# AdminlteAssets Easy integration for Bootstrap AdminLTE template into Rails assests pipeline. This gem was based on [adminlte2-rails](https://github.com/nicolas-besnard/adminlte2-rails) (we found that this gem isn't updated) Current AdminLTE version: **AdminLTE 2.2.0** ***IMPORTANT ::*** If you update this gem is very important that don't download files from master, for **use the current AdminLTE version** supported by this gem. **Download from correspondent tag.** AdminLTE resources: - [AlmsaeedStudio](https://almsaeedstudio.com/) - [Demo](https://almsaeedstudio.com/AdminLTE) - [Docs](https://almsaeedstudio.com/themes/AdminLTE/documentation/index.html) - [GitHub](https://github.com/almasaeed2010/AdminLTE) ## TODO - Treure les images que sobren, com per exemple les d'avatar, usuaris, ... **ULL** hi ha imatges que segurament fan falta, com les icones - Add jquery and jqueryui to gempspec as requirements? ## Add to Gemfile This add the version in master branch ~~~ gem 'adminlte_assets', :git => 'ssh://git@gitlab.coditdev.net:534/gems/adminlte_assets.git' ~~~ ## Required things to add ### Javscripts This template require JQuery, JQueryUI, Bootstrap and AdminLTE and slimScroll plugin. This is an example with all default JS including `tree` and `self` (such as Rails do by default) ~~~ //= require jquery //= require jquery_ujs //= require bootstrap //= require adminlte/plugins/slimScroll/jquery.slimscroll //= require adminlte/app //= require adminlte/plugin_options //= require_tree . //= require_self ~~~ ### Stylesheets This template require Boostrap, default AdminLTE and custom skin if you like. This is an example with blue skin: ~~~ /* *= require_self */ @import "bootstrap-sprockets"; @import "bootstrap"; @import "adminlte/app"; @import "adminlte/skins/skin-blue"; // custom skin there are a lot of skins!! ~~~ ## Plugins This template include some plugins by default such there are all plugins included in this gem. ### Custom options for plugins This is a javascript to rewrite default options for other plugins. You can find this file in `javascripts/adminlte/plugin_options.js` For example: ~~~ $.PluginsOptions.daterangepicker = { multiple: { showDropdowns: true } } ~~~ ### DateRangePicker This is a date picker this can be used as **range date picker** or **single date picker**. #### Javscripts DateRangePicker require the `moment` JS library, we create `all.js` that automatically add this requirement and some other things. This means that you only need add `all` and this will be include `daterangepicker` and `moment`: ~~~ //= require adminlte/plugins/daterangepicker/all ~~~ Also `all.js` include by default these few lines of JavaScript: ~~~ $('input[data-behaviour="daterange"]').daterangepicker($.PluginsOptions.daterangepicker.single); $('input[data-behaviour="daterange-single"]').daterangepicker($.PluginsOptions.daterangepicker.single); ~~~ And this means that you can add `data-behaviour` attribute with `daterange` or `daterange-single` : ~~~ <%= f.text_field :test_created_at, 'data-behaviour'=> 'daterange' %> <%= f.text_field :test_created_at, 'data-behaviour'=> 'daterange-single' %> ~~~ #### Stylesheets ~~~ /* *= require adminlte/plugins/daterangepicker/daterangepicker-bs3 */ ~~~ ### Colorpicker #### Javscripts We create `all.js` that includes the `colorpicker` and some lines of JS. This is an example of requirement: ~~~ //= require adminlte/plugins/colorpicker/all ~~~ This are the lines included: ~~~ $('input[data-behaviour="colorpicker"]').colorpicker($.PluginsOptions.colorpicker); $('div[data-behaviour="colorpicker"]').colorpicker($.PluginsOptions.colorpicker); ~~~ And this means that you can add `data-behaviour` attribute with `colorpicker` in `input` or `div`. **This are from oficial docs** : ~~~
<%= f.text_field :master_color, 'data-behaviour' => "colorpicker" %> ~~~ #### Stylesheets ~~~ /* *= require adminlte/plugins/colorpicker/bootstrap-colorpicker */ ~~~