module Writeexcel class Worksheet < BIFFWriter require 'writeexcel/helper' class DataValidations < Array # # the count of the DV records to follow. # # Note, this could be wrapped into store_dv() but we may require separate # handling of the object id at a later stage. # def count_dv_record #:nodoc: return if empty? dval_record(-1, size) # obj_id = -1 end private # # Store the DV record which contains the number of and information common to # all DV structures. # obj_id # Object ID number. # dv_count # Count of DV structs to follow. # def dval_record(obj_id, dv_count) #:nodoc: record = 0x01B2 # Record identifier length = 0x0012 # Bytes to follow flags = 0x0004 # Option flags. x_coord = 0x00000000 # X coord of input box. y_coord = 0x00000000 # Y coord of input box. # Pack the record. header = [record, length].pack('vv') data = [flags, x_coord, y_coord, obj_id, dv_count].pack('vVVVV') header + data end end require 'writeexcel/convert_date_time' class DataValidation include ConvertDateTime def initialize(parser = nil, param = {}) @parser = parser @cells = param[:cells] @validate = param[:validate] @criteria = param[:criteria] @value = param[:value] @maximum = param[:maximum] @input_title = param[:input_title] @input_message = param[:input_message] @error_title = param[:error_title] @error_message = param[:error_message] @error_type = param[:error_type] @ignore_blank = param[:ignore_blank] @dropdown = param[:dropdown] @show_input = param[:show_input] @show_error = param[:show_error] end # # Calclate the DV record that specifies the data validation criteria and options # for a range of cells.. # cells # Aref of cells to which DV applies. # validate # Type of data validation. # criteria # Validation criteria. # value # Value/Source/Minimum formula. # maximum # Maximum formula. # input_title # Title of input message. # input_message # Text of input message. # error_title # Title of error message. # error_message # Text of input message. # error_type # Error dialog type. # ignore_blank # Ignore blank cells. # dropdown # Display dropdown with list. # input_box # Display input box. # error_box # Display error box. # def dv_record # :nodoc: record = 0x01BE # Record identifier flags = 0x00000000 # DV option flags. ime_mode = 0 # IME input mode for far east fonts. str_lookup = 0 # See below. # Set the string lookup flag for 'list' validations with a string array. str_lookup = @validate == 3 && @value.respond_to?(:to_ary) ? 1 : 0 # The dropdown flag is stored as a negated value. no_dropdown = @dropdown ? 0 : 1 # Set the required flags. flags |= @validate flags |= @error_type << 4 flags |= str_lookup << 7 flags |= @ignore_blank << 8 flags |= no_dropdown << 9 flags |= ime_mode << 10 flags |= @show_input << 18 flags |= @show_error << 19 flags |= @criteria << 20 # Pack the DV cell data. dv_data = @cells.inject([@cells.size].pack('v')) do |result, range| result + [range[0], range[2], range[1], range[3]].pack('vvvv') end # Pack the record. data = [flags].pack('V') + pack_dv_string(@input_title, 32 ) + pack_dv_string(@error_title, 32 ) + pack_dv_string(@input_message, 255) + pack_dv_string(@error_message, 255) + pack_dv_formula(@value) + pack_dv_formula(@maximum) + dv_data header = [record, data.bytesize].pack('vv') header + data end def self.factory(parser, date_1904, *args) # Check for a valid number of args. return -1 if args.size != 5 && args.size != 3 # The final hashref contains the validation parameters. param = args.pop # 'validate' is a required parameter. return -3 unless param.has_key?(:validate) # Make the last row/col the same as the first if not defined. row1, col1, row2, col2 = args row2, col2 = row1, col1 unless row2 # List of valid input parameters. obj = valid_parameter = obj.valid_parameter_of_data_validation # Check for valid input parameters. param.each_key { |param_key| return -3 unless valid_parameter.has_key?(param_key) } # Map alternative parameter names 'source' or 'minimum' to 'value'. param[:value] = param[:source] if param[:source] param[:value] = param[:minimum] if param[:minimum] # Check for valid validation types. unless obj.valid_validation_type.has_key?(param[:validate].downcase) return -3 else param[:validate] = obj.valid_validation_type[param[:validate].downcase] end # No action is required for validation type 'any'. # TODO: we should perhaps store 'any' for message only validations. return 0 if param[:validate] == 0 # The list and custom validations don't have a criteria so we use a default # of 'between'. if param[:validate] == 3 || param[:validate] == 7 param[:criteria] = 'between' param[:maximum] = nil end # 'criteria' is a required parameter. unless param.has_key?(:criteria) # carp "Parameter 'criteria' is required in data_validation()"; return -3 end # Check for valid criteria types. unless obj.valid_criteria_type.has_key?(param[:criteria].downcase) return -3 else param[:criteria] = obj.valid_criteria_type[param[:criteria].downcase] end # 'Between' and 'Not between' criteria require 2 values. if param[:criteria] == 0 || param[:criteria] == 1 unless param.has_key?(:maximum) return -3 end else param[:maximum] = nil end # Check for valid error dialog types. if not param.has_key?(:error_type) param[:error_type] = 0 elsif not obj.valid_error_type.has_key?(param[:error_type].downcase) return -3 else param[:error_type] = obj.valid_error_type[param[:error_type].downcase] end # Convert date/times value if required. if param[:validate] == 4 || param[:validate] == 5 if param[:value] =~ /T/ param[:value] = obj.convert_date_time(param[:value], date_1904) || raise("invalid :value: #{param[:value]}") end if param[:maximum] && param[:maximum] =~ /T/ param[:maximum] = obj.convert_date_time(param[:maximum], date_1904) || raise("invalid :maximum: #{param[:maximum]}") end end # Set some defaults if they haven't been defined by the user. param[:ignore_blank] = 1 unless param[:ignore_blank] param[:dropdown] = 1 unless param[:dropdown] param[:show_input] = 1 unless param[:show_input] param[:show_error] = 1 unless param[:show_error] # These are the cells to which the validation is applied. param[:cells] = [[row1, col1, row2, col2]] # A (for now) undocumented parameter to pass additional cell ranges. if param.has_key?(:other_cells) param[:cells].push(param[:other_cells]) end, param) end # # Pack the strings used in the input and error dialog captions and messages. # Captions are limited to 32 characters. Messages are limited to 255 chars. # def pack_dv_string(string, max_length) #:nodoc: # The default empty string is "\0". string = ruby_18 { "\0" } || ruby_19 { "\0".encode('BINARY') } unless string && string != '' # Excel limits DV captions to 32 chars and messages to 255. string = string[0 .. max_length-1] if string.bytesize > max_length ruby_19 { string = convert_to_ascii_if_ascii(string) } # Handle utf8 strings if is_utf8?(string) str_length = string.gsub(/[^\Wa-zA-Z_\d]/, ' ').bytesize # jlength string = utf8_to_16le(string) encoding = 1 else str_length = string.bytesize encoding = 0 end ruby_18 { [str_length, encoding].pack('vC') + string } || ruby_19 { [str_length, encoding].pack('vC') + string.force_encoding('BINARY') } end # # Pack the formula used in the DV record. This is the same as an cell formula # with some additional header information. Note, DV formulas in Excel use # relative addressing (R1C1 and ptgXxxN) however we use the's # default absolute addressing (A1 and ptgXxx). # def pack_dv_formula(formula) #:nodoc: unused = 0x0000 # Return a default structure for unused formulas. return [0, unused].pack('vv') unless formula && formula != '' # Pack a list array ref as a null separated string. formula = %!"#{formula.join("\0")}"! if formula.respond_to?(:to_ary) # Strip the = sign at the beginning of the formula string formula = formula.to_s unless formula.respond_to?(:to_str) formula.sub!(/^=/, '') # In order to raise formula errors from the point of view of the calling # program we use an eval block and re-raise the error from here. # tokens = @parser.parse_formula(formula) # ???? # if ($@) { # $@ =~ s/\n$//; # Strip the \n used in the die() # croak $@; # Re-raise the error # } # else { # # TODO test for non valid ptgs such as Sheet2!A1 # } # Force 2d ranges to be a reference class. tokens.each do |t| t.sub!(/_range2d/, "_range2dR") t.sub!(/_name/, "_nameR") end # Parse the tokens into a formula string. formula = @parser.parse_tokens(tokens) [formula.length, unused].pack('vv') + formula end def valid_parameter_of_data_validation { :validate => 1, :criteria => 1, :value => 1, :source => 1, :minimum => 1, :maximum => 1, :ignore_blank => 1, :dropdown => 1, :show_input => 1, :input_title => 1, :input_message => 1, :show_error => 1, :error_title => 1, :error_message => 1, :error_type => 1, :other_cells => 1 } end def valid_validation_type { 'any' => 0, 'any value' => 0, 'whole number' => 1, 'whole' => 1, 'integer' => 1, 'decimal' => 2, 'list' => 3, 'date' => 4, 'time' => 5, 'text length' => 6, 'length' => 6, 'custom' => 7 } end def valid_criteria_type { 'between' => 0, 'not between' => 1, 'equal to' => 2, '=' => 2, '==' => 2, 'not equal to' => 3, '!=' => 3, '<>' => 3, 'greater than' => 4, '>' => 4, 'less than' => 5, '<' => 5, 'greater than or equal to' => 6, '>=' => 6, 'less than or equal to' => 7, '<=' => 7 } end def valid_error_type { 'stop' => 0, 'warning' => 1, 'information' => 2 } end end end end