#-- # This file is part of the X12Parser library that provides tools to # manipulate X12 messages using Ruby native syntax. # # http://x12parser.rubyforge.org # # Copyright (C) 2008 APP Design, Inc. # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA #++ # module X12 # # A class for parsing X12 message definition expressed in XML format. # class XMLDefinitions < Hash # Parse definitions out of XML file def initialize(str) doc = LibXML::XML::Document.string(str) definitions = doc.root.name =~ /^Definition$/i ? doc.root.find('*').to_a : [doc.root] definitions.each { |element| #puts element.name syntax_element = case element.name when /table/i parse_table(element) when /segment/i parse_segment(element) when /composite/i parse_composite(element) when /loop/i parse_loop(element) end self[syntax_element.class] ||= {} self[syntax_element.class][syntax_element.name]=syntax_element } end # initialize private def parse_boolean(s) return case s when nil false when "" false when /(^y(es)?$)|(^t(rue)?$)|(^1$)/i true when /(^no?$)|(^f(alse)?$)|(^0$)/i false else nil end # case end #parse_boolean def parse_type(s) return case s when nil 'string' when /^C.+$/ s when /^i(nt(eger)?)?$/i 'int' when /^l(ong)?$/i 'long' when /^d(ouble)?$/i 'double' when /^s(tr(ing)?)?$/i 'string' else nil end # case end #parse_type def parse_int(s) return case s when nil then 0 when /^\d+$/ then s.to_i when /^inf(inite)?$/ then 999999 else nil end # case end #parse_int def parse_attributes(e) throw Exception.new("No name attribute found for : #{e.inspect}") unless name = e.attributes["name"] throw Exception.new("Cannot parse attribute 'min' for: #{e.inspect}") unless min = parse_int(e.attributes["min"]) throw Exception.new("Cannot parse attribute 'max' for: #{e.inspect}") unless max = parse_int(e.attributes["max"]) throw Exception.new("Cannot parse attribute 'type' for: #{e.inspect}") unless type = parse_type(e.attributes["type"]) throw Exception.new("Cannot parse attribute 'required' for: #{e.inspect}") if (required = parse_boolean(e.attributes["required"])).nil? validation = e.attributes["validation"] min = 1 if required and min < 1 max = 999999 if max == 0 return name, min, max, type, required, validation end # parse_attributes def parse_field(e) name, min, max, type, required, validation = parse_attributes(e) # FIXME - for compatibility with d12 - constants are stored in attribute 'type' and are enclosed in # double quotes const_field = e.attributes["const"] if(const_field) type = "\"#{const_field}\"" end Field.new(name, type, required, min, max, validation) end # parse_field def parse_table(e) name, min, max, type, required, validation = parse_attributes(e) content = e.find("Entry").inject({}) {|t, entry| t[entry.attributes["name"]] = entry.attributes["value"] t } Table.new(name, content) end def parse_segment(e) name, min, max, type, required, validation = parse_attributes(e) fields = e.find("Field").inject([]) {|f, field| f << parse_field(field) } Segment.new(name, fields, Range.new(min, max)) end def parse_composite(e) name, min, max, type, required, validation = parse_attributes(e) fields = e.find("Field").inject([]) {|f, field| f << parse_field(field) } Composite.new(name, fields) end def parse_loop(e) name, min, max, type, required, validation = parse_attributes(e) components = e.find('*').to_a.inject([]){|r, element| r << case element.name when /loop/i parse_loop(element) when /segment/i parse_segment(element) else throw Exception.new("Cannot recognize syntax for: #{element.inspect} in loop #{e.inspect}") end # case } Loop.new(name, components, Range.new(min, max)) end end # Parser end