# Searchkick :rocket: Intelligent search made easy Searchkick learns what **your users** are looking for. As more people search, it gets smarter and the results get better. It’s friendly for developers - and magical for your users. Searchkick handles: - stemming - `tomatoes` matches `tomato` - special characters - `jalapeno` matches `jalapeño` - extra whitespace - `dishwasher` matches `dish washer` - misspellings - `zuchini` matches `zucchini` - custom synonyms - `qtip` matches `cotton swab` Plus: - query like SQL - no need to learn a new query language - reindex without downtime - easily personalize results for each user - autocomplete - “Did you mean” suggestions - works with ActiveRecord, Mongoid, and NoBrainer :speech_balloon: Get [handcrafted updates](http://chartkick.us7.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=952c861f99eb43084e0a49f98&id=6ea6541e8e&group[0][4]=true) for new features :tangerine: Battle-tested at [Instacart](https://www.instacart.com/opensource) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/ankane/searchkick.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/ankane/searchkick) We highly recommend tracking queries and conversions :zap: [Searchjoy](https://github.com/ankane/searchjoy) makes it easy ## Get Started [Install Elasticsearch](http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/setup.html). For Homebrew, use: ```sh brew install elasticsearch ``` Add this line to your application’s Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'searchkick' ``` For Elasticsearch 0.90, use version `0.6.3` and [this readme](https://github.com/ankane/searchkick/blob/v0.6.3/README.md). Add searchkick to models you want to search. ```ruby class Product < ActiveRecord::Base searchkick end ``` Add data to the search index. ```ruby Product.reindex ``` And to query, use: ```ruby products = Product.search "apples" products.each do |product| puts product.name end ``` Searchkick supports the complete [Elasticsearch Search API](http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-search.html). As your search becomes more advanced, we recommend you use the [Elasticsearch DSL](#advanced) for maximum flexibility. ### Queries Query like SQL ```ruby Product.search "apples", where: {in_stock: true}, limit: 10, offset: 50 ``` Search specific fields ```ruby fields: [:name, :brand] ``` Where ```ruby where: { expires_at: {gt: Time.now}, # lt, gte, lte also available orders_count: 1..10, # equivalent to {gte: 1, lte: 10} aisle_id: [25, 30], # in store_id: {not: 2}, # not aisle_id: {not: [25, 30]}, # not in user_ids: {all: [1, 3]}, # all elements in array category: /frozen .+/, # regexp or: [ [{in_stock: true}, {backordered: true}] ] } ``` Order ```ruby order: {_score: :desc} # most relevant first - default ``` [All of these sort options are supported](http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-request-sort.html) Limit / offset ```ruby limit: 20, offset: 40 ``` ### Boosting Boost important fields ```ruby fields: ["title^10", "description"] ``` Boost by the value of a field (field must be numeric) ```ruby boost_by: [:orders_count] # give popular documents a little boost boost_by: {orders_count: {factor: 10}} # default factor is 1 ``` Boost matching documents ```ruby boost_where: {user_id: 1} boost_where: {user_id: {value: 1, factor: 100}} # default factor is 1000 boost_where: {user_id: [{value: 1, factor: 100}, {value: 2, factor: 200}]} ``` [Conversions](#keep-getting-better) are also a great way to boost. ### Get Everything Use a `*` for the query. ```ruby Product.search "*" ``` ### Pagination Plays nicely with kaminari and will_paginate. ```ruby # controller @products = Product.search "milk", page: params[:page], per_page: 20 ``` View with kaminari ```erb <%= paginate @products %> ``` View with will_paginate ```erb <%= will_paginate @products %> ``` ### Partial Matches By default, results must match all words in the query. ```ruby Product.search "fresh honey" # fresh AND honey ``` To change this, use: ```ruby Product.search "fresh honey", operator: "or" # fresh OR honey ``` By default, results must match the entire word - `back` will not match `backpack`. You can change this behavior with: ```ruby class Product < ActiveRecord::Base searchkick word_start: [:name] end ``` And to search (after you reindex): ```ruby Product.search "back", fields: [{name: :word_start}] ``` Available options are: ```ruby :word # default :word_start :word_middle :word_end :text_start :text_middle :text_end ``` To boost fields, use: ```ruby fields: [{"name^2" => :word_start}] # better interface on the way ``` ### Exact Matches ```ruby User.search "hi@searchkick.org", fields: [{email: :exact}, :name] ``` ### Language Searchkick defaults to English for stemming. To change this, use: ```ruby class Product < ActiveRecord::Base searchkick language: "German" end ``` [See the list of languages](http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/analysis-snowball-tokenfilter.html) ### Synonyms ```ruby class Product < ActiveRecord::Base searchkick synonyms: [["scallion", "green onion"], ["qtip", "cotton swab"]] end ``` Call `Product.reindex` after changing synonyms. ### WordNet Prepopulate English synonyms with the [WordNet database](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WordNet). Download [WordNet 3.0](http://wordnetcode.princeton.edu/3.0/WNprolog-3.0.tar.gz) to each Elasticsearch server and move `wn_s.pl` to the `/var/lib` directory. ```sh cd /tmp curl -o wordnet.tar.gz http://wordnetcode.princeton.edu/3.0/WNprolog-3.0.tar.gz tar -zxvf wordnet.tar.gz mv prolog/wn_s.pl /var/lib ``` Tell each model to use it: ```ruby class Product < ActiveRecord::Base searchkick wordnet: true end ``` ### Misspellings By default, Searchkick handles misspelled queries by returning results with an [edit distance](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenshtein_distance) of one. You can change this with: ```ruby Product.search "zucini", misspellings: {edit_distance: 2} # zucchini ``` Or turn off misspellings with: ```ruby Product.search "zuchini", misspellings: false # no zucchini ``` Swapping two letters counts as two edits. To count the [transposition of two adjacent characters as a single edit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damerau%E2%80%93Levenshtein_distance), use: ```ruby Product.search "mikl", misspellings: {transpositions: true} # milk ``` This is planned to be the default in Searchkick 1.0. ### Indexing Control what data is indexed with the `search_data` method. Call `Product.reindex` after changing this method. ```ruby class Product < ActiveRecord::Base def search_data as_json only: [:name, :active] # or equivalently { name: name, active: active } end end ``` Searchkick uses `find_in_batches` to import documents. To eager load associations, use the `search_import` scope. ```ruby class Product < ActiveRecord::Base scope :search_import, -> { includes(:searches) } end ``` By default, all records are indexed. To control which records are indexed, use the `should_index?` method. ```ruby class Product < ActiveRecord::Base def should_index? active # only index active records end end ``` ### To Reindex, or Not to Reindex #### Reindex - when you install or upgrade searchkick - change the `search_data` method - change the `searchkick` method #### No need to reindex - App starts ### Stay Synced There are three strategies for keeping the index synced with your database. 1. Immediate (default) Anytime a record is inserted, updated, or deleted 2. Asynchronous Use background jobs for better performance ```ruby class Product < ActiveRecord::Base searchkick callbacks: :async end ``` And [install Active Job](https://github.com/ankane/activejob_backport) for Rails 4.1 and below 3. Manual Turn off automatic syncing ```ruby class Product < ActiveRecord::Base searchkick callbacks: false end ``` #### Associations Data is **not** automatically synced when an association is updated. If this is desired, add a callback to reindex: ```ruby class Image < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :product after_commit :reindex_product def reindex_product product.reindex # or reindex_async end end ``` ### Keep Getting Better Searchkick uses conversion data to learn what users are looking for. If a user searches for “ice cream” and adds Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey to the cart (our conversion metric at Instacart), that item gets a little more weight for similar searches. The first step is to define your conversion metric and start tracking conversions. The database works well for low volume, but feel free to use Redis or another datastore. ```ruby class Search < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :product # fields: id, query, searched_at, converted_at, product_id end ``` You do **not** need to clean up the search queries. Searchkick automatically treats `apple` and `APPLES` the same. Next, add conversions to the index. ```ruby class Product < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :searches searchkick conversions: "conversions" # name of field def search_data { name: name, conversions: searches.group("query").count # {"ice cream" => 234, "chocolate" => 67, "cream" => 2} } end end ``` Reindex and set up a cron job to add new conversions daily. ```ruby rake searchkick:reindex CLASS=Product ``` ### Personalized Results Order results differently for each user. For example, show a user’s previously purchased products before other results. ```ruby class Product < ActiveRecord::Base def search_data { name: name, orderer_ids: orders.pluck(:user_id) # boost this product for these users } end end ``` Reindex and search with: ```ruby Product.search "milk", boost_where: {orderer_ids: current_user.id} ``` ### Autocomplete Autocomplete predicts what a user will type, making the search experience faster and easier. ![Autocomplete](http://ankane.github.io/searchkick/autocomplete.png) **Note:** If you only have a few thousand records, don’t use Searchkick for autocomplete. It’s *much* faster to load all records into JavaScript and autocomplete there (eliminates network requests). First, specify which fields use this feature. This is necessary since autocomplete can increase the index size significantly, but don’t worry - this gives you blazing faster queries. ```ruby class City < ActiveRecord::Base searchkick text_start: [:name] end ``` Reindex and search with: ```ruby City.search "san fr", fields: [{name: :text_start}] ``` Typically, you want to use a JavaScript library like [typeahead.js](http://twitter.github.io/typeahead.js/) or [jQuery UI](http://jqueryui.com/autocomplete/). #### Here’s how to make it work with Rails First, add a route and controller action. ```ruby # app/controllers/cities_controller.rb class CitiesController < ApplicationController def autocomplete render json: City.search(params[:query], fields: [{name: :text_start}], limit: 10).map(&:name) end end ``` Then add the search box and JavaScript code to a view. ```html ``` ### Suggestions ![Suggest](http://ankane.github.io/searchkick/recursion.png) ```ruby class Product < ActiveRecord::Base searchkick suggest: ["name"] # fields to generate suggestions end ``` Reindex and search with: ```ruby products = Product.search "peantu butta", suggest: true products.suggestions # ["peanut butter"] ``` ### Facets [Facets](http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/search/facets/) provide aggregated search data. ![Facets](http://ankane.github.io/searchkick/facets.png) ```ruby products = Product.search "chuck taylor", facets: [:product_type, :gender, :brand] p products.facets ``` By default, `where` conditions are not applied to facets (for backward compatibility). ```ruby Product.search "wingtips", where: {color: "brandy"}, facets: [:size] # facets *not* filtered by color :( ``` Change this with: ```ruby Product.search "wingtips", where: {color: "brandy"}, facets: [:size], smart_facets: true ``` or set `where` conditions for each facet separately: ```ruby Product.search "wingtips", facets: {size: {where: {color: "brandy"}}} ``` Limit ```ruby Product.search "apples", facets: {store_id: {limit: 10}} ``` Ranges ```ruby price_ranges = [{to: 20}, {from: 20, to: 50}, {from: 50}] Product.search "*", facets: {price: {ranges: price_ranges}} ``` Use the `stats` option to get to max, min, mean, and total scores for each facet ```ruby Product.search "*", facets: {store_id: {stats: true}} ``` ### Highlight Specify which fields to index with highlighting. ```ruby class Product < ActiveRecord::Base searchkick highlight: [:name] end ``` Highlight the search query in the results. ```ruby bands = Band.search "cinema", fields: [:name], highlight: true ``` **Note:** The `fields` option is required, unless highlight options are given - see below. View the highlighted fields with: ```ruby bands.with_details.each do |band, details| puts details[:highlight][:name] # "Two Door Cinema Club" end ``` To change the tag, use: ```ruby Band.search "cinema", fields: [:name], highlight: {tag: ""} ``` To highlight and search different fields, use: ```ruby Band.search "cinema", fields: [:name], highlight: {fields: [:description]} ``` Additional options, including fragment size, can be specified for each field: ```ruby Band.search "cinema", fields: [:name], highlight: {fields: {name: {fragment_size: 200}}} ``` You can find available highlight options in the [Elasticsearch reference](http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-request-highlighting.html#_highlighted_fragments). ### Similar Items Find similar items. ```ruby product = Product.first product.similar(fields: ["name"], where: {size: "12 oz"}) ``` ### Geospatial Searches ```ruby class City < ActiveRecord::Base searchkick locations: ["location"] def search_data attributes.merge location: [latitude, longitude] end end ``` Reindex and search with: ```ruby City.search "san", where: {location: {near: [37, -114], within: "100mi"}} # or 160km ``` Bounded by a box ```ruby City.search "san", where: {location: {top_left: [38, -123], bottom_right: [37, -122]}} ``` ### Boost By Distance Boost results by distance - closer results are boosted more ```ruby City.search "san", boost_by_distance: {field: :location, origin: [37, -122]} ``` Also supports [additional options](http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-function-score-query.html#_decay_functions) ```ruby City.search "san", boost_by_distance: {field: :location, origin: [37, -122], function: :linear, scale: "30mi", decay: 0.5} ``` ### Routing Searchkick supports [Elasticsearch’s routing feature](https://www.elastic.co/blog/customizing-your-document-routing). ```ruby class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base searchkick routing: :user_id end ``` Reindex and search with: ```ruby Contact.search "John", routing: current_user.id ``` ## Inheritance Searchkick supports single table inheritance. ```ruby class Dog < Animal end ``` The parent and child model can both reindex. ```ruby Animal.reindex Dog.reindex # equivalent ``` And to search, use: ```ruby Animal.search "*" # all animals Dog.search "*" # just dogs Animal.search "*", type: [Dog, Cat] # just cats and dogs ``` **Note:** The `suggest` option retrieves suggestions from the parent at the moment. ```ruby Dog.search "airbudd", suggest: true # suggestions for all animals ``` ## Debugging Queries See how Elasticsearch tokenizes your queries with: ```ruby Product.searchkick_index.tokens("Dish Washer Soap", analyzer: "default_index") # ["dish", "dishwash", "washer", "washersoap", "soap"] Product.searchkick_index.tokens("dishwasher soap", analyzer: "searchkick_search") # ["dishwashersoap"] - no match Product.searchkick_index.tokens("dishwasher soap", analyzer: "searchkick_search2") # ["dishwash", "soap"] - match!! ``` Partial matches ```ruby Product.searchkick_index.tokens("San Diego", analyzer: "searchkick_word_start_index") # ["s", "sa", "san", "d", "di", "die", "dieg", "diego"] Product.searchkick_index.tokens("dieg", analyzer: "searchkick_word_search") # ["dieg"] - match!! ``` See the [complete list of analyzers](lib/searchkick/index.rb#L209). ## Deployment Searchkick uses `ENV["ELASTICSEARCH_URL"]` for the Elasticsearch server. This defaults to `http://localhost:9200`. ### Heroku Choose an add-on: [SearchBox](https://addons.heroku.com/searchbox), [Bonsai](https://addons.heroku.com/bonsai), or [Found](https://addons.heroku.com/foundelasticsearch). ```sh # SearchBox heroku addons:add searchbox:starter heroku config:add ELASTICSEARCH_URL=`heroku config:get SEARCHBOX_URL` # Bonsai heroku addons:add bonsai heroku config:add ELASTICSEARCH_URL=`heroku config:get BONSAI_URL` # Found heroku addons:add foundelasticsearch heroku config:add ELASTICSEARCH_URL=`heroku config:get FOUNDELASTICSEARCH_URL` ``` Then deploy and reindex: ```sh heroku run rake searchkick:reindex CLASS=Product ``` ### Other Create an initializer `config/initializers/elasticsearch.rb` with: ```ruby ENV["ELASTICSEARCH_URL"] = "http://username:password@api.searchbox.io" ``` Then deploy and reindex: ```sh rake searchkick:reindex CLASS=Product ``` ### Performance For the best performance, add [Typhoeus](https://github.com/typhoeus/typhoeus) to your Gemfile. ```ruby gem 'typhoeus' ``` And create an initializer with: ```ruby require "typhoeus/adapters/faraday" Ethon.logger = Logger.new("/dev/null") ``` **Note:** Typhoeus is not available for Windows. ### Automatic Failover Create an initializer `config/initializers/elasticsearch.rb` with multiple hosts: ```ruby Searchkick.client = Elasticsearch::Client.new(hosts: ["localhost:9200", "localhost:9201"], retry_on_failure: true) ``` See [elasticsearch-transport](https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-ruby/blob/master/elasticsearch-transport) for a complete list of options. ### Lograge Add the following to `config/environments/production.rb`: ```ruby config.lograge.custom_options = lambda do |event| options = {} options[:search] = event.payload[:searchkick_runtime] if event.payload[:searchkick_runtime].to_f > 0 options end ``` See [Production Rails](https://github.com/ankane/production_rails) for other good practices. ## Advanced Prefer to use the [Elasticsearch DSL](http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-queries.html) but still want awesome features like zero-downtime reindexing? ### Advanced Mapping Create a custom mapping: ```ruby class Product < ActiveRecord::Base searchkick mappings: { product: { properties: { name: {type: "string", analyzer: "keyword"} } } } end ``` To keep the mappings and settings generated by Searchkick, use: ```ruby class Product < ActiveRecord::Base searchkick merge_mappings: true, mappings: {...} end ``` ### Advanced Search And use the `body` option to search: ```ruby products = Product.search body: {match: {name: "milk"}} ``` View the response with: ```ruby products.response ``` To modify the query generated by Searchkick, use: ```ruby products = Product.search "apples" do |body| body[:query] = {match_all: {}} end ``` ## Reference Reindex one record ```ruby product = Product.find 10 product.reindex # or to reindex in the background product.reindex_async ``` Reindex more than one record without recreating the index ```ruby # do this ... some_company.products.each { |p| p.reindex } # or this ... Product.searchkick_index.import(some_company.products) # don't do the following as it will recreate the index with some_company's products only some_company.products.reindex ``` Reindex large set of records in batches ```ruby Product.where("id > 100000").find_in_batches do |batch| Product.searchkick_index.import(batch) end ``` Remove old indices ```ruby Product.clean_indices ``` Use a different index name ```ruby class Product < ActiveRecord::Base searchkick index_name: "products_v2" end ``` Use a dynamic index name ```ruby class Product < ActiveRecord::Base searchkick index_name: -> { "#{name.tableize}-#{I18n.locale}" } end ``` Prefix the index name ```ruby class Product < ActiveRecord::Base searchkick index_prefix: "datakick" end ``` Turn off callbacks temporarily ```ruby Product.disable_search_callbacks # or use Searchkick.disable_callbacks for all models ExpensiveProductsTask.execute Product.enable_search_callbacks # or use Searchkick.enable_callbacks for all models Product.reindex ``` Change timeout ```ruby Searchkick.timeout = 5 # defaults to 10 ``` Change the search method name in `config/initializers/searchkick.rb` ```ruby Searchkick.search_method_name = :lookup ``` Eager load associations ```ruby Product.search "milk", include: [:brand, :stores] ``` Do not load models ```ruby Product.search "milk", load: false ``` Turn off special characters ```ruby class Product < ActiveRecord::Base # A will not match Ä searchkick special_characters: false end ``` Change import batch size ```ruby class Product < ActiveRecord::Base searchkick batch_size: 200 # defaults to 1000 end ``` Create index without importing ```ruby Product.reindex(import: false) ``` Make fields unsearchable but include in the source ```ruby class Product < ActiveRecord::Base searchkick unsearchable: [:color] end ``` Reindex conditionally **Note:** With ActiveRecord, use this feature with caution - [transaction rollbacks can cause data inconstencies](https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-rails/blob/master/elasticsearch-model/README.md#custom-callbacks) ```ruby class Product < ActiveRecord::Base searchkick callbacks: false # add the callbacks manually after_save :reindex, if: proc{|model| model.name_changed? } # use your own condition after_destroy :reindex end ``` Reindex all models - Rails only ```sh rake searchkick:reindex:all ``` Turn on misspellings after a certain number of characters ```ruby Product.search "api", misspellings: {prefix_length: 2} # api, apt, no ahi ``` **Note:** With this option, if the query length is the same as `prefix_length`, misspellings are turned off ```ruby Product.search "ah", misspellings: {prefix_length: 2} # ah, no aha ``` ## Large Data Sets For large data sets, check out [Keeping Elasticsearch in Sync](https://www.found.no/foundation/keeping-elasticsearch-in-sync/). Searchkick will make this easy in the future. ## Testing This section could use some love. ### RSpec ```ruby describe Product do it "searches" do Product.reindex Product.searchkick_index.refresh # don't forget this # test goes here... end end ``` ### Factory Girl ```ruby product = FactoryGirl.create(:product) product.reindex # don't forget this Product.searchkick_index.refresh # or this ``` ## Migrating from Tire 1. Change `search` methods to `tire.search` and add index name in existing search calls ```ruby Product.search "fruit" ``` should be replaced with ```ruby Product.tire.search "fruit", index: "products" ``` 2. Replace tire mapping w/ searchkick method ```ruby class Product < ActiveRecord::Base searchkick end ``` 3. Deploy and reindex ```ruby rake searchkick:reindex CLASS=Product # or Product.reindex in the console ``` 4. Once it finishes, replace search calls w/ searchkick calls ## Upgrading View the [changelog](https://github.com/ankane/searchkick/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md). Important notes are listed below. ### 0.6.0 and 0.7.0 If running Searchkick `0.6.0` or `0.7.0` and Elasticsearch `0.90`, we recommend upgrading to Searchkick `0.6.1` or `0.7.1` to fix an issue that causes downtime when reindexing. ### 0.3.0 Before `0.3.0`, locations were indexed incorrectly. When upgrading, be sure to reindex immediately. ## Elasticsearch Gotchas ### Inconsistent Scores Due to the distributed nature of Elasticsearch, you can get incorrect results when the number of documents in the index is low. You can [read more about it here](http://www.elasticsearch.org/blog/understanding-query-then-fetch-vs-dfs-query-then-fetch/). To fix this, do: ```ruby class Product < ActiveRecord::Base searchkick settings: {number_of_shards: 1} end ``` For convenience, this is set by default in the test environment. ## Thanks Thanks to Karel Minarik for [Elasticsearch Ruby](https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-ruby) and [Tire](https://github.com/karmi/tire), Jaroslav Kalistsuk for [zero downtime reindexing](https://gist.github.com/jarosan/3124884), and Alex Leschenko for [Elasticsearch autocomplete](https://github.com/leschenko/elasticsearch_autocomplete). ## Roadmap - More features for large data sets - Improve section on testing - Semantic search features - Search multiple fields for different terms - Search across models - Search nested objects - Much finer customization ## Contributing Everyone is encouraged to help improve this project. Here are a few ways you can help: - [Report bugs](https://github.com/ankane/searchkick/issues) - Fix bugs and [submit pull requests](https://github.com/ankane/searchkick/pulls) - Write, clarify, or fix documentation - Suggest or add new features To get started with development and testing: ```sh git clone https://github.com/ankane/searchkick.git cd searchkick bundle install rake test ```