--- KZ: alpha2: KZ alpha3: KAZ continent: Asia country_code: '7' currency_code: KZT distance_unit: KM gec: KZ geo: latitude: 48.019573 longitude: 66.923684 max_latitude: 55.4419839 max_longitude: 87.315415 min_latitude: 40.5685841 min_longitude: 46.493672 bounds: northeast: lat: 55.4419839 lng: 87.315415 southwest: lat: 40.5685841 lng: 46.493672 international_prefix: '810' ioc: KAZ iso_long_name: The Republic of Kazakhstan iso_short_name: Kazakhstan languages_official: - kk - ru languages_spoken: - kk - ru national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '8' nationality: Kazakhstani number: '398' postal_code: true postal_code_format: "\\d{6}" region: Asia start_of_week: monday subregion: Central Asia un_locode: KZ unofficial_names: - Kazakhstan - Kasachstan - Kazajistán - カザフスタン - Kazachstan world_region: EMEA