require 'rubygems/gemcutter_utilities' require 'rbconfig' require 'digest/sha1' # Holy shit disgusting Gem.clear_paths paths = ENV['GEM_PATH'].to_s.split(':') paths.unshift(File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', '..', 'vendor', 'ruby', '1.8'))) ENV['GEM_PATH'] = paths.join(':') ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', '..', 'Gemfile')) require 'bundler' require 'uri' require 'rvm' require 'rest-client' require 'json' class Gem::Commands::ScanCommand < Gem::Command include Gem::GemcutterUtilities GemrageHost = '' # GemrageHost = 'http://localhost:3000/' def initialize super('scan', description) end def description 'Scan your gems and upload to' end def arguments '[DIR] Optional directory to scan for project files' end def usage program_name end def execute if dir = get_one_optional_argument notify(send_project_to_gemrage(project_scan(File.expand_path(dir)))) else notify(send_system_to_gemrage(system_scan)) end end private def send_system_to_gemrage(gems), '/api/v1/payload/system.json').to_s, :payload => { :header => { :machine_id => mac_hash }, :installed_gems => gems }) end def send_project_to_gemrage(payload) payload.to_json end def project_scan(dir) Dir[File.join(dir, '**', '{Gemfile}')].map do |gemfile| project_name = File.basename(File.dirname(gemfile)) project_id = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(File.dirname(gemfile)) lockfile = parse_lockfile("#{gemfile}.lock") begin d =, nil, nil) deps = d.current_dependencies { :name => project_name, :identifier => project_id, :gems => Hash[* do |dep| [, lockfile[] || dep.requirement.to_s] end.flatten] } rescue Exception => boom # Maybe it's an old Gemfile nil end end.compact end def parse_lockfile(lockfile) if File.exists?(lockfile) h = {} File.readlines(lockfile).each do |line| line.strip! # Don't care about any lines with range operators on versions next if line.match(/[~><=]/) name, version = get_name_and_versions!(line) rescue next h[name] = version end h else {} end end def system_scan if windows? && pik? notify("Scanning with pik") pik_scan elsif !windows? && rvm? notify("Scanning with RVM...this might take a while") rvm_scan else notify("Scanning with basic gem support") basic_scan end end def pik_scan parse_gem_list(`pik gem list`) rescue {} end def rvm_scan h = {} do |config| notify('Scanning RVM config ', config) begin rd, wr = IO.pipe pid = fork do begin # Clear this because shenanigans ensue ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] = nil RVM.use(config) wr.write("#{rvm_platform}\n") # Have to do it this way to get stdout instead of just the okay from RVM wr.write(RVM.perform_set_operation(:gem, 'list').stdout) ensure # No, mister superman no here... RVM.reset_current! # Ensure we close these inside the fork rd.close unless rd.closed? wr.close unless wr.closed? end end # Close the write pipe so eof works and we don't hang wr.close unless wr.closed? Process.waitpid(pid) plat = rd.readline.chomp.to_sym h = merge_gem_list(h, parse_gem_list(, plat)) rescue => boom # Don't care right now # Might be an IO problem or whatever, just skip it ensure # Ensure we close these outside the fork rd.close unless rd.closed? wr.close unless wr.closed? end end h rescue => boom notify('There was an error scanning: ', boom.message) notify('On line: ', boom.backtrace.first) notify('Please report this at so we can fix it!') {} ensure RVM.reset_current! end def merge_gem_list(*hashes) h = {} hashes.each do |hash| hash.each do |name, platform_hash| h[name] ||= {} platform_hash.each do |platform, versions| h[name][platform] = [h[name][platform], versions].compact.uniq.join(',') end end end h end def basic_scan plat = platform h = {} do |name, spec| h[] ||= {} h[][plat] = [spec.version.to_s, h[][plat]].compact.uniq.join(',') end h end def pik? `pik` rescue false end def rvm? !RVM.path.nil? end def mac_hash Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(Mac.addr) end def parse_gem_list(stdout, plat = platform) h = {} stdout.split("\n").each do |line| name, versions = get_name_and_versions!(line) rescue next versions = versions.split(',').map { |version| version.strip.split.first } h[name] ||= {} h[name][plat] = [h[name][plat], versions].compact.uniq.join(',') end h end def get_name_and_versions!(line) line.match(/^([\w\-_]+) \((.*)\)$/)[1,2] end def rvm_platform platform(rvm_const('RUBY_ENGINE'), rvm_const('RUBY_DESCRIPTION'), rvm_const('RUBY_VERSION')) end def rvm_const(rc) c = RVM.ruby("print #{rc}").stdout.strip and c = c.empty? ? nil : c end def windows? Config::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /msdos|mswin|djgpp|mingw/ end def platform(engine = (defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) ? RUBY_ENGINE : nil), description = (defined?(RUBY_DESCRIPTION) ? RUBY_DESCRIPTION : nil), version = (defined?(RUBY_VERSION) ? RUBY_VERSION : nil)) if engine && engine == 'jruby' :jruby elsif engine && engine == 'ironruby' :ironruby elsif windows? :windows elsif engine && engine == 'rbx' :rubinius elsif description && description =~ /Ruby Enterprise Edition/ :ree elsif engine && engine == 'macruby' :macruby elsif engine && engine == 'maglev' :maglev elsif version && version == '1.8.6' :mri_186 elsif version && version == '1.8.7' :mri_187 elsif version && version =~ /^1\.9/ :mri_19 else :unknown end end def notify(*messages) print(*messages) print("\n") end end