# frozen_string_literal: true require 'effective_resources/engine' require 'effective_resources/version' require 'effective_resources/effective_gem' module EffectiveResources MAILER_SUBJECT_PROC = Proc.new { |action, subject, resource, opts = {}| subject } def self.config_keys [ :authorization_method, :default_submits, :parent_mailer, :deliver_method, :mailer_layout, :mailer_sender, :mailer_froms, :mailer_admin, :mailer_subject ] end include EffectiveGem def self.authorized?(controller, action, resource) @exceptions ||= [Effective::AccessDenied, (CanCan::AccessDenied if defined?(CanCan)), (Pundit::NotAuthorizedError if defined?(Pundit))].compact return !!authorization_method unless authorization_method.respond_to?(:call) controller = controller.controller if controller.respond_to?(:controller) begin !!(controller || self).instance_exec((controller || self), action, resource, &authorization_method) rescue *@exceptions false end end def self.authorize!(controller, action, resource) raise Effective::AccessDenied.new('Access Denied', action, resource) unless authorized?(controller, action, resource) end def self.default_submits (['Save', 'Continue', 'Add New'] & Array(config.default_submits)).inject({}) { |h, v| h[v] = true; h } end # Mailer Settings # These serve as the default mailer settings for all effective_* gems # They can be overriden on a per-gem basis. def self.deliver_method return config[:deliver_method] if config[:deliver_method].present? rails = Rails.application.config (rails.respond_to?(:active_job) && rails.active_job.queue_adapter) ? :deliver_later : :deliver_now end def self.parent_mailer_class return config[:parent_mailer].constantize if config[:parent_mailer].present? '::ApplicationMailer'.safe_constantize || 'ActionMailer::Base'.constantize end def self.mailer_layout config[:mailer_layout] || 'effective_mailer_layout' end def self.mailer_subject config[:mailer_subject] || MAILER_SUBJECT_PROC end def self.mailer_admin config[:mailer_admin] || raise('effective resources mailer_admin missing. Add it to config/initializers/effective_resources.rb') end def self.mailer_sender config[:mailer_sender] || raise('effective resources mailer_sender missing. Add it to config/initializers/effective_resources.rb') end def self.mailer_froms config[:mailer_froms].presence || [mailer_sender] end # Utilities # This looks up the best class give the name # If the Tenant is present, use those classes first. def self.best(name) klass = if defined?(Tenant) ('::' + Tenant.module_name + '::' + name).safe_constantize || ('::' + Tenant.module_name + '::Effective::' + name).safe_constantize end klass ||= begin ('::' + name).safe_constantize || ('::Effective::' + name).safe_constantize end raise("unable to find best #{name}") if klass.blank? klass end # Used by streaming CSV export in datatables def self.with_resource_enumerator(&block) raise('expected a block') unless block_given? tenant = Tenant.current if defined?(Tenant) if tenant Enumerator.new do |enumerator| Tenant.as(tenant) { yield(enumerator) } end else Enumerator.new { |enumerator| yield(enumerator) } end end def self.truthy?(value) if defined?(::ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::Column::TRUE_VALUES) # Rails <5 ::ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::Column::TRUE_VALUES.include?(value) else ::ActiveRecord::Type::Boolean.new.cast(value) end end def self.advance_date(date, business_days: 1, holidays: [:ca, :observed]) raise('business_days must be an integer <= 365') unless business_days.kind_of?(Integer) && business_days <= 365 business_days.times do loop do date = date + 1.day break if business_day?(date, holidays: holidays) end end date end def self.business_day?(date, holidays: [:ca, :observed]) require 'holidays' unless defined?(Holidays) date.wday != 0 && date.wday != 6 && Holidays.on(date, *holidays).blank? end # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66103388/attach-activestorage-blob-with-a-different-filename def self.clone_blob(blob, options = {}) raise('expected an ActiveStorage::Blob') unless blob.kind_of?(ActiveStorage::Blob) atts = { filename: blob.filename, byte_size: blob.byte_size, checksum: blob.checksum, content_type: blob.content_type, metadata: blob.metadata, }.merge(options) service = blob.service duplicate = ActiveStorage::Blob.create_before_direct_upload!(**atts) case service.class.name when 'ActiveStorage::Service::S3Service', 'ActiveStorage::Service::S3NoDeleteService' bucket = service.bucket object = bucket.object(blob.key) object.copy_to(bucket.object(duplicate.key)) when 'ActiveStorage::Service::DiskService' path = service.path_for(blob.key) duplicate_path = service.path_for(duplicate.key) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(duplicate_path)) FileUtils.ln(path, duplicate_path) if File.exist?(path) else raise "unknown storage service #{service.class.name}" end duplicate end def self.transaction(resource = nil, &block) raise('expected a block') unless block_given? if resource.respond_to?(:transaction) resource.transaction { yield } elsif resource.class.respond_to?(:transaction) resource.class.transaction { yield } else ActiveRecord::Base.transaction { yield } end end def self.replace_nested_attributes(attributes) attributes.reject { |k, values| truthy?(values[:_destroy]) }.inject({}) do |h, (key, values)| h[key] = values.reject { |k, v| k == 'id' || k == '_destroy' }; h end end # effective_translate def self.et(resource, attribute = nil) if resource.respond_to?(:datatable_name) resource.datatable_name elsif resource.respond_to?(:model_name) == false # Just a string. Fees will do this value = I18n.t(resource) raise StandardError.new("Missing translation: #{resource}") if value.include?(resource) value elsif attribute.blank? resource.model_name.human elsif resource.respond_to?(:human_attribute_name) resource.human_attribute_name(attribute) else resource.class.human_attribute_name(attribute) end end def self.etd(resource, attribute = nil) et(resource, attribute).downcase end def self.ets(resource, attribute = nil) et(resource, attribute).pluralize end def self.etsd(resource, attribute = nil) et(resource, attribute).pluralize.downcase end end