((el.navtype == 201) || (el.navtype == 202)) && (cal.timeInterval > 30) && (el.timePart.className.indexOf("minute", 0) != -1)) {canDrag = false;} if (canDrag) {Zapatec.Utils.addEvent(window.document, Zapatec.is_ie5 ? "mousemove" : "mouseover", Zapatec.Calendar.tableMouseOver);} } if (canDrag) {Zapatec.Utils.addClass(el, "hilite active");} Zapatec.Utils.addEvent(window.document, "mouseup", Zapatec.Calendar.tableMouseUp); } else if (cal.isPopup) { cal._dragStart(ev); } else { Zapatec.Calendar._C = null; } if (el.navtype == -1 || el.navtype == 1) { if (cal.timeout) clearTimeout(cal.timeout); cal.timeout = setTimeout("Zapatec.Calendar.showMonthsCombo()", 250); } else if (el.navtype == -2 || el.navtype == 2) { if (cal.timeout) clearTimeout(cal.timeout); cal.timeout = setTimeout((el.navtype > 0) ? "Zapatec.Calendar.showYearsCombo(true)" : "Zapatec.Calendar.showYearsCombo(false)", 250); } else if (el.navtype == 0 && Zapatec.Calendar.prefs.history) { if (cal.timeout) clearTimeout(cal.timeout); cal.timeout = setTimeout("Zapatec.Calendar.showHistoryCombo()", 250); } else { cal.timeout = null; } return Zapatec.Utils.stopEvent(ev); }; /** * For IE5 we can't make unselectable elements, but we can void the selection * immediately after the double click event :D. This function is a double * click handler which does exactly that. Uses IE-specific functions. */ Zapatec.Calendar.dayMouseDblClick = function(ev) { Zapatec.Calendar.cellClick(Zapatec.Utils.getElement(ev), ev || window.event); if (Zapatec.is_ie) window.document.selection.empty(); }; /** * This function gets called at "onmouseover" events that trigger on any kind * of button, like dates, navigation buttons, etc. Basically, the function * computes and caches the tooltip (if it's a date cell for instance) and * displays it in the status bar. If the cell is not a navigation button, it * will also add "rowhilite" class to the containing TR element. * * @param ev [Event] the event object. * @return false */ Zapatec.Calendar.dayMouseOver = function(ev) { var el = Zapatec.Utils.getElement(ev), caldate = el.caldate; //BEGIN: fix for the extra information bug in IE while (!el.calendar) { el = el.parentNode; caldate = el.caldate; } //END var cal = el.calendar; var cel = el.timePart; if (caldate) { caldate = new Date(caldate[0], caldate[1], caldate[2]); if (caldate.getDate() != el.caldate[2]) caldate.setDate(el.caldate[2]); } if (Zapatec.Utils.isRelated(el, ev) || Zapatec.Calendar._C || el.className.indexOf("disabled") != -1 || el.className.indexOf("true") != -1) { return false; } if (el.ttip) { if (el.ttip.substr(0, 1) == "_") { el.ttip = caldate.print(el.calendar.ttDateFormat) + el.ttip.substr(1); } el.calendar.showHint(el.ttip); } if (el.navtype != 300) { //turns off highliting of the time part which can not be changed by dragging if (!((cal.timeInterval == null) || (el.className.indexOf("ampm", 0) != -1) || ((cal.timeInterval < 60) && (el.className.indexOf("hour", 0) != -1))) && (el.navtype == 50)) {return Zapatec.Utils.stopEvent(ev);} if (((el.navtype == 201) || (el.navtype == 202)) && (cal.timeInterval > 30) && (cel.className.indexOf("minute", 0) != -1)) {return Zapatec.Utils.stopEvent(ev);} Zapatec.Utils.addClass(el, "hilite"); if (caldate) { Zapatec.Utils.addClass(el.parentNode, "rowhilite"); } } return Zapatec.Utils.stopEvent(ev); }; /** * Gets called when the mouse leaves a button. This function "undoes" what * dayMouseOver did, that is, it removes the "rowhilite" class from the * containing TR and restores the status bar display to read "Select date". * * @param ev [Event] the event object. * @return false */ Zapatec.Calendar.dayMouseOut = function(ev) { var el = Zapatec.Utils.getElement(ev); //BEGIN: fix for the extra information bug in IE while (!el.calendar) { el = el.parentNode; caldate = el.caldate; } //END if (Zapatec.Utils.isRelated(el, ev) || Zapatec.Calendar._C || el.className.indexOf("disabled") != -1 || el.className.indexOf("true") != -1) return false; Zapatec.Utils.removeClass(el, "hilite"); if (el.caldate) Zapatec.Utils.removeClass(el.parentNode, "rowhilite"); if (el.calendar) el.calendar.showHint(Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("SEL_DATE")); return Zapatec.Utils.stopEvent(ev); }; /** * The generic "click" handler. This function handles actions on any kind of * buttons that appear inside our calendar. It determines the button type by * querying \em el.navtype. The following types of objects are supported: * * - Date cells (navtype is undefined). The function will select that date, * add appropriate class names and remove them from the previously selected * date. If the date in the calendar \em has \em changed, it calls the * calendar's onSelect handler (see the constructor). If multiple dates is * enabled, it will not unselect previously selected date but rather maintain * an array of dates which will be avaliable to the onSelect or onClose * handler. * - The Close button (navtype == 200). If this is clicked, then the * calendar's onClose handler is called immediately. * - The Today button (navtype == 0). The calendar will jump to the "today" * date and time, unless it's already there. * - The About button (navtype == 400). It will display an alert with the * "about message", as defined in the translation file. * - Previous year (navtype == -2) * - Previous month (navtype == -1) * - Next month (navtype == 1) * - Next year (navtype == 2) * - Day names (navtype == 100). If any of them is clicked, the calendar will * display that day as the first day of week. It calls the "onFDOW" event * handler if defined. * - Time parts (navtype == 50). If any of them is clicked, this function will * determine if it's a click or shift-click, and will take the appropriate * action (simple click means add 1, shift-click means substract 1 from that * time part). Then it calls onUpdateTime() to refresh the display. * - Time scroll buttons (navtype == 201 or navtype == 202). If such buttons * are clicked, the time part involved is determined and it is incremented or * decremented with the current step (default: 5). 201 is for "add", 202 for * "substract". * * @param el [HTMLElement] the object being clicked on * @param ev [Event] the event object */ Zapatec.Calendar.cellClick = function(el, ev) { var cal = el.calendar; var closing = false; var newdate = false; var date = null; //BEGIN: fix for the extra information bug in IE while(!cal) { el = el.parentNode; cal = el.calendar; } //END if (el.className.indexOf("disabled") != -1 || el.className.indexOf("true") != -1) { return false; } if (typeof el.navtype == "undefined") { if (cal.currentDateEl) { Zapatec.Utils.removeClass(cal.currentDateEl, "selected"); Zapatec.Utils.addClass(el, "selected"); closing = (cal.currentDateEl == el); if (!closing) { cal.currentDateEl = el; } } var tmpDate = new Date(el.caldate[0], el.caldate[1], el.caldate[2]); if (tmpDate.getDate() != el.caldate[2]) { tmpDate.setDate(el.caldate[2]); } cal.date.setDateOnly(tmpDate); cal.currentDate.setDateOnly(tmpDate); date = cal.date; var other_month = !(cal.dateClicked = !el.otherMonth); if (!other_month && cal.multiple) cal._toggleMultipleDate(new Date(date)); newdate = true; // a date was clicked if (other_month) cal._init(cal.firstDayOfWeek, date); cal.onSetTime(); } else { if (el.navtype == 200) { Zapatec.Utils.removeClass(el, "hilite"); cal.callCloseHandler(); return; } date = new Date(cal.date); if (el.navtype == 0 && !cal.bEventShowHistory) // Set date to Today if Today clicked AND History NOT shown date.setDateOnly(new Date()); // TODAY // unless "today" was clicked, we assume no date was clicked so // the selected handler will know not to close the calenar when // in single-click mode. // cal.dateClicked = (el.navtype == 0); cal.dateClicked = false; var year = date.getFullYear(); var mon = date.getMonth(); function setMonth(m) { var day = date.getDate(); var max = date.getMonthDays(m); if (day > max) { date.setDate(max); } date.setMonth(m); }; switch (el.navtype) { case 400: Zapatec.Utils.removeClass(el, "hilite"); var text = Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("ABOUT"); if (typeof text != "undefined") { text += cal.showsTime ? Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("ABOUT_TIME") : ""; } else { // FIXME: this should be removed as soon as lang files get updated! text = "Help and about box text is not translated into this language.\n" + "If you know this language and you feel generous please update\n" + "the corresponding file in \"lang\" subdir to match calendar-en.js\n" + "and send it back to to get it into the distribution ;-)\n\n" + "Thank you!\n" + "http://www.zapatec.com\n"; } alert(text); return; case -2: if (year > cal.minYear) { date.setFullYear(year - 1); } break; case -1: if (mon > 0) { setMonth(mon - 1); } else if (year-- > cal.minYear) { date.setFullYear(year); setMonth(11); } break; case 1: if (mon < 11) { setMonth(mon + 1); } else if (year < cal.maxYear) { date.setFullYear(year + 1); setMonth(0); } break; case 2: if (year < cal.maxYear) { date.setFullYear(year + 1); } break; case 100: cal.setFirstDayOfWeek(el.fdow); Zapatec.Calendar.prefs.fdow = cal.firstDayOfWeek; Zapatec.Calendar.savePrefs(); if (cal.onFDOW) cal.onFDOW(cal.firstDayOfWeek); return; case 50: //turns off time changing if timeInterval is set with special value var date = cal.currentDate; if (el.className.indexOf("ampm", 0) >= 0) // always check ampm changes ; else if (!((cal.timeInterval == null) || ((cal.timeInterval < 60) && (el.className.indexOf("hour", 0) != -1)))) {break;} var range = el._range; var current = el.firstChild.data; var pm = (date.getHours() >= 12); for (var i = range.length; --i >= 0;) if (range[i] == current) break; if (ev && ev.shiftKey) { if (--i < 0) { i = range.length - 1; } } else if ( ++i >= range.length ) { i = 0; } //ALLOWED TIME CHECK if (cal.getDateStatus) { //Current time is changing, check with the callback to see if it's in range // Fills "minute" and "hour" variables with the time that user wants to set, to pass them to the dateStatusHandler. // As the script passes hours in 24 format, we need to convert inputed values if they are not in the needed format var minute = null; // minutes to be passed var hour = null; // hours to be passed // as we pass date element to the handler, we need to create new one and fill it with new minutes or hours (depending on what had changed) var new_date = new Date(date); // if "ampm" was clicked if (el.className.indexOf("ampm", 0) != -1) { minute = date.getMinutes(); // minutes didn't change // if the "ampm" value has changed we need to correct hours (add 12 or exclude 12 or set it to zero) hour = (range[i] == Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("pm", "ampm")) ? ((date.getHours() == 12) ? (date.getHours()) : (date.getHours() + 12)) : (date.getHours() - 12); // if the time is disabled we seek the first one disabled. // It fixes the bug when you can not change from 'am' to 'pm' or vice versa for the dates that have restrictions for time. // This part of code is very easy to understand, so it don't need much comments if ( cal.getDateStatus && cal.getDateStatus(new_date, date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), parseInt(hour, 10), parseInt(minute, 10)) ) { var dirrect; if (range[i] == Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("pm", "ampm")) { dirrect = -5; } else { dirrect = 5; } hours = hour; minutes = minute; do { minutes += dirrect; if (minutes >=60) { minutes -= 60; ++hours; if (hours >= 24) hours -= 24; new_date.setHours(hours); } if (minutes < 0) { minutes += 60; --hours; if (hours < 0) hours += 24; new_date.setHours(hours); } new_date.setMinutes(minutes); if (!cal.getDateStatus(new_date, date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), parseInt(hours, 10), parseInt(minutes, 10))) { hour = hours; minute = minutes; if (hour > 12) i = 1; else i = 0; cal.date.setHours(hour); cal.date.setMinutes(minute); cal.onSetTime(); } } while ((hour != hours) || (minute != minutes)); } // updates our new Date object that will be passed to the handler new_date.setHours(hour); } // if hours were clicked if (el.className.indexOf("hour", 0) != -1) { minute = date.getMinutes(); // minutes didn't change hour = (!cal.time24) ? ((pm) ? ((range[i] != 12) ? (parseInt(range[i], 10) + 12) : (12)) : ((range[i] != 12) ? (range[i]) : (0))) : (range[i]); // new value of hours new_date.setHours(hour); } // if minutes were clicked if (el.className.indexOf("minute", 0) != -1) { hour = date.getHours(); // hours didn't change minute = range[i]; // new value of minutes new_date.setMinutes(minute); } } var status = false; // if the handler is set, we pass new values and retreive result in "status" variable if (cal.getDateStatus) { status = cal.getDateStatus(new_date, date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), parseInt(hour, 10), parseInt(minute, 10)); } if (!status) { el.firstChild.data = range[i]; } //END OF ALLOWED TIME CHECK cal.onUpdateTime(); return; case 201: // timepart, UP case 202: // timepart, DOWN var cel = el.timePart; //turns off time changing if timeInterval is set with special value var date = cal.currentDate; if ((cel.className.indexOf("minute", 0) != -1) && (cal.timeInterval > 30)) {break;} var val = parseInt(cel.firstChild.data, 10); var pm = (date.getHours() >= 12); var range = cel._range; for (var i = range.length; --i >= 0;) if (val == range[i]) { val = i; break; } var step = cel._step; if (el.navtype == 201) { val = step*Math.floor(val/step); val += step; if (val >= range.length) val = 0; } else { val = step*Math.ceil(val/step); val -= step; if (val < 0) val = range.length-step; } //ALLOWED TIME CHECK if (cal.getDateStatus) { //Current time is changing, check with the callback to see if it's in range of allowed times // Fills "minute" and "hour" variables with the time that user wants to set, to pass them to the dateStatusHandler. // As the script passes hours in 24 format, we need to convert inputed values if they are not in the needed format var minute = null; // minutes to be passed var hour = null; // hours to be passed // as we pass date element to the handler, we need to create new one and fill it with new minutes or hours (depending on what had changed) var new_date = new Date(date); // if hours were changed if (cel.className == "hour") { minute = date.getMinutes(); hour = (!cal.time24) ? ((pm) ? ((range[val] != 12) ? (parseInt(range[val], 10) + 12) : (12)) : ((range[val] != 12) ? (range[val]) : (0))) : (range[val]); new_date.setHours(hour); } // if minutes were changed if (cel.className == "minute") { hour = date.getHours(); minute = val; new_date.setMinutes(range[val]); } } var status = false; // if the handler is set, we pass new values and retreive result in "status" variable if (cal.getDateStatus) { status = cal.getDateStatus(new_date, date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), parseInt(hour, 10), parseInt(minute, 10)); } if (!status) { cel.firstChild.data = range[val]; } cal.onUpdateTime(); //END OF ALLOWED TIME CHECK return; case 0: // TODAY will bring us here //fix for the today bug for the special dates if (cal.getDateStatus && ((cal.getDateStatus(date, date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate()) == true) || (cal.getDateStatus(date, date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate()) == "disabled"))) { // remember, "date" was previously set to new // Date() if TODAY was clicked; thus, it // contains today date. return false; } break; } if (!date.equalsTo(cal.date)) { if ((el.navtype >= -2 && el.navtype <=2) && (el.navtype != 0)) { cal._init(cal.firstDayOfWeek, date, true); return; } cal.setDate(date); newdate = !(el.navtype && (el.navtype >= -2 && el.navtype <=2)); } } if (newdate) { cal.callHandler(); } if (closing) { Zapatec.Utils.removeClass(el, "hilite"); cal.callCloseHandler(); } }; // END: CALENDAR STATIC FUNCTIONS // BEGIN: CALENDAR OBJECT FUNCTIONS /** * This function creates the calendar HTML elements inside the given parent. * If _par is null than it creates a popup calendar inside the BODY element. * If _par is an element, be it BODY, then it creates a non-popup calendar * (still hidden). * * The function looks rather complicated, but what it does is quite simple. * The basic calendar elements will be created, that is, a containing DIV, a * TABLE that contains a headers (titles, navigation bar and day names bars), a * body containing up to 12 months, each has 6 rows with 7 or 8 cells (this depends on whether week * numbers are on or off) and a footer containing the status bar. Appropriate * event handlers are assigned to all buttons or to the titles and status bar * (for drag'n'drop). * * This function also builds the time selector if the calendar is configured * so, and it also creates the elements required for combo boxes (years, * months, history). * * This function does not display day names or dates. This is done in * Zapatec.Calendar.prototype._init(). Therefore, by separating these 2 * actions we can make date switching happen much faster because the _init * function will already have the elements in place (so we don't need to create * them again and again). This was a major improvement which got in * the calendar v0.9.1. * * @param _par */ Zapatec.Calendar.prototype.create = function (_par) { var parent = null; if (! _par) { // default parent is the document body, in which case we create // a popup calendar. parent = window.document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; this.isPopup = true; this.WCH = Zapatec.Utils.createWCH(); } else { parent = _par; this.isPopup = false; } this.currentDate = this.date = this.dateStr ? new Date(this.dateStr) : new Date(); var table = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("table"); this.table = table; table.cellSpacing = 0; table.cellPadding = 0; Zapatec.Utils.createProperty(table, "calendar", this); Zapatec.Utils.addEvent(table, "mousedown", Zapatec.Calendar.tableMouseDown); var div = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("div"); this.element = div; div.className = "calendar"; //FIX for Opera's bug with row highlighting if (Zapatec.is_opera) { table.style.width = (this.monthsInRow * ((this.weekNumbers) ? (8) : (7)) * 2 + 4.4 * this.monthsInRow) + "em"; } if (this.isPopup) { div.style.position = "absolute"; div.style.display = "none"; } div.appendChild(table); var cell = null; var row = null; var cal = this; var hh = function (text, cs, navtype) { cell = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("td", row); cell.colSpan = cs; cell.className = "button"; if (Math.abs(navtype) <= 2) cell.className += " nav"; Zapatec.Calendar._add_evs(cell); Zapatec.Utils.createProperty(cell, "calendar", cal); cell.navtype = navtype; if (text.substr(0, 1) != "&") { cell.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); } else { // FIXME: dirty hack for entities cell.innerHTML = text; } return cell; }; var hd = function(par, colspan) { cell = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("td", par); cell.colSpan = colspan; cell.className = "button"; cell.innerHTML = "
"; return cell; }; //Creating all the controls on the top var title_length = ((this.weekNumbers) ? (8) : (7)) * this.monthsInRow - 2; var thead = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("thead", table); if (this.numberMonths == 1) { this.title = thead; } row = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("tr", thead); if (this.helpButton) { hh("?", 1, 400).ttip = Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("INFO"); } else { hd(row, 1); } this.title = hh(" ", title_length, 300); this.title.className = "title"; if (this.isPopup) { if (!this.disableDrag) { this.title.ttip = Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("DRAG_TO_MOVE"); this.title.style.cursor = "move"; } if (this.closeButton) { hh("×", 1, 200).ttip = Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("CLOSE"); } else { hd(row, 1); } } else { hd(row, 1); } row = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("tr", thead); this._nav_py = hh("«", 1, -2); this._nav_py.ttip = Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("PREV_YEAR"); this._nav_pm = hh("‹", 1, -1); this._nav_pm.ttip = Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("PREV_MONTH"); this._nav_now = hh(Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("TODAY"), title_length - 2, 0); this._nav_now.ttip = Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("GO_TODAY"); this._nav_nm = hh("›", 1, 1); this._nav_nm.ttip = Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("NEXT_MONTH"); this._nav_ny = hh("»", 1, 2); this._nav_ny.ttip = Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("NEXT_YEAR"); //Here we calculate the number of rows for multimonth calendar var rowsOfMonths = Math.floor(this.numberMonths / this.monthsInRow); if (this.numberMonths % this.monthsInRow > 0) { ++rowsOfMonths; } //Every iteration of this cycle creates a row of months in the calendar for (var l = 1; l <= rowsOfMonths; ++l) { var thead = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("thead", table); //Fix for the Operas bug, this is a workaround which makes Opera display THEAD elements as TBODY el. //The problem is that Opera displays all the THEAD elements in the table first, and only then TBODY elements (an ugly look!). if (Zapatec.is_opera) {thead.style.display = "table-row-group";} if (this.numberMonths != 1) { row = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("tr", thead); var title_length = 5; this.weekNumbers && ++title_length; //creating the titles for the months this.titles[l] = new Array(); for (var k = 1; (k <= this.monthsInRow) && ((l - 1) * this.monthsInRow + k <= this.numberMonths); ++k) { hd(row, 1); this.titles[l][k] = hh(" ", title_length, 300); this.titles[l][k].className = "title"; hd(row, 1); } } // day names row = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("tr", thead); row.className = "daynames"; for (k = 1; (k <= this.monthsInRow) && ((l - 1) * this.monthsInRow + k <= this.numberMonths); ++k) { if (this.weekNumbers) { cell = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("td", row); cell.className = "name wn"; cell.appendChild(window.document.createTextNode(Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("WK"))); if (k > 1) { Zapatec.Utils.addClass(cell, "month-left-border"); } var cal_wk = Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("WK") if (cal_wk == null) { //if it's not defined in the language file, leave it blank cal_wk = ""; } } for (var i = 7; i > 0; --i) { cell = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("td", row); cell.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ")); } } this.firstdayname = row.childNodes[this.weekNumbers?1:0]; this.rowsOfDayNames[l] = this.firstdayname; this._displayWeekdays(); var tbody = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("tbody", table); this.tbody[l] = tbody; for (i = 6; i > 0; --i) { //creating a row of days for all the months in the row row = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("tr", tbody); for (k = 1; (k <= this.monthsInRow) && ((l - 1) * this.monthsInRow + k <= this.numberMonths); ++k) { if (this.weekNumbers) { cell = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("td", row); cell.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ")); } for (var j = 7; j > 0; --j) { cell = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("td", row); cell.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ")); Zapatec.Utils.createProperty(cell, "calendar", this); Zapatec.Calendar._add_evs(cell); } } } } var tfoot = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("tfoot", table); if (this.showsTime) { row = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("tr", tfoot); row.className = "time"; //empty area for positioning the time controls under the control month var emptyColspan; if (this.monthsInRow != 1) { cell = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("td", row); emptyColspan = cell.colSpan = Math.ceil((((this.weekNumbers) ? 8 : 7) * (this.monthsInRow - 1)) / 2); cell.className = "timetext"; cell.innerHTML = " "; } cell = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("td", row); cell.className = "timetext"; cell.colSpan = this.weekNumbers ? 2 : 1; cell.innerHTML = Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("TIME") || " "; (function() { function makeTimePart(className, init, range_start, range_end) { var table, tbody, tr, tr2, part; if (range_end) { cell = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("td", row); cell.colSpan = 1; if (cal.showsTime != "seconds") { ++cell.colSpan; } cell.className = "parent-" + className; table = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("table", cell); table.cellSpacing = table.cellPadding = 0; if (className == "hour") table.align = "right"; table.className = "calendar-time-scroller"; tbody = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("tbody", table); tr = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("tr", tbody); tr2 = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("tr", tbody); } else tr = row; part = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("td", tr); part.className = className; part.appendChild(window.document.createTextNode(init)); Zapatec.Utils.createProperty(part, "calendar", cal); part.ttip = Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("TIME_PART"); part.navtype = 50; part._range = []; if (!range_end) part._range = range_start; else { part.rowSpan = 2; for (var i = range_start; i <= range_end; ++i) { var txt; if (i < 10 && range_end >= 10) txt = '0' + i; else txt = '' + i; part._range[part._range.length] = txt; } var up = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("td", tr); up.className = "up"; up.navtype = 201; Zapatec.Utils.createProperty(up, "calendar", cal); up.timePart = part; if (Zapatec.is_khtml) up.innerHTML = " "; Zapatec.Calendar._add_evs(up); var down = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("td", tr2); down.className = "down"; down.navtype = 202; Zapatec.Utils.createProperty(down, "calendar", cal); down.timePart = part; if (Zapatec.is_khtml) down.innerHTML = " "; Zapatec.Calendar._add_evs(down); } Zapatec.Calendar._add_evs(part); return part; }; var hrs = cal.currentDate.getHours(); var mins = cal.currentDate.getMinutes(); if (cal.showsTime == "seconds") { var secs = cal.currentDate.getSeconds(); } var t12 = !cal.time24; var pm = (hrs > 12); if (t12 && pm) hrs -= 12; var H = makeTimePart("hour", hrs, t12 ? 1 : 0, t12 ? 12 : 23); //calculating of the step for hours H._step = (cal.timeInterval > 30) ? (cal.timeInterval / 60) : 1; cell = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("td", row); cell.innerHTML = ":"; cell.className = "colon"; var M = makeTimePart("minute", mins, 0, 59); //calculating of the step for minutes M._step = ((cal.timeInterval) && (cal.timeInterval < 60)) ? (cal.timeInterval) : 5; // FIXME: make this part configurable if (cal.showsTime == "seconds") { cell = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("td", row); cell.innerHTML = ":"; cell.className = "colon"; var S = makeTimePart("minute", secs, 0, 59); S._step = 5; } var AP = null; if (t12) { AP = makeTimePart("ampm", pm ? Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("pm", "ampm") : Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("am", "ampm"), [Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("am", "ampm"), Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("pm", "ampm")]); AP.className += " button"; } else Zapatec.Utils.createElement("td", row).innerHTML = " "; cal.onSetTime = function() { var hrs = this.currentDate.getHours(); var mins = this.currentDate.getMinutes(); if (this.showsTime == "seconds") { var secs = cal.currentDate.getSeconds(); } if (this.timeInterval) { mins += this.timeInterval - ((mins - 1 + this.timeInterval) % this.timeInterval) - 1; } while (mins >= 60) { mins -= 60; ++hrs; } if (this.timeInterval > 60) { var interval = this.timeInterval / 60; if (hrs % interval != 0) { hrs += interval - ((hrs - 1 + interval) % interval) - 1; } if (hrs >= 24) {hrs -= 24;} } //ALLOWED TIME CHECK // This part of code seeks for the first enabled time value for this date. // It is written for the cases when you change day, month or year and the time value is disabled for the new date. // So if you only allow 8:00 - 17:00 on Mondays and you change the date to a Monday but the time is 7:00 it will // automatically move forward to 8:00. var new_date = new Date(this.currentDate); if (this.getDateStatus && this.getDateStatus(this.currentDate, this.currentDate.getFullYear(), this.currentDate.getMonth(), this.currentDate.getDate(), hrs, mins)) { hours = hrs; minutes = mins; do { if (this.timeInterval) { if (this.timeInterval < 60) { minutes += this.timeInterval; } else { hrs += this.timeInterval / 60; } } else { minutes += 5; } if (minutes >=60) { minutes -= 60; hours += 1; } if (hours >= 24) {hours -= 24;} new_date.setMinutes(minutes); new_date.setHours(hours); if (!this.getDateStatus(new_date, this.currentDate.getFullYear(), this.currentDate.getMonth(), this.currentDate.getDate(), hours, minutes)) { hrs = hours; mins = minutes; } } while ((hrs != hours) || (mins != minutes)); } //END OF ALLOWED TIME CHECK this.currentDate.setMinutes(mins); this.currentDate.setHours(hrs); var pm = (hrs >= 12); if (pm && t12 && hrs != 12) hrs -= 12; if (!pm && t12 && hrs == 0) hrs = 12; H.firstChild.data = (hrs < 10) ? ("0" + hrs) : hrs; M.firstChild.data = (mins < 10) ? ("0" + mins) : mins; if (this.showsTime == "seconds") { S.firstChild.data = (secs < 10) ? ("0" + secs) : secs; } if (t12) AP.firstChild.data = pm ? Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("pm", "ampm") : Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("am", "ampm"); }; cal.onUpdateTime = function() { var date = this.currentDate; var h = parseInt(H.firstChild.data, 10); if (t12) { if (/pm/i.test(AP.firstChild.data) && h < 12) h += 12; else if (/am/i.test(AP.firstChild.data) && h == 12) h = 0; } var d = date.getDate(); var m = date.getMonth(); var y = date.getFullYear(); date.setHours(h); date.setMinutes(parseInt(M.firstChild.data, 10)); if (this.showsTime == "seconds") { date.setSeconds(parseInt(S.firstChild.data, 10)); } date.setFullYear(y); date.setMonth(m); date.setDate(d); this.dateClicked = false; this.callHandler(); }; })(); //empty area after the time controls if (this.monthsInRow != 1) { cell = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("td", row); cell.colSpan = ((this.weekNumbers) ? 8 : 7) * (this.monthsInRow - 1) - Math.ceil(emptyColspan); cell.className = "timetext"; cell.innerHTML = " "; } } else { this.onSetTime = this.onUpdateTime = function() {}; } row = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("tr", tfoot); row.className = "footrow"; cell = hh(Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("SEL_DATE"), this.weekNumbers ? (8 * this.numberMonths) : (7 * this.numberMonths), 300); cell.className = "ttip"; if (this.isPopup && !this.disableDrag) { cell.ttip = Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("DRAG_TO_MOVE"); cell.style.cursor = "move"; } this.tooltips = cell; div = this.monthsCombo = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("div", this.element); div.className = "combo"; for (i = 0; i < 12; ++i) { var mn = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("div"); mn.className = Zapatec.is_ie ? "label-IEfix" : "label"; mn.month = i; mn.appendChild(window.document.createTextNode(Zapatec.Calendar.i18n(i, "smn"))); div.appendChild(mn); } div = this.yearsCombo = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("div", this.element); div.className = "combo"; for (i = 12; i > 0; --i) { var yr = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("div"); yr.className = Zapatec.is_ie ? "label-IEfix" : "label"; yr.appendChild(window.document.createTextNode(" ")); div.appendChild(yr); } div = this.histCombo = Zapatec.Utils.createElement("div", this.element); div.className = "combo history"; this._init(this.firstDayOfWeek, this.date); parent.appendChild(this.element); }; /** * This function handles keypress events that occur while a popup calendar is * displayed. The implementation is quite complicated; this function calls * cellClick in order to set the new date as if it was clicked. * * @param ev [Event] the event object * @return false */ Zapatec.Calendar._keyEvent = function(ev) { if (!window.calendar) { return false; } (Zapatec.is_ie) && (ev = window.event); var cal = window.calendar; var act = (Zapatec.is_ie || ev.type == "keypress"); var K = ev.keyCode; var date = new Date(cal.date); if (ev.ctrlKey) { switch (K) { case 37: // KEY left act && Zapatec.Calendar.cellClick(cal._nav_pm); break; case 38: // KEY up act && Zapatec.Calendar.cellClick(cal._nav_py); break; case 39: // KEY right act && Zapatec.Calendar.cellClick(cal._nav_nm); break; case 40: // KEY down act && Zapatec.Calendar.cellClick(cal._nav_ny); break; default: return false; } } else switch (K) { case 32: // KEY space (now) Zapatec.Calendar.cellClick(cal._nav_now); break; case 27: // KEY esc act && cal.callCloseHandler(); break; //Fix for the key navigation case 37: // KEY left if (act && !cal.multiple) { date.setTime(date.getTime() - 86400000); cal.setDate(date); } break; case 38: // KEY up if (act && !cal.multiple) { date.setTime(date.getTime() - 7 * 86400000); cal.setDate(date); } break; case 39: // KEY right if (act && !cal.multiple) { date.setTime(date.getTime() + 86400000); cal.setDate(date); } break; case 40: // KEY down if (act && !cal.multiple) { date.setTime(date.getTime() + 7 * 86400000); cal.setDate(date); } break; case 13: // KEY enter if (act) { //FIX for Enter key! Zapatec.Calendar.cellClick(cal.currentDateEl); } break; default: return false; } return Zapatec.Utils.stopEvent(ev); }; /** * (RE)Initializes the calendar to the given date and firstDayOfWeek. * * This function perform the action of actually displaying the day names and * dates in the calendar. But first, it checks if the passed date fits in the * allowed range, configured by the "minYear", "maxYear", "minMonth" and * "maxMonth" properties of the Calendar object. * * It takes care to highlight special days (calling the * calendar.getDateStatus() function which can be overridden by external * scripts) or to highlight any dates that might be selected (for instance when * multiple dates is on, this function will call _initMultipleDates() to * highlight selected dates accordingly). * * This function is highly optimized for speed, therefore the code in it is not * trivial and what it does might not seem obvious. :-) So, WARNING, this is * voodoo. If you want to properly understand the code you should analyze it * line by line and try to execute it step by step; use the Venkman JS * debugger. * * @param firstDayOfWeek [int] the first day of week, 0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, etc. * @param date [Date] the date to initialize the calendar to * */ Zapatec.Calendar.prototype._init = function (firstDayOfWeek, date, last) { var today = new Date(), TD = today.getDate(), TY = today.getFullYear(), TM = today.getMonth(); //this.table.style.visibility = "hidden"; if (this.getDateStatus && !last) { var status = this.getDateStatus(date, date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate()); var backupDate = new Date(date); while (((status == true) || (status == "disabled")) && (backupDate.getMonth() == date.getMonth())) { date.setTime(date.getTime() + 86400000); var status = this.getDateStatus(date, date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate()); } if (backupDate.getMonth() != date.getMonth()) { date = new Date(backupDate); while (((status == true) || (status == "disabled")) && (backupDate.getMonth() == date.getMonth())) { date.setTime(date.getTime() - 86400000); var status = this.getDateStatus(date, date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate()); } } if (backupDate.getMonth() != date.getMonth()) { last = true; date = new Date(backupDate); } } var year = date.getFullYear(); var month = date.getMonth(); var rowsOfMonths = Math.floor(this.numberMonths / this.monthsInRow); var minMonth; var diffMonth, last_row, before_control; if (!this.vertical) { diffMonth = (this.controlMonth - 1); minMonth = month - diffMonth; } else { last_row = ((this.numberMonths - 1) % this.monthsInRow) + 1; before_control = (this.controlMonth - 1) % this.monthsInRow; bottom = (before_control >= (last_row) ? (last_row) : (before_control)); diffMonth = (before_control) * (rowsOfMonths - 1) + Math.floor((this.controlMonth - 1) / this.monthsInRow) + bottom; minMonth = month - diffMonth; } var minYear = year; if (minMonth < 0) { minMonth += 12; --minYear; } var maxMonth = minMonth + this.numberMonths - 1; var maxYear = minYear; if (maxMonth > 11) { maxMonth -= 12; ++maxYear; } function disableControl(ctrl) { Zapatec.Calendar._del_evs(ctrl); ctrl.disabled = true; ctrl.className = "button"; ctrl.innerHTML = "
"; } function enableControl(ctrl, sign) { Zapatec.Calendar._add_evs(ctrl); ctrl.disabled = false; ctrl.className = "button nav"; ctrl.innerHTML = sign; } if ((minYear <= this.minYear) || !this.yearNav) { if (!this._nav_py.disabled) { disableControl(this._nav_py); } } else { if (this._nav_py.disabled) { enableControl(this._nav_py, "«"); } } if (maxYear >= this.maxYear || !this.yearNav) { if (!this._nav_ny.disabled) { disableControl(this._nav_ny); } } else { if (this._nav_ny.disabled) { enableControl(this._nav_ny, "»"); } } if (((minYear == this.minYear) && (minMonth <= this.minMonth)) || (minYear < this.minYear)) { if (!this._nav_pm.disabled) { disableControl(this._nav_pm); } } else { if (this._nav_pm.disabled) { enableControl(this._nav_pm, "‹"); } } if (((maxYear == this.maxYear) && (maxMonth >= this.maxMonth)) || (maxYear > this.maxYear)) { if (!this._nav_nm.disabled) { disableControl(this._nav_nm); } } else { if (this._nav_nm.disabled) { enableControl(this._nav_nm, "›"); } } //FIX for range checking : spreading of the range on 1 month on the both sides; upperMonth = this.maxMonth + 1; upperYear = this.maxYear; if (upperMonth > 11) { upperMonth -= 12; ++upperYear; } bottomMonth = this.minMonth - 1; bottomYear = this.minYear; if (bottomMonth < 0) { bottomMonth += 12; --bottomYear; } maxDate1 = new Date(maxYear, maxMonth, date.getMonthDays(maxMonth), 23, 59, 59, 999); maxDate2 = new Date(upperYear, upperMonth, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); minDate1 = new Date(minYear, minMonth, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); minDate2 = new Date(bottomYear, bottomMonth, date.getMonthDays(bottomMonth), 23, 59, 59, 999); if (maxDate1.getTime() > maxDate2.getTime()) { date.setTime(date.getTime() - (maxDate1.getTime() - maxDate2.getTime())); } if (minDate1.getTime() < minDate2.getTime()) { date.setTime(date.getTime() + (minDate2.getTime() - minDate1.getTime()) + 1); } delete maxDate1; delete maxDate2; delete minDate1; delete minDate2; this.firstDayOfWeek = firstDayOfWeek; if (!last) { this.currentDate = date; } this.date = date; (this.date = new Date(this.date)).setDateOnly(date); year = this.date.getFullYear(); month = this.date.getMonth(); var initMonth = date.getMonth(); var mday = this.date.getDate(); var no_days = date.getMonthDays(); // calendar voodoo for computing the first day that would actually be // displayed in the calendar, even if it's from the previous month. // WARNING: this is magic. ;-) var months = new Array(); if (this.numberMonths % this.monthsInRow > 0) { ++rowsOfMonths; } //creating of the array of date objects for every month for (var l = 1; l <= rowsOfMonths; ++l) { months[l] = new Array(); for (var k = 1; (k <= this.monthsInRow) && ((l - 1) * this.monthsInRow + k <= this.numberMonths); ++k) { var tmpDate = new Date(date); if (this.vertical) { var validMonth = date.getMonth() - diffMonth + ((k - 1) * (rowsOfMonths - 1) + (l - 1) + ((last_row < k) ? (last_row) : (k - 1))); } else { var validMonth = date.getMonth() - diffMonth + (l - 1) * this.monthsInRow + k - 1; } if (validMonth < 0) { tmpDate.setFullYear(tmpDate.getFullYear() - 1); validMonth = 12 + validMonth; } if (validMonth > 11) { tmpDate.setFullYear(tmpDate.getFullYear() + 1); validMonth = validMonth - 12; } tmpDate.setDate(1); tmpDate.setMonth(validMonth); var day1 = (tmpDate.getDay() - this.firstDayOfWeek) % 7; if (day1 < 0) day1 += 7; var hrs = tmpDate.getHours(); tmpDate.setDate(-day1); tmpDate.setDate(tmpDate.getDate() + 1); if (hrs != tmpDate.getHours()) { tmpDate.setDate(1); tmpDate.setMonth(validMonth); tmpDate.setDate(-day1); tmpDate.setDate(tmpDate.getDate() + 1); } months[l][k] = tmpDate; } } var MN = Zapatec.Calendar.i18n(month, "smn"); var weekend = Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("WEEKEND"); var dates = this.multiple ? (this.datesCells = {}) : null; var DATETXT = this.getDateText; //every iteration of the cycle fills one row of months with values; for (var l = 1; l <= rowsOfMonths; ++l) { var row = this.tbody[l].firstChild; for (var i = 7; --i > 0; row = row.nextSibling) { var cell = row.firstChild; var hasdays = false; //this fills one row of days for all the months in the row for (var k = 1; (k <= this.monthsInRow) && ((l - 1) * this.monthsInRow + k <= this.numberMonths); ++k) { date = months[l][k]; if (this.weekNumbers) { cell.className = " day wn"; cell.innerHTML = date.getWeekNumber(); if (k > 1) { Zapatec.Utils.addClass(cell, "month-left-border"); } cell = cell.nextSibling; } row.className = "daysrow"; var iday; for (j = 7; cell && (iday = date.getDate()) && (j > 0); date.setDate(iday+1), ((date.getDate() == iday) ? (date.setHours(1) && date.setDate(iday + 1)) : (false)), cell = cell.nextSibling, --j) { var wday = date.getDay(), dmonth = date.getMonth(), dyear = date.getFullYear(); cell.className = " day"; if ((!this.weekNumbers) && (j == 7) && (k != 1)) { Zapatec.Utils.addClass(cell, "month-left-border"); } if ((j == 1) && (k != this.monthsInRow)) { Zapatec.Utils.addClass(cell, "month-right-border"); } if (this.vertical) { validMonth = initMonth - diffMonth + ((k - 1) * (rowsOfMonths - 1) + (l - 1) + ((last_row < k) ? (last_row) : (k - 1))); } else { validMonth = initMonth - diffMonth + ((l - 1) * this.monthsInRow + k - 1); } if (validMonth < 0) { validMonth = 12 + validMonth; } if (validMonth > 11) { validMonth = validMonth - 12; } var current_month = !(cell.otherMonth = !(dmonth == validMonth)); if (!current_month) { if (this.showsOtherMonths) cell.className += " othermonth"; else { cell.className += " true"; cell.innerHTML = "
"; continue; } } else hasdays = true; cell.innerHTML = DATETXT ? DATETXT(date, dyear, dmonth, iday) : iday; dates && (dates[date.print("%Y%m%d")] = cell); if (this.getDateStatus) { var status = this.getDateStatus(date, dyear, dmonth, iday); if (this.getDateToolTip) { var toolTip = this.getDateToolTip(date, dyear, dmonth, iday); if (toolTip) cell.title = toolTip; } if (status == true) { cell.className += " disabled"; } else { cell.className += " " + status; } } if (!cell.disabled) { cell.caldate = [dyear, dmonth, iday]; cell.ttip = "_"; if (!this.multiple && current_month && iday == this.currentDate.getDate() && this.hiliteToday && (dmonth == this.currentDate.getMonth()) && (dyear == this.currentDate.getFullYear())) { cell.className += " selected"; this.currentDateEl = cell; } if (dyear == TY && dmonth == TM && iday == TD) { cell.className += " today"; cell.ttip += Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("PART_TODAY"); } if ((weekend != null) && (weekend.indexOf(wday.toString()) != -1)) { cell.className += cell.otherMonth ? " oweekend" : " weekend"; } } } if (!(hasdays || this.showsOtherMonths)) row.className = "emptyrow"; } if ((i == 1) && (l < rowsOfMonths)) { if (row.className == "emptyrow") { row = row.previousSibling; } cell = row.firstChild; while (cell != null) { Zapatec.Utils.addClass(cell, "month-bottom-border"); cell = cell.nextSibling; } } } } //this.title.firstChild.data = Zapatec.Calendar.i18n(month, "mn") + ", " + year; //filling of all titles for the months if (this.numberMonths == 1) { this.title.innerHTML = Zapatec.Calendar.i18n(month, "mn") + ", " + year; if (this.params && this.params.titleHtml) if (typeof this.params.titleHtml == 'function') this.title.innerHTML = this.params.titleHtml(this.title.innerHTML, month, year) else this.title.innerHTML += this.params.titleHtml } else { if (this.params && this.params.titleHtml) if (typeof this.params.titleHtml == 'function') this.title.innerHTML = this.params.titleHtml(Zapatec.Calendar.i18n(month, "mn") + ", " + year, month, year) else this.title.innerHTML = this.params.titleHtml for (var l = 1; l <= rowsOfMonths; ++l) { for (var k = 1; (k <= this.monthsInRow) && ((l - 1) * this.monthsInRow + k <= this.numberMonths); ++k) { if (this.vertical) { validMonth = month - diffMonth + ((k - 1) * (rowsOfMonths - 1) + (l - 1) + ((last_row < k) ? (last_row) : (k - 1))); } else { validMonth = month - diffMonth + (l - 1) * this.monthsInRow + k - 1; } validYear = year; if (validMonth < 0) { --validYear; validMonth = 12 + validMonth; } if (validMonth > 11) { ++validYear; validMonth = validMonth - 12; } this.titles[l][k].innerHTML = Zapatec.Calendar.i18n(validMonth, "mn") + ", " + validYear; } } } this.onSetTime(); //this.table.style.visibility = "visible"; this._initMultipleDates(); this.updateWCH(); // PROFILE // this.showHint("Generated in " + ((new Date()) - today) + " ms"); }; /** * If "multiple dates" is selected (the calendar.multiple property) this * function will highlight cells that display dates that are selected. It is * only called from the _init() function. */ Zapatec.Calendar.prototype._initMultipleDates = function() { if (this.multiple) { for (var i in this.multiple) { var cell = this.datesCells[i]; var d = this.multiple[i]; if (!d) continue; if (cell) cell.className += " selected"; } } }; /** * Given a Date object, this function will "toggle" it in the calendar; that * is, it will select it if not already selected, or unselect it if was already * selected. The array of dates is updated accordingly and the cell object * will be added or removed the appropriate class name ("selected"). Of * course, this only takes place if "multiple dates" is selected. * * @param date [Date] the date to (un)select. */ Zapatec.Calendar.prototype._toggleMultipleDate = function(date) { if (this.multiple) { var ds = date.print("%Y%m%d"); var cell = this.datesCells[ds]; if (cell) { var d = this.multiple[ds]; if (!d) { Zapatec.Utils.addClass(cell, "selected"); this.multiple[ds] = date; } else { Zapatec.Utils.removeClass(cell, "selected"); delete this.multiple[ds]; } } } }; /** * Call this in order to install a function handler that returns a tooltip for * the given date. For example: * * \code * function myHandler(date) { * var str = date.print("%Y/%m/%d"); * if (str == "1979/08/03") { * return "Happy birthday Mishoo! :D"; * } * return str; * } * calendar.setDateToolTipHandler(myHandler); * \endcode * * The tooltip handler is a "unary" function (receives one argument). The * argument passed is a date object and the function should return the tooltip * for that date. * * @param unaryFunction [function] your tooltip handler, as described above */ Zapatec.Calendar.prototype.setDateToolTipHandler = function (unaryFunction) { this.getDateToolTip = unaryFunction; }; /** * Moves the calendar to the specified date. If \em date is not passed, then * the "today" date is assumed. This function does range checking and displays * an error in the status bar if the new date is not allowed by the configured * calendar range. Otherwise, it simply calls _init() with the new date. * * @param date [Date, optional] the date object. */ Zapatec.Calendar.prototype.setDate = function (date, justInit) { // workaround for some bugs in our parseDate code if (!date) date = new Date(); if (!date.equalsTo(this.date)) { var year = date.getFullYear(), m = date.getMonth(); if (year == this.minYear && m < this.minMonth) this.showHint("
" + Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("E_RANGE") + " »»»
"); else if (year == this.maxYear && m > this.maxMonth) this.showHint("
««« " + Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("E_RANGE") + "
"); this._init(this.firstDayOfWeek, date, justInit); } }; /** * Displays a hint in the status bar * * @param text [string] what to display */ Zapatec.Calendar.prototype.showHint = function(text) { this.tooltips.innerHTML = text; }; /** * Refreshes the calendar. Useful if the "disabledHandler" function is * dynamic, meaning that the list of disabled date can change at runtime. Just * call this function if you think that the list of disabled dates should * change. * * This function simply calls _init() using the current firstDayOfWeek and the * current calendar date. */ Zapatec.Calendar.prototype.reinit = function() { this._init(this.firstDayOfWeek, this.date); }; /** * "refresh()" isn't a good name for it: this function _destroys_ the calendar * object and creates another one with the same parameters. This comes in * handy for the calendar wizard where we need to reconstruct the calendar for * virtually any property change. */ Zapatec.Calendar.prototype.refresh = function() { var p = this.isPopup ? null : this.element.parentNode; var x = parseInt(this.element.style.left); var y = parseInt(this.element.style.top); this.destroy(); this.dateStr = this.date; this.create(p); if (this.isPopup) this.showAt(x, y); else this.show(); }; /** * Configures the "firstDayOfWeek" parameter of the calendar. * * @param firstDayOfWeek [int] the new first day of week, 0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, etc. */ Zapatec.Calendar.prototype.setFirstDayOfWeek = function (firstDayOfWeek) { if (this.firstDayOfWeek != firstDayOfWeek) { this._init(firstDayOfWeek, this.date); //displaying the day names for all the rows of the months var rowsOfMonths = Math.floor(this.numberMonths / this.monthsInRow); if (this.numberMonths % this.monthsInRow > 0) { ++rowsOfMonths; } for (var l = 1; l <= rowsOfMonths; ++l) { this.firstdayname = this.rowsOfDayNames[l]; this._displayWeekdays(); } } }; /** * These functions allow one to install a handler that gets called for each * date when a month is displayed in the calendar. Based on this handler's * return value, that date can be disabled or highlighted using a class name * returned by the handler. * * The handler has the following prototype: * * \code * function dateStatus(date, year, month, day); * \endcode * * While all 4 parameters are passed, the handler can for instance use only the * first one. The year, month and day can all be determined from the first * parameter which is a Date object, but because many people will explicitely * need the year, month or day, we pass them too to speed things up (since we * already know them at the time the handler is called). * * Here is an example of a not-so-complex handler: * * \code * function my_DateStatus(date, year, month, day) { * var str = date.print("%Y/%m/%d"); * if (str >= '2000/01/01' && str <= '2000/12/31') { * return true; // disable all dates in 2000 * } * if (str == "1979/08/03") { * return "birthday"; * } * return false; * } * calendar.setDateStatusHandler(my_DateStatus); * \endcode * * The above handler will disable all dates in 2000 (returns true) and * highlight "1979/08/03" using the class "birthday". From this example we can * notice that the handler can return a boolean value or a string value. The * "boolean" return type is supported for backwards compatibility (function * setDisabledHandler, which is deprecated by setDateStatusHandler). Here's * what the return value means: * * - \b true: the date will be disabled. * - \b false: no action taken (date stays enabled). * - "disabled": the date will be disabled. * - "other_string": the "other_string" will be added to the cell's class name. * - "disabled other_string": the date will be disabled and "disabled other_string" * will be added to cell's class name; this helps one make a date disabled while * still highlighting it in a special way. * * Note that user defined class names should have an associated CSS part * somewhere in the document that specifies how the days will look like; * otherwise, no difference will be visible. For instance, for highlighting * "birthday" dates, one should also add: * * \code * .birthday { color: #f00; } * \endcode * * somewhere in the CSS of the calling document. (the above will make them * red). * * Disabled dates are not clickable; however, if one overrides the "disable" * CSS class, or if the cell also gets an "other_string" class that contains * settings that override the "disabled" class, those cells might not look * "disabled" but still behave so. * * \b WARNING: this function gets called 28 to 31 times each time a month is * displayed. This means that if you are doing crazy computations in order to * determine the status of a day, things \em will slow down dramatically. You * have been warned. * * @param unaryFunction [function] handler that decides the status of the passed date */ Zapatec.Calendar.prototype.setDateStatusHandler = Zapatec.Calendar.prototype.setDisabledHandler = function (unaryFunction) { this.getDateStatus = unaryFunction; }; /** * Configures a range of allowed dates for the calendar. Currently, this * function supports setting a range on a "month granularity". This means, * using it you can't disable part of a month. Both parameters are numeric and * can be float. The range is "inclusive". * * This function might seem somehow complicated, but it's designed in a way * that keeps backwards compatibility with the calendar v0.9.6. * * -# when the end points are integers, the full years will be included. That * is, if you call calendar.setRange(1999, 2005) then only dates between and * including 1999/01/01 and 2005/12/31 will be allowed. * -# when the end points are floats, the decimal part specifies the month. * Therefore, calendar.setRange(1999.03, 2005.05) will allow dates between * and including 1999/03/01 (March 1) and 2005/05/31 (May 31). * * The above statements mean that the following two lines are equivalent: * * \code * calendar.setDate(1999, 2005); // or * calendar.setDate(1999.01, 2005.12); * \endcode * * @param A [number] the range start point * @param Z [number] the range end point */ Zapatec.Calendar.prototype.setRange = function (A, Z) { var m, a = Math.min(A, Z), z = Math.max(A, Z); this.minYear = m = Math.floor(a); this.minMonth = (m == a) ? 0 : Math.ceil((a-m)*100-1); this.maxYear = m = Math.floor(z); this.maxMonth = (m == z) ? 11 : Math.ceil((z-m)*100-1); }; /** * This function sets up the cal.multiple property initially when the flat or popup calendar is created. * If there are dates to be displayed or added to the first time, this property will be filled with those * dates at the beginning. * * multiple -- [Array] - stores the current dates for future use and appending of additional dates */ Zapatec.Calendar.prototype.setMultipleDates = function(multiple) { if (!multiple || typeof multiple == "undefined") return; this.multiple = {}; for (var i = multiple.length; --i >= 0;) { var d = multiple[i]; var ds = d.print("%Y%m%d"); this.multiple[ds] = d; } }; /** * Call the calendar's callback function, if defined. The passed argument * is the date object. This is a public function meant to be invoked by the user so that s/he can * have more controls on what to do with the dates selected. */ Zapatec.Calendar.prototype.submitFlatDates = function() { if (typeof this.params.flatCallback == "function") { //Specify the pre-set sorting so that Zapatec.Utils will sort the multiple dates accordingly. //Default to "asc" if it does not equal to "asc" or "desc". Zapatec.Utils.sortOrder = (this.sortOrder!="asc" && this.sortOrder!="desc" && this.sortOrder!="none") ? "none" : this.sortOrder; if ( this.multiple && (Zapatec.Utils.sortOrder != "none") ) { var dateArray = new Array(); for (var i in this.multiple) { var currentDate = this.multiple[i]; // sometimes the date is not actually selected, that's why we need to check. if (currentDate) { // and push it in the "dateArray", in case one triggers the calendar again. dateArray[dateArray.length] = currentDate; } //Now let's sort the dateArray array dateArray.sort(Zapatec.Utils.compareDates); } this.multiple = {}; for (var i = 0; i < dateArray.length; i++) { var d = dateArray[i]; var ds = d.print("%Y%m%d"); this.multiple[ds] = d; } } //Else no need to sort the multiple dates. this.params.flatCallback(this); } } /** * Call the calendar's "onSelected" handler, if defined. The passed arguments * are the date object and a string with the date formatted by the specifier in * calendar.dateFormat. */ Zapatec.Calendar.prototype.callHandler = function () { if (this.onSelected) { this.onSelected(this, this.date.print(this.dateFormat)); } }; /** * This function updates the calendar history and saves the cookie. The * history is a string containing date and time formatted as "%Y/%m/%d/%H/%M" * (that is, all time parts separated by slashes, in a "most significant to * least significant order"). Further, such formats are separated by commas, * and the current calendar date is added the first, then the cookie saved. */ Zapatec.Calendar.prototype.updateHistory = function () { var a, i, d, tmp, s, str = "", len = Zapatec.Calendar.prefs.hsize - 1; if (Zapatec.Calendar.prefs.history) { a = Zapatec.Calendar.prefs.history.split(/,/); i = 0; while (i < len && (tmp = a[i++])) { s = tmp.split(/\//); d = new Date(parseInt(s[0], 10), parseInt(s[1], 10)-1, parseInt(s[2], 10), parseInt(s[3], 10), parseInt(s[4], 10)); if (!d.dateEqualsTo(this.date)) str += "," + tmp; } } Zapatec.Calendar.prefs.history = this.date.print("%Y/%m/%d/%H/%M") + str; Zapatec.Calendar.savePrefs(); }; /** * Calls the calendar's onClose handler, if present. Either way, this function * calls updateHistory() in order to update the history cookie. */ Zapatec.Calendar.prototype.callCloseHandler = function () { if (this.dateClicked) { this.updateHistory(); } if (this.onClose) { this.onClose(this); } this.hideShowCovered(); }; /** Removes the calendar object from the DOM tree and destroys it. */ Zapatec.Calendar.prototype.destroy = function () { this.hide(); // this also removes keyboard events :-\ Zapatec.Utils.destroy(this.element); Zapatec.Utils.destroy(this.WCH); Zapatec.Calendar._C = null; window.calendar = null; }; /** * Moves the calendar element to a different section in the DOM tree (changes * its parent). This might be useful for flat calendars. * * @param new_parent [HTMLElement] the new parent for the calendar. */ Zapatec.Calendar.prototype.reparent = function (new_parent) { var el = this.element; el.parentNode.removeChild(el); new_parent.appendChild(el); }; /** * This gets called when the user presses a mouse button anywhere in the * document, if the calendar is shown. If the click was outside the open * calendar this function closes it and stops the event from propagating. * * @param ev [Event] the event object. * @return false if the event is stopped. */ Zapatec.Calendar._checkCalendar = function(ev) { if (!window.calendar) { return false; } var el = Zapatec.is_ie ? Zapatec.Utils.getElement(ev) : Zapatec.Utils.getTargetElement(ev); for (; el != null && el != calendar.element; el = el.parentNode); if (el == null) { // calls closeHandler which should hide the calendar. window.calendar.callCloseHandler(); } }; /** * Updates the calendar "WCH" (windowed controls hider). A WCH is an * "invention" (read: "miserable hack") that works around one of the most * common and old bug in Internet Explorer: the SELECT boxes or IFRAMES show on * top of any other HTML element. This function makes sure that the WCH covers * correctly the calendar element and another element if passed. * * @param other_el [HTMLElement, optional] a second element that the WCH should cover. */ Zapatec.Calendar.prototype.updateWCH = function(other_el) { Zapatec.Utils.setupWCH_el(this.WCH, this.element, other_el); }; /** * Displays a hidden calendar. It walks quickly through the HTML elements and * makes sure that they don't have "hover" or "active" class names that might * be there from a previous time the same calendar was displayed. This * function also calls updateWCH() and hideShowCovered() to workaround * miserable IE bugs. * * If the calendar is a popup calendar and doesn't have the "noGrab" property * set, this function also adds document event handlers to intercept key events * or to close the calendar when one clicks outside it. */ Zapatec.Calendar.prototype.show = function () { var rows = this.table.getElementsByTagName("tr"); for (var i = rows.length; i > 0;) { var row = rows[--i]; Zapatec.Utils.removeClass(row, "rowhilite"); var cells = row.getElementsByTagName("td"); for (var j = cells.length; j > 0;) { var cell = cells[--j]; Zapatec.Utils.removeClass(cell, "hilite"); Zapatec.Utils.removeClass(cell, "active"); } } if (this.element.style.display != "block") { this.element.style.display = "block"; } this.hidden = false; if (this.isPopup) { this.updateWCH(); window.calendar = this; if (!this.noGrab) { Zapatec.Utils.addEvent(window.document, "keydown", Zapatec.Calendar._keyEvent); Zapatec.Utils.addEvent(window.document, "keypress", Zapatec.Calendar._keyEvent); Zapatec.Utils.addEvent(window.document, "mousedown", Zapatec.Calendar._checkCalendar); } } this.hideShowCovered(); }; /** * Hides the calendar. Also removes any "hilite" from the class of any TD * element. Unregisters the document event handlers for key presses and * mousedown. */ Zapatec.Calendar.prototype.hide = function () { if (this.isPopup) { Zapatec.Utils.removeEvent(window.document, "keydown", Zapatec.Calendar._keyEvent); Zapatec.Utils.removeEvent(window.document, "keypress", Zapatec.Calendar._keyEvent); Zapatec.Utils.removeEvent(window.document, "mousedown", Zapatec.Calendar._checkCalendar); } this.element.style.display = "none"; Zapatec.Utils.hideWCH(this.WCH); this.hidden = true; this.hideShowCovered(); }; /** * Shows the calendar at a given absolute position (beware that, depending on * the calendar element style -- position property -- this might be relative to * the parent's containing rectangle). * * @param x [int] the X position * @param y [int] the Y position */ Zapatec.Calendar.prototype.showAt = function (x, y) { var s = this.element.style; s.left = x + "px"; s.top = y + "px"; this.show(); }; /** * This function displays the calendar near a given "anchor" element, according * to some rules passed in \em opts. The \em opts argument is a string * containing one or 2 letters. The first letter decides the vertical * alignment, and the second letter decides the horizontal alignment relative * to the anchor element. Following we will describe these options; in parens * we will use simple descriptions like "top to bottom" which means that the * top margin of the calendar is aligned with the bottom margin of the object. * * \b Vertical align: * * - T -- the calendar is completely above the element (bottom to top) * - t -- the calendar is above the element but might overlap it (bottom to bottom) * - C -- the calendar is vertically centered to the element * - b -- the calendar is below the element but might overlap it (top to top) * - B -- the calendar is completely below the element (top to bottom) * * \b Horizontal align (defaults to 'l' if no letter passed): * * - L -- the calendar is completely to the left of the element (right to left) * - l -- the calendar is to the left of the element but might overlap it (right to right) * - C -- the calendar is horizontally centered to the element * - r -- the calendar is to the right of the element but might overlap it (left to left) * - R -- the calendar is completely to the right of the element (left to right) * * @param el [HTMLElement] the anchor element * @param opts [string, optional] the align options, as described above. Defaults to "Bl" if nothing passed. */ Zapatec.Calendar.prototype.showAtElement = function (el, opts) { var self = this; var p = Zapatec.Utils.getElementOffset(el); if (!opts || typeof opts != "string") { this.showAt(p.x, p.y + el.offsetHeight); return true; } this.element.style.display = "block"; var w = self.element.offsetWidth; var h = self.element.offsetHeight; self.element.style.display = "none"; var valign = opts.substr(0, 1); var halign = "l"; if (opts.length > 1) { halign = opts.substr(1, 1); } // vertical alignment switch (valign) { case "T": p.y -= h; break; case "B": p.y += el.offsetHeight; break; case "C": p.y += (el.offsetHeight - h) / 2; break; case "t": p.y += el.offsetHeight - h; break; case "b": break; // already there } // horizontal alignment switch (halign) { case "L": p.x -= w; break; case "R": p.x += el.offsetWidth; break; case "C": p.x += (el.offsetWidth - w) / 2; break; case "l": p.x += el.offsetWidth - w; break; case "r": break; // already there } p.width = w; p.height = h + 40; self.monthsCombo.style.display = "none"; Zapatec.Utils.fixBoxPosition(p); self.showAt(p.x, p.y); }; /** * Customizes the date format that will be reported to the onSelect handler. * The format string is described in Date.prototype.print(). * * @param str [string] the date format. */ Zapatec.Calendar.prototype.setDateFormat = function (str) { this.dateFormat = str; }; /** Customizes the tooltip date format. See * Zapatec.Calendar.prototype.setDateFormat() for a description of the \em str * format. * * @param str [string] the "tooltip" date format */ Zapatec.Calendar.prototype.setTtDateFormat = function (str) { this.ttDateFormat = str; }; /** * Tries to identify the date represented in a string. If successful it also * calls this.setDate which moves the calendar to the given date. * * @param str [string] a date * @param fmt [string] the format to try to parse \em str in */ Zapatec.Calendar.prototype.parseDate = function (str, fmt) { // Konqueror if (!str) return this.setDate(this.date); if (!fmt) fmt = this.dateFormat; var date = Date.parseDate(str, fmt); return this.setDate(date); }; /** * This function hides or shows "windowed controls" accordingly so that the * calendar isn't obtured by any such control. Historically, this function was * used for any browser. It simply walks through all SELECT, IFRAME and APPLET * elements present in the DOM, checks if they intersect the calendar and hides * them if so or makes them visible otherwise. This approacy has a number of * problems, the most important being that if the end-user's code contains a * SELECT which is already hidden and it must stay hidden, it will still be * made visible when the calendar closes. The other obvious problem is that * there's an ugly effect generated by elements that suddenly (dis)appear when * you drag the calendar around the screen. * * Currently this function is only used on IE5.0/Windows, browser that leaves * no room for a better workaround to this problem. For IE5.5+/Windows an * workaround is possible, albeit amazingly ugly (WCH). For other browsers * such crazy techniques are not anymore useful because the bugs related to * windowed controls were fixed. */ Zapatec.Calendar.prototype.hideShowCovered = function () { if (!Zapatec.is_ie5) return; var self = this; function getVisib(obj){ var value = obj.style.visibility; if (!value) { if (window.document.defaultView && typeof (window.document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) == "function") { // Gecko, W3C if (!Zapatec.is_khtml) value = window.document.defaultView. getComputedStyle(obj, "").getPropertyValue("visibility"); else value = ''; } else if (obj.currentStyle) { // IE value = obj.currentStyle.visibility; } else value = ''; } return value; }; var tags = ["applet", "iframe", "select"]; var el = self.element; var p = Zapatec.Utils.getAbsolutePos(el); var EX1 = p.x; var EX2 = el.offsetWidth + EX1; var EY1 = p.y; var EY2 = el.offsetHeight + EY1; for (var k = tags.length; k > 0; ) { var ar = window.document.getElementsByTagName(tags[--k]); var cc = null; for (var i = ar.length; i > 0;) { cc = ar[--i]; p = Zapatec.Utils.getAbsolutePos(cc); var CX1 = p.x; var CX2 = cc.offsetWidth + CX1; var CY1 = p.y; var CY2 = cc.offsetHeight + CY1; if (self.hidden || (CX1 > EX2) || (CX2 < EX1) || (CY1 > EY2) || (CY2 < EY1)) { if (!cc.__msh_save_visibility) { cc.__msh_save_visibility = getVisib(cc); } cc.style.visibility = cc.__msh_save_visibility; } else { if (!cc.__msh_save_visibility) { cc.__msh_save_visibility = getVisib(cc); } cc.style.visibility = "hidden"; } } } }; /** * This function displays the week day names in the calendar header, according * to the current "firstDayOfWeek". */ Zapatec.Calendar.prototype._displayWeekdays = function () { var fdow = this.firstDayOfWeek; var cell = this.firstdayname; var weekend = Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("WEEKEND"); //displaying one row of day names for every month in the row for (k = 1; (k <= this.monthsInRow) && (cell); ++k) { for (var i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { cell.className = " day name"; if ((!this.weekNumbers) && (i == 0) && (k != 1)) { Zapatec.Utils.addClass(cell, "month-left-border"); } if ((i == 6) && (k != this.monthsInRow)) { Zapatec.Utils.addClass(cell, "month-right-border"); } var realday = (i + fdow) % 7; if ((!this.disableFdowClick) && ((this.params && this.params.fdowClick) || i)) { if (Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("DAY_FIRST") != null) { cell.ttip = Zapatec.Calendar.i18n("DAY_FIRST").replace("%s", Zapatec.Calendar.i18n(realday, "dn")); } cell.navtype = 100; cell.calendar = this; cell.fdow = realday; Zapatec.Calendar._add_evs(cell); } if ((weekend != null) && (weekend.indexOf(realday.toString()) != -1)) { Zapatec.Utils.addClass(cell, "weekend"); } cell.innerHTML = Zapatec.Calendar.i18n((i + fdow) % 7, "sdn"); cell = cell.nextSibling; } if (this.weekNumbers && cell) { cell = cell.nextSibling; } } }; /** * Compare two dates in either ascending or descending order. To be used for * the multiple dates feature. This function is passed as an argument to the * sort routine which calls it to compare dates. * * @param date1 [date] first date * @param date2 [date] second date */ Zapatec.Utils.compareDates = function(date1, date2) { if (Zapatec.Calendar.prefs.sortOrder == "asc") return date1 - date2; else //"desc"ending order return date2 - date1; } /** \internal Hides all combo boxes that might be displayed. */ Zapatec.Calendar.prototype._hideCombos = function () { this.monthsCombo.style.display = "none"; this.yearsCombo.style.display = "none"; this.histCombo.style.display = "none"; this.updateWCH(); }; /** \internal Starts dragging the element. */ Zapatec.Calendar.prototype._dragStart = function (ev) { ev || (ev = window.event); if (this.dragging) { return; } this.dragging = true; var posX = ev.clientX + window.document.body.scrollLeft; var posY = ev.clientY + window.document.body.scrollTop; var st = this.element.style; this.xOffs = posX - parseInt(st.left); this.yOffs = posY - parseInt(st.top); Zapatec.Utils.addEvent(window.document, "mousemove", Zapatec.Calendar.calDragIt); Zapatec.Utils.addEvent(window.document, "mouseover", Zapatec.Calendar.calDragIt); Zapatec.Utils.addEvent(window.document, "mouseup", Zapatec.Calendar.calDragEnd); };