#!/usr/bin/env ruby =begin ======================================================================= # MD2MAN-RAKE 1 2013-09-08 2.0.2 ## NAME md2man-rake - run rake(1) tasks from md2man(1) ## SYNOPSIS `md2man-rake` [*OPTION*]... [*TASK*]... ## DESCRIPTION This program lets you run rake(1) tasks provided by md2man(1) without having to create a special file named `Rakefile` that contains the following snippet: require 'md2man/rakefile' If no *TASK* is specified, then the `md2man` task is run by default. ## TASKS `md2man` Runs the `md2man:man` and `md2man:web` tasks, in that order. `md2man:man` Builds UNIX manual pages from `*.markdown`, `*.mkd`, and `*.md` files found in or beneath the `man/` subdirectory in your working directory. `md2man:web` Builds HTML manual pages from `*.markdown`, `*.mkd`, and `*.md` files found in or beneath the `man/` subdirectory in your working directory. ## OPTIONS `-h`, `--help` Show this help manual. Run `rake --help` to see more options. ## SEE ALSO rake(1), md2man-roff(1), md2man-html(1), md2man(5) =end ========================================================================= require 'binman' BinMan.help require 'rake' Rake.application.init File.basename(__FILE__) require 'md2man/rakefile' task :default => :md2man Rake.application.top_level