# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: # srb rbi sorbet-typed # # If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please upstream any changes you make here: # # https://github.com/sorbet/sorbet-typed/edit/master/lib/thor/all/thor.rbi # # typed: strong class Thor include(::Thor::Base) include(::Thor::Invocation) include(::Thor::Shell) extend(::Thor::Base::ClassMethods) extend(::Thor::Invocation::ClassMethods) def help(command = T.unsafe(nil), subcommand = T.unsafe(nil)); end class << self def check_unknown_options!(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end def check_unknown_options?(config); end def command_help(shell, command_name); end def default_command(meth = T.unsafe(nil)); end def default_task(meth = T.unsafe(nil)); end def deprecation_warning(message); end def desc(usage, description, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end def disable_required_check!(*command_names); end def disable_required_check?(command); end def help(shell, subcommand = T.unsafe(nil)); end def long_desc(long_description, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end def map(mappings = T.unsafe(nil), **kw); end def method_option(name, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end def method_options(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end def option(name, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end def options(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end def package_name(name, _ = T.unsafe(nil)); end def printable_commands(all = T.unsafe(nil), subcommand = T.unsafe(nil)); end def printable_tasks(all = T.unsafe(nil), subcommand = T.unsafe(nil)); end def register(klass, subcommand_name, usage, description, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end def stop_on_unknown_option!(*command_names); end def stop_on_unknown_option?(command); end def subcommand(subcommand, subcommand_class); end def subcommand_classes; end def subcommands; end def subtask(subcommand, subcommand_class); end def subtasks; end def task_help(shell, command_name); end protected def banner(command, namespace = T.unsafe(nil), subcommand = T.unsafe(nil)); end def baseclass; end def create_command(meth); end def create_task(meth); end def disable_required_check; end def dispatch(meth, given_args, given_opts, config); end def dynamic_command_class; end def find_command_possibilities(meth); end def find_task_possibilities(meth); end def initialize_added; end def normalize_command_name(meth); end def normalize_task_name(meth); end def retrieve_command_name(args); end def retrieve_task_name(args); end def stop_on_unknown_option; end def subcommand_help(cmd); end def subtask_help(cmd); end end end module Thor::Actions mixes_in_class_methods(::Thor::Actions::ClassMethods) def initialize(args = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil), config = T.unsafe(nil)); end def action(instance); end def add_file(destination, *args, &block); end def add_link(destination, *args); end def append_file(path, *args, &block); end def append_to_file(path, *args, &block); end def apply(path, config = T.unsafe(nil)); end def behavior; end def behavior=(_arg0); end def chmod(path, mode, config = T.unsafe(nil)); end def comment_lines(path, flag, *args); end def copy_file(source, *args, &block); end def create_file(destination, *args, &block); end def create_link(destination, *args); end def destination_root; end def destination_root=(root); end def directory(source, *args, &block); end def empty_directory(destination, config = T.unsafe(nil)); end def find_in_source_paths(file); end def get(source, *args, &block); end def gsub_file(path, flag, *args, &block); end def in_root; end def inject_into_class(path, klass, *args, &block); end def inject_into_file(destination, *args, &block); end def inject_into_module(path, module_name, *args, &block); end def insert_into_file(destination, *args, &block); end def inside(dir = T.unsafe(nil), config = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end def link_file(source, *args); end def prepend_file(path, *args, &block); end def prepend_to_file(path, *args, &block); end def relative_to_original_destination_root(path, remove_dot = T.unsafe(nil)); end def remove_dir(path, config = T.unsafe(nil)); end def remove_file(path, config = T.unsafe(nil)); end def run(command, config = T.unsafe(nil)); end def run_ruby_script(command, config = T.unsafe(nil)); end def source_paths; end def template(source, *args, &block); end def thor(command, *args); end def uncomment_lines(path, flag, *args); end protected def _cleanup_options_and_set(options, key); end def _shared_configuration; end private def capture(*args); end def concat(string); end def output_buffer; end def output_buffer=(_arg0); end def with_output_buffer(buf = T.unsafe(nil)); end class << self def included(base); end end end class Thor::Actions::CapturableERB < ::ERB def set_eoutvar(compiler, eoutvar = T.unsafe(nil)); end end module Thor::Actions::ClassMethods def add_runtime_options!; end def source_paths; end def source_paths_for_search; end def source_root(path = T.unsafe(nil)); end end class Thor::Actions::CreateFile < ::Thor::Actions::EmptyDirectory def initialize(base, destination, data, config = T.unsafe(nil)); end def data; end def identical?; end def invoke!; end def render; end protected def force_on_collision?; end def force_or_skip_or_conflict(force, skip, &block); end def on_conflict_behavior(&block); end end class Thor::Actions::CreateLink < ::Thor::Actions::CreateFile def data; end def exists?; end def identical?; end def invoke!; end end class Thor::Actions::Directory < ::Thor::Actions::EmptyDirectory def initialize(base, source, destination = T.unsafe(nil), config = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end def invoke!; end def revoke!; end def source; end protected def execute!; end def file_level_lookup(previous_lookup); end def files(lookup); end end class Thor::Actions::EmptyDirectory def initialize(base, destination, config = T.unsafe(nil)); end def base; end def config; end def destination; end def exists?; end def given_destination; end def invoke!; end def relative_destination; end def revoke!; end protected def convert_encoded_instructions(filename); end def destination=(destination); end def invoke_with_conflict_check(&block); end def on_conflict_behavior; end def on_file_clash_behavior; end def pretend?; end def say_status(status, color); end end class Thor::Actions::InjectIntoFile < ::Thor::Actions::EmptyDirectory def initialize(base, destination, data, config); end def behavior; end def flag; end def invoke!; end def replacement; end def revoke!; end protected def replace!(regexp, string, force); end def say_status(behavior, warning: T.unsafe(nil), color: T.unsafe(nil)); end end Thor::Actions::WARNINGS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), T::Hash[T.untyped, T.untyped]) class Thor::AmbiguousCommandError < ::Thor::Error end Thor::AmbiguousTaskError = Thor::AmbiguousCommandError class Thor::Argument def initialize(name, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end def banner; end def default; end def description; end def enum; end def human_name; end def name; end def required; end def required?; end def show_default?; end def type; end def usage; end protected def default_banner; end def valid_type?(type); end def validate!; end end Thor::Argument::VALID_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), T::Array[T.untyped]) class Thor::Arguments def initialize(arguments = T.unsafe(nil)); end def parse(args); end def remaining; end private def check_requirement!; end def current_is_value?; end def last?; end def no_or_skip?(arg); end def parse_array(name); end def parse_hash(name); end def parse_numeric(name); end def parse_string(name); end def peek; end def shift; end def unshift(arg); end class << self def parse(*args); end def split(args); end end end Thor::Arguments::NUMERIC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp) module Thor::Base include(::Thor::Invocation) include(::Thor::Shell) mixes_in_class_methods(::Thor::Base::ClassMethods) def initialize(args = T.unsafe(nil), local_options = T.unsafe(nil), config = T.unsafe(nil)); end def args; end def args=(_arg0); end def options; end def options=(_arg0); end def parent_options; end def parent_options=(_arg0); end class << self def included(base); end def register_klass_file(klass); end def shell; end def shell=(_arg0); end def subclass_files; end def subclasses; end end end module Thor::Base::ClassMethods def all_commands; end def all_tasks; end def allow_incompatible_default_type!; end def argument(name, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end def arguments; end def attr_accessor(*_arg0); end def attr_reader(*_arg0); end def attr_writer(*_arg0); end def check_default_type; end def check_default_type!; end def check_unknown_options; end def check_unknown_options!; end def check_unknown_options?(config); end def class_option(name, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end def class_options(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end def commands; end def disable_required_check?(command_name); end def exit_on_failure?; end def group(name = T.unsafe(nil)); end def handle_argument_error(command, error, args, arity); end def handle_no_command_error(command, has_namespace = T.unsafe(nil)); end def handle_no_task_error(command, has_namespace = T.unsafe(nil)); end def namespace(name = T.unsafe(nil)); end def no_commands(&block); end def no_commands?; end def no_commands_context; end def no_tasks(&block); end def public_command(*names); end def public_task(*names); end def remove_argument(*names); end def remove_class_option(*names); end def remove_command(*names); end def remove_task(*names); end def start(given_args = T.unsafe(nil), config = T.unsafe(nil)); end def stop_on_unknown_option?(command_name); end def strict_args_position; end def strict_args_position!; end def strict_args_position?(config); end def tasks; end protected def baseclass; end def basename; end def build_option(name, options, scope); end def build_options(options, scope); end def class_options_help(shell, groups = T.unsafe(nil)); end def create_command(meth); end def create_task(meth); end def dispatch(command, given_args, given_opts, config); end def find_and_refresh_command(name); end def find_and_refresh_task(name); end def from_superclass(method, default = T.unsafe(nil)); end def inherited(klass); end def initialize_added; end def is_thor_reserved_word?(word, type); end def method_added(meth); end def print_options(shell, options, group_name = T.unsafe(nil)); end end class Thor::Command < ::Struct Elem = type_member {{fixed: T.untyped}} def initialize(name, description, long_description, usage, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end def formatted_usage(klass, namespace = T.unsafe(nil), subcommand = T.unsafe(nil)); end def hidden?; end def run(instance, args = T.unsafe(nil)); end protected def handle_argument_error?(instance, error, caller); end def handle_no_method_error?(instance, error, caller); end def local_method?(instance, name); end def not_debugging?(instance); end def private_method?(instance); end def public_method?(instance); end def required_arguments_for(klass, usage); end def required_options; end def sans_backtrace(backtrace, caller); end private def initialize_copy(other); end end Thor::Command::FILE_REGEXP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp) module Thor::CoreExt end class Thor::CoreExt::HashWithIndifferentAccess < ::Hash K = type_member {{fixed: T.untyped}} V = type_member {{fixed: T.untyped}} Elem = type_member {{fixed: T.untyped}} def initialize(hash = T.unsafe(nil)); end def [](key); end def []=(key, value); end def delete(key); end def fetch(key, *args); end def key?(key); end def merge(other); end def merge!(other); end def replace(other_hash); end def reverse_merge(other); end def reverse_merge!(other_hash); end def to_hash; end def values_at(*indices); end protected def convert_key(key); end def method_missing(method, *args); end end Thor::Correctable = DidYouMean::Correctable class Thor::DynamicCommand < ::Thor::Command Elem = type_member {{fixed: T.untyped}} def initialize(name, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end def run(instance, args = T.unsafe(nil)); end end Thor::DynamicTask = Thor::DynamicCommand class Thor::Error < ::StandardError end class Thor::Group include(::Thor::Base) include(::Thor::Invocation) include(::Thor::Shell) extend(::Thor::Base::ClassMethods) extend(::Thor::Invocation::ClassMethods) protected def _invoke_for_class_method(klass, command = T.unsafe(nil), *args, &block); end class << self def class_options_help(shell, groups = T.unsafe(nil)); end def desc(description = T.unsafe(nil)); end def get_options_from_invocations(group_options, base_options); end def handle_argument_error(command, error, _args, arity); end def help(shell); end def invocation_blocks; end def invocations; end def invoke(*names, &block); end def invoke_from_option(*names, &block); end def printable_commands(*_arg0); end def printable_tasks(*_arg0); end def remove_invocation(*names); end protected def banner; end def baseclass; end def create_command(meth); end def create_task(meth); end def dispatch(command, given_args, given_opts, config); end def self_command; end def self_task; end end end Thor::HELP_MAPPINGS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), T::Array[T.untyped]) class Thor::HiddenCommand < ::Thor::Command Elem = type_member {{fixed: T.untyped}} def hidden?; end end Thor::HiddenTask = Thor::HiddenCommand module Thor::Invocation mixes_in_class_methods(::Thor::Invocation::ClassMethods) def initialize(args = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil), config = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end def current_command_chain; end def invoke(name = T.unsafe(nil), *args); end def invoke_all; end def invoke_command(command, *args); end def invoke_task(command, *args); end def invoke_with_padding(*args); end protected def _parse_initialization_options(args, opts, config); end def _retrieve_class_and_command(name, sent_command = T.unsafe(nil)); end def _retrieve_class_and_task(name, sent_command = T.unsafe(nil)); end def _shared_configuration; end class << self def included(base); end end end module Thor::Invocation::ClassMethods def prepare_for_invocation(key, name); end end class Thor::InvocationError < ::Thor::Error end module Thor::LineEditor class << self def best_available; end def readline(prompt, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end end end class Thor::LineEditor::Basic def initialize(prompt, options); end def options; end def prompt; end def readline; end private def echo?; end def get_input; end class << self def available?; end end end class Thor::LineEditor::Readline < ::Thor::LineEditor::Basic def readline; end private def add_to_history?; end def completion_options; end def completion_proc; end def use_path_completion?; end class << self def available?; end end end class Thor::LineEditor::Readline::PathCompletion def initialize(text); end def matches; end private def absolute_matches; end def base_path; end def glob_pattern; end def relative_matches; end def text; end end class Thor::MalformattedArgumentError < ::Thor::InvocationError end class Thor::NestedContext def initialize; end def enter; end def entered?; end private def pop; end def push; end end class Thor::NoKwargSpellChecker < ::DidYouMean::SpellChecker def initialize(dictionary); end end class Thor::Option < ::Thor::Argument def initialize(name, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end def aliases; end def array?; end def boolean?; end def group; end def hash?; end def hide; end def human_name; end def lazy_default; end def numeric?; end def repeatable; end def string?; end def switch_name; end def usage(padding = T.unsafe(nil)); end protected def dasherize(str); end def dasherized?; end def undasherize(str); end def validate!; end def validate_default_type!; end class << self def parse(key, value); end end end Thor::Option::VALID_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), T::Array[T.untyped]) class Thor::Options < ::Thor::Arguments def initialize(hash_options = T.unsafe(nil), defaults = T.unsafe(nil), stop_on_unknown = T.unsafe(nil), disable_required_check = T.unsafe(nil)); end def check_unknown!; end def parse(args); end def peek; end def remaining; end protected def assign_result!(option, result); end def current_is_switch?; end def current_is_switch_formatted?; end def current_is_value?; end def normalize_switch(arg); end def parse_boolean(switch); end def parse_peek(switch, option); end def parsing_options?; end def switch?(arg); end def switch_option(arg); end class << self def to_switches(options); end end end Thor::Options::EQ_RE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp) Thor::Options::LONG_RE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp) Thor::Options::OPTS_END = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Options::SHORT_NUM = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp) Thor::Options::SHORT_RE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp) Thor::Options::SHORT_SQ_RE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp) module Thor::RakeCompat include(::FileUtils::StreamUtils_) include(::FileUtils) # include(::Rake::FileUtilsExt) # include(::Rake::DSL) class << self def included(base); end def rake_classes; end end end class Thor::RequiredArgumentMissingError < ::Thor::InvocationError end module Thor::Sandbox end module Thor::Shell def initialize(args = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil), config = T.unsafe(nil)); end def ask(*args, &block); end def error(*args, &block); end def file_collision(*args, &block); end def no?(*args, &block); end def print_in_columns(*args, &block); end def print_table(*args, &block); end def print_wrapped(*args, &block); end def say(*args, &block); end def say_status(*args, &block); end def set_color(*args, &block); end def shell; end def shell=(_arg0); end def terminal_width(*args, &block); end def with_padding; end def yes?(*args, &block); end protected def _shared_configuration; end end class Thor::Shell::Basic def initialize; end def ask(statement, *args); end def base; end def base=(_arg0); end def error(statement); end def file_collision(destination); end def indent(count = T.unsafe(nil)); end def mute; end def mute?; end def no?(statement, color = T.unsafe(nil)); end def padding; end def padding=(value); end def print_in_columns(array); end def print_table(array, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end def print_wrapped(message, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end def say(message = T.unsafe(nil), color = T.unsafe(nil), force_new_line = T.unsafe(nil)); end def say_status(status, message, log_status = T.unsafe(nil)); end def set_color(string, *_arg1); end def terminal_width; end def yes?(statement, color = T.unsafe(nil)); end protected def answer_match(possibilities, answer, case_insensitive); end def as_unicode; end def ask_filtered(statement, color, options); end def ask_simply(statement, color, options); end def can_display_colors?; end def dynamic_width; end def dynamic_width_stty; end def dynamic_width_tput; end def file_collision_help; end def git_merge_tool; end def is?(value); end def lookup_color(color); end def merge(destination, content); end def merge_tool; end def prepare_message(message, *color); end def quiet?; end def show_diff(destination, content); end def stderr; end def stdout; end def truncate(string, width); end def unix?; end end Thor::Shell::Basic::DEFAULT_TERMINAL_WIDTH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer) class Thor::Shell::Color < ::Thor::Shell::Basic def set_color(string, *colors); end protected def are_colors_disabled?; end def can_display_colors?; end def diff_lcs_loaded?; end def output_diff_line(diff); end def show_diff(destination, content); end end Thor::Shell::Color::BLACK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::Color::BLUE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::Color::BOLD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::Color::CLEAR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::Color::CYAN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::Color::GREEN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::Color::MAGENTA = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::Color::ON_BLACK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::Color::ON_BLUE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::Color::ON_CYAN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::Color::ON_GREEN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::Color::ON_MAGENTA = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::Color::ON_RED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::Color::ON_WHITE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::Color::ON_YELLOW = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::Color::RED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::Color::WHITE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::Color::YELLOW = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) class Thor::Shell::HTML < ::Thor::Shell::Basic def ask(statement, color = T.unsafe(nil)); end def set_color(string, *colors); end protected def can_display_colors?; end def diff_lcs_loaded?; end def output_diff_line(diff); end def show_diff(destination, content); end end Thor::Shell::HTML::BLACK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::HTML::BLUE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::HTML::BOLD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::HTML::CYAN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::HTML::GREEN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::HTML::MAGENTA = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::HTML::ON_BLACK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::HTML::ON_BLUE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::HTML::ON_CYAN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::HTML::ON_GREEN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::HTML::ON_MAGENTA = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::HTML::ON_RED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::HTML::ON_WHITE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::HTML::ON_YELLOW = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::HTML::RED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::HTML::WHITE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::HTML::YELLOW = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::Shell::SHELL_DELEGATED_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), T::Array[T.untyped]) Thor::TEMPLATE_EXTNAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) Thor::THOR_RESERVED_WORDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), T::Array[T.untyped]) Thor::Task = Thor::Command class Thor::UndefinedCommandError < ::Thor::Error include(::DidYouMean::Correctable) def initialize(command, all_commands, namespace); end def all_commands; end def command; end end class Thor::UndefinedCommandError::SpellChecker def initialize(error); end def corrections; end def error; end def spell_checker; end end Thor::UndefinedTaskError = Thor::UndefinedCommandError class Thor::UnknownArgumentError < ::Thor::Error include(::DidYouMean::Correctable) def initialize(switches, unknown); end def switches; end def unknown; end end class Thor::UnknownArgumentError::SpellChecker def initialize(error); end def corrections; end def error; end def spell_checker; end end module Thor::Util class << self def camel_case(str); end def escape_globs(path); end def escape_html(string); end def find_by_namespace(namespace); end def find_class_and_command_by_namespace(namespace, fallback = T.unsafe(nil)); end def find_class_and_task_by_namespace(namespace, fallback = T.unsafe(nil)); end def globs_for(path); end def load_thorfile(path, content = T.unsafe(nil), debug = T.unsafe(nil)); end def namespace_from_thor_class(constant); end def namespaces_in_content(contents, file = T.unsafe(nil)); end def ruby_command; end def snake_case(str); end def thor_classes_in(klass); end def thor_root; end def thor_root_glob; end def user_home; end end end