# brume I am not a designer so I cannot impress you with breathtaking Jekyll themes, but brume is something that just came to my mind and I had to build it. It is a clean and simple theme, which has an index page that lists all your blog posts divided by year and an about page. This is how the "Home" page looks like. ![Home](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9924988/Screen%20Shot%202014-02-26%20at%2018.48.57.png) And this is a single post. ![Home](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9924988/Screen%20Shot%202014-04-06%20at%2012.56.08.png) ## Usage **Important:** The latest version of brume uses `site.baseurl` for links, therefore, if you want to put your site in a subdirectory, update the *_config.yml* file! - Download the ZIP file and extract it's contents. - Open *_config.yml* file and enter your site's URL and add additional configuration or update the existing one if needed. - Open *about/index.md* file and add information about you or your site. You can delete this file and directory if not needed. - Open *_data/links.yml* and add additional links or update the existing ones that you want to be displayed in the navigation menu. - If you don't want to use CC BY-NC 4.0 licence for the content, then you should change the footer text, which is located in *_layouts/default.html*. - Generate your site and be happy! ### Jekyll < 2.0.0 I try to keep brume up to date with the newest Jekyll version. Jekyll 2.0.0 introduced a lot of changes (like a built in Sass support) that are not backward compatible, therefore I have created a separate branch `legacy` for those, who might be using an older Jekyll version. All the changes that I introduce in `master` will be ported to `legacy`. ## Theme customization This theme has 4 predefined colors that can be used for links: - azul - ruby - amber - avocado ![Color Examples](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9924988/colors_new.png) By default it uses *azure*, but if you want to select another one just change the second class of `container` div in *_layouts/default.html* to one of the provided names. Express your thoughts about brume on Twitter [@aigarsdz](http://twitter.com/aigarsdz), and help me make it better!