require 'statsample/vector' class Hash def to_dataset(*args),*args) end end class Array def prefix(s) self.collect{|c| s+c.to_s } end def suffix(s) self.collect{|c| c.to_s+s } end end module Statsample class DatasetException < RuntimeError attr_reader :ds,:exp def initialize(ds,e) @ds=ds @exp=e end def to_s m="Error: "+@exp.message+"\n"+@exp.backtrace.join("\n")+"\nOn Dataset:"+@ds.inspect m+="\nRow: #{@i}" unless @i.nil? m end end class Dataset include Writable attr_reader :vectors, :fields, :cases, :i attr_accessor :labels # Creates a new dataset. A dataset is a set of ordered named vectors # of the same size. # # [vectors] With an array, creates a set of empty vectors named as # values on the array. With a hash, each Vector is assigned as # a variable of the Dataset named as its key # [fields] Array of names for vectors. Is only used for set the # order of variables. If empty, vectors keys on alfabethic order as # used as fields # [labels] Hash to set names for fields. # # # #{v1 v2 v3}) #{'v1'=>%w{1 2 3}.to_vector, 'v2'=>%w{4 5 6}.to_vector}) #{'v2'=>v2,'v1'=>v1},['v1','v2']) # # The fast way to create a dataset uses Hash#to_dataset, with # fields and labels as arguments # ds = {'v1'=>[1,2,3].to_vector}.to_dataset # def initialize(vectors={}, fields=[], labels={}) if vectors.instance_of? Array @fields=vectors.dup @vectors=vectors.inject({}){|a,x| a[x]; a} else @vectors=vectors @fields=fields check_order check_length end @i=nil @labels=labels end def to_gsl_matrix matrix=GSL::Matrix.alloc(cases,@vectors.size) each_array do |row| row.each_index{|y| matrix.set(@i,y,row[y]) } end matrix end def vector_label(v_id) raise "Vector #{v} doesn't exists" unless @fields.include? v_id @labels[v_id].nil? ? v_id : @labels[v_id] end # Creates a copy of the given dataset, deleting all the cases with # missing data on one of the vectors def dup_only_valid if @vectors.find{|field,vector| vector.has_missing_data?} ds=dup_empty each_array { |c| ds.add_case_array(c) unless @fields.find{|f| @vectors[f].data_with_nils[@i].nil? } } ds.update_valid_data else ds=dup() end ds end # Returns an array with the fields from first argumen to last argument def from_to(from,to) raise ArgumentError, "Field #{from} should be on dataset" if !@fields.include? from raise ArgumentError, "Field #{to} should be on dataset" if !@fields.include? to @fields.slice(@fields.index(from)..@fields.index(to)) end # Returns a duplicate of the Database # If fields given, only include those vectors def dup(*fields_to_include) if fields_to_include.size==1 and fields_to_include[0].is_a? Array fields_to_include=fields_to_include[0] end fields_to_include=@fields if fields_to_include.size==0 vectors={} fields=[] labels={} fields_to_include.each{|f| raise "Vector #{f} doesn't exists" unless @vectors.has_key? f vectors[f]=@vectors[f].dup labels[f]=@labels[f] fields.push(f) },fields,labels) end # Creates a copy of the given dataset, without data on vectors def dup_empty vectors=@vectors.inject({}) {|a,v| a[v[0]]=v[1].dup_empty a },@fields.dup,@labels.dup) end # Returns a dataset with standarized data def standarize ds=dup() ds.fields.each {|f| ds[f]=ds[f].vector_standarized } ds end # Generate a matrix, based on fields of dataset def collect_matrix rows=@fields.collect{|row| @fields.collect{|col| yield row,col } } Matrix.rows(rows) end # We have the same datasets if the labels and vectors are the same def ==(d2) @vectors==d2.vectors and @fields==d2.fields end def col(c) @vectors[c] end alias_method :vector, :col def add_vector(name,vector) raise ArgumentError, "Vector have different size" if vector.size!=@cases @vectors[name]=vector check_order end def has_vector? (v) return @vectors.has_key?(v) end # Creates a dataset with the random data, of a n size # If n not given, uses original number of cases def bootstrap(n=nil) n||=@cases ds_boot=dup_empty for i in 1..n ds_boot.add_case_array(case_as_array(rand(n))) end ds_boot.update_valid_data ds_boot end # Fast version of add case # Can only add one case and no error check if performed # You SHOULD use update_valid_data at the end of insertion cycle def add_case_array(v) v.each_index {|i| d=@vectors[@fields[i]].data; d.push(v[i])} end def add_case(v,uvd=true) case v when Array if (v[0].is_a? Array) v.each{|subv| add_case(subv,false)} else raise ArgumentError, "Input array size (#{v.size}) should be equal to fields number (#{@fields.size})" if @fields.size!=v.size v.each_index {|i| @vectors[@fields[i]].add(v[i],false)} end when Hash raise ArgumentError, "Hash keys should be equal to fields" if @fields.sort!=v.keys.sort @fields.each{|f| @vectors[f].add(v[f],false)} else raise TypeError, 'Value must be a Array or a Hash' end if uvd update_valid_data end end def update_valid_data @fields.each{|f| @vectors[f].set_valid_data} check_length end def delete_vector(name) @fields.delete(name) @vectors.delete(name) end def add_vectors_by_split_recode(name,join='-',sep=Statsample::SPLIT_TOKEN) split=@vectors[name].split_by_separator(sep) i=1 split.each{|k,v| new_field=name+join+i.to_s @labels[new_field]=name+":"+k add_vector(new_field,v) i+=1 } end def add_vectors_by_split(name,join='-',sep=Statsample::SPLIT_TOKEN) split=@vectors[name].split_by_separator(sep) split.each{|k,v| add_vector(name+join+k,v) } end def vector_by_calculation(type=:scale) a=[] each {|row| a.push(yield(row)) } a.to_vector(type) end # Returns a vector with sumatory of fields # if fields parameter is empty, sum all fields def vector_sum(fields=nil) a=[] fields||=@fields collect_with_index do |i,row| if(fields.find{|f| !@vectors[f].data_with_nils[i]}) nil else fields.inject(0) {|ac,v| ac + row[v].to_f} end end end # Returns a vector with the numbers of missing values for a case def vector_missing_values(fields=nil) fields||=@fields raise "Fields #{(fields-@fields).join(", ")} doesn't exists on dataset" if (fields-@fields).size>0 collect_with_index do |i,row| fields.inject(0){|a,v| a+ ((@vectors[v].data_with_nils[i].nil?) ? 1: 0) } end end def vector_count_characters(fields=nil) fields||=@fields raise "Fields #{(fields-@fields).join(", ")} doesn't exists on dataset" if (fields-@fields).size>0 collect_with_index do |i,row| fields.inject(0){|a,v| a+((@vectors[v].data_with_nils[i].nil?) ? 0: row[v].to_s.size) } end end # Returns a vector with the mean for a set of fields # if fields parameter is empty, return the mean for all fields # if max invalid parameter > 0, returns the mean for all tuples # with 0 to max_invalid invalid fields def vector_mean(fields=nil,max_invalid=0) a=[] fields||=@fields size=fields.size raise "Fields #{(fields-@fields).join(", ")} doesn't exists on dataset" if (fields-@fields).size>0 each_with_index do |i, row| # numero de invalidos sum=0 invalids=0 fields.each{|f| if !@vectors[f].data_with_nils[i].nil? sum+=row[f].to_f else invalids+=1 end } if(invalids>max_invalid) a.push(nil) else a.push(sum.quo(size-invalids)) end end a.to_vector(:scale) end def check_length size=nil @vectors.each do |k,v| raise Exception, "Data #{v.class} is not a vector on key #{k}" if !v.is_a? Statsample::Vector if size.nil? size=v.size else if v.size!=size p v.to_a.size raise Exception, "Vector #{k} have size #{v.size} and dataset have size #{size}" end end end @cases=size end def each_vector @fields.each{|k| yield k,@vectors[k]} end if Statsample::STATSAMPLE__.respond_to?(:case_as_hash) def case_as_hash(c) # :nodoc: Statsample::STATSAMPLE__.case_as_hash(self,c) end else def case_as_hash(c) _case_as_hash(c) end end if Statsample::STATSAMPLE__.respond_to?(:case_as_array) def case_as_array(c) # :nodoc: Statsample::STATSAMPLE__.case_as_array(self,c) end else def case_as_array(c) _case_as_array(c) end end def _case_as_hash(c) # :nodoc: @fields.inject({}) {|a,x| a[x]=@vectors[x][c];a } end def _case_as_array(c) # :nodoc: @fields.collect {|x| @vectors[x][c]} end # Returns each case as a hash def each begin @i=0 @cases.times {|i| @i=i row=case_as_hash(i) yield row } @i=nil rescue =>e raise,e) end end # Returns each case as index and hash def each_with_index begin @i=0 @cases.times{|i| @i=i row=case_as_hash(i) yield i,row } @i=nil rescue =>e raise,e) end end # Returns each case as an array, coding missing values as nils def each_array_with_nils m=fields.size @cases.times {|i| @i=i fields.each_index{|j| f=fields[j] row[j]=@vectors[f].data_with_nils[i] } yield row } @i=nil end # Returns each case as an array def each_array @cases.times {|i| @i=i row=case_as_array(i) yield row } @i=nil end def fields=(f) @fields=f check_order end def check_order if(@vectors.keys.sort!=@fields.sort) @fields=@fields&@vectors.keys @fields+=@vectors.keys.sort-@fields end end # Returns the vector named i def[](i) if i.is_a? String raise Exception,"Vector '#{i}' doesn't exists on dataset" unless @vectors.has_key?(i) @vectors[i] elsif i.is_a? Range fields=from_to(i.begin,i.end) vectors=fields.inject({}) {|a,v| a[v]=@vectors[v];a},fields) else raise ArgumentError, "You need a String or a Range" end end def collect(type=:scale) data=[] each {|row| data.push(yield(row)) },type) end def collect_with_index(type=:scale) data=[] each_with_index {|i,row| data.push(yield(i,row)) },type) end # Recode a vector based on a block def recode!(vector_name) 0.upto(@cases-1) {|i| @vectors[vector_name].data[i]=yield case_as_hash(i) } @vectors[vector_name].set_valid_data end def crosstab(v1,v2)[v1],@vectors[v2]) end def[]=(i,v) if v.instance_of? Statsample::Vector @vectors[i]=v check_order else raise ArgumentError,"Should pass a Statsample::Vector" end end def to_matrix rows=[] self.each_array{|c| rows.push(c) } Matrix.rows(rows) end def to_multiset_by_split(*fields) require 'statsample/multiset' if fields.size==1 to_multiset_by_split_one_field(fields[0]) else to_multiset_by_split_multiple_fields(*fields) end end # create a new dataset with all the data which the block returns true def filter ds=self.dup_empty each {|c| ds.add_case(c,false) if yield c } ds.update_valid_data ds end # creates a new vector with the data of a given field which the block returns true def filter_field(field) a=[] each {|c| a.push(c[field]) if yield c } a.to_vector(@vectors[field].type) end def to_multiset_by_split_one_field(field) raise ArgumentError,"Should use a correct field name" if !@fields.include? field factors=@vectors[field].factors ms=Multiset.new_empty_vectors(@fields,factors) each {|c| ms[c[field]].add_case(c,false) } #puts "Ingreso a los dataset" ms.datasets.each {|k,ds| ds.update_valid_data ds.vectors.each{|k1,v1| # puts "Vector #{k1}:"+v1.to_s v1.type=@vectors[k1].type } } ms end def to_multiset_by_split_multiple_fields(*fields) factors_total=nil fields.each{|f| if factors_total.nil? factors_total=@vectors[f].factors.collect{|c| [c] } else suma=[] factors=@vectors[f].factors factors_total.each{|f1| factors.each{|f2| suma.push(f1+[f2]) } } factors_total=suma end } ms=Multiset.new_empty_vectors(@fields,factors_total) p1=eval " {|c| ms[["+fields.collect{|f| "c['#{f}']"}.join(",")+"]].add_case(c,false) }" each{|c| } ms.datasets.each {|k,ds| ds.update_valid_data ds.vectors.each{|k1,v1| # puts "Vector #{k1}:"+v1.to_s v1.type=@vectors[k1].type } } ms end # Returns a vector, based on a string with a calculation based # on vector # The calculation will be eval'ed, so you can put any variable # or expression valid on ruby # For example: # a=[1,2].to_vector(scale) # b=[3,4].to_vector(scale) # ds={'a'=>a,'b'=>b}.to_dataset # ds.calculate("a+b") # => Vector [4,6] def compute(text) @fields.each{|f| if @vectors[f].type=:scale text.gsub!(f,"row['#{f}'].to_f") else text.gsub!(f,"row['#{f}']") end } collect_with_index {|i,row| invalid=false @fields.each{|f| if @vectors[f].data_with_nils[i].nil? invalid=true end } if invalid nil else eval(text) end } end # Test each row with one or more tests # each test is a Proc with the form # {|row| row['age']>0} # The function returns an array with all errors def verify(*tests) if(tests[0].is_a? String) id=tests[0] tests.shift else id=@fields[0] end vr=[] i=0 each do |row| i+=1 tests.each{|test| if ! test[2].call(row) values="" if test[1].size>0 values=" ("+test[1].collect{|k| "#{k}=#{row[k]}"}.join(", ")+")" end vr.push("#{i} [#{row[id]}]: #{test[0]}#{values}") end } end vr end def to_s "#<"+self.class.to_s+":"+self.object_id.to_s+" @fields=["+@fields.join(",")+"] labels="+@labels.inspect+" cases="+@vectors[@fields[0]].size.to_s end def inspect self.to_s end def summary out="" out << "Summary for dataset\n" @vectors.each{|k,v| out << "###############\n" out << "Vector #{k}:\n" out << v.summary out << "###############\n" } out end def as_r require 'rsruby/dataframe' r=RSRuby.instance end end end