### 0.2.0 / 2024-XX-XX * Require [ronin-db] ~> 0.2 * Added {Ronin::Vulns::Importer}. * Added the `user_agent:` keyword argument to {Ronin::Vulns::WebVuln#initialize}. * Added {Ronin::Vulns::WebVuln#user_agent}. * Added {Ronin::Vulns::CommandInjection}. * Added the `command_injection:` keyword argument to {Ronin::Vulns::URLScanner.scan}. * Added {Ronin::Vulns::RFI#script_lang}. * Support inferring the {Ronin::Vulns::RFI#script_lang} from the URL given to {Ronin::Vulns::RFI#initialize}. * Bruteforce test every different kind of RFI test URL in {Ronin::Vulns::RFI#vulnerable?} if a test script URL was not given or the {Ronin::Vulns::RFI#script_lang} cannot be inferred from the given URL. * Allow the `escape_type:` keyword argument for {Ronin::Vulns::SSTI#initialize} to accept a Symbol value to specify the specific Server-Side-Template-Injection interpolation syntax: * `:double_curly_braces` - `{{expression}}` * `:dollar_curly_braces` - `${expression}` * `:dollar_double_curly_braces` - `${{expression}}` * `:pound_curly_braces` - `#{expression}` * `:angle_brackets_percent` - `<%= expression %>` #### CLI * Added the `ronin-vulns command-injection` command. * Added the `ronin-vulns irb` command. * Added the `ronin-vulns completion` command to install shell completion files for all `ronin-vulns` commands for Bash and Zsh shells. * Added the `-H,--request-method` option to all commands. * Added the `--user-agent` and `--user-agent-string` options to all commands. * Added the `--test-all-form-params` option to all commands. * Added the `--print-curl` and `--print-http` options to all commands. * Added the `--import` option to all commands. * Print a summary of all vulnerabilities found after scanning a URL, in addition to logging messages indicating when a new vulnerability has just been found. * Use hyphenated values for the `--lfi-filter-bypass` option in the `ronin-vulns scan` command and `--filter-bypass` option in the `ronin-vulns lfi` command. ### 0.1.5 / 2024-06-19 * Improve the accuracy of {Ronin::Vulns::OpenRedirect#vulnerable?} when detecting open redirects in meta-refresh HTML tags. * Match the test URL when it ends with `?...`, `&...`, or `&...`. * Detect when the test URL has an additional string appended to it (ex: `.html`). The appended string can easily be bypassed by adding a `?`, `&`, or `#` character to the end of the test URL. ### 0.1.4 / 2023-09-19 #### CLI * Improved the performance of `ronin-vulns` commands when scanning multiple URLs or a file of URLs by not rebuilding an identical {Ronin::Vulns::CLI::WebVulnCommand#scan_kwargs} for each URL. * Allow the `--cookie "..."` option to be repeated multiple times and merge the cookie strings together. * Allow the `--cookie-param NAME=VALUE` option to be used with the `--cookie "..."` option and merge the cookie values together. * Print vulnerable param names in single quotes. ### 0.1.3 / 2023-07-07 * Fixed a bug in {Ronin::Vulns::SSTI.scan} where when called without `escape:` it would not return all found vulnerabilities. * Fixed a bug in {Ronin::Vulns::SQLI.scan} where repeat requests would be sent even if `escape_quote:`, `escape_parens:`, or `terminate:` keyword arguments are given. * Improved {Ronin::Vulns::ReflectedXSS::Context} to detect when the XSS occurs after or *inside of* an HTML comment. ### 0.1.2 / 2023-03-01 * Require `ronin-support` ~> 1.0, >= 1.0.1 #### CLI * Validate that given URLs start with either `http://` or `https://`, and print an error message otherwise. * Print a `No vulnerabilities found` message when no vulnerabilities were discovered. ### 0.1.1 / 2023-02-02 * Fixed typo in {Ronin::Vulns::CLI::WebVulnCommand#process_url} which effected the `ronin-vulns lfi` command and others. ### 0.1.0 / 2023-02-01 * Initial release: * Require `ruby` >= 3.0.0. * Supports testing for: * Local File Inclusion (LFI) * Remote File Inclusion (RFI) * PHP * ASP Class / ASP.NET * JSP * ColdFusion * Perl * SQL Injection (SQLi) * Reflected Cross Site Scripting (XSS) * Server Side Template Injection (SSTI) * Open Redirects * Supports testing: * URL query parameters. * HTTP Headers. * HTTP `Cookie` parameters. * Form parameters. [ronin-db]: https://github.com/ronin-rb/ronin-db#readme