require "cgi" require "base64" require "openssl" require "addressable/uri" require "hashie" require "gibberish" require "databasedotcom" require "oauth2" module OAuth2 class AccessToken attr_accessor :client end end module Databasedotcom def self.parse_domain(url = nil) unless url.nil? url = "https://" + url if (url =~ /http[s]?:\/\//).nil? begin url = Addressable::URI.parse(url) rescue Addressable::URI::InvalidURIError url = nil end url = unless url.nil? url.strip! unless url.nil? end url = nil if url && url.strip.empty? url end class Client def self.from_token(token, api_version) client = nil unless token.nil? client ={ :client_id =>, :client_secret => token.client.secret, :host => Databasedotcom.parse_domain( }) m = token["id"].match(/\/id\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)$/) client.org_id = m[1] rescue nil client.user_id = m[2] rescue nil client.version = api_version client.instance_url = client.oauth_token = token.token client.refresh_token = token.refresh_token end client end def org_id=(val) @org_id = val end def user_id=(val) @user_id = val end end module OAuth2 TOKEN_KEY = "databasedotcom.token" CLIENT_KEY = "databasedotcom.client" module Helpers def client env['databasedotcom.client'] end def token env['databasedotcom.token'] end def unauthenticated? client.nil? end def authenticated? !unauthenticated? end def me @me ||=, "me").raw_hash) #@me.organization_id end end class WebServerFlow def initialize(app, options = nil) @app = app unless options.nil? @endpoints = self.class.sanitize_endpoints(options[:endpoints]) @token_encryption_key = options[:token_encryption_key] @path_prefix = options[:path_prefix] @on_failure = options[:on_failure] @display = options[:display] @immediate = options[:immediate] @prompt = options[:prompt] @scope = options[:scope] @display_override = options[:display_override] || false @immediate_override = options[:immediate_override] || false @prompt_override = options[:prompt_override] || false @scope_override = options[:scope_override] || false @api_version = options[:api_version] || "25.0" @debugging = options[:debugging] || false end fail "\n\ndatabasedotcom-oauth2 initialization error! :endpoints parameter " \ + "is invalid. Do something like this:\n\nuse Databasedotcom::OAuth2::Web" \ + "ServerFlow, :endpoints => {\"\" => { :key => CLIENT" \ + "_ID_FROM_DATABASEDOTCOM, :secret => CLIENT_SECRET_FROM_DATABASEDOTCOM }" \ + "}\n\n" \ if !@endpoints.is_a?(Hash) || @endpoints.empty? fail "\n\ndatabasedotcom-oauth2 initialization error! :token_encryption_key " \ + "is invalid. Do something like this:\n\nuse Databasedotcom::OAuth2::WebS" \ + "erverFlow, :token_encryption_key => YOUR_VERY_LONG_VERY_RANDOM_SECRET_KE" \ + "Y_HERE\n\nTo generate a sufficiently long random key, use following comm" \ + "and:\n\n$ ruby -ropenssl -rbase64 -e \"puts Base64.strict_encode64(OpenS" \ + "SL::Random.random_bytes(16).to_str)\"\n\n" \ if @token_encryption_key.nil? || @token_encryption_key.size < 16 @path_prefix = "/auth/salesforce" unless @path_prefix.is_a?(String) && !@path_prefix.strip.empty? @on_failure = nil unless @on_failure.is_a?(Proc) end def call(env)!(env) end def call!(env) @env = env begin return authorize_call if on_authorize_path? return callback_call if on_callback_path? materialize_token_and_client_from_session_if_present rescue Exception => e self.class._log_exception(e) if @on_failure.nil? new_path = Addressable::URI.parse(@path_prefix + "/failure") new_path.query_values={:message => e.message, :state => request.params['state']} return [302, {'Location' => new_path.to_s, 'Content-Type'=> 'text/html'}, []] else return,e) end end end private def on_authorize_path? on_path?(@path_prefix) end def authorize_call puts "==================\nauthorize phase\n==================\n" if @debugging #determine endpoint via param; but if blank, use default endpoint = request.params["endpoint"] #get endpoint from http param keys = @endpoints[endpoint] #if endpoint not found, default will be used endpoint = @endpoints.invert[keys] #re-lookup endpoint in case original param was bogus mydomain = self.class.sanitize_mydomain(request.params["mydomain"]) #add endpoint to relay state so callback knows which keys to use request.params["state"] ||= "/" state = Addressable::URI.parse(request.params["state"]) state.query_values={} unless state.query_values state.query_values= state.query_values.merge({:endpoint => endpoint}) puts "endpoint: #{endpoint}\nmydomain: #{mydomain}\nstate: #{state.to_str}" if @debugging #build params hash to be passed to ouath2 authorize redirect url auth_params = { :redirect_uri => "#{full_host}#{@path_prefix}/callback", :state => state.to_str } auth_params[:display] = @display unless @display.nil? auth_params[:immediate] = @immediate unless @immediate.nil? auth_params[:prompt] = @prompt unless @prompt.nil? auth_params[:scope] = @scope unless @scope.nil? || @scope.strip.empty? #overrides overrides = {} overrides[:display] = request.params["display"] unless !@display_override || request.params["display"].nil? overrides[:immediate] = request.params["immediate"] unless !@immediate_override || request.params["immediate"].nil? overrides[:prompt] = request.params["prompt"] unless !@prompt_override || request.params["prompt"].nil? if @scope_override scope = (self.class.param_repeated(request.url, :scope) || []).join(" ") overrides[:scope] = scope unless scope.nil? || scope.strip.empty? end auth_params.merge!(overrides) #do redirect redirect_url = client(mydomain || endpoint, keys[:key], keys[:secret]).auth_code.authorize_url(auth_params) puts "redirecting to #{redirect_url}..." if @debugging redirect redirect_url end def on_callback_path? on_path?(@path_prefix + "/callback") end def callback_call puts "==================\ncallback phase\n==================\n" if @debugging #check for error callback_error = request.params["error"] callback_error_details = request.params["error_description"] fail "#{callback_error} #{callback_error_details}" unless callback_error.nil? || callback_error.strip.empty? #grab authorization code code = request.params["code"] #grab and remove endpoint from relay state #upon successful retrieval of token, state is url where user will be redirected to request.params["state"] ||= "/" state = Addressable::URI.parse(request.params["state"]) state.query_values= {} if state.query_values.nil? state_params = state.query_values.dup endpoint = state_params.delete("endpoint") keys = @endpoints[endpoint] puts "endpoint #{endpoint}" puts "keys #{keys}" state.query_values= state_params state = state.to_s state.sub!(/\?$/,"") unless state.nil? puts "endpoint: #{endpoint}\nstate: #{state.to_str}\nretrieving token" if @debugging #do callout to retrieve token access_token = client(endpoint, keys[:key], keys[:secret]).auth_code.get_token(code, :redirect_uri => "#{full_host}#{@path_prefix}/callback") puts "access_token immediatly post get token call #{access_token.inspect}" if @debugging access_token.options[:mode] = :query access_token.options[:param_name] = :oauth_token access_token.options[:endpoint] = endpoint access_token.client = nil puts "access_token pre marshal-encrypt-cookiewrite #{access_token.inspect}" if @debugging #populate session with serialized, encrypted token #will be used later to materialize actual token and databasedotcom client handle set_session_token(encrypt(access_token)) puts "session_token \n#{session_token}" if @debugging redirect state.to_str end def materialize_token_and_client_from_session_if_present puts "==========================\nmaterialize intercept\n==========================\n" if @debugging access_token = nil puts "session_token \n#{session_token}" if @debugging begin access_token = decrypt(session_token) unless session_token.nil? rescue Exception => e puts "Exception FYI" self.class._log_exception(e) end unless access_token.nil? puts "access_token post cookieread-decrypt-marshal #{access_token.inspect}" if @debugging instance_url = access_token.params["instance_url"] endpoint = access_token.options[:endpoint] keys = @endpoints[endpoint] puts "endpoint #{endpoint}\nkeys #{keys}" if @debugging access_token.client = client(instance_url, keys[:key], keys[:secret]) unless keys.nil? @env[TOKEN_KEY] = access_token #::OAuth2::AccessToken.from_hash(client(instance_url, keys[:key], keys[:secret]),access_token_hash.dup) @env[CLIENT_KEY] = ::Databasedotcom::Client.from_token(@env[TOKEN_KEY],@api_version) @env[CLIENT_KEY].debugging = @debugging end puts "materialized token: #{@env[TOKEN_KEY].inspect}" if @debugging puts "materialized client: #{@env[CLIENT_KEY].inspect}" if @debugging end end def session @env["rack.session"] ||= {} #in case session is nil @env["rack.session"] end def session_token session[TOKEN_KEY] end def set_session_token(value) session[TOKEN_KEY] = value end def aes end def encrypt(data) aes.encrypt(Marshal.dump(data)) end def decrypt(data) Marshal.load(aes.decrypt(data)) end def on_path?(path) current_path.casecmp(path) == 0 end def current_path request.path_info.downcase.sub(/\/$/,'') end def query_string request.query_string.empty? ? "" : "?#{request.query_string}" end def request @request ||= end def full_host full_host = ENV['ORIGIN'] if full_host.nil? || full_host.strip.empty? full_host = URI.parse(request.url.gsub(/\?.*$/,'')) full_host.path = '' full_host.query = nil full_host.scheme = 'https' if(request.env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] == 'https') full_host = full_host.to_s end full_host end def client(site, client_id, client_secret) client_id, client_secret, :site => "https://#{Databasedotcom.parse_domain(site)}", :authorize_url => '/services/oauth2/authorize', :token_url => '/services/oauth2/token' ) end def redirect(uri) r = r.write("Redirecting to #{uri}...") r.redirect(uri) r.finish end class << self def _log_exception(exception) STDERR.puts "\n\n#{exception.class} (#{exception.message}):\n " + exception.backtrace.join("\n ") + "\n\n" end def sanitize_mydomain(mydomain) mydomain = Databasedotcom.parse_domain(mydomain) mydomain = nil unless mydomain.nil? || !mydomain.strip.empty? mydomain = mydomain.split(/\.my\.salesforce\.com/).first + "" unless mydomain.nil? mydomain end def sanitize_endpoints(endpoints = nil) endpoints = {} unless endpoints.is_a?(Hash) endpoints = endpoints.dup endpoints.keep_if do |key,value| value.is_a?(Hash) && value.has_key?(:key) && value.has_key?(:secret) && !value[:key].nil? && !value[:secret].nil? && !value[:key].empty? && !value[:secret].empty? end #set random default if default isn't already populated if !endpoints.empty? && endpoints.default.nil? endpoints.default = endpoints[endpoints.keys.first] end endpoints end def param_repeated(url = nil, param_name = nil) return_value = nil unless url.nil? || url.strip.empty? || param_name.nil? url = Addressable::URI.parse(url) param_name = param_name.to_s if param_name.is_a?(Symbol) query_values = url.query_values(:notation => :flat_array) unless query_values.nil? || query_values.empty? return_value ={|param| param.is_a?(Array) && param.size >= 2 && param[0] == param_name}.collect{|param| param[1]} end end return_value end end end end end