var debugFlag = 0; var debugContainer = ''; /** * ListSearchAheadResponse() */ var ListSearchAheadGlobalElement = ''; var ListSearchAheadQueueElement = ''; var ListSearchAheadInProgress = false; var ListSearchAheadInProgressUrl; var ListSearchAheadInProgressTarget; var ListSearchAheadInProgressObj; var AjaxMaintainChecksRunning = false; function SearchWidgetList(url, listId, element) { var inputField = jQuery(element).closest('div.inputOuter').find(''); if(inputField.length) { ListSearchAheadQueue(url, listId, inputField); } } //simple version function RefreshList(list_id, callback) { ListJumpMin(jQuery('#' + list_id + '_jump_url').val(), list_id, callback); } /** * Debug() * * @param string what * @return void */ function Debug(what) { if(debugFlag >= 1) { if(window.document.getElementById(debugContainer)) { var time = new Date(); element = window.document.getElementById(debugContainer); element.innerHTML += '<br/><span>' + time.getHours() + ':' + time.getMinutes() + ':' + time.getSeconds() + '</span> ' + what; element.scrollTop = element.scrollHeight; } } } /** * Redirect() * * @param string inUrl * @return void */ function Redirect(inUrl) { if(typeof(inUrl) == 'string') { if(inUrl.length > 0) { window.location = inUrl; } else { throw('Missing URL input for Redirect()'); } } else { throw('Invalid URL type input for Redirect()'); } } function ButtonFormPost(theForm) { try { if (typeof(theForm) == "object") { theForm.submit(); } else { if (document.getElementById(theForm) && typeof(theForm) !="undefined" && typeof(theForm) != 'null') { document.getElementById(theForm).submit(); } else { throw new Exception(); } } } catch(e) { // -- id might not be there, so try the form by name try { eval('document.' + theForm + '.submit()'); } catch(e) { if (document.forms.length == 1) { document.forms[0].submit(); } else { return false; } } } } function ButtonLinkPost(inUrl) { try { Redirect(inUrl); } catch(e) { if(debugFlag) { Debug(e); } } } function ajaxStatus(eToHide, fadeInOut) { if(document.getElementById(eToHide)) { elmToHide = document.getElementById(eToHide); eHider = "loading" + eToHide; if(document.getElementById(eHider)) { elmHider = document.getElementById(eHider); } else { var overLay = '<div style="position:relative;top:0px;"><div class="ajaxLoad" id="' + eHider + '" style="height:' + jQuery(elmToHide).height() + 'px;width:' + jQuery(elmToHide).width() + 'px;top:-' + jQuery(elmToHide).height() + 'px;"></div></div>'; jQuery(elmToHide).append(overLay); elmHider = document.getElementById(eHider); } if(typeof(fadeInOut) == 'number') { if(fadeInOut > 0) { fadeInOut = 1; jQuery(elmHider).fadeTo("fast", .20); } else { fadeInOut = 0; jQuery(elmHider).remove(); } } } } function ListChangeGrouping(listId) { ajaxStatus(listId, 1); HideAdvancedSearch(jQuery('#' + listId + '-group')); jQuery('#list_search_id_' + listId ).val(''); InitInfoFields(jQuery('#list_search_id_' + listId)); ListJumpMin(jQuery('#' + listId + '_jump_url').val() + '&searchClear=1&switch_grouping=' + jQuery('#list_group_id_' + listId ).val(), listId); } function ListDrillDown(mode,data,listId) { jQuery('#list_search_id_' + listId).val(''); ListJumpMin(jQuery('#' + listId + '_jump_url').val() + '&drill_down=' + mode + '&filter=' + data + '&search_filter=', listId, function(){ InitInfoFields(jQuery('#list_search_id_' + listId)); }); } /** * ListJumpResponse() */ function ListJumpResponse(response) { //ajaxStatus("loading" + response['list_id'], 0); jQuery(document.getElementById(response['list_id'])).after(response['list']).remove(); if(typeof response['callback'] === 'string') { eval(response['callback'] + '()'); } } /** * ListJumpMin() */ function ListJumpMin(url, id, callback, post) { if(document.getElementById(id)) { ajaxStatus(id, 1); } if(document.getElementById(id)) { try {, post, function(response) { ListJumpResponse(response); if (typeof(callback) == 'string') { eval(callback); } else if (typeof(callback) == 'function') { (callback)(); } }, "json"); } catch(e) { console.log(e); } } } function ListSearchAheadResponse() { if(ListSearchAheadInProgress) { ListSearchAheadInProgress = false; if(ListSearchAheadQueueElement != '') { (ListSearchAheadQueueElement)(ListSearchAheadInProgressUrl,ListSearchAheadInProgressTarget,ListSearchAheadInProgressObj); ListSearchAheadQueueElement = ''; } } } /** * ListSearchAhead() */ function ListSearchAhead(url, id, element) { if(! ListSearchAheadInProgress && jQuery(element).length && typeof(jQuery(element).val()) != 'undefined' && jQuery(element).val() != jQuery(element).attr('title')) { ListSearchAheadInProgress = true; ListJumpMin(url+ '&search_filter=' + jQuery(element).val(), id); } } /** * ListSearchAheadQueue() */ function ListSearchAheadQueue(url, id, element) { if(! ListSearchAheadInProgress) { ListSearchAheadGlobalElement = element; setTimeout("ListSearchAhead('"+url+"', '"+id+"', ListSearchAheadGlobalElement)", 500); } else { ListSearchAheadInProgressUrl = url; ListSearchAheadInProgressTarget = id; ListSearchAheadInProgressObj = element; ListSearchAheadQueueElement = ListSearchAhead; } } var WidgetSearchAheadQueuedRawDog = ''; var WidgetSearchAheadInProgress = false; var WidgetSearchAheadInProgressUrl; var WidgetSearchAheadInProgressTarget; var WidgetSearchAheadInProgressObj; /** * WidgetSearchAheadResponse() * * @note searchTarget is the * * @todo session/token based WidgetSearchAheadQueuedRawDog? */ function WidgetSearchAheadResponse(response) { if(WidgetSearchAheadInProgress) { WidgetSearchAheadInProgress = false; if(WidgetSearchAheadQueuedRawDog != '') { (WidgetSearchAheadQueuedRawDog)(WidgetSearchAheadInProgressUrl,WidgetSearchAheadInProgressTarget,WidgetSearchAheadInProgressObj); WidgetSearchAheadQueuedRawDog = ''; } } var searchResults = ''; var searchTarget = ''; //Capture the results // if(response && typeof(response['content']) != 'undefined' && response['content'] != '') { searchResults = response['content']; } if(response && typeof(response['target']) != 'undefined' && response['target'] != '') { var result = response['target'] + '_results'; var searchTarget = document.getElementById(result); } jQuery('.widget-search-content', searchTarget).html(searchResults); if(searchResults != '') { if(! jQuery(searchTarget).is(':visible')); { jQuery(searchTarget).slideDown(); } } else { if(jQuery(searchTarget).is(':visible')); { jQuery(searchTarget).slideUp(); } } } /** * ListSearchAhead() */ function WidgetInputSearchAhead(url, target, obj) { if(! WidgetSearchAheadInProgress) { WidgetSearchAheadInProgress = true; if(document.getElementById(target) && document.getElementById(target).value != document.getElementById(target).title) { var targetElement = document.getElementById(target + '_results'); if(! jQuery('.widget-search-content', targetElement).html()) { /* jQuery('.widget-search-content', targetElement).html(limeload); if(! jQuery(targetElement).is(':visible')); { jQuery(targetElement).slideDown(); }*/ }, {target:target,value:document.getElementById(target).value}, WidgetSearchAheadResponse, 'json'); } } else { WidgetSearchAheadInProgressUrl = url; WidgetSearchAheadInProgressTarget = target; WidgetSearchAheadInProgressObj = obj; WidgetSearchAheadQueuedRawDog = WidgetInputSearchAhead; } } /** * WidgetInputSearchAhead() * * @todo Log last keyup and launch it if it exceeds the wait time of the pending request * @todo multiple search aheads on one page * @todo baseurl * @todo duration parameter */ function WidgetInputSearchAheadQueue(url, id, obj) { setTimeout("WidgetInputSearchAhead('"+url+"', '"+id+"', '"+obj+"')", 500); } function WidgetAdvancedSearchReset(form_id, list_id, url) { var frm_elements = document.getElementById(form_id); for (i = 0; i < frm_elements.length; i++) { field_type = frm_elements[i].type.toLowerCase(); switch (field_type) { case "text": case "password": case "textarea": frm_elements[i].value = ""; break; case "radio": case "checkbox": if (frm_elements[i].checked) { frm_elements[i].checked = false; } break; case "select-one": case "select-multi": frm_elements[i].selectedIndex = 0; break; default: break; } } InitInfoFields(); ListJumpMin(url, list_id); } function BuildUrl(getVars) { var url = ''; jQuery.each(getVars, function(field, value) { url += '&' + field + '=' + escape(value); }); return url; } (function(ll) { jQuery(document).ready( function() { /** * @todo if is visible slide up */ /* jQuery('.widget-search-drilldown').each( function() { //widget-search-content // var masterBlaster = this; jQuery('.widget-search-content', this).bind("mouseenter", function() { jQuery(masterBlaster).stop(); jQuery(masterBlaster).slideDown(); } ).bind("mouseleave", function() { //jQuery(masterBlaster).stop(); jQuery(masterBlaster).slideUp(); }); });*/ InitInfoFields(); }); })(jQuery); function InjectInfoField(inField,message) { if(typeof(message) == 'undefined' || message == '') { var message = ''; var color = 'black'; } else { var color = 'red'; } jQuery(inField).attr('title',message); InitInfoFields(inField); jQuery(inField).css('color',color); } /** * InitInfoFields() * * @todo assign the info-input class if an object is passed in to preserve the functionality */ function InitInfoFields(inField) { var theField = jQuery('.info-input'); if(typeof(inField) != 'undefined') { theField = inField; } if(jQuery(theField).length) { //Assign an inputs title to its values initially // jQuery(theField).each( function() { if(jQuery(this).val() == '') { jQuery(this).val(jQuery(this).attr('title')); //Adjust its class to appear passive // jQuery(this).addClass('info-input-field-inactive'); } }); jQuery(theField).blur( function() { if(jQuery(this).val() != jQuery(this).attr('title')) { jQuery(this).css('color','black'); if(jQuery(this).val() == '') { jQuery(this).css('color','#b4b3b3'); jQuery(this).removeClass('info-input-field-active'); jQuery(this).val(jQuery(this).attr('title')); jQuery(this).addClass('info-input-field-inactive'); } } else { jQuery(this).css('color','#b4b3b3'); } }); jQuery(theField).focus( function() { if(jQuery(this).val() == jQuery(this).attr('title')) { jQuery(this).removeClass('info-input-field-inactive'); jQuery(this).addClass('info-input-field-active'); //Clear the field of the initial title if its the first onfocus // if(jQuery(this).val() != '' && jQuery(this).val() == jQuery(this).attr('title')) { jQuery(this).val(''); } } else { jQuery(this).css('color','black'); jQuery(this).addClass('info-input-field-active'); } }); } } /** * AjaxMaintainChecks() * * @param obj * @param checkbox_class * @param list_id * @param url * @param check_all_id */ function AjaxMaintainChecks(obj, checkbox_class, list_id, url, check_all_id) { AjaxMaintainChecksRunning = true; var serializedChecks = ''; var checkedAllBool = true; var checkedAllString = '1'; var checkAllId = checkbox_class + '_all'; /** * Checking All */ if(check_all_id && check_all_id != '' && jQuery('#' + check_all_id).length > 0) { //Overwrite assumed check-all checkbox id // checkAllId = check_all_id; //Check or uncheck check-all checkbox // jQuery('.' + checkbox_class).attr('checked', jQuery('#' + checkAllId).is(':checked')); } /** * Serialize all checkboxes both checked and unchecked */ jQuery('.' + checkbox_class).each( function(key, value) { var checked = '0'; if(this.checked) { checked = '1'; } else { checkedAllBool = false; checkedAllString = '0'; } serializedChecks += escape(this.value) + '=' + checked + '&'; }); /** * Check All Checkbox Status. On/Off */ jQuery('#' + checkAllId).attr('checked', checkedAllBool); /** * Check All for this view (page/sequence */ serializedChecks += 'checked_all=' + checkedAllString; /** * Record everything */, serializedChecks, function() { AjaxMaintainChecksRunning = false; }, "json"); } function ToggleAdvancedSearch(searchElement) { var contentArea = jQuery(searchElement).closest('div.inputOuter').find('.widget-search-drilldown'); var inputArrow = jQuery(searchElement).closest('div.inputOuter').find('.widget-search-arrow-advanced'); var searchField = jQuery(searchElement).closest('div.inputOuter').find('.search-ahead'); jQuery(contentArea).toggle(); if(jQuery(contentArea).is(':visible')) { jQuery(inputArrow).css('visibility', 'hidden'); } else { jQuery(inputArrow).css('visibility', 'visible'); } } function SelectBoxResetSelectedRow(listId) { var currentSelection = jQuery('#list_group_id_' + listId).val(); jQuery('.widget-search-results-row[title="' + currentSelection + '"]').addClass('widget-search-results-row-selected'); } function SelectBoxSetValue(value, listId) { jQuery('#list_group_id_' + listId).val(value); SelectBoxResetSelectedRow(listId); } function HideAdvancedSearch(searchElement) { var contentArea = jQuery(searchElement).closest('div.inputOuter').find('.widget-search-drilldown'); var inputArrow = jQuery(searchElement).closest('div.inputOuter').find('.widget-search-arrow-advanced'); jQuery(contentArea).hide(); jQuery(inputArrow).css('visibility', 'visible'); } jQuery(document).ready(function($) { jQuery(document).ajaxSend(function(e, xhr, options) { var sid = jQuery("meta[name='csrf-token']").attr("content"); xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRF-Token", sid); }); });