require_relative '../../../../test/minitest_helper'
require 'openstudio'
require 'openstudio/ruleset/ShowRunnerOutput'
require 'minitest/autorun'
require_relative '../measure.rb'
require 'fileutils'

class CreateResidentialSingleFamilyDetachedGeometryTest < MiniTest::Test
  def test_error_existing_geometry
    args_hash = {}
    result = _test_error("SFD_2000sqft_2story_SL_UA.osm", args_hash)
    assert_includes( { |x| x.logMessage }, "Starting model is not empty.")

  def test_argument_error_aspect_ratio_invalid
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["aspect_ratio"] = -1.0
    result = _test_error(nil, args_hash)
    assert_includes( { |x| x.logMessage }, "Invalid aspect ratio entered.")

  def test_argument_error_pierbeam_height_invalid
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["foundation_type"] = "pier and beam"
    args_hash["foundation_height"] = 0
    result = _test_error(nil, args_hash)
    assert_includes( { |x| x.logMessage }, "The pier & beam height must be greater than 0 ft.")

  def test_argument_error_pierbeam_with_garage
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["garage_width"] = 12
    args_hash["foundation_type"] = "pier and beam"
    result = _test_error(nil, args_hash)
    assert_includes( { |x| x.logMessage }, "Cannot handle garages with a pier & beam foundation type.")

  def test_argument_error_num_floors_invalid
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["num_floors"] = 7
    result = _test_error(nil, args_hash)
    assert_includes( { |x| x.logMessage }, "Too many floors.")

  def test_argument_error_garage_protrusion_invalid
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["garage_protrusion"] = 2
    result = _test_error(nil, args_hash)
    assert_includes( { |x| x.logMessage }, "Invalid garage protrusion value entered.")

  def test_argument_error_hip_roof_and_garage_protrudes
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["garage_width"] = 12
    args_hash["garage_protrusion"] = 0.5
    args_hash["roof_type"] = Constants.RoofTypeHip
    result = _test_error(nil, args_hash)
    assert_includes( { |x| x.logMessage }, "Cannot handle protruding garage and hip roof.")

  def test_argument_error_living_and_garage_ridges_are_parallel
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["garage_width"] = 12
    args_hash["garage_protrusion"] = 0.5
    args_hash["aspect_ratio"] = 0.75
    result = _test_error(nil, args_hash)
    assert_includes( { |x| x.logMessage }, "Cannot handle protruding garage and attic ridge running from front to back.")

  def test_argument_error_garage_width_exceeds_living_width
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["garage_width"] = 10000
    result = _test_error(nil, args_hash)
    assert_includes( { |x| x.logMessage }, "Invalid living space and garage dimensions.")

  def test_argument_error_garage_depth_exceeds_living_depth
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["garage_width"] = 12
    args_hash["garage_depth"] = 10000
    result = _test_error(nil, args_hash)
    assert_includes( { |x| x.logMessage }, "Invalid living space and garage dimensions.")

  def test_change_garage_pitch_when_garage_ridge_higher_than_house_ridge
    num_finished_spaces = 1
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["num_floors"] = 1
    args_hash["garage_protrusion"] = 0.5
    args_hash["garage_width"] = 40
    args_hash["garage_depth"] = 24
    expected_num_del_objects = {}
    expected_num_new_objects = { "BuildingUnit" => 1, "Surface" => 26, "ThermalZone" => 3, "Space" => 4, "SpaceType" => 4, "PeopleDefinition" => num_finished_spaces, "People" => num_finished_spaces, "ScheduleRuleset" => 1, "ShadingSurfaceGroup" => 2, "ShadingSurface" => 12, "ExternalFile" => 1, "ScheduleFile" => 1 }
    expected_values = { "FinishedFloorArea" => 2000, "GarageAtticHeight" => 9.65, "GarageFloorArea" => 960, "UnfinishedAtticHeight" => 9.80, "UnfinishedAtticFloorArea" => 2960, "BuildingHeight" => 17.8, "Beds" => 3.0, "Baths" => 2.0, "NumOccupants" => 2.64, "EavesDepth" => 2 }
    _test_measure(nil, args_hash, expected_num_del_objects, expected_num_new_objects, expected_values, __method__)

  def test_fbasement
    num_finished_spaces = 3
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["foundation_height"] = 8.0
    args_hash["foundation_type"] = "finished basement"
    expected_num_del_objects = {}
    expected_num_new_objects = { "BuildingUnit" => 1, "Surface" => 23, "ThermalZone" => 3, "Space" => 4, "SpaceType" => 3, "PeopleDefinition" => num_finished_spaces, "People" => num_finished_spaces, "ScheduleRuleset" => 1, "ShadingSurfaceGroup" => 2, "ShadingSurface" => 8, "ExternalFile" => 1, "ScheduleFile" => 1 }
    expected_values = { "FinishedFloorArea" => 2000, "FinishedBasementHeight" => 8, "FinishedBasementFloorArea" => 2000 / 3, "UnfinishedAtticHeight" => 5.56, "UnfinishedAtticFloorArea" => 2000 / 3, "BuildingHeight" => 8 + 8 + 8 + 5.56, "Beds" => 3.0, "Baths" => 2.0, "NumOccupants" => 2.64, "EavesDepth" => 2 }
    _test_measure(nil, args_hash, expected_num_del_objects, expected_num_new_objects, expected_values, __method__)

  def test_ufbasement
    num_finished_spaces = 2
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["foundation_height"] = 8.0
    args_hash["foundation_type"] = "unfinished basement"
    expected_num_del_objects = {}
    expected_num_new_objects = { "BuildingUnit" => 1, "Surface" => 23, "ThermalZone" => 3, "Space" => 4, "SpaceType" => 3, "PeopleDefinition" => num_finished_spaces, "People" => num_finished_spaces, "ScheduleRuleset" => 1, "ShadingSurfaceGroup" => 2, "ShadingSurface" => 8, "ExternalFile" => 1, "ScheduleFile" => 1 }
    expected_values = { "FinishedFloorArea" => 2000, "UnfinishedBasementHeight" => 8, "UnfinishedBasementFloorArea" => 2000 / 2, "UnfinishedAtticHeight" => 6.59, "UnfinishedAtticFloorArea" => 2000 / 2, "BuildingHeight" => 8 + 8 + 8 + 6.59, "Beds" => 3.0, "Baths" => 2.0, "NumOccupants" => 2.64, "EavesDepth" => 2 }
    _test_measure(nil, args_hash, expected_num_del_objects, expected_num_new_objects, expected_values, __method__)

  def test_crawlspace
    num_finished_spaces = 2
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["foundation_type"] = "crawlspace"
    expected_num_del_objects = {}
    expected_num_new_objects = { "BuildingUnit" => 1, "Surface" => 23, "ThermalZone" => 3, "Space" => 4, "SpaceType" => 3, "PeopleDefinition" => num_finished_spaces, "People" => num_finished_spaces, "ScheduleRuleset" => 1, "ShadingSurfaceGroup" => 2, "ShadingSurface" => 8, "ExternalFile" => 1, "ScheduleFile" => 1 }
    expected_values = { "FinishedFloorArea" => 2000, "CrawlspaceHeight" => 3, "CrawlspaceFloorArea" => 2000 / 2, "UnfinishedAtticHeight" => 6.59, "UnfinishedAtticFloorArea" => 2000 / 2, "BuildingHeight" => 3 + 8 + 8 + 6.59, "Beds" => 3.0, "Baths" => 2.0, "NumOccupants" => 2.64, "EavesDepth" => 2 }
    _test_measure(nil, args_hash, expected_num_del_objects, expected_num_new_objects, expected_values, __method__)

  def test_pierandbeam
    num_finished_spaces = 2
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["foundation_type"] = "pier and beam"
    expected_num_del_objects = {}
    expected_num_new_objects = { "BuildingUnit" => 1, "Surface" => 23, "ThermalZone" => 3, "Space" => 4, "SpaceType" => 3, "PeopleDefinition" => num_finished_spaces, "People" => num_finished_spaces, "ScheduleRuleset" => 1, "ShadingSurfaceGroup" => 2, "ShadingSurface" => 8, "ExternalFile" => 1, "ScheduleFile" => 1 }
    expected_values = { "FinishedFloorArea" => 2000, "CrawlspaceHeight" => 3, "CrawlspaceFloorArea" => 2000 / 2, "UnfinishedAtticHeight" => 6.59, "UnfinishedAtticFloorArea" => 2000 / 2, "BuildingHeight" => 3 + 8 + 8 + 6.59, "Beds" => 3.0, "Baths" => 2.0, "NumOccupants" => 2.64, "EavesDepth" => 2 }
    _test_measure(nil, args_hash, expected_num_del_objects, expected_num_new_objects, expected_values, __method__)

  def test_finished_attic_and_finished_basement
    num_finished_spaces = 4
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["foundation_height"] = 8.0
    args_hash["attic_type"] = "finished attic"
    args_hash["foundation_type"] = "finished basement"
    expected_num_del_objects = {}
    expected_num_new_objects = { "BuildingUnit" => 1, "Surface" => 23, "ThermalZone" => 2, "Space" => 4, "SpaceType" => 2, "PeopleDefinition" => num_finished_spaces, "People" => num_finished_spaces, "ScheduleRuleset" => 1, "ShadingSurfaceGroup" => 2, "ShadingSurface" => 8, "ExternalFile" => 1, "ScheduleFile" => 1 }
    expected_values = { "FinishedFloorArea" => 2000, "FinishedBasementHeight" => 8, "FinishedBasementFloorArea" => 2000 / 4, "FinishedAtticHeight" => 4.95, "FinishedAtticFloorArea" => 2000 / 4, "BuildingHeight" => 8 + 8 + 8 + 4.95, "Beds" => 3.0, "Baths" => 2.0, "NumOccupants" => 2.64, "EavesDepth" => 2 }
    _test_measure(nil, args_hash, expected_num_del_objects, expected_num_new_objects, expected_values, __method__)

  def test_hip_finished_attic
    num_finished_spaces = 3
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["attic_type"] = "finished attic"
    args_hash["roof_type"] = Constants.RoofTypeHip
    expected_num_del_objects = {}
    expected_num_new_objects = { "BuildingUnit" => 1, "Surface" => 17, "ThermalZone" => 1, "Space" => 3, "SpaceType" => 1, "PeopleDefinition" => num_finished_spaces, "People" => num_finished_spaces, "ScheduleRuleset" => 1, "ShadingSurfaceGroup" => 2, "ShadingSurface" => 6, "ExternalFile" => 1, "ScheduleFile" => 1 }
    expected_values = { "FinishedFloorArea" => 2000, "FinishedAtticHeight" => 5.56, "FinishedAtticFloorArea" => 2000 / 3, "BuildingHeight" => 8 + 8 + 5.56, "Beds" => 3.0, "Baths" => 2.0, "NumOccupants" => 2.64, "EavesDepth" => 2 }
    _test_measure(nil, args_hash, expected_num_del_objects, expected_num_new_objects, expected_values, __method__)

  def test_onestory_fbasement_hasgarage_noprotrusion_garageright_gableroof
    num_finished_spaces = 2
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["num_floors"] = 1
    args_hash["garage_width"] = 12
    args_hash["foundation_height"] = 8.0
    args_hash["foundation_type"] = "finished basement"
    expected_num_del_objects = {}
    expected_num_new_objects = { "BuildingUnit" => 1, "Surface" => 28, "ThermalZone" => 4, "Space" => 4, "SpaceType" => 4, "PeopleDefinition" => num_finished_spaces, "People" => num_finished_spaces, "ScheduleRuleset" => 1, "ShadingSurfaceGroup" => 2, "ShadingSurface" => 8, "ExternalFile" => 1, "ScheduleFile" => 1 }
    expected_values = { "FinishedFloorArea" => 2000, "FinishedBasementHeight" => 8, "FinishedBasementFloorArea" => 1000, "UnfinishedAtticHeight" => 7.22, "UnfinishedAtticFloorArea" => 1240, "GarageAtticHeight" => 3, "GarageFloorArea" => 240, "BuildingHeight" => 8 + 8 + 7.22, "Beds" => 3.0, "Baths" => 2.0, "NumOccupants" => 2.64, "EavesDepth" => 2 }
    _test_measure(nil, args_hash, expected_num_del_objects, expected_num_new_objects, expected_values, __method__)

  def test_onestory_fbasement_hasgarage_halfprotrusion_garageright_gableroof
    num_finished_spaces = 2
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["num_floors"] = 1
    args_hash["garage_width"] = 12
    args_hash["foundation_height"] = 8.0
    args_hash["foundation_type"] = "finished basement"
    args_hash["garage_protrusion"] = 0.5
    expected_num_del_objects = {}
    expected_num_new_objects = { "BuildingUnit" => 1, "Surface" => 34, "ThermalZone" => 4, "Space" => 5, "SpaceType" => 5, "PeopleDefinition" => num_finished_spaces, "People" => num_finished_spaces, "ScheduleRuleset" => 1, "ShadingSurfaceGroup" => 2, "ShadingSurface" => 12, "ExternalFile" => 1, "ScheduleFile" => 1 }
    expected_values = { "FinishedFloorArea" => 2000, "FinishedBasementHeight" => 8, "FinishedBasementFloorArea" => 1000, "UnfinishedAtticHeight" => 6.91, "UnfinishedAtticFloorArea" => 1240, "GarageAtticHeight" => 4, "GarageFloorArea" => 240, "BuildingHeight" => 8 + 8 + 6.91, "Beds" => 3.0, "Baths" => 2.0, "NumOccupants" => 2.64, "EavesDepth" => 2 }
    _test_measure(nil, args_hash, expected_num_del_objects, expected_num_new_objects, expected_values, __method__)

  def test_onestory_fbasement_hasgarage_halfprotrusion_garageright_gableroof_fattic
    num_finished_spaces = 3
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["num_floors"] = 1
    args_hash["garage_width"] = 12
    args_hash["foundation_height"] = 8.0
    args_hash["foundation_type"] = "finished basement"
    args_hash["attic_type"] = "finished attic"
    args_hash["garage_protrusion"] = 0.5
    expected_num_del_objects = {}
    expected_num_new_objects = { "BuildingUnit" => 1, "Surface" => 34, "ThermalZone" => 3, "Space" => 4, "SpaceType" => 3, "PeopleDefinition" => num_finished_spaces, "People" => num_finished_spaces, "ScheduleRuleset" => 1, "ShadingSurfaceGroup" => 2, "ShadingSurface" => 12, "ExternalFile" => 1, "ScheduleFile" => 1 }
    expected_values = { "FinishedFloorArea" => 2000, "FinishedBasementHeight" => 8, "FinishedBasementFloorArea" => 586.66, "FinishedAtticHeight" => 5.69, "FinishedAtticFloorArea" => 826.66, "GarageAtticHeight" => 4, "GarageFloorArea" => 240, "BuildingHeight" => 8 + 8 + 5.69, "Beds" => 3.0, "Baths" => 2.0, "NumOccupants" => 2.64, "EavesDepth" => 2 }
    _test_measure(nil, args_hash, expected_num_del_objects, expected_num_new_objects, expected_values, __method__)

  def test_onestory_ubasement_hasgarage_halfprotrusion_garageright_gableroof_fattic
    num_finished_spaces = 2
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["num_floors"] = 1
    args_hash["garage_width"] = 12
    args_hash["foundation_height"] = 8.0
    args_hash["foundation_type"] = "unfinished basement"
    args_hash["attic_type"] = "finished attic"
    args_hash["garage_protrusion"] = 0.5
    expected_num_del_objects = {}
    expected_num_new_objects = { "BuildingUnit" => 1, "Surface" => 34, "ThermalZone" => 3, "Space" => 4, "SpaceType" => 3, "PeopleDefinition" => num_finished_spaces, "People" => num_finished_spaces, "ScheduleRuleset" => 1, "ShadingSurfaceGroup" => 2, "ShadingSurface" => 12, "ExternalFile" => 1, "ScheduleFile" => 1 }
    expected_values = { "FinishedFloorArea" => 2000, "UnfinishedBasementHeight" => 8, "UnfinishedBasementFloorArea" => 880, "FinishedAtticHeight" => 6.59, "FinishedAtticFloorArea" => 1120, "GarageAtticHeight" => 4, "GarageFloorArea" => 240, "BuildingHeight" => 8 + 8 + 6.59, "Beds" => 3.0, "Baths" => 2.0, "NumOccupants" => 2.64, "EavesDepth" => 2 }
    _test_measure(nil, args_hash, expected_num_del_objects, expected_num_new_objects, expected_values, __method__)

  def test_onestory_fbasement_hasgarage_fullprotrusion_garageright_gableroof
    num_finished_spaces = 2
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["num_floors"] = 1
    args_hash["garage_width"] = 12
    args_hash["foundation_height"] = 8.0
    args_hash["foundation_type"] = "finished basement"
    args_hash["garage_protrusion"] = 1
    expected_num_del_objects = {}
    expected_num_new_objects = { "BuildingUnit" => 1, "Surface" => 28, "ThermalZone" => 4, "Space" => 5, "SpaceType" => 5, "PeopleDefinition" => num_finished_spaces, "People" => num_finished_spaces, "ScheduleRuleset" => 1, "ShadingSurfaceGroup" => 2, "ShadingSurface" => 12, "ExternalFile" => 1, "ScheduleFile" => 1 }
    expected_values = { "FinishedFloorArea" => 2000, "FinishedBasementHeight" => 8, "FinishedBasementFloorArea" => 2000 / 2, "UnfinishedAtticHeight" => 6.59, "UnfinishedAtticFloorArea" => 1240, "GarageAtticHeight" => 4, "GarageFloorArea" => 240, "BuildingHeight" => 8 + 8 + 6.59, "Beds" => 3.0, "Baths" => 2.0, "NumOccupants" => 2.64, "EavesDepth" => 2 }
    _test_measure(nil, args_hash, expected_num_del_objects, expected_num_new_objects, expected_values, __method__)

  def test_twostory_fbasement_hasgarage_noprotrusion_garageright_garagetobackwall_gableroof
    num_finished_spaces = 3
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["garage_width"] = 10
    args_hash["foundation_height"] = 8.0
    args_hash["foundation_type"] = "finished basement"
    expected_num_del_objects = {}
    expected_num_new_objects = { "BuildingUnit" => 1, "Surface" => 30, "ThermalZone" => 4, "Space" => 5, "SpaceType" => 4, "PeopleDefinition" => num_finished_spaces, "People" => num_finished_spaces, "ScheduleRuleset" => 1, "ShadingSurfaceGroup" => 2, "ShadingSurface" => 8, "ExternalFile" => 1, "ScheduleFile" => 1 }
    expected_values = { "FinishedFloorArea" => 2000, "FinishedBasementHeight" => 8, "FinishedBasementFloorArea" => 600, "UnfinishedAtticHeight" => 6, "UnfinishedAtticFloorArea" => 800, "GarageAtticHeight" => 4, "GarageFloorArea" => 200, "BuildingHeight" => 8 + 8 + 8 + 6, "Beds" => 3.0, "Baths" => 2.0, "NumOccupants" => 2.64, "EavesDepth" => 2 }
    _test_measure(nil, args_hash, expected_num_del_objects, expected_num_new_objects, expected_values, __method__)

  def test_twostory_fbasement_hasgarage_noprotrusion_garageright_gableroof
    num_finished_spaces = 3
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["garage_width"] = 12
    args_hash["foundation_height"] = 8.0
    args_hash["foundation_type"] = "finished basement"
    expected_num_del_objects = {}
    expected_num_new_objects = { "BuildingUnit" => 1, "Surface" => 34, "ThermalZone" => 4, "Space" => 5, "SpaceType" => 4, "PeopleDefinition" => num_finished_spaces, "People" => num_finished_spaces, "ScheduleRuleset" => 1, "ShadingSurfaceGroup" => 2, "ShadingSurface" => 8, "ExternalFile" => 1, "ScheduleFile" => 1 }
    expected_values = { "FinishedFloorArea" => 2000, "FinishedBasementHeight" => 8, "FinishedBasementFloorArea" => 586.66, "UnfinishedAtticHeight" => 6.08, "UnfinishedAtticFloorArea" => 826.66, "GarageAtticHeight" => 4, "GarageFloorArea" => 240, "BuildingHeight" => 8 + 8 + 8 + 6.08, "Beds" => 3.0, "Baths" => 2.0, "NumOccupants" => 2.64, "EavesDepth" => 2 }
    _test_measure(nil, args_hash, expected_num_del_objects, expected_num_new_objects, expected_values, __method__)

  def test_twostory_fbasement_hasgarage_halfprotrusion_garageright_gableroof
    num_finished_spaces = 3
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["garage_width"] = 12
    args_hash["foundation_height"] = 8.0
    args_hash["foundation_type"] = "finished basement"
    args_hash["garage_protrusion"] = 0.5
    expected_num_del_objects = {}
    expected_num_new_objects = { "BuildingUnit" => 1, "Surface" => 42, "ThermalZone" => 4, "Space" => 5, "SpaceType" => 4, "PeopleDefinition" => num_finished_spaces, "People" => num_finished_spaces, "ScheduleRuleset" => 1, "ShadingSurfaceGroup" => 2, "ShadingSurface" => 12, "ExternalFile" => 1, "ScheduleFile" => 1 }
    expected_values = { "FinishedFloorArea" => 2000, "FinishedBasementHeight" => 8, "FinishedBasementFloorArea" => 586.66, "UnfinishedAtticHeight" => 5.69, "UnfinishedAtticFloorArea" => 826.66, "GarageAtticHeight" => 4, "GarageFloorArea" => 240, "BuildingHeight" => 8 + 8 + 8 + 5.69, "Beds" => 3.0, "Baths" => 2.0, "NumOccupants" => 2.64, "EavesDepth" => 2 }
    _test_measure(nil, args_hash, expected_num_del_objects, expected_num_new_objects, expected_values, __method__)

  def test_twostory_fbasement_hasgarage_halfprotrusion_garageright_gableroof_fattic
    num_finished_spaces = 4
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["garage_width"] = 12
    args_hash["foundation_height"] = 8.0
    args_hash["foundation_type"] = "finished basement"
    args_hash["attic_type"] = "finished attic"
    args_hash["garage_protrusion"] = 0.5
    expected_num_del_objects = {}
    expected_num_new_objects = { "BuildingUnit" => 1, "Surface" => 42, "ThermalZone" => 3, "Space" => 5, "SpaceType" => 3, "PeopleDefinition" => num_finished_spaces, "People" => num_finished_spaces, "ScheduleRuleset" => 1, "ShadingSurfaceGroup" => 2, "ShadingSurface" => 12, "ExternalFile" => 1, "ScheduleFile" => 1 }
    expected_values = { "FinishedFloorArea" => 2000, "FinishedBasementHeight" => 8, "FinishedBasementFloorArea" => 380, "FinishedAtticHeight" => 4.95, "FinishedAtticFloorArea" => 620, "GarageAtticHeight" => 4, "GarageFloorArea" => 240, "BuildingHeight" => 8 + 8 + 8 + 4.95, "Beds" => 3.0, "Baths" => 2.0, "NumOccupants" => 2.64, "EavesDepth" => 2 }
    _test_measure(nil, args_hash, expected_num_del_objects, expected_num_new_objects, expected_values, __method__)

  def test_twostory_ubasement_hasgarage_halfprotrusion_garageright_gableroof_fattic
    num_finished_spaces = 3
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["garage_width"] = 12
    args_hash["foundation_height"] = 8.0
    args_hash["foundation_type"] = "unfinished basement"
    args_hash["attic_type"] = "finished attic"
    args_hash["garage_protrusion"] = 0.5
    expected_num_del_objects = {}
    expected_num_new_objects = { "BuildingUnit" => 1, "Surface" => 42, "ThermalZone" => 3, "Space" => 5, "SpaceType" => 3, "PeopleDefinition" => num_finished_spaces, "People" => num_finished_spaces, "ScheduleRuleset" => 1, "ShadingSurfaceGroup" => 2, "ShadingSurface" => 12, "ExternalFile" => 1, "ScheduleFile" => 1 }
    expected_values = { "FinishedFloorArea" => 2000, "UnfinishedBasementHeight" => 8, "UnfinishedBasementFloorArea" => 506.66, "FinishedAtticHeight" => 5.43, "FinishedAtticFloorArea" => 746.66, "GarageAtticHeight" => 4, "GarageFloorArea" => 240, "BuildingHeight" => 8 + 8 + 8 + 5.43, "Beds" => 3.0, "Baths" => 2.0, "NumOccupants" => 2.64, "EavesDepth" => 2 }
    _test_measure(nil, args_hash, expected_num_del_objects, expected_num_new_objects, expected_values, __method__)

  def test_twostory_fbasement_hasgarage_fullprotrusion_garageright_gableroof
    num_finished_spaces = 3
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["garage_width"] = 12
    args_hash["foundation_height"] = 8.0
    args_hash["foundation_type"] = "finished basement"
    args_hash["garage_protrusion"] = 1
    expected_num_del_objects = {}
    expected_num_new_objects = { "BuildingUnit" => 1, "Surface" => 38, "ThermalZone" => 4, "Space" => 5, "SpaceType" => 4, "PeopleDefinition" => num_finished_spaces, "People" => num_finished_spaces, "ScheduleRuleset" => 1, "ShadingSurfaceGroup" => 2, "ShadingSurface" => 12, "ExternalFile" => 1, "ScheduleFile" => 1 }
    expected_values = { "FinishedFloorArea" => 2000, "FinishedBasementHeight" => 8, "FinishedBasementFloorArea" => 586.66, "UnfinishedAtticHeight" => 5.28, "UnfinishedAtticFloorArea" => 826.66, "GarageAtticHeight" => 4, "GarageFloorArea" => 240, "BuildingHeight" => 8 + 8 + 8 + 5.28, "Beds" => 3.0, "Baths" => 2.0, "NumOccupants" => 2.64, "EavesDepth" => 2 }
    _test_measure(nil, args_hash, expected_num_del_objects, expected_num_new_objects, expected_values, __method__)

  def test_onestory_fbasement_hasgarage_noprotrusion_garageleft_gableroof
    num_finished_spaces = 2
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["num_floors"] = 1
    args_hash["garage_width"] = 12
    args_hash["garage_position"] = "Left"
    args_hash["foundation_height"] = 8.0
    args_hash["foundation_type"] = "finished basement"
    expected_num_del_objects = {}
    expected_num_new_objects = { "BuildingUnit" => 1, "Surface" => 28, "ThermalZone" => 4, "Space" => 4, "SpaceType" => 4, "PeopleDefinition" => num_finished_spaces, "People" => num_finished_spaces, "ScheduleRuleset" => 1, "ShadingSurfaceGroup" => 2, "ShadingSurface" => 8, "ExternalFile" => 1, "ScheduleFile" => 1 }
    expected_values = { "FinishedFloorArea" => 2000, "FinishedBasementHeight" => 8, "FinishedBasementFloorArea" => 1000, "UnfinishedAtticHeight" => 7.22, "UnfinishedAtticFloorArea" => 1240, "GarageAtticHeight" => 4, "GarageFloorArea" => 240, "BuildingHeight" => 8 + 8 + 7.22, "Beds" => 3.0, "Baths" => 2.0, "NumOccupants" => 2.64, "EavesDepth" => 2 }
    _test_measure(nil, args_hash, expected_num_del_objects, expected_num_new_objects, expected_values, __method__)

  def test_onestory_fbasement_hasgarage_halfprotrusion_garageleft_gableroof
    num_finished_spaces = 2
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["num_floors"] = 1
    args_hash["garage_width"] = 12
    args_hash["garage_position"] = "Left"
    args_hash["foundation_height"] = 8.0
    args_hash["foundation_type"] = "finished basement"
    args_hash["garage_protrusion"] = 0.5
    expected_num_del_objects = {}
    expected_num_new_objects = { "BuildingUnit" => 1, "Surface" => 34, "ThermalZone" => 4, "Space" => 5, "SpaceType" => 5, "PeopleDefinition" => num_finished_spaces, "People" => num_finished_spaces, "ScheduleRuleset" => 1, "ShadingSurfaceGroup" => 2, "ShadingSurface" => 12, "ExternalFile" => 1, "ScheduleFile" => 1 }
    expected_values = { "FinishedFloorArea" => 2000, "FinishedBasementHeight" => 8, "FinishedBasementFloorArea" => 1000, "UnfinishedAtticHeight" => 6.91, "UnfinishedAtticFloorArea" => 1240, "GarageAtticHeight" => 4, "GarageFloorArea" => 240, "BuildingHeight" => 8 + 8 + 6.91, "Beds" => 3.0, "Baths" => 2.0, "NumOccupants" => 2.64, "EavesDepth" => 2 }
    _test_measure(nil, args_hash, expected_num_del_objects, expected_num_new_objects, expected_values, __method__)

  def test_onestory_fbasement_hasgarage_fullprotrusion_garageleft_gableroof
    num_finished_spaces = 2
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["num_floors"] = 1
    args_hash["garage_width"] = 12
    args_hash["garage_position"] = "Left"
    args_hash["foundation_height"] = 8.0
    args_hash["foundation_type"] = "finished basement"
    args_hash["garage_protrusion"] = 1
    expected_num_del_objects = {}
    expected_num_new_objects = { "BuildingUnit" => 1, "Surface" => 28, "ThermalZone" => 4, "Space" => 5, "SpaceType" => 5, "PeopleDefinition" => num_finished_spaces, "People" => num_finished_spaces, "ScheduleRuleset" => 1, "ShadingSurfaceGroup" => 2, "ShadingSurface" => 12, "ExternalFile" => 1, "ScheduleFile" => 1 }
    expected_values = { "FinishedFloorArea" => 2000, "FinishedBasementHeight" => 8, "FinishedBasementFloorArea" => 2000 / 2, "UnfinishedAtticHeight" => 6.59, "UnfinishedAtticFloorArea" => 1240, "GarageAtticHeight" => 4, "GarageFloorArea" => 240, "BuildingHeight" => 8 + 8 + 6.59, "Beds" => 3.0, "Baths" => 2.0, "NumOccupants" => 2.64, "EavesDepth" => 2 }
    _test_measure(nil, args_hash, expected_num_del_objects, expected_num_new_objects, expected_values, __method__)

  def test_twostory_fbasement_hasgarage_noprotrusion_garageleft_gableroof
    num_finished_spaces = 3
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["garage_width"] = 12
    args_hash["garage_position"] = "Left"
    args_hash["foundation_height"] = 8.0
    args_hash["foundation_type"] = "finished basement"
    expected_num_del_objects = {}
    expected_num_new_objects = { "BuildingUnit" => 1, "Surface" => 34, "ThermalZone" => 4, "Space" => 5, "SpaceType" => 4, "PeopleDefinition" => num_finished_spaces, "People" => num_finished_spaces, "ScheduleRuleset" => 1, "ShadingSurfaceGroup" => 2, "ShadingSurface" => 8, "ExternalFile" => 1, "ScheduleFile" => 1 }
    expected_values = { "FinishedFloorArea" => 2000, "FinishedBasementHeight" => 8, "FinishedBasementFloorArea" => 586.66, "UnfinishedAtticHeight" => 6.08, "UnfinishedAtticFloorArea" => 826.66, "GarageAtticHeight" => 4, "GarageFloorArea" => 240, "BuildingHeight" => 8 + 8 + 8 + 6.08, "Beds" => 3.0, "Baths" => 2.0, "NumOccupants" => 2.64, "EavesDepth" => 2 }
    _test_measure(nil, args_hash, expected_num_del_objects, expected_num_new_objects, expected_values, __method__)

  def test_twostory_fbasement_hasgarage_halfprotrusion_garageleft_gableroof
    num_finished_spaces = 3
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["garage_width"] = 12
    args_hash["garage_position"] = "Left"
    args_hash["foundation_height"] = 8.0
    args_hash["foundation_type"] = "finished basement"
    args_hash["garage_protrusion"] = 0.5
    expected_num_del_objects = {}
    expected_num_new_objects = { "BuildingUnit" => 1, "Surface" => 42, "ThermalZone" => 4, "Space" => 5, "SpaceType" => 4, "PeopleDefinition" => num_finished_spaces, "People" => num_finished_spaces, "ScheduleRuleset" => 1, "ShadingSurfaceGroup" => 2, "ShadingSurface" => 12, "ExternalFile" => 1, "ScheduleFile" => 1 }
    expected_values = { "FinishedFloorArea" => 2000, "FinishedBasementHeight" => 8, "FinishedBasementFloorArea" => 586.66, "UnfinishedAtticHeight" => 5.69, "UnfinishedAtticFloorArea" => 826.66, "GarageAtticHeight" => 4, "GarageFloorArea" => 240, "BuildingHeight" => 8 + 8 + 8 + 5.69, "Beds" => 3.0, "Baths" => 2.0, "NumOccupants" => 2.64, "EavesDepth" => 2 }
    _test_measure(nil, args_hash, expected_num_del_objects, expected_num_new_objects, expected_values, __method__)

  def test_twostory_fbasement_hasgarage_fullprotrusion_garageleft_gableroof
    num_finished_spaces = 3
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["garage_width"] = 12
    args_hash["garage_position"] = "Left"
    args_hash["foundation_height"] = 8.0
    args_hash["foundation_type"] = "finished basement"
    args_hash["garage_protrusion"] = 1
    expected_num_del_objects = {}
    expected_num_new_objects = { "BuildingUnit" => 1, "Surface" => 38, "ThermalZone" => 4, "Space" => 5, "SpaceType" => 4, "PeopleDefinition" => num_finished_spaces, "People" => num_finished_spaces, "ScheduleRuleset" => 1, "ShadingSurfaceGroup" => 2, "ShadingSurface" => 12, "ExternalFile" => 1, "ScheduleFile" => 1 }
    expected_values = { "FinishedFloorArea" => 2000, "FinishedBasementHeight" => 8, "FinishedBasementFloorArea" => 586.66, "UnfinishedAtticHeight" => 5.28, "UnfinishedAtticFloorArea" => 826.66, "GarageAtticHeight" => 4, "GarageFloorArea" => 240, "BuildingHeight" => 8 + 8 + 8 + 5.28, "Beds" => 3.0, "Baths" => 2.0, "NumOccupants" => 2.64, "EavesDepth" => 2 }
    _test_measure(nil, args_hash, expected_num_del_objects, expected_num_new_objects, expected_values, __method__)

  def test_twostory_slab_hasgarage_noprotrusion_garageright_hiproof
    num_finished_spaces = 2
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["garage_width"] = 12
    args_hash["roof_type"] = Constants.RoofTypeHip
    expected_num_del_objects = {}
    expected_num_new_objects = { "BuildingUnit" => 1, "Surface" => 26, "ThermalZone" => 3, "Space" => 4, "SpaceType" => 3, "PeopleDefinition" => num_finished_spaces, "People" => num_finished_spaces, "ScheduleRuleset" => 1, "ShadingSurfaceGroup" => 2, "ShadingSurface" => 6, "ExternalFile" => 1, "ScheduleFile" => 1 }
    expected_values = { "FinishedFloorArea" => 2000, "FinishedBasementHeight" => 8, "FinishedBasementFloorArea" => 2000 / 2, "UnfinishedAtticHeight" => 6.91, "UnfinishedAtticFloorArea" => 1120, "GarageAtticHeight" => 4, "GarageFloorArea" => 240, "BuildingHeight" => 8 + 8 + 6.91, "Beds" => 3.0, "Baths" => 2.0, "NumOccupants" => 2.64, "EavesDepth" => 2 }
    _test_measure(nil, args_hash, expected_num_del_objects, expected_num_new_objects, expected_values, __method__)

  def test_gable_ridge_front_to_back
    num_finished_spaces = 2
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["aspect_ratio"] = 0.75
    expected_num_del_objects = {}
    expected_num_new_objects = { "BuildingUnit" => 1, "Surface" => 17, "ThermalZone" => 2, "Space" => 3, "SpaceType" => 2, "PeopleDefinition" => num_finished_spaces, "People" => num_finished_spaces, "ScheduleRuleset" => 1, "ShadingSurfaceGroup" => 2, "ShadingSurface" => 8, "ExternalFile" => 1, "ScheduleFile" => 1 }
    expected_values = { "FinishedFloorArea" => 2000, "FinishedBasementHeight" => 8, "FinishedBasementFloorArea" => 2000 / 2, "UnfinishedAtticHeight" => 7.84, "UnfinishedAtticFloorArea" => 2000 / 2, "BuildingHeight" => 8 + 8 + 7.84, "Beds" => 3.0, "Baths" => 2.0, "NumOccupants" => 2.64, "EavesDepth" => 2 }
    _test_measure(nil, args_hash, expected_num_del_objects, expected_num_new_objects, expected_values, __method__)

  def test_hip_ridge_front_to_back
    num_finished_spaces = 2
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["aspect_ratio"] = 0.75
    args_hash["roof_type"] = Constants.RoofTypeHip
    expected_num_del_objects = {}
    expected_num_new_objects = { "BuildingUnit" => 1, "Surface" => 17, "ThermalZone" => 2, "Space" => 3, "SpaceType" => 2, "PeopleDefinition" => num_finished_spaces, "People" => num_finished_spaces, "ScheduleRuleset" => 1, "ShadingSurfaceGroup" => 2, "ShadingSurface" => 6, "ExternalFile" => 1, "ScheduleFile" => 1 }
    expected_values = { "FinishedFloorArea" => 2000, "FinishedBasementHeight" => 8, "FinishedBasementFloorArea" => 2000 / 2, "UnfinishedAtticHeight" => 7.84, "UnfinishedAtticFloorArea" => 2000 / 2, "BuildingHeight" => 8 + 8 + 7.84, "Beds" => 3.0, "Baths" => 2.0, "NumOccupants" => 2.64, "EavesDepth" => 2 }
    _test_measure(nil, args_hash, expected_num_del_objects, expected_num_new_objects, expected_values, __method__)

  def test_threestory_ufbasement_halfprotrusion_garageright_gableroof
    num_finished_spaces = 3
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["aspect_ratio"] = "1.8"
    args_hash["foundation_height"] = "8"
    args_hash["foundation_type"] = "unfinished basement"
    args_hash["garage_depth"] = "24"
    args_hash["garage_protrusion"] = "0.5"
    args_hash["garage_width"] = "12"
    args_hash["num_floors"] = "3"
    args_hash["total_ffa"] = "4500"
    expected_num_del_objects = {}
    expected_num_new_objects = { "BuildingUnit" => 1, "Surface" => 50, "ThermalZone" => 4, "Space" => 6, "SpaceType" => 4, "PeopleDefinition" => num_finished_spaces, "People" => num_finished_spaces, "ScheduleRuleset" => 1, "ShadingSurfaceGroup" => 2, "ShadingSurface" => 12, "ExternalFile" => 1, "ScheduleFile" => 1 }
    expected_values = { "FinishedFloorArea" => 4500, "UnfinishedBasementHeight" => 8, "UnfinishedBasementFloorArea" => 1308, "UnfinishedAtticHeight" => 8.10, "UnfinishedAtticFloorArea" => 1596, "GarageAtticHeight" => 4, "GarageFloorArea" => 288, "BuildingHeight" => 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8.10, "Beds" => 3.0, "Baths" => 2.0, "NumOccupants" => 2.64, "EavesDepth" => 2 }
    _test_measure(nil, args_hash, expected_num_del_objects, expected_num_new_objects, expected_values, __method__)

  def test_argument_error_beds_not_equal_to_baths
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["num_bedrooms"] = "3.0, 3.0, 3.0"
    args_hash["num_bathrooms"] = "2.0, 2.0"
    result = _test_error(nil, args_hash)
    assert_includes( { |x| x.logMessage }, "Number of bedroom elements specified inconsistent with number of bathroom elements specified.")

  def test_argument_error_beds_not_equal_to_units
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["num_bedrooms"] = "3.0, 3.0"
    result = _test_error(nil, args_hash)
    assert_includes( { |x| x.logMessage }, "Number of bedroom elements specified inconsistent with number of multifamily units defined in the model.")

  def test_argument_error_baths_not_equal_to_units
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["num_bathrooms"] = "2.0, 2.0"
    result = _test_error(nil, args_hash)
    assert_includes( { |x| x.logMessage }, "Number of bathroom elements specified inconsistent with number of multifamily units defined in the model.")

  def test_argument_error_beds_not_numerical
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["num_bedrooms"] = "3.0, 3.0, typo"
    result = _test_error(nil, args_hash)
    assert_includes( { |x| x.logMessage }, "Number of bedrooms must be a numerical value.")

  def test_argument_error_baths_not_numerical
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["num_bathrooms"] = "2.0, 2.0, typo"
    result = _test_error(nil, args_hash)
    assert_includes( { |x| x.logMessage }, "Number of bathrooms must be a numerical value.")

  def test_argument_error_beds_not_integer
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["num_bedrooms"] = "3.0, 3.0, 3.5"
    result = _test_error(nil, args_hash)
    assert_includes( { |x| x.logMessage }, "Number of bedrooms must be a non-negative integer.")

  def test_argument_error_baths_not_positive_multiple_of_0pt25
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["num_bathrooms"] = "2.0, 2.0, 2.8"
    result = _test_error(nil, args_hash)
    assert_includes( { |x| x.logMessage }, "Number of bathrooms must be a positive multiple of 0.25.")

  def test_error_invalid_eaves_depth
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["eaves_depth"] = -1
    result = _test_error(nil, args_hash)
    assert(result.errors.size == 1)
    assert_equal("Fail", result.value.valueName)
    assert_includes( { |x| x.logMessage }, "Eaves depth must be greater than or equal to 0.")

  def test_error_invalid_neighbor_offset
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["neighbor_left_offset"] = -10
    result = _test_error(nil, args_hash)
    assert(result.errors.size == 1)
    assert_equal("Fail", result.value.valueName)
    assert_includes( { |x| x.logMessage }, "Neighbor offsets must be greater than or equal to 0.")

  def test_error_invalid_orientation
    args_hash = {}
    args_hash["orientation"] = -180
    result = _test_error(nil, args_hash)
    assert_includes( { |x| x.logMessage }, "Invalid orientation entered.")


  def _test_error(osm_file_or_model, args_hash)
    # create an instance of the measure
    measure =

    # create an instance of a runner
    runner =

    model = get_model(File.dirname(__FILE__), osm_file_or_model)

    # get arguments
    arguments = measure.arguments(model)
    argument_map = OpenStudio::Measure.convertOSArgumentVectorToMap(arguments)

    # populate argument with specified hash value if specified
    arguments.each do |arg|
      temp_arg_var = arg.clone
      if args_hash.has_key?(
      argument_map[] = temp_arg_var

    # run the measure, runner, argument_map)
    result = runner.result

    # show the output
    show_output(result) unless result.value.valueName == 'Fail'

    # assert that it didn't run
    assert_equal("Fail", result.value.valueName)
    assert(result.errors.size == 1)

    return result

  def _test_measure(osm_file_or_model, args_hash, expected_num_del_objects, expected_num_new_objects, expected_values, test_name)
    # create an instance of the measure
    measure =

    # check for standard methods

    # create an instance of a runner
    runner =

    model = get_model(File.dirname(__FILE__), osm_file_or_model)

    # get the initial objects in the model
    initial_objects = get_objects(model)

    # get arguments
    arguments = measure.arguments(model)
    argument_map = OpenStudio::Measure.convertOSArgumentVectorToMap(arguments)

    # populate argument with specified hash value if specified
    arguments.each do |arg|
      temp_arg_var = arg.clone
      if args_hash.has_key?(
      argument_map[] = temp_arg_var

    # run the measure, runner, argument_map)
    result = runner.result

    # save the model to test output directory
    # output_file_path = + "/output/#{test_name}.osm")
    #, true)

    # show the output
    show_output(result) unless result.value.valueName == 'Success'

    # assert that it ran correctly
    assert_equal("Success", result.value.valueName)

    # get the final objects in the model
    final_objects = get_objects(model)

    # get new and deleted objects
    obj_type_exclusions = ["PortList", "Node", "ZoneEquipmentList", "SizingZone", "ZoneHVACEquipmentList", "Building", "ScheduleRule", "ScheduleDay", "ScheduleTypeLimits", "YearDescription"]
    all_new_objects = get_object_additions(initial_objects, final_objects, obj_type_exclusions)
    all_del_objects = get_object_additions(final_objects, initial_objects, obj_type_exclusions)

    # check we have the expected number of new/deleted objects
    check_num_objects(all_new_objects, expected_num_new_objects, "added")
    check_num_objects(all_del_objects, expected_num_del_objects, "deleted")

    actual_values = { "FinishedFloorArea" => 0, "GarageFloorArea" => 0, "FinishedBasementFloorArea" => 0, "UnfinishedBasementFloorArea" => 0, "CrawlspaceFloorArea" => 0, "UnfinishedAtticFloorArea" => 0, "FinishedAtticFloorArea" => 0, "BuildingHeight" => 0, "GarageAtticHeight" => 0, "FinishedBasementHeight" => 0, "UnfinishedBasementHeight" => 0, "CrawlspaceHeight" => 0, "UnfinishedAtticHeight" => 0, "FinishedAtticHeight" => 0, "NumOccupants" => 0 }
    new_spaces = []
    all_new_objects.each do |obj_type, new_objects|
      new_objects.each do |new_object|
        next if not new_object.respond_to?("to_#{obj_type}")

        new_object = new_object.public_send("to_#{obj_type}").get
        if obj_type == "Space"
          if"garage attic space")
            actual_values["GarageAtticHeight"] = Geometry.get_height_of_spaces([new_object])
            actual_values["UnfinishedAtticFloorArea"] += UnitConversions.convert(new_object.floorArea, "m^2", "ft^2")
          elsif"garage space")
            actual_values["GarageFloorArea"] += UnitConversions.convert(new_object.floorArea, "m^2", "ft^2")
          elsif"finished basement")
            actual_values["FinishedBasementHeight"] = Geometry.get_height_of_spaces([new_object])
            actual_values["FinishedBasementFloorArea"] += UnitConversions.convert(new_object.floorArea, "m^2", "ft^2")
          elsif"unfinished basement")
            actual_values["UnfinishedBasementHeight"] = Geometry.get_height_of_spaces([new_object])
            actual_values["UnfinishedBasementFloorArea"] += UnitConversions.convert(new_object.floorArea, "m^2", "ft^2")
            actual_values["CrawlspaceHeight"] = Geometry.get_height_of_spaces([new_object])
            actual_values["CrawlspaceFloorArea"] += UnitConversions.convert(new_object.floorArea, "m^2", "ft^2")
          elsif"unfinished attic")
            actual_values["UnfinishedAtticHeight"] = Geometry.get_height_of_spaces([new_object])
            actual_values["UnfinishedAtticFloorArea"] += UnitConversions.convert(new_object.floorArea, "m^2", "ft^2")
          elsif"finished attic") or"garage #{"finished attic"}")
            if Geometry.get_height_of_spaces([new_object]) > actual_values["FinishedAtticHeight"]
              actual_values["FinishedAtticHeight"] = Geometry.get_height_of_spaces([new_object])
            actual_values["FinishedAtticFloorArea"] += UnitConversions.convert(new_object.floorArea, "m^2", "ft^2")
          if Geometry.space_is_finished(new_object)
            actual_values["FinishedFloorArea"] += UnitConversions.convert(new_object.floorArea, "m^2", "ft^2")
          new_spaces << new_object
        elsif obj_type == "People"
          actual_values["NumOccupants"] += new_object.peopleDefinition.numberofPeople.get
        elsif obj_type == "ShadingSurface"
          next unless Constants.ObjectNameEaves

          l, w, h = Geometry.get_surface_dimensions(new_object)
          actual_values["EavesDepth"] = [UnitConversions.convert(l, "m", "ft"), UnitConversions.convert(w, "m", "ft")].min
          assert_in_epsilon(expected_values["EavesDepth"], actual_values["EavesDepth"], 0.01)
    if new_spaces.any? { |new_space|"garage attic space") }
      assert_in_epsilon(expected_values["GarageAtticHeight"], actual_values["GarageAtticHeight"], 0.01)
    if new_spaces.any? { |new_space|"garage space") }
      assert_in_epsilon(expected_values["GarageFloorArea"], actual_values["GarageFloorArea"], 0.01)
    if new_spaces.any? { |new_space|"finished basement") }
      assert_in_epsilon(expected_values["FinishedBasementHeight"], actual_values["FinishedBasementHeight"], 0.01)
      assert_in_epsilon(expected_values["FinishedBasementFloorArea"], actual_values["FinishedBasementFloorArea"], 0.01)
    if new_spaces.any? { |new_space|"unfinished basement") }
      assert_in_epsilon(expected_values["UnfinishedBasementHeight"], actual_values["UnfinishedBasementHeight"], 0.01)
      assert_in_epsilon(expected_values["UnfinishedBasementFloorArea"], actual_values["UnfinishedBasementFloorArea"], 0.01)
    if new_spaces.any? { |new_space|"crawlspace") }
      assert_in_epsilon(expected_values["CrawlspaceHeight"], actual_values["CrawlspaceHeight"], 0.01)
      assert_in_epsilon(expected_values["CrawlspaceFloorArea"], actual_values["CrawlspaceFloorArea"], 0.01)
    if new_spaces.any? { |new_space|"unfinished attic") }
      assert_in_epsilon(expected_values["UnfinishedAtticHeight"], actual_values["UnfinishedAtticHeight"], 0.01)
      assert_in_epsilon(expected_values["UnfinishedAtticFloorArea"], actual_values["UnfinishedAtticFloorArea"], 0.01)
    if new_spaces.any? { |new_space|"finished attic") }
      assert_in_epsilon(expected_values["FinishedAtticHeight"], actual_values["FinishedAtticHeight"], 0.01)
      assert_in_epsilon(expected_values["FinishedAtticFloorArea"], actual_values["FinishedAtticFloorArea"], 0.01)
    assert_in_epsilon(expected_values["FinishedFloorArea"], actual_values["FinishedFloorArea"], 0.01)
    assert_in_epsilon(expected_values["BuildingHeight"], Geometry.get_height_of_spaces(new_spaces), 0.01)
    assert_in_epsilon(expected_values["NumOccupants"], actual_values["NumOccupants"], 0.01)

    # Ensure no surfaces adjacent to "ground" (should be Kiva "foundation")
    model.getSurfaces.each do |surface|
      refute_equal(surface.outsideBoundaryCondition.downcase, "ground")

    Geometry.get_building_units(model, runner).each do |unit|
      nbeds, nbaths = Geometry.get_unit_beds_baths(model, unit, runner)
      assert_equal(expected_values["Beds"], nbeds)
      assert_equal(expected_values["Baths"], nbaths)

    return model