xdescribe('uiMap', function () { var scope, $rootScope, $compile; beforeEach(module('ui.directives')); beforeEach(inject(function (_$compile_, _$rootScope_) { $rootScope = _$rootScope_; $compile = _$compile_; })); function createMap(options, events) { scope.gmapOptions = options || {}; scope.gmapEvents = events || {}; $compile("
")(scope); } function createWindow(options, events, inner) { scope.gOptions = options || {}; scope.gEvents = events || {}; inner = inner || angular.element(''); var elm = angular.element("
"); elm.append(inner); $compile(elm)(scope); } describe('test', function () { beforeEach(function () { scope = $rootScope.$new(); }); it('should bind google map object to scope', function () { createMap(); expect(scope.gmap).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should create google map with given options', function () { var center = new google.maps.LatLng(40, 40); createMap({center: center}); expect(scope.gmap.getCenter()).toBe(center); }); it('should pass events to the element as "map-eventname"', function () { scope.zoomy = false; scope.county = 0; createMap({}, { 'map-zoom_changed': 'zoomy = true', 'map-dblclick map-dragend': 'county = county + 1' }); google.maps.event.trigger(scope.gmap, 'zoom_changed'); expect(scope.zoomy).toBeTruthy(); google.maps.event.trigger(scope.gmap, 'dblclick'); expect(scope.county).toBe(1); google.maps.event.trigger(scope.gmap, 'dragend'); expect(scope.county).toBe(2); }); }); describe('test infoWindow', function () { beforeEach(function () { scope = $rootScope.$new(); }); it('should bind info window to scope', function () { createWindow(); expect(scope.ginfo).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should create info window with given options & content', function () { var content = $('


'); createWindow({ zIndex: 5 }, {}, content); expect(scope.ginfo.getZIndex()).toBe(5); expect(scope.ginfo.getContent().innerHTML) .toBe($('
').append(content).html()); }); it('should $compile content and recognize scope changes', function () { var inner = $(''); createWindow({}, {}, inner); createMap(); scope.$apply(function () { scope.myVal = 'initial'; }); scope.ginfo.open(scope.gmap, scope.gmap.getCenter()); expect(inner.val()).toBe('initial'); scope.$apply(function () { scope.myVal = 'final'; }); expect(inner.val()).toBe('final'); }); it('should recognize infowindow events in ui-event as "map-eventname"', function () { createWindow({}, { 'map-closeclick': 'closed = true' }); createMap(); google.maps.event.trigger(scope.ginfo, 'closeclick'); expect(scope.closed).toBe(true); }); }); });