#require 'tempfile' require 'rho_connect_install_constants' require 'rho_connect_install_checkers' include Checkers include Constants module Installers def configure_nginx(options) raise "Please stop the web server and then reinstall the package." if check_web_server_running @options=options if @options[:web_server] && @options[:web_server] == "nginx" print_header "Installing Nginx web server ..." Dir.chdir("#{@options[:prefix]}/#{NGINX}") cmd "./configure --prefix=/opt/nginx --with-http_ssl_module --with-http_gzip_static_module --user=nginx --group=nginx" cmd "make 2>&1; make install" else raise "Inernal error: only nginx is supported." end raise "Nginx installation failed." if $? != 0 end def install_all_gems @gem_path = "#{@options[:prefix]}/bin/gem" # Update the RubyGems system software cmd "#{@gem_path} update --system" #install_gem 'bundler' #install_gem 'foreman' =begin print_header "Installing eventmachine 1.0.0.beta.4 gem ..." Dir.chdir("#{@options[:prefix]}") `wget #{EVENTMACHINE_URL} -o /dev/null;tar xzfv master;rm -rf master` Dir.chdir("#{@options[:prefix]}/rhomobile-eventmachine-6858b3b/") cmd("#{@options[:prefix]}/bin/bundle install") cmd("#{@options[:prefix]}/bin/gem build eventmachine.gemspec 2> /dev/null") cmd("#{@options[:prefix]}/bin/gem install --local eventmachine-1.0.0.beta.4.gem --no-ri --no-rdoc") res =$? Dir.chdir("#{@options[:prefix]}") cmd("rm -rf master rhomobile-eventmachine-6858b3b") raise "eventmachine installation failed." if res != 0 =end # Install bundler, thin, ... GEMS.each do |gem| install_gem gem end end # install_gem def install_gem(gem) print_header "Installing #{gem} gem ..." cmd "#{@gem_path} install #{gem} --no-ri --no-rdoc" #unless check_gem(gem, @gem_path) raise "#{gem} installation failed." if $? != 0 end #install_gem # install_redis # This method installs redis def install_redis print_header "Installing redis ..." Dir.chdir("#{@options[:prefix]}/#{REDIS}/src") cmd "make 2>&1; make PREFIX=#{@options[:prefix]} install" raise "Redis installation failed." if $? != 0 `mkdir #{@options[:prefix]}/etc` unless File.exist? "#{@options[:prefix]}/etc" #cmd "cp ../redis.conf #{@options[:prefix]}etc" redis_conf_file = File.new("#{@options[:prefix]}/etc/redis.conf", 'w') File.foreach("../redis.conf") do |line| # daemonize no --> daemonize yes # logfile stdout --> logfile /var/log/redis.log if line =~ /^daemonize/ redis_conf_file << "daemonize yes" << "\n" elsif line =~ /^logfile/ redis_conf_file << "logfile /var/log/redis.log" << "\n" else redis_conf_file << line end end redis_conf_file.close end def install_sqlite print_header "Installing sqlite3 ..." Dir.chdir("#{@options[:prefix]}/#{SQLITE3}") cmd "./configure --prefix=#{@options[:prefix]}" cmd "make 2>&1; make install" raise "Installation of sqlite3 libraries failed." if $? != 0 end def install_rhoconnect print_header "Building rhoconnect gem ..." Dir.chdir(@options[:start_dir]) cmd "#{@options[:prefix]}/bin/bundle config build.sqlite3 " + "--with-sqlite3-include=#{@options[:prefix]}/include " + "--with-sqlite3-lib=#{@options[:prefix]}/lib" #if @options[:pkg_mgr] =~ /yum/ # CentOS # cmd "#{@options[:prefix]}/bin/bundle install --system --binstubs=/opt/rhoconnect/bin" # cmd "PATH=#{@options[:prefix]}/bin:$PATH rake build" # cmd "#{@gem_path} install pkg/rhoconnect-*.gem --no-ri --no-rdoc" # raise "Gem installation failed." if $? != 0 gem_name = (Dir.glob "rhoconnect-*.gem")[0] if gem_name && File.exists?(gem_name) install_gem gem_name else cmd "#{@options[:prefix]}/bin/bundle install --system --binstubs=/opt/rhoconnect/bin --without=test development" cmd "PATH=#{@options[:prefix]}/bin:$PATH rake build" cmd "#{@gem_path} install pkg/rhoconnect-*.gem --no-ri --no-rdoc" raise "Gem installation failed." if $? != 0 end end end