(function (window, document, axe) { window.GOVUK = window.GOVUK || {} function AccessibilityTest (selector, callback) { if (typeof callback !== 'function') { return } var element = document.querySelector(selector) if (!element) { return callback() } var dataDisabledRules = element.getAttribute('data-excluded-rules') var disabledRules = dataDisabledRules ? JSON.parse(dataDisabledRules) : [] var axeRules = {} disabledRules.forEach(function (rule) { axeRules[rule] = { enabled: false } }) var axeOptions = { restoreScroll: true, include: [selector], rules: axeRules } // TODO: Remove when aXe core patched // https://github.com/dequelabs/axe-core/issues/525 if (document.querySelector('svg') && !(document.querySelector('svg').children instanceof HTMLCollection)) { delete axeOptions['restoreScroll'] } axe.run(selector, axeOptions, function (err, results) { if (err) { return callback('aXe Error: ' + err) } if (typeof results === "undefined") { return callback('aXe Error: Expected results but none returned') } var consoleErrorText = _consoleErrorText(results.violations, results.url) var bodyClass = results.violations.length === 0 ? "js-test-a11y-success" : "js-test-a11y-failed" document.body.classList.add(bodyClass); document.body.classList.add("js-test-a11y-finished"); callback(undefined, consoleErrorText, _processAxeResultsForPage(results)) }) } var _consoleErrorText = function(violations, url) { if (violations.length !== 0) { return ( '\n' + 'Accessibility issues at ' + url + '\n\n' + violations.map(function (violation) { var help = 'Problem: ' + violation.help + ' (' + violation.id + ')' var helpUrl = 'Try fixing it with this help: ' + _formatHelpUrl(violation.helpUrl) var htmlAndTarget = violation.nodes.map(_renderNode).join('\n\n') return [ help, htmlAndTarget, helpUrl ].join('\n\n\n') }).join('\n\n- - -\n\n') ) } else { return false } } var _processAxeResultsForPage = function(results) { return { violations: _mapSummaryAndCause(results.violations), incompleteWarnings: _mapSummaryAndCause(results.incomplete) } } var _mapSummaryAndCause = function(resultsArray) { return resultsArray.map(function (result) { var cssSelector = result.nodes.map(function (node) { return { 'selector': node.target, 'reasons': node.any.map(function(item) { return item.message }) } }) return { 'id': result.id, 'summary': result.help, 'selectors': cssSelector, 'url': _formatHelpUrl(result.helpUrl) } }) } var _formatHelpUrl = function (helpUrl) { if (axe.version.indexOf('alpha') === -1) { console.warn('Deprecation warning: helpUrl formatting is no longer needed so can be deleted') return helpUrl } return helpUrl.replace('3.0.0-alpha', '2.3') } var _renderNode = function (node) { return ( ' Check the HTML:\n' + ' `' + node.html + '`\n' + ' found with the selector:\n' + ' "' + node.target.join(', ') + '"' ) } var _findParent = function (element, selector) { while (element.tagName !== 'HTML') { if (element.matches(selector)) { return element } element = element.parentNode } } var _renderAxeResultsInGuide = function (resultsGroup, resultContainerSelector) { resultsGroup.forEach(function (result) { result.selectors.forEach(function (selectorObj) { var activeEl = document.querySelector(selectorObj.selector) var activeElParent = _findParent(activeEl, '[data-module="test-a11y"]') var wrapper = activeElParent.querySelector(resultContainerSelector) if (wrapper) { var resultHTML = '
' + selectorObj.reasons.join('
') + '
Element can be found using the selector:
' +
selectorObj.selector +