Generated Narrative with Details

id: f201

identifier: UZI-nummer = 12345678901 (OFFICIAL)

active: true

name: Dokter Bronsig(OFFICIAL)

telecom: ph: +31715269111(WORK)

address: Walvisbaai 3 C4 - Automatisering Den helder 2333ZA NLD (WORK)

gender: male

birthDate: Dec 24, 1956


*AUMCImplementation of planned interventions (Details : {SNOMED CT code '225304007' = 'Implementation of planned interventions (procedure)', given as 'Implementation of planned interventions'})Medical oncologist (Details : {SNOMED CT code '310512001' = 'Medical oncologist (occupation)', given as 'Medical oncologist'})


*Pulmonologist (Details : {SNOMED CT code '41672002' = 'Respiratory disease specialist (occupation)', given as 'Pulmonologist'})