module RemoteExecutionHelper def providers_options RemoteExecutionProvider.providers.reject { |key, _provider| key == 'SSH' }.map { |key, provider| [ key, _(provider.humanized_name) ] } end def job_hosts_authorizer @job_hosts_authorizer ||=, :collection => @hosts) end def host_tasks_authorizer @host_tasks_authorizer ||=, :collection => @job_invocation.sub_tasks) end def host_counter(label, count) content_tag(:div, :class => 'host_counter') do content_tag(:div, label, :class => 'header') + content_tag(:div, count.to_s, :class => 'count') end end def template_invocation_status(task, parent_task) return(parent_task.result == 'cancelled' ? _('cancelled') : 'N/A') if task.nil? return task.state if task.state == 'running' || task.state == 'planned' return _('error') if task.result == 'warning' task.result end def template_invocation_actions(task, host, job_invocation, template_invocation) links = [] host_task = template_invocation.try(:run_host_job_task) if authorized_for(hash_for_host_path(host).merge(auth_object: host, permission: :view_hosts, authorizer: job_hosts_authorizer)) links << { title: _('Host detail'), action: { href: current_host_details_path(host), 'data-method': 'get', id: "#{}-actions-detail" } } end if authorized_for(hash_for_rerun_job_invocation_path(id: job_invocation, host_ids: [ ], authorizer: job_hosts_authorizer)) links << { title: (_('Rerun on %s') %, action: { href: rerun_job_invocation_path(job_invocation, host_ids: [ ]), 'data-method': 'get', id: "#{}-actions-rerun" } } end if host_task.present? && authorized_for(hash_for_foreman_tasks_task_path(host_task).merge(auth_object: host_task, permission: :view_foreman_tasks, authorizer: host_tasks_authorizer)) links << { title: _('Host task'), action: { href: foreman_tasks_task_path(host_task), 'data-method': 'get', id: "#{}-actions-task" } } end links end def remote_execution_provider_for(template_invocation) template_invocation.nil? ? _('N/A') : template_invocation.template.provider.humanized_name end def job_invocations_buttons [ documentation_button_rex('3.2ExecutingaJob'), new_link(_('Run Job')), ] end def job_invocation_task_buttons(task) job_invocation = task.task_groups.find { |group| group.class == JobInvocationTaskGroup }.job_invocation task_authorizer =, :collection => [task]) buttons = [] if (template = job_report_template) && authorized_for(controller: :report_templates, action: :generate) buttons << link_to(_('Create Report'), generate_report_template_path(template, job_report_template_parameters(job_invocation, template)), class: 'btn btn-default', title: _('Create report for this job'), disabled: task.pending?) end if authorized_for(hash_for_new_job_invocation_path) buttons << link_to(_('Rerun'), rerun_job_invocation_path(:id =>, :class => 'btn btn-default', :title => _('Rerun the job')) end if authorized_for(hash_for_new_job_invocation_path) buttons << link_to(_('Rerun failed'), rerun_job_invocation_path(:id =>, :failed_only => 1), :class => 'btn btn-default', :disabled => job_invocation.failed_hosts.none?, :title => _('Rerun on failed hosts')) end if authorized_for(:permission => :view_foreman_tasks, :auth_object => task, :authorizer => task_authorizer) buttons << link_to(_('Job Task'), foreman_tasks_task_path(task), :class => 'btn btn-default', :title => _('See the last task details')) end if authorized_for(:permission => :cancel_job_invocations, :auth_object => job_invocation) buttons << button_to(_('Cancel Job'), cancel_job_invocation_path(job_invocation), :class => 'btn btn-danger', :title => _('Try to cancel the job'), :disabled => !task.cancellable?, :method => :post) buttons << button_to(_('Abort Job'), cancel_job_invocation_path(job_invocation, :force => true), :class => 'btn btn-danger', :title => _('Try to abort the job without waiting for the results from the remote hosts'), :disabled => !task.cancellable?, :method => :post) end return buttons end def template_invocation_task_buttons(task, invocation) buttons = [] if authorized_for(:permission => :view_foreman_tasks, :auth_object => task) buttons << link_to(_('Task Details'), foreman_tasks_task_path(task), :class => 'btn btn-default', :title => _('See the task details')) end if authorized_for(:permission => :cancel_job_invocations, :auth_object => invocation) buttons << link_to(_('Cancel Job'), cancel_foreman_tasks_task_path(task), :class => 'btn btn-danger', :title => _('Try to cancel the job on a host'), :disabled => !task.cancellable?, :method => :post, :remote => true) buttons << link_to(_('Abort Job'), abort_foreman_tasks_task_path(task), :class => 'btn btn-danger', :title => _('Try to abort the job on a host without waiting for its result'), :disabled => !task.cancellable?, :method => :post, :remote => true) end buttons end def link_to_invocation_task_if_authorized(invocation) status = job_invocation_status(invocation, nil, false) if invocation.queued? status else task_authorizer =, :collection => [invocation.task]) link_to_if_authorized job_invocation_status(invocation), hash_for_foreman_tasks_task_path(invocation.task).merge(:auth_object => invocation.task, :permission => :view_foreman_tasks, :authorizer => task_authorizer) end end def invocation_count(invocation, options = {}) options = { :unknown_string => 'N/A' }.merge(options) if invocation.queued? options[:unknown_string] elsif options[:output_key] == :total_count invocation.total_hosts_count else (invocation.task.try(:output) || {}).fetch(options[:output_key], options[:unknown_string]) end end def invocation_description(invocation, keep_tooltip: true) description = invocation.description.try(:capitalize) || invocation.job_category description = trunc_with_tooltip(description, 80) if keep_tooltip description end def invocation_result(invocation, key) unknown = '—' result = invocation_count(invocation, :output_key => key, :unknown_string => unknown.html_safe) # rubocop:disable Rails/OutputSafety label = key == :failed_count ? 'danger' : 'info' result == unknown ? result : report_event_column(result, "label-#{label}") end def preview_box(template_invocation, target) renderer =, target, template_invocation) if (preview = (load_template_from_task(template_invocation, target) || renderer.preview)) content_tag :pre, preview elsif target.nil? alert :text => _('Could not render the preview because no host matches the search query.'), :class => 'alert alert-block alert-warning base', :close => false else alert :class => 'alert-block alert-danger base in fade has-error', :text => renderer.error_message.html_safe # rubocop:disable Rails/OutputSafety end end # we assume that a line_set will always end with a line break. Sometimes however, the lines can # be cut in the middle. This methods makes sure the cut line ends up in on line set def normalize_line_sets(line_sets) previous_line_break = true line_sets.each_with_index do |line_set, index| # if previous line_set was missing break, add the first line from next set unless previous_line_break first_line_pattern = /\A.*\n/ first_line = line_set['output'][first_line_pattern] if first_line line_sets[index - 1]['output'] << first_line line_set['output'].sub!(first_line_pattern, '') end end previous_line_break = line_set['output'] =~ /\n\Z/ end line_sets end def time_in_words_span(time) if time.nil? _('N/A') else content_tag :span, (time > ? _('in %s') : _('%s ago')) % time_ago_in_words(time), { :'data-original-title' => time.try(:in_time_zone), :rel => 'twipsy' } end end def documentation_button_rex(section = '') url = '' + "#{ForemanRemoteExecution::VERSION.split('.').take(2).join('.')}/index.html#" documentation_button section, :root_url => url end def description_checkbox_f(f, job_template, disabled) check_box_tag('description_format_override', job_template.generate_description_format, f.object.description_format.nil?, :class => 'description_format_override', :name => f.object_name + '[description_override]', :disabled => disabled, :onchange => 'description_override(this);') + ' ' + _('Use default description template') end def description_format_textarea_f(f, job_template, disabled) textarea_f f, 'description_format', :label => _('Description template'), :value => f.object.description_format || job_template.generate_description_format, :rows => 2, :onchange => 'regenerate_description(this);', :class => 'description_format advanced', :disabled => disabled, :label_help => description_format_help end def description_format_help _('This template is used to generate the description.
' + 'Input values can be used using the syntax %{package}.
' + 'You may also include the job category and template
' + 'name using %{job_category} and %{template_name}.').html_safe # rubocop:disable Rails/OutputSafety end def load_template_from_task(template_invocation, target) task = template_invocation.job_invocation.sub_task_for_host(target) return if task.nil? task.execution_plan.actions[1].try(:input).try(:[], 'script') end def job_report_template template = ReportTemplate.where(name: Setting['remote_execution_job_invocation_report_template']).first template if template.template_inputs.where(name: 'job_id').exists? end def job_report_template_parameters(job_invocation, template) template_input = template.template_inputs.where(name: 'job_id').first raise "#job_report_template_parameters need template that has 'job_id' input" unless template_input { report_template_report: { input_values: { "#{}": { value:, }, }, }, } end def targeting_hosts(job_invocation, hosts) do |host| template_invocation = job_invocation.template_invocations.find { |template_inv| template_inv.host_id == } task = template_invocation.try(:run_host_job_task) link_authorized = !task.nil? && authorized_for(hash_for_template_invocation_path(:id => template_invocation).merge(:auth_object => host, :permission => :view_hosts, :authorizer => job_hosts_authorizer)) { name:, link: link_authorized ? template_invocation_path(:id => template_invocation) : '', status: template_invocation_status(task, job_invocation.task), actions: template_invocation_actions(task, host, job_invocation, template_invocation) } end end end