#!/usr/bin/env ruby $LOAD_PATH << "./lib" require "rspec" # rubocop:disable Style/MixinUsage include RSpec::Matchers # rubocop:enable Style/MixinUsage require "testable" # rubocop:disable Style/MixinUsage include Testable::Context # rubocop:enable Style/MixinUsage class Home include Testable url_is "https://veilus.herokuapp.com/" url_matches(/heroku/) title_is "Veilus" # Elements can be defined with HTML-style names as found in Watir. p :login_form, id: "open", visible: true text_field :username, id: "username" text_field :password button :login, id: "login-button" div :message, class: "notice" # Elements can be defined with a generic name. # element :login_form, id: "open", visible: true # element :username, id: "username" # element :password # element :login, id: "login-button" # element :message, class: "notice" def begin_with move_to(0, 0) resize_to(screen_width, screen_height) end end class Navigation include Testable p :page_list, id: "navlist" link :planets, id: "planets" image :planet_logo, id: "planet-logo" end Testable.start_browser :firefox on_visit(Home) do @active.login_form.click @active.username.set "admin" @active.password(id: 'password').set "admin" @active.login.click expect(@active.message.text).to eq('You are now logged in as admin.') end on(Navigation) do |page| page.page_list.click # page.page_list.wait_until(&:dom_updated?).click page.planets.click expect(page.planet_logo.exists?).to be true end Testable.quit_browser