// = require decidim/data_picker // = require jquery.auto-complete // = require_self $(function() { $(document).on( "open.zf.reveal", "#data_picker-modal", /* @this HTMLElement */ function () { let xhr = null; $("#data_picker-autocomplete").autoComplete({ minChars: 2, source: function(term, response) { try { xhr.abort(); } catch (exception) { xhr = null; } let url = $("#proposal-picker-choose").attr("href"); xhr = $.getJSON( url, { term: term }, function(data) { response(data); } ); }, renderItem: function (item, search) { let sanitizedSearch = search.replace(/[-/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&"); let re = new RegExp(`(${sanitizedSearch.split(" ").join("|")})`, "gi"); let title = item[0]; let modelId = item[1]; return `
${title.replace(re, "$1")}
`; }, onSelect: function(event, term, item) { let choose = $("#proposal-picker-choose"); let modelId = item.data("modelId"); let val = item.data("val"); choose.data("picker-value", modelId); choose.data("picker-text", val); choose.data("picker-choose", ""); } }); // Remove all the empty values after the selection is made to prevent // these empty values appearing in the list. // This is needed until the following is merged to the core: // https://github.com/decidim/decidim/pull/4842 const $choose = $("#proposal-picker-choose", this); $choose.on("click", function() { const $values = $("#plan_proposals .picker-values"); $("input[type='checkbox']", $values).each(function(_ev, input) { const $input = $(input); if ($input.val().length < 1) { $input.parent().remove(); } }); }); } ); });