require 'net/http' require 'uri' require 'zlib' require 'builder' require 'extlib' class BigSitemap def initialize(options) document_root = options.delete(:document_root) if document_root.nil? if defined? RAILS_ROOT document_root = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public" elsif defined? Merb document_root = "#{Merb.root}/public" end end raise ArgumentError, 'Document root must be specified with the :document_root option' if document_root.nil? @base_url = options.delete(:base_url) @max_per_sitemap = options.delete(:max_per_sitemap) || 50000 @batch_size = options.delete(:batch_size) || 1001 # TODO: Set this to 1000 once DM offset 37000 bug is fixed @web_path = options.delete(:path) || 'sitemaps' @ping_google = options[:ping_google].nil? ? true : options.delete(:ping_google) @ping_yahoo = options[:ping_yahoo].nil? ? true : options.delete(:ping_yahoo) @yahoo_app_id = options.delete(:yahoo_app_id) @ping_msn = options[:ping_msn].nil? ? true : options.delete(:ping_msn) @ping_ask = options[:ping_ask].nil? ? true : options.delete(:ping_ask) @file_path = "#{document_root}/#{@web_path}" @sources = [] raise ArgumentError, "Base URL must be specified with the :base_url option" if @base_url.nil? raise( ArgumentError, 'Batch size (:batch_size) must be less than or equal to maximum URLs per sitemap (:max_per_sitemap)' ) if @batch_size > @max_per_sitemap Dir.mkdir(@file_path) unless File.exists? @file_path end def add(options) raise ArgumentError, ':model and :path options must be provided' unless options[:model] && options[:path] @sources << options self # Chainable end def clean unless @file_path.nil? Dir.foreach(@file_path) do |f| f = "#{@file_path}/#{f}" File.delete(f) if File.file?(f) end end self # Chainable end def generate @sources.each do |source| klass = source[:model] count_method = pick_method(klass, [:count_for_sitemap, :count]) find_method = pick_method(klass, [:find_for_sitemap, :all]) raise ArgumentError, "#{klass} must provide a count_for_sitemap class method" if count_method.nil? raise ArgumentError, "#{klass} must provide a find_for_sitemap class method" if find_method.nil? count = klass.send(count_method) num_sitemaps = 1 num_batches = 1 if count > @batch_size num_batches = (count.to_f / @batch_size.to_f).ceil num_sitemaps = (count.to_f / @max_per_sitemap.to_f).ceil end batches_per_sitemap = num_batches.to_f / num_sitemaps.to_f # Update the @sources hash so that the index file knows how many sitemaps to link to source[:num_sitemaps] = num_sitemaps for sitemap_num in 1..num_sitemaps # Work out the start and end batch numbers for this sitemap batch_num_start = sitemap_num == 1 ? 1 : ((sitemap_num * batches_per_sitemap).ceil - batches_per_sitemap + 1).to_i batch_num_end = (batch_num_start + [batches_per_sitemap, num_batches].min).floor - 1 # Stream XML output to a file filename = "sitemap_#{Extlib::Inflection::underscore(klass.to_s)}" filename << "_#{sitemap_num}" if num_sitemaps > 1 gz = gz_writer("#{filename}.xml.gz") xml = => gz) xml.instruct! xml.urlset(:xmlns => '') do for batch_num in batch_num_start..batch_num_end offset = ((batch_num - 1) * @batch_size) limit = (count - offset) < @batch_size ? (count - offset - 1) : @batch_size find_options = num_batches > 1 ? {:limit => limit, :offset => offset} : {} klass.send(find_method, find_options).each do |r| last_mod_method = pick_method( r, [:updated_at, :updated_on, :updated, :created_at, :created_on, :created] ) last_mod = last_mod_method.nil? ? : r.send(last_mod_method) param_method = pick_method(r, [:to_param, :id]) raise ArgumentError, "#{klass} must provide a to_param instance method" if param_method.nil? xml.url do xml.loc("#{@base_url}/#{source[:path]}/#{r.send(param_method)}") xml.lastmod(last_mod.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) unless last_mod.nil? xml.changefreq('weekly') end end end end gz.close end end generate_sitemap_index ping_search_engines self # Chainable end private def pick_method(klass, candidates) method = nil candidates.each do |candidate| if klass.respond_to? candidate method = candidate break end end method end def gz_writer(filename)"#{@file_path}/#{filename}", 'w+')) end def sitemap_index_filename 'sitemap_index.xml.gz' end # Create a sitemap index document def generate_sitemap_index xml = '' builder = => xml) builder.instruct! builder.sitemapindex(:xmlns => '') do @sources.each do |source| num_sitemaps = source[:num_sitemaps] for i in 1..num_sitemaps loc = "#{@base_url}/#{@web_path}/sitemap_#{Extlib::Inflection::underscore(source[:model].to_s)}" loc << "_#{i}" if num_sitemaps > 1 loc << '.xml.gz' builder.sitemap do builder.loc(loc) builder.lastmod('%Y-%m-%d')) end end end end gz = gz_writer(sitemap_index_filename) gz.write(xml) gz.close end def sitemap_uri URI.escape("#{@base_url}/#{@web_path}/#{sitemap_index_filename}") end # Notify Google of the new sitemap index file def ping_google Net::HTTP.get('', "/webmasters/tools/ping?sitemap=#{sitemap_uri}") end # Notify Yahoo! of the new sitemap index file def ping_yahoo Net::HTTP.get('', "/SiteExplorerService/V1/updateNotification?appid=#{@yahoo_app_id}&url=#{sitemap_uri}") end # Notify MSN of the new sitemap index file def ping_msn Net::HTTP.get('', "/ping.aspx?siteMap=#{sitemap_uri}") end # Notify Ask of the new sitemap index file def ping_ask Net::HTTP.get('', "/ping?sitemap=#{sitemap_uri}") end def ping_search_engines ping_google if @ping_google ping_yahoo if @ping_yahoo && @yahoo_app_id ping_msn if @ping_msn ping_ask if @ping_ask end end