- backer = @notification.backer |Hi, #{backer.user.name}! br br |The project #{link_to(backer.project.name, "#{Catarse::Configuration[:base_url]}/projects/#{backer.project.to_param}")} that you backed was funded successfully on catarse! Time to celebrate o/ br br |The project had, including you, #{backer.project.total_backers} marvellous backers, raised #{backer.project.display_pledged} and reached #{backer.project.progress}% of its goal =D br br |An important reminder: Catarse's team takes up to 3 days to pass the contact info of all backers to the project producers. Therefore, the project's owner may take a few days to contact you about the rewards, ok? br br |Meanwhile, share this success with the world! br br - fb_img = "<img src=\"#{Catarse::Configuration[:base_url]}/assets/auth/facebook_64.png\" title='Facebook' class='social' />".html_safe == raw link_to(fb_img, "http://www.facebook.com/share.php?u=#{Catarse::Configuration[:base_url]}/projects/#{backer.project.to_param}&t=Uhuu! The project '#{backer.project.name}', that I backed, was successfully funded on Catarse!" , :target => :_blank) - twitter_img = "<img src='#{Catarse::Configuration[:base_url]}/assets/auth/twitter_64.png' title='Twitter' class='social' />".html_safe == raw link_to(twitter_img,"http://twitter.com/?status=#{"Uhuu! The project '#{backer.project.name}', that I backed, was successful @Catarse_! #{backer.project.short_url}"}", :target => :_blank) br br strong |Important information about your pledge (that will help to clear any doubts): br br |Pledged amount: #{backer.value} br - if backer.reward |Choosen reward value: #{backer.reward.minimum_value} br |Choosen reward: #{backer.reward.description} br |Pledge date: #{backer.created_at.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")} br br |If you want to talk to #{backer.project.user.name}, send an email to #{mail_to backer.project.user.email} br br |If you have any other questions, access our #{link_to('FAQ', "#{Catarse::Configuration[:base_url]}/faq")} or send an email to #{mail_to Configuration[:email_contact]} br br |A big hug, br br |Catarse team