begin require 'rmail' require 'rmail/serialize' Autobuild::HAS_RMAIL = true rescue LoadError Autobuild::HAS_RMAIL = false end require 'net/smtp' require 'socket' require 'etc' require 'find' require 'autobuild/config' require 'autobuild/exceptions' module Autobuild def self.progress(msg) puts " #{msg}" end ## The reporting module provides the framework # to run commands in autobuild and report errors # to the user # # It does not use a logging framework like Log4r, but it should ;-) module Reporting @@reporters = ## Run a block and report known exception # If an exception is fatal, the program is terminated using exit() def begin yield rescue Autobuild::Exception => e error(e) exit(1) if e.fatal? end end ## Reports a successful build to the user def self.success @@reporters.each do |rep| rep.success end end ## Reports that the build failed to the user def self.error(error) @@reporters.each do |rep| rep.error(error) end end ## Add a new reporter def self.<<(reporter) @@reporters << reporter end def self.each_reporter(&iter) @@reporters.each(&iter) end ## Iterate on all log files def self.each_log Find.find(Autobuild.logdir) do |path| if File.file?(path) && path =~ /\.log$/ yield(path) end end end end ## Base class for reporters class Reporter def error(error); end def success; end end ## Display using stdout class StdoutReporter < Reporter def error(error) puts "Build failed: #{error}" end def success puts "Build finished successfully at #{}" if Autobuild.post_success_message puts Autobuild.post_success_message end end end end ## Report by mail if Autobuild::HAS_RMAIL module Autobuild class MailReporter < Reporter def default_mail Etc::endpwent uname = while (pwent = Etc::getpwent) break ( if pwent.uid == Process.uid end raise "FATAL: cannot find a user with uid=#{Process.uid}" unless uname "#{}@#{Socket.gethostname}" end attr_reader :from_email, :to_email, :smtp_hostname, :smtp_port, :subject, :only_errors def initialize(config) @from_email = (config[:from] || default_mail) @to_email = (config[:to] || default_mail) @subject = (config[:subject] || "Build %result% on #{Socket.gethostname} at %time%") @only_errors = config[:only_errors] @smtp_hostname = (config[:smtp] || "localhost" ) @smtp_port = Integer(config[:port] || Socket.getservbyname('smtp')) end def error(error) if error.mail? send_mail("failed", error.to_s) end end def success unless only_errors send_mail("success", Autobuild.post_success_message || "") end end def send_mail(result, body = "") mail = = mail.header.from = from_email mail.header.subject = subject. gsub('%result%', result). gsub('%time%', gsub('%hostname%', Socket.gethostname) part = part.header.set('Content-Type', 'text/plain') part.body = body mail.add_part(part) # Attach log files Reporting.each_log do |file| name = file[Autobuild.logdir.size..-1] mail.add_file(name, file) end # Send the mails smtp =, smtp_port) smtp.start { to_email.each do |email| = email smtp.send_mail RMail::Serialize.write('', mail), from_email, email end } # Notify the sending puts "Sent notification mail to #{to_email} with source #{from_email}" end end end module RMail class Message ## Attachs a file to a message def add_file(name, path, content_type='text/plain') part = part.header.set('Content-Type', content_type) part.header.set('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', 'filename' => name) part.body = '' do |file| part.body << file.readlines.join("") end self.add_part(part) end end end end # if Autobuild::HAS_RMAIL