require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper' require 'controller_spec_controller' ['integration', 'isolation'].each do |mode| describe "A controller example running in #{mode} mode", :type => :controller do controller_name :controller_spec integrate_views if mode == 'integration' specify "this example should be pending, not an error" it "should provide controller.session as session" do get 'action_with_template' session.should equal(controller.session) end it "should provide the same session object before and after the action" do session_before = session get 'action_with_template' session.should equal(session_before) end it "should keep the same data in the session before and after the action" do session[:foo] = :bar get 'action_with_template' session[:foo].should == :bar end it "should ensure controller.session is NOT nil before the action" do controller.session.should_not be_nil get 'action_with_template' end it "should ensure controller.session is NOT nil after the action" do get 'action_with_template' controller.session.should_not be_nil end it "should allow specifying a partial with partial name only" do get 'action_with_partial' response.should render_template("_partial") end it "should allow specifying a partial with should_receive(:render)" do controller.should_receive(:render).with(:partial => "controller_spec/partial") get 'action_with_partial' end it "should allow specifying a partial with should_receive(:render) with object" do controller.should_receive(:render).with(:partial => "controller_spec/partial", :object => "something") get 'action_with_partial_with_object', :thing => "something" end it "should allow specifying a partial with should_receive(:render) with locals" do controller.should_receive(:render).with(:partial => "controller_spec/partial", :locals => {:thing => "something"}) get 'action_with_partial_with_locals', :thing => "something" end it "should yield to render :update" do template = stub("template") controller.should_receive(:render).with(:update).and_yield(template) template.should_receive(:replace).with(:bottom, "replace_me", :partial => "non_existent_partial") get 'action_with_render_update' end it "should allow a path relative to RAILS_ROOT/app/views/ when specifying a partial" do get 'action_with_partial' response.should render_template("controller_spec/_partial") end it "should provide access to flash" do get 'action_which_sets_flash' flash[:flash_key].should == "flash value" end it "should provide access to flash values set after a session reset" do get 'action_setting_flash_after_session_reset' flash[:after_reset].should == "available" end it "should not provide access to flash values set before a session reset" do get 'action_setting_flash_before_session_reset' flash[:before_reset].should_not == "available" end it "should provide access to session" do session[:session_key] = "session value" lambda do get 'action_which_gets_session', :expected => "session value" end.should_not raise_error end describe "handling should_receive(:render)" do it "should warn" do controller.should_receive(:render).with(:template => "controller_spec/action_with_template") get :action_with_template end end describe "handling should_not_receive(:render)" do it "should warn" do controller.should_not_receive(:render).with(:template => "the/wrong/template") get :action_with_template end end describe "handling deprecated expect_render" do it "should warn" do Kernel.should_receive(:warn).with(/expect_render is deprecated/) controller.expect_render(:template => "controller_spec/action_with_template") get :action_with_template end end describe "handling deprecated stub_render" do it "should warn" do Kernel.should_receive(:warn).with(/stub_render is deprecated/) controller.stub_render(:template => "controller_spec/action_with_template") get :action_with_template end end describe "setting cookies in the request" do it "should support a String key" do cookies['cookie_key'] = 'cookie value' get 'action_which_gets_cookie', :expected => "cookie value" end it "should support a Symbol key" do cookies[:cookie_key] = 'cookie value' get 'action_which_gets_cookie', :expected => "cookie value" end if Rails::VERSION::STRING >= "2.0.0" it "should support a Hash value" do cookies[:cookie_key] = {'value' => 'cookie value', 'path' => '/not/default'} get 'action_which_gets_cookie', :expected => {'value' => 'cookie value', 'path' => '/not/default'} end end end describe "reading cookies from the response" do it "should support a Symbol key" do get 'action_which_sets_cookie', :value => "cookie value" if Rails::VERSION::STRING >= "2.3" cookies[:cookie_key].should == "cookie+value" else cookies[:cookie_key].should == ["cookie value"] end end it "should support a String key" do get 'action_which_sets_cookie', :value => "cookie value" if Rails::VERSION::STRING >= "2.3" cookies['cookie_key'].should == "cookie+value" else cookies['cookie_key'].should == ["cookie value"] end end end it "should support custom routes" do route_for(:controller => "custom_route_spec", :action => "custom_route").should == "/custom_route" end it "should support existing routes" do route_for(:controller => "controller_spec", :action => "some_action").should == "/controller_spec/some_action" end it "should generate params for custom routes" do params_from(:get, '/custom_route').should == {:controller => "custom_route_spec", :action => "custom_route"} end it "should generate params for existing routes" do params_from(:get, '/controller_spec/some_action').should == {:controller => "controller_spec", :action => "some_action"} end it "should expose instance vars through the assigns hash" do get 'action_setting_the_assigns_hash' assigns[:indirect_assigns_key].should == :indirect_assigns_key_value end it "should expose instance vars through the assigns hash that are set to false" do get 'action_that_assigns_false_to_a_variable' assigns[:a_variable].should be_false end it "should NOT complain when calling should_receive with arguments other than :render" do controller.should_receive(:anything_besides_render) lambda { controller.rspec_verify }.should raise_error(Exception, /expected :anything_besides_render/) end it "should not run a skipped before_filter" do lambda { get 'action_with_skipped_before_filter' }.should_not raise_error end end describe "Given a controller spec for RedirectSpecController running in #{mode} mode", :type => :controller do controller_name :redirect_spec integrate_views if mode == 'integration' it "a redirect should ignore the absence of a template" do get 'action_with_redirect_to_somewhere' response.should be_redirect response.redirect_url.should == "" response.should redirect_to("") end it "a call to response.should redirect_to should fail if no redirect" do get 'action_with_no_redirect' lambda { response.redirect?.should be_true }.should fail lambda { response.should redirect_to("") }.should fail_with("expected redirect to \"\", got no redirect") end end describe "Given a controller spec running in #{mode} mode" do example_group = describe "A controller spec" # , :type => :controller do # integrate_views if mode == 'integration' it "a spec in a context without controller_name set should fail with a useful warning" do pending("need a new way to deal with examples that should_raise") # , # :should_raise => [ # Spec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError, # /You have to declare the controller name in controller specs/ # ] do end end end ['integration', 'isolation'].each do |mode| describe "A controller example running in #{mode} mode", :type => :controller do controller_name :controller_inheriting_from_application_controller integrate_views if mode == 'integration' it "should only have a before filter inherited from ApplicationController run once..." do controller.should_receive(:i_should_only_be_run_once).once get :action_with_inherited_before_filter end end end describe ControllerSpecController, :type => :controller do it "should not require naming the controller if describe is passed a type" do end end describe "A controller spec with controller_name set", :type => :controller do controller_name :controller_spec describe "nested" do it "should inherit the controller name" do get 'action_with_template' response.should be_success end end end module Spec module Rails module Example describe ControllerExampleGroup do it "should clear its name from the description" do group = describe("foo", :type => :controller) do $nested_group = describe("bar") do end end group.description.to_s.should == "foo" $nested_group.description.to_s.should == "foo bar" end end end end end