module Caboose module CategoriesHelper def root_category Caboose::Category.root end def top_level_categories Caboose::Category.top_level end def category_list(category=root_category) content_tag :ul, category_list_items(category) end def category_list_items(category) # Link to category link = link_to(, "/admin/categories/#{}/edit") # Recursively find category children children = content_tag :ul, category.children.collect { |child| category_list_items(child) }.join.to_s.html_safe if category.children.any? # Return the list item content_tag :li, link.concat(children) end def category_select(form_name, category=root_category, selected_id=nil) # Collect all recursive options from specified category down options = category_options(category, selected_id) # Prepend the root category options.unshift([,]) # Create select tag select_tag form_name, options_for_select(options) end def category_options(category, selected_id, prefix="") # Array to hold options options = # Recusively tterate over all child categories category.children.collect do |child| options << ["#{prefix} - #{}",] options.concat category_options(child, selected_id, "#{prefix} -") end # Return the options array return options end def category_checkboxes(top_categories, selected_ids = nil) str = "