module Dradis::Plugins::Projects::Upload::V1 module Template class Importer < Dradis::Plugins::Projects::Upload::Template::Importer attr_accessor :attachment_notes, :logger, :pending_changes def post_initialize(args={}) @lookup_table = { categories: {}, nodes: {}, issues: {} } @pending_changes = { # If the note has an attachment screenshot (i.e. !.../nodes/i/attachments/...!) # we will fix the URL to point to the new Node ID. # # WARNING: we need a lookup table because one note may be referencing a # different (yet unprocessed) node's attachments. attachment_notes: [], # evidence is parsed when nodes are parsed, but cannot be saved until # issues have been created. Therefore, parse evidence into arrays until # time for creation evidence: [], # likewise we also need to hold on to the XML about evidence activities # until after the evidence has been saved evidence_activity: [], # all children nodes, we will need to find the ID of their new parents. orphan_nodes: [] } end private def create_activities(trackable, xml_trackable) xml_trackable.xpath('activities/activity').each do |xml_activity| # if 'validate_and_save(activity)' returns false, it needs # to bubble up to the 'import' method so we can stop execution return false unless create_activity(trackable, xml_activity) end end def create_activity(trackable, xml_activity) activity = action: xml_activity.at_xpath("action").text, created_at:"created_at").text.to_i) ) set_activity_user(activity, xml_activity.at_xpath("user_email").text) validate_and_save(activity) end def finalize(template) { 'Wrapping up...' } finalize_nodes() finalize_evidence() finalize_attachments() { 'Done.' } end def finalize_attachments # Adjust attachment URLs for new Node IDs pending_changes[:attachment_notes].each do |item| text_attr = item.is_a?(ContentBlock) ? :content : :text { "Adjusting screenshot URLs: #{} ##{}" } new_text = item.send(text_attr).gsub(%r{^!(.*)/nodes/(\d+)/attachments/(.+)!$}) do |_| "!%s/nodes/%d/attachments/%s!" % [$1, lookup_table[:nodes][$2], $3] end item.send(text_attr.to_s + "=", new_text) raise "Couldn't save note attachment URL for #{} ##{}" unless validate_and_save(item) end end # Save the Evidence instance to the DB now that we have populated the # original issues. def finalize_evidence pending_changes[:evidence].each_with_index do |evidence, i| { "Setting issue_id for evidence" } evidence.issue_id = lookup_table[:issues][evidence.issue_id.to_s] new_content = evidence.content.gsub(%r{^!(.*)/nodes/(\d+)/attachments/(.+)!$}) do |_| "!%s/nodes/%d/attachments/%s!" % [$1, lookup_table[:nodes][$2], $3] end evidence.content = new_content raise "Couldn't save Evidence :issue_id / attachment URL Evidence ##{}" unless validate_and_save(evidence) pending_changes[:evidence_activity][i].each do |xml_activity| raise "Couldn't create activity for Evidence ##{}" unless create_activity(evidence, xml_activity) end end end # Fix relationships between nodes to ensure parents and childrens match # with the new assigned :ids def finalize_nodes pending_changes[:orphan_nodes].each do |node| { "Finding parent for orphaned node: #{node.label}. Former parent was #{node.parent_id}" } node.parent_id = lookup_table[:nodes][node.parent_id.to_s] raise "Couldn't save node parent for Node ##{}" unless validate_and_save(node) end end # Go through the categories, keep a translation table between the old # category id and the new ones so we know to which category we should # assign our notes def parse_categories(template) { 'Processing Categories...' } template.xpath('dradis-template/categories/category').each do |xml_category| old_id = xml_category.at_xpath('id').text.strip name = xml_category.at_xpath('name').text.strip category = nil # Prevent creating duplicate categories { "Looking for category: #{name}" } category = Category.find_or_create_by!(name: name) lookup_table[:categories][old_id] = end { 'Done.' } end # Go through the issues, keep a translation table between the old # issue id and the new ones. This is important for importing evidence # Will need to adjust node ID after generating node structure def parse_issues(template) issue = nil issue_category = Category.issue issue_library = Node.issue_library { 'Processing Issues...' } template.xpath('dradis-template/issues/issue').each do |xml_issue| old_id = xml_issue.at_xpath('id').text.strip # TODO: Need to find some way of checking for dups # May be combination of text, category_id and created_at issue = = xml_issue.at_xpath('author').text.strip issue.text = xml_issue.at_xpath('text').text issue.node = issue_library issue.category = issue_category return false unless validate_and_save(issue) return false unless create_activities(issue, xml_issue) if issue.text =~ %r{^!(.*)/nodes/(\d+)/attachments/(.+)!$} pending_changes[:attachment_notes] << issue end lookup_table[:issues][old_id] ={ "New issue detected: #{issue.title}" } end { 'Done.' } end def parse_methodologies(template) methodology_category = Category.default methodology_library = Node.methodology_library { 'Processing Methodologies...' } template.xpath('dradis-template/methodologies/methodology').each do |xml_methodology| # FIXME: this is wrong in a few levels, we should be able to save a # Methodology instance calling .save() but the current implementation # of the model would consider this a 'methodology template' and not an # instance. # # Also, methodology notes don't have a valid author, see # MethodologiesController#create action (i.e. 'methodology builder' is # used). Note.create!( author: 'methodology importer', node_id:, category_id:, text: xml_methodology.at_xpath('text').text ) end { 'Done.' } end def parse_node(xml_node) element = xml_node.at_xpath('type-id') type_id = element.text.nil? ? nil : element.text.strip label = xml_node.at_xpath('label').text.strip element = xml_node.at_xpath('parent-id') parent_id = element.text.blank? ? nil : element.text.strip # Node positions element = xml_node.at_xpath('position') position = (element && !element.text.nil?) ? element.text.strip : nil # Node properties element = xml_node.at_xpath('properties') properties = (element && !element.text.blank?) ? element.text.strip : nil created_at = xml_node.at_xpath('created-at') updated_at = xml_node.at_xpath('updated-at') { "New node detected: #{label}, parent_id: #{parent_id}, type_id: #{type_id}" } # There are exceptions to the rule, when it does not make sense to have # more than one of this nodes, in any given tree: # - the Configuration.uploadsNode node (detected by its label) # - any nodes with type different from DEFAULT or HOST if label == Configuration.plugin_uploads_node node = Node.create_with(type_id: type_id, parent_id: parent_id) .find_or_create_by!(label: label) elsif Node::Types::USER_TYPES.exclude?(type_id.to_i) node = Node.create_with(label: label) .find_or_create_by!(type_id: type_id) else # We don't want to validate child nodes here yet since they always # have invalid parent id's. They'll eventually be validated in the # finalize_nodes method. has_nil_parent = !parent_id node = type_id: type_id, label: label, parent_id: parent_id, position: position )!(validate: has_nil_parent) pending_changes[:orphan_nodes] << node if parent_id end if properties node.raw_properties = properties!(validate: has_nil_parent) end node.update_attribute(:created_at, created_at.text.strip) if created_at node.update_attribute(:updated_at, updated_at.text.strip) if updated_at raise "Couldn't create activities for Node ##{}" unless create_activities(node, xml_node) parse_node_notes(node, xml_node) parse_node_evidence(node, xml_node) node end def parse_nodes(template) { 'Processing Nodes...' } # Re generate the Node tree structure template.xpath('dradis-template/nodes/node').each do |xml_node| node = parse_node(xml_node) # keep track of reassigned ids lookup_table[:nodes][xml_node.at_xpath('id').text.strip] = end { 'Done.' } end # Create array of evidence from xml input. Cannot store in DB until we # have a new issue id def parse_node_evidence(node, xml_node) xml_node.xpath('evidence/evidence').each do |xml_evidence| if xml_evidence.at_xpath('author') != nil created_at = xml_evidence.at_xpath('created-at') updated_at = xml_evidence.at_xpath('updated-at') evidence = author: xml_evidence.at_xpath('author').text.strip, node_id:, content: xml_evidence.at_xpath('content').text, issue_id: xml_evidence.at_xpath('issue-id').text.strip ) evidence.update_attribute(:created_at, created_at.text.strip) if created_at evidence.update_attribute(:updated_at, updated_at.text.strip) if updated_at pending_changes[:evidence] << evidence pending_changes[:evidence_activity] << xml_evidence.xpath("activities/activity") { "\tNew evidence added." } end end end def parse_node_notes(node, xml_node) xml_node.xpath('notes/note').each do |xml_note| if xml_note.at_xpath('author') != nil old_id = xml_note.at_xpath('category-id').text.strip new_id = lookup_table[:categories][old_id] created_at = xml_note.at_xpath('created-at') updated_at = xml_note.at_xpath('updated-at') { "Note category rewrite, used to be #{old_id}, now is #{new_id}" } note = Note.create!( author: xml_note.at_xpath('author').text.strip, node_id:, category_id: new_id, text: xml_note.at_xpath('text').text ) note.update_attribute(:created_at, created_at.text.strip) if created_at note.update_attribute(:updated_at, updated_at.text.strip) if updated_at raise "Couldn't save Note" unless validate_and_save(note) if note.text =~ %r{^!(.*)/nodes/(\d+)/attachments/(.+)!$} pending_changes[:attachment_notes] << note end raise "Couldn't create activities for Note ##{}" unless create_activities(note, xml_note) { "\tNew note added." } end end end def parse_report_content(template); end def parse_tags(template) { 'Processing Tags...' } template.xpath('dradis-template/tags/tag').each do |xml_tag| name = xml_tag.at_xpath('name').text() tag = Tag.find_or_create_by!(name: name) { "New tag detected: #{name}" } xml_tag.xpath('./taggings/tagging').each do |xml_tagging| old_taggable_id = xml_tagging.at_xpath('taggable-id').text() taggable_type = xml_tagging.at_xpath('taggable-type').text() new_taggable_id = case taggable_type when 'Note' lookup_table[:issues][old_taggable_id] end Tagging.create! tag: tag, taggable_id: new_taggable_id, taggable_type: taggable_type end end { 'Done.' } end def set_activity_user(activity, email) if Activity.column_names.include?('user') activity.user = email else activity.user_id = user_id_for_email(email) end end # Cache users to cut down on excess SQL requests def user_id_for_email(email) return @default_user_id if email.blank? @users ||= begin[:id, :email]).all.each_with_object({}) do |user, hash| hash[] = end end @users[email] || @default_user_id end def validate_and_save(instance) if return true else{ "Malformed #{ } detected: #{ instance.errors.full_messages }" } return false end end end end end