class NECB2011 def add_sys1_unitary_ac_baseboard_heating(model:, zones:, mau_type:, mau_heating_coil_type:, baseboard_type:, hw_loop:, multispeed: false) if multispeed add_sys1_unitary_ac_baseboard_heating_multi_speed(model: model, zones: zones, mau_type: mau_type, mau_heating_coil_type: mau_heating_coil_type, baseboard_type: baseboard_type, hw_loop: hw_loop) else add_sys1_unitary_ac_baseboard_heating_single_speed(model: model, zones: zones, mau_type: mau_type, mau_heating_coil_type: mau_heating_coil_type, baseboard_type: baseboard_type, hw_loop: hw_loop) end end def add_sys1_unitary_ac_baseboard_heating_single_speed(model:, zones:, mau_type:, mau_heating_coil_type:, baseboard_type:, hw_loop:) # Keep all data and assumptions for both systems on the top here for easy reference. system_data = {} system_data[:name] = 'Sys_1_Make-up air unit' system_data[:PreheatDesignTemperature] = 7.0 system_data[:PreheatDesignHumidityRatio] = 0.008 system_data[:PrecoolDesignTemperature] = 13.0 system_data[:PrecoolDesignHumidityRatio] = 0.008 system_data[:SizingOption] = 'NonCoincident' system_data[:CoolingDesignAirFlowMethod] = 'DesignDay' system_data[:CoolingDesignAirFlowRate] = 0.0 system_data[:HeatingDesignAirFlowMethod] = 'DesignDay' system_data[:HeatingDesignAirFlowRate] = 0.0 system_data[:SystemOutdoorAirMethod] = 'ZoneSum' system_data[:CentralCoolingDesignSupplyAirHumidityRatio] = 0.0085 system_data[:CentralHeatingDesignSupplyAirHumidityRatio] = 0.0080 system_data[:CentralCoolingDesignSupplyAirTemperature] = 13.0 system_data[:CentralHeatingDesignSupplyAirTemperature] = 43.0 system_data[:AllOutdoorAirinCooling] = true system_data[:AllOutdoorAirinHeating] = true system_data[:TypeofLoadtoSizeOn] = 'VentilationRequirement' system_data[:MinimumSystemAirFlowRatio] = 1.0 # Zone data system_data[:system_supply_air_temperature] = 20.0 system_data[:ZoneCoolingDesignSupplyAirTemperature] = 13.0 system_data[:ZoneHeatingDesignSupplyAirTemperature] = 43.0 # Examine to see if this is a code or assumption. 13.1 maybe need to check system_data[:ZoneCoolingSizingFactor] = 1.1 system_data[:ZoneHeatingSizingFactor] = 1.3 # System Type 1: PTAC with no heating (unitary AC) # Zone baseboards, electric or hot water depending on argument baseboard_type # baseboard_type choices are "Hot Water" or "Electric" # PSZ to represent make-up air unit (if present) # This measure creates: # a PTAC unit for each zone in the building; DX cooling coil # and heating coil that is always off # Baseboards ("Hot Water or "Electric") in zones connected to hot water loop # MAU is present if argument mau == true, not present if argument mau == false # MAU is PSZ; DX cooling # MAU heating coil: hot water coil or electric, depending on argument mau_heating_coil_type # mau_heating_coil_type choices are "Hot Water", "Electric" # boiler_fueltype choices match OS choices for Boiler component fuel type, i.e. # "NaturalGas","Electricity","PropaneGas","FuelOilNo1","FuelOilNo2","Coal","Diesel","Gasoline","OtherFuel1" # Some system parameters are set after system is set up; by applying method 'apply_hvac_efficiency_standard' always_on = model.alwaysOnDiscreteSchedule always_off = BTAP::Resources::Schedules::StandardSchedules::ON_OFF.always_off(model) # Create MAU # TO DO: MAU sizing, characteristics (fan operation schedules, temperature setpoints, outdoor air, etc) if mau_type == true mau_air_loop = common_air_loop(model: model, system_data: system_data) mau_fan =, always_on) # MAU Heating type selection. if mau_heating_coil_type == 'Electric' # electric coil mau_htg_coil =, always_on) end if mau_heating_coil_type == 'Hot Water' mau_htg_coil =, always_on) hw_loop.addDemandBranchForComponent(mau_htg_coil) end # Set up Single Speed DX coil with mau_clg_coil = add_onespeed_DX_coil(model, always_on) mau_clg_coil.setName('CoilCoolingDXSingleSpeed_dx') # Set up OA system oa_controller = oa_controller.autosizeMinimumOutdoorAirFlowRate # Set mechanical ventilation controller outdoor air to ZoneSum (used to be defaulted to ZoneSum but now should be # set explicitly) oa_controller.controllerMechanicalVentilation.setSystemOutdoorAirMethod('ZoneSum') oa_system =, oa_controller) # Add the components to the air loop # in order from closest to zone to furthest from zone supply_inlet_node = mau_air_loop.supplyInletNode mau_fan.addToNode(supply_inlet_node) mau_htg_coil.addToNode(supply_inlet_node) mau_clg_coil.addToNode(supply_inlet_node) oa_system.addToNode(supply_inlet_node) # Add a setpoint manager to control the supply air temperature sat_sch = sat_sch.setName('Makeup-Air Unit Supply Air Temp') sat_sch.defaultDaySchedule.setName('Makeup Air Unit Supply Air Temp Default') sat_sch.defaultDaySchedule.addValue(, 24, 0, 0), system_data[:system_supply_air_temperature]) setpoint_mgr =, sat_sch) setpoint_mgr.addToNode(mau_air_loop.supplyOutletNode) end zones.each do |zone| # Zone sizing temperature sizing_zone = zone.sizingZone sizing_zone.setZoneCoolingDesignSupplyAirTemperature(system_data[:ZoneCoolingDesignSupplyAirTemperature]) sizing_zone.setZoneHeatingDesignSupplyAirTemperature(system_data[:ZoneHeatingDesignSupplyAirTemperature]) sizing_zone.setZoneCoolingSizingFactor(system_data[:ZoneCoolingSizingFactor]) sizing_zone.setZoneHeatingSizingFactor(system_data[:ZoneHeatingSizingFactor]) # Create a PTAC for each zone: # PTAC DX Cooling with electric heating coil; electric heating coil is always off # TO DO: need to apply this system to space types: # (1) data processing area: control room, data centre # when cooling capacity <= 20kW and # (2) residential/accommodation: murb, hotel/motel guest room # when building/space heated only (this as per NECB; apply to # all for initial work? CAN-QUEST limitation) # TO DO: PTAC characteristics: sizing, fan schedules, temperature setpoints, interaction with MAU # htg_coil_elec =,always_on) zero_outdoor_air = true # flag to set outside air flow to 0.0 add_ptac_dx_cooling(model, zone, zero_outdoor_air) # add zone baseboards add_zone_baseboards(baseboard_type: baseboard_type, hw_loop: hw_loop, model: model, zone: zone) # # Create a diffuser and attach the zone/diffuser pair to the MAU air loop, if applicable if mau_type == true diffuser =, always_on) mau_air_loop.addBranchForZone(zone, diffuser.to_StraightComponent) # components for MAU end # of zone loop end if mau_type sys_name_pars = {} sys_name_pars['sys_hr'] = 'none' sys_name_pars['sys_clg'] = 'dx' sys_name_pars['sys_htg'] = mau_heating_coil_type sys_name_pars['sys_sf'] = 'cv' sys_name_pars['zone_htg'] = baseboard_type sys_name_pars['zone_clg'] = 'ptac' sys_name_pars['sys_rf'] = 'none' assign_base_sys_name(mau_air_loop, sys_abbr: 'sys_1', sys_oa: 'doas', sys_name_pars: sys_name_pars) end return true end end