# Changes ##2.0.0 *Limit Faraday to no retries on requests, update version of faraday -Bonnie Mattson ## 1.8.0 * loosened faraday dependency - Michael Bernstein * Moved `ContextIO::Message#thread` from private to public, and also changed the method to return json data instead of creating a `ContextIO::Thread` object. - Eric Pinzur * Add 'references' to lazy_attributes in message.rb - Dylan Stamat ## 1.7.2 * Improve error handling for better trouble shooting. - Ben Hamill ## 1.7.1 * Fix bug in `ContextIO::Message#set_flags` that was failing, and also fixes the wrong api url it was trying to call. - [Paul Bonaud](https://github.com/popox) * Spruce up README, and add CONTRIBUTING and RELEASING guides. - Ben Hamill ## 1.7.0 * Further README updates for clarity. - Johnny Goodman * Convert to Faraday back-end for making requests. - Ben Hamill * Fix bug in `ContextIO::Source` that caused the `sync_data` method to always fail. - Dominik Gehl * Improve documentation for `ContextIO::API::ResourceCollection#where` to include a link to the general API documentation. - Chris McNair ## 1.6.0 * Add `version` and `base_url` instance variables to API. - Dominik Gehl * Don't try to JSON parse raw attachments. - Dominik Gehl * Use symbols for options internally to avoid OAuth gem failure. - Ben Hamill * Add `in_reply_to` to `Message`'s lazy attributes. - Asa Wilson * Fix bug where `Hash`es with mixed `String`/`Symbol` keys would cause the OAuth gem to explode. - Ben Hamill * Add missing files association to `Message` class. - Ben Hamill * Add a ton of examples to the README to help new users. - Johnny Goodman ## 1.5.0 * Make `Source#sync!` and `Account#sync!` take an options hash that will be passed as parameters in the resulting HTTP request. This is just to aid in debugging. - Ben Hamill ## 1.4.0 * Normalize key names from the API to be valid Ruby variable names. - Ben Hamill * Fix how `Folder` objects create their associated `MessageCollection` objects, specifically with respect to passing around the handle to an appropriate `Account` object. - Ben Hamill * Convenience methods: `Message#to`,`#bcc`, `#cc` and `#reply_to`. - Aubrey Holland ## 1.3.0 * Add sugar `Message#from` method. - Andrew Harrison * Fix bug related to `nil` being passed around for associations which caused the association not to be filled with data from the API. - Ben Hamill ## 1.2.4 * Add link to gem documentation to top of README. - Ben Hamill * Expand README to clarify gem usage. - Ben Hamill * Make `ResourceCollection#[]` correctly pass down the "owning" associated object to instances created with it. - Ben Hamill * Work around the OAuth gem handling PUT request signing a bit oddly. - Ben Hamill ## 1.2.3 * Fix infinite loop in ConnectToken URL building. - Ben Hamill ## 1.2.2 * Fix `PUT` and `POST` parameter submission. - Ben Hamill * Added missing `server` argument to `SourceCollection.create`. - Dominik Gehl * Moved erroneous `File.sync_data` and `File.sync!` over to `Source` where it belonged in the first place. - Bram Plessers ## 1.2.1 * Fixed syntax error typo in previous release. - Geoff Longman ## 1.2.0 * Add `#empty?` and `#size` to resource collections so you can treat them even *more* like arrays! - Geoff Longman ## 1.1.0 * Allow passing options to `OAuth` through the gem. Notably, `:timeout` and `:open_timeout`. - Geoff Longman ## 1.0.1 * Updated homepage link in README distributed with the gem. - Ben Hamill