module ForemanTasks class Task::DynflowTask < ForemanTasks::Task include Algebrick::TypeCheck scope :for_action, ->(action_class) { where(label: } def update_from_dynflow(data) utc_zone ='UTC') self.external_id = data[:id] self.started_at = utc_zone.parse(data[:started_at]) unless data[:started_at].nil? self.ended_at = utc_zone.parse(data[:ended_at]) unless data[:ended_at].nil? self.result = map_result(data).to_s self.state = data[:state].to_s self.start_at = utc_zone.parse(data[:start_at]) if data[:start_at] self.start_before = utc_zone.parse(data[:start_before]) if data[:start_before] self.parent_task_id ||= begin if main_action.caller_execution_plan_id DynflowTask.where(:external_id => main_action.caller_execution_plan_id).first!.id end end self.label ||= main_action && changes = self.changes save! changes end def cancellable? execution_plan.try(:cancellable?) end def cancel execution_plan!.cancel.any? end def abort execution_plan!.cancel(true).any? end def resumable? execution_plan.try(:state) == :paused end def cancellable_action?(action) action.is_a?(::Dynflow::Action::Cancellable) end def progress execution_plan.try(:progress) || 0 end def execution_plan(silence_exception = true) return @execution_plan if defined?(@execution_plan) execution_plan = # don't use invalid execution plans for our purposes if execution_plan.respond_to?(:valid?) && !execution_plan.valid? raise execution_plan.exception else @execution_plan = execution_plan end @execution_plan rescue => e Foreman::Logging.exception("Could not load execution plan #{external_id} for task #{id}", e, :logger => 'foreman-tasks') raise e unless silence_exception nil end def execution_plan! execution_plan(false) end def input main_action.respond_to?(:task_input) && main_action.task_input end def output main_action.respond_to?(:task_output) && main_action.task_output end def failed_steps execution_plan.try(:steps_in_state, :skipped, :skipping, :error) || [] end def running_steps execution_plan.try(:steps_in_state, :running, :suspended) || [] end def humanized { action: get_humanized(:humanized_name), input: get_humanized(:humanized_input), output: get_humanized(:humanized_output), errors: get_humanized(:humanized_errors) } end def cli_example main_action.cli_example if main_action.respond_to?(:cli_example) end def main_action return @main_action if defined?(@main_action) @main_action = execution_plan && execution_plan.root_plan_step.try(:action, execution_plan) end def get_humanized(method) @humanized_cache ||= {} if [:name, :input, :output, :error].include?(method) method = "humanized_#{method}".to_sym end Match! method, :humanized_name, :humanized_input, :humanized_output, :humanized_errors return N_('N/A') if method != :humanized_name && (main_action.nil? || main_action.execution_plan.state == :scheduled) return N_(label) if method == :humanized_name && main_action.nil? @humanized_cache[method] ||= begin if main_action.respond_to? method begin main_action.send method rescue Exception => error # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException "#{error.message} (#{error.class})\n#{error.backtrace.join "\n"}" end end end end def self.consistency_check fixed_count = 0 logger = Foreman::Logging.logger('foreman-tasks') running.each do |task| begin changes = task.update_from_dynflow(task.execution_plan.to_hash) unless changes.empty? fixed_count += 1 logger.warn('Task %s updated at consistency check: %s' % [, changes.inspect]) end rescue => e # if we fail updating the data from dynflow, it usually means there is something # odd with the data consistency and at this point it is not possible to resume, switching # the task to stopped/error task.update_attributes(:state => 'stopped', :result => 'error') Foreman::Logging.exception("Failed at consistency check for task #{}", e, :logger => 'foreman-tasks') end end fixed_count end def self.new_for_execution_plan(execution_plan_id, data) new(:external_id => execution_plan_id, :state => data[:state].to_s, :result => data[:result].to_s) end def self.model_name superclass.model_name end private def map_result(data) if state_result_transitioned?(%w[planned pending], %w[stopped error], data) || (data[:result] == :error && cancelled?) :cancelled else data[:result] end end def state_result_transitioned?(from, to, data) oldstate, oldresult = from newstate, newresult = to state == oldstate && data[:state].to_s == newstate && result == oldresult && data[:result].to_s == newresult end def cancelled? execution_plan.errors.any? { |error| error.exception_class == ::ForemanTasks::Task::TaskCancelledException } end end end