describe('Faye extension', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.client = new Faye.Client('http://localhost:9296/faye'); jasmine.Ajax.install(); }); afterEach(function() { jasmine.Ajax.uninstall(); }); describe('Without extension', function() { it('fails to subscribe', function(done) { this.client.subscribe('/foobar').then(undefined, function() { done(); }); }); it('fails to publish', function(done) { this.client.publish('/foobar', {text: 'whatever'}).then(undefined, function() { done(); }); }); }); describe('With extension', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.extension = new FayeAuthentication(this.client, null, {retry_delay: 100}); this.client.addExtension(this.extension); }); function stubSignature(context, callback) { var self = context; self.client.handshake(function() { var jwtsign = new jwt.WebToken('{"clientId": "' + self.client._dispatcher.clientId + '", "channel": "/foobar", "exp": 2803694528}', '{"alg": "HS256"}'); var signature = jwtsign.serialize("macaroni"); jasmine.Ajax.stubRequest('/faye/auth').andReturn({ 'responseText': '{"signatures": [{"channel" : "/foobar", "clientId": "'+ self.client._dispatcher.clientId +'", "signature" : "' + signature + '"}]}' }); callback(); }, self.client); } it('should make an ajax request to the extension endpoint', function(done) { this.client.subscribe('/foobar'); var self = this; setTimeout(function() { var request = jasmine.Ajax.requests.mostRecent(); expect(request.url).toBe(self.extension.endpoint()); done(); }, 500); }); it('should make an ajax request with the correct params', function(done) { this.client.subscribe('/foobar'); var self = this; setTimeout(function() { var request = jasmine.Ajax.requests.mostRecent(); expect(['messages[0][channel]'][0]).toBe('/foobar'); done(); }, 500); }); describe('signature', function() { beforeEach(function() { jasmine.Ajax.stubRequest('/faye/auth').andReturn({ 'responseText': '{"signatures": [{"channel": "/foobar", "clientId": "1234", "signature": "foobarsignature"}]}' }); this.dispatcher = {connectionType: "fake", clientId: '1234', sendMessage: function() {}, selectTransport: function() { }}; spyOn(this.dispatcher, 'sendMessage'); spyOn(this.dispatcher, 'selectTransport'); Faye.extend(this.dispatcher, Faye.Publisher) }); it('should add the signature to subscribe message', function(done) { var self = this; this.client.handshake(function() { self.client._dispatcher = self.dispatcher; self.client.subscribe('/foobar'); setTimeout(function() { var calls = self.dispatcher.sendMessage.calls.all(); var last_call = calls[calls.length - 1]; var message = last_call.args[0]; expect('/meta/subscribe'); expect(message.signature).toBe('foobarsignature'); done(); }, 300); }, this.client); }); it('should add the signature to publish message', function(done) { var self = this; this.client.handshake(function() { self.client._dispatcher = self.dispatcher; self.client.publish('/foobar', {text: 'hallo'}); setTimeout(function() { var calls = self.dispatcher.sendMessage.calls.all(); var last_call = calls[calls.length - 1]; var message = last_call.args[0]; expect('/foobar'); expect(message.signature).toBe('foobarsignature'); done(); }, 300); }, this.client); }); it('preserves messages integrity', function(done) { var self = this; this.client.handshake(function() { self.client._dispatcher = self.dispatcher; self.client.publish('/foobar', {text: 'hallo'}); self.client.subscribe('/foobar'); setTimeout(function() { var calls = self.dispatcher.sendMessage.calls.all(); var subscribe_call = calls[calls.length - 1]; var publish_call = calls[calls.length - 2]; var subscribe_message = subscribe_call.args[0]; var publish_message = publish_call.args[0]; expect('/foobar'); expect('/meta/subscribe'); expect(publish_message.signature).toBe('foobarsignature'); expect(subscribe_message.signature).toBe('foobarsignature'); done(); }, 300); }, this.client); }); it('does not add the signature if authentication is not required', function(done) { var self = this; spyOn(this.extension, 'authentication_required').and.returnValue(false); this.client.handshake(function() { self.client._dispatcher = self.dispatcher; self.client.publish('/foobar', {text: 'hallo'}); setTimeout(function() { var calls = self.dispatcher.sendMessage.calls.all(); var last_call = calls[calls.length - 1]; var message = last_call.args[0]; expect('/foobar'); expect(message.signature).toBe(undefined); done(); }, 300); }, this.client); }); }); it('succeeds to subscribe', function(done) { var self = this; stubSignature(this, function() { self.client.subscribe('/foobar').then(function() { done(); }); }); }); it('succeeds to publish', function(done) { var self = this; stubSignature(this, function() { self.client.publish('/foobar', {hello: 'world'}).then(function() { done(); }); }); }); it('should make only one ajax call when dealing with one channel', function(done) { this.client.subscribe('/foobar'); this.client.publish('/foobar', {text: 'hallo'}); setTimeout(function() { expect(jasmine.Ajax.requests.count()).toBe(2); // Handshake + auth * 1 done(); }, 500); }); it('should make two ajax calls when dealing with two channels in a not-so-short period', function(done) { this.client.subscribe('/foobar'); this.client.publish('/foobar', {text: 'hallo'}); var self = this; setTimeout(function() { self.client.subscribe('/bar'); self.client.publish('/bar', {text: 'hallo'}); setTimeout(function() { expect(jasmine.Ajax.requests.count()).toBe(3); // Handshake + auth * 2 done(); }, 500); }, 250); }); it('should make two ajax calls when dealing with three channels and separating calls', function(done) { this.client.subscribe('/foobar'); this.client.publish('/foobar', {text: 'hallo'}); var self = this; setTimeout(function() { self.client.subscribe('/bar'); self.client.publish('/bar', {text: 'hallo'}); self.client.subscribe('/baz'); self.client.publish('/baz', {text: 'hallo'}); setTimeout(function() { expect(jasmine.Ajax.requests.count()).toBe(3); // Handshake + auth * 2 var first_auth =; var second_auth =; expect(['messages[0][channel]'][0]).toBe('/foobar'); expect(['messages[1]']).toBe(undefined); expect(['messages[0][channel]'][0]).toBe('/bar'); expect(['messages[1][channel]'][0]).toBe('/baz'); done(); }, 500); }, 250); }); it('should make only one ajax calls when subscribing several times in a short period', function(done) { var self = this; this.client.subscribe('/foobar'); setTimeout(function() { self.client.subscribe('/foobar2'); setTimeout(function() { self.client.subscribe('/foobar3'); }, 50) }, 50); setTimeout(function() { expect(jasmine.Ajax.requests.count()).toBe(2); // Handshake + auth var request = jasmine.Ajax.requests.mostRecent(); expect(['messages[0][channel]'][0]).toBe('/foobar'); expect(['messages[1][channel]'][0]).toBe('/foobar2'); expect(['messages[2][channel]'][0]).toBe('/foobar3'); done(); }, 500); }); it('tries to get a new signature when the used signature is bad or expired', function(done) { jasmine.Ajax.stubRequest('/faye/auth').andReturn({ 'responseText': '{"signature": "bad"}' }); var self = this; this.client.subscribe('/toto').then(undefined, function() { expect(jasmine.Ajax.requests.count()).toBe(3); // Handshake + auth * 2 done(); }); }); it('retries for the signature after a configured delay', function(done) { jasmine.Ajax.stubRequest('/faye/auth').andReturn({ 'responseText': '{"signature": "bad"}' }); var self = this; var finished = false; this.client.subscribe('/toto').then(undefined, function() { finished = true; }); setTimeout(function() { // Initial 200ms batching delay setTimeout(function() { expect(finished).toBe(false); }, 200 + 80); // 2nd Batching delay + 80 ms setTimeout(function() { expect(finished).toBe(true); done(); }, 200 + 200); // 2nd Batching delay + 200 ms }, 200); }); it('calls the success callback for a successfully retried message', function(done) { this.client.subscribe('/foo').then(function() { expect(jasmine.Ajax.requests.count()).toBe(3); // Handshake + auth * 2 done(); }, function(e) { console.log(e)}); setTimeout(function() { var request = jasmine.Ajax.requests.mostRecent(); var params = queryString.parse(request.params); var jwtsign_bad = new jwt.WebToken('{"clientId": "' + params['messages[0][clientId]'] + '", "channel": "/foo", "exp": 1}', '{"alg": "HS256"}'); var signature_bad = jwtsign_bad.serialize("macaroni"); var jwtsign_good = new jwt.WebToken('{"clientId": "' + params['messages[0][clientId]'] + '", "channel": "/foo", "exp": 2803694528}', '{"alg": "HS256"}'); var signature_good = jwtsign_good.serialize("macaroni"); request.response({ 'status' : 200, 'responseText': '{"signatures": [{"channel": "/foo", "clientId": "'+ params['messages[0][clientId]'] +'", "signature": "' + signature_bad + '"}]}' }); jasmine.Ajax.stubRequest('/faye/auth').andReturn({ 'responseText': '{"signatures": [{"channel": "/foo", "clientId": "'+ params['messages[0][clientId]'] +'", "signature": "' + signature_good + '"}]}' }); }, 1000); }); }); });