# encoding: utf-8 # This file is distributed under New Relic's license terms. # See https://github.com/newrelic/newrelic-ruby-agent/blob/main/LICENSE for complete details. module NewRelic # The EnvironmentReport is responsible for analyzing the application's # environment and generating the data for the Environment Report in New # Relic's interface. # # It contains useful system information like Ruby version, OS, loaded gems, # etc. # # Additional logic can be registered by using the EnvironmentReport.report_on # hook. class EnvironmentReport # This is the main interface for registering logic that should be included # in the Environment Report. For example: # # EnvironmentReport.report_on "Day of week" do # Time.now.strftime("%A") # end # # The passed blocks will be run in EnvironmentReport instances on #initialize. # # Errors raised in passed blocks will be handled and logged at debug, so it # is safe to report on things that may not work in certain environments. # # The blocks should only return strings or arrays full of strings. Falsey # values will be ignored. def self.report_on(key, &block) registered_reporters[key] = block end def self.registered_reporters @registered_reporters ||= Hash.new end # allow the logic to be swapped out in tests def self.registered_reporters=(logic) @registered_reporters = logic end # register reporting logic #################################### report_on('Gems') do begin Bundler.rubygems.all_specs.map { |gem| "#{gem.name}(#{gem.version})" } rescue # There are certain rubygem, bundler, rails combinations (e.g. gem # 1.6.2, rails 2.3, bundler 1.2.3) where the code above throws an error # in bundler because of rails monkey patching gem. The below does work # though so try it if the above fails. Bundler.load.specs.map do |spec| version = (spec.respond_to?(:version) && spec.version) spec.name + (version ? "(#{version})" : "") end end end report_on('Plugin List') { ::Rails.configuration.plugins.to_a } report_on('Ruby version') { RUBY_VERSION } report_on('Ruby description') { RUBY_DESCRIPTION } report_on('Ruby platform') { RUBY_PLATFORM } report_on('Ruby patchlevel') { RUBY_PATCHLEVEL.to_s } report_on('JRuby version') { JRUBY_VERSION } report_on('Java VM version') { ENV_JAVA['java.vm.version'] } report_on('Logical Processors') { ::NewRelic::Agent::SystemInfo.num_logical_processors } report_on('Physical Cores') { ::NewRelic::Agent::SystemInfo.num_physical_cores } report_on('Arch') { ::NewRelic::Agent::SystemInfo.processor_arch } report_on('OS version') { ::NewRelic::Agent::SystemInfo.os_version } report_on('OS') { ::NewRelic::Agent::SystemInfo.ruby_os_identifier } report_on('Database adapter') { ::NewRelic::Agent::DatabaseAdapter.value } report_on('Framework') { Agent.config[:framework].to_s } report_on('Dispatcher') { Agent.config[:dispatcher].to_s } report_on('Environment') { NewRelic::Control.instance.env } report_on('Rails version') { ::Rails::VERSION::STRING } report_on('Rails threadsafe') do ::Rails.configuration.action_controller.allow_concurrency end report_on('Rails Env') do if defined? ::Rails and ::Rails.respond_to?(:env) ::Rails.env.to_s else ENV['RAILS_ENV'] end end report_on('OpenSSL version') { ::OpenSSL::OPENSSL_VERSION } # end reporting logic #################################### attr_reader :data # Generate the report based on the class level logic. def initialize @data = self.class.registered_reporters.inject(Hash.new) do |data, (key, logic)| begin value = logic.call if value data[key] = value Agent.record_metric("Supportability/EnvironmentReport/success", 0.0) Agent.record_metric("Supportability/EnvironmentReport/success/#{key}", 0.0) else Agent.logger.debug("EnvironmentReport ignoring value for #{key.inspect} which came back falsey: #{value.inspect}") Agent.record_metric("Supportability/EnvironmentReport/empty", 0.0) Agent.record_metric("Supportability/EnvironmentReport/empty/#{key}", 0.0) end rescue => e Agent.logger.debug("EnvironmentReport failed to retrieve value for #{key.inspect}: #{e}") Agent.record_metric("Supportability/EnvironmentReport/error", 0.0) Agent.record_metric("Supportability/EnvironmentReport/error/#{key}", 0.0) end data end end def [](key) @data[key] end def []=(key, value) @data[key] = value end def to_a @data.to_a end end end