# frozen_string_literal: true class WeatherHeader def initialize end ATTRS ||= [:City, :State, :Country, :DataSource, :Station, :Latitude, :Longitude, :Timezone, :Altitude, :LocalPressure, :RecordsPerHour] attr_accessor(*ATTRS) end class WeatherData def initialize end ATTRS ||= [:AnnualAvgDrybulb, :AnnualMinDrybulb, :AnnualMaxDrybulb, :CDD50F, :CDD65F, :HDD50F, :HDD65F, :MonthlyAvgDrybulbs, :ShallowGroundAnnualTemp, :ShallowGroundMonthlyTemps, :DeepGroundAnnualTemp, :DeepGroundSurfTempAmp1, :DeepGroundSurfTempAmp2, :DeepGroundPhaseShiftTempAmp1, :DeepGroundPhaseShiftTempAmp2, :WSF, :MonthlyAvgDailyHighDrybulbs, :MonthlyAvgDailyLowDrybulbs, :MainsAnnualTemp, :MainsDailyTemps, :MainsMonthlyTemps] attr_accessor(*ATTRS) end class WeatherDesign def initialize end ATTRS ||= [:HeatingDrybulb, :CoolingDrybulb, :CoolingWetbulb, :CoolingHumidityRatio, :DailyTemperatureRange] attr_accessor(*ATTRS) end class WeatherProcess def initialize(epw_path:, runner:, hpxml: nil) @header = WeatherHeader.new @data = WeatherData.new @design = WeatherDesign.new if not File.exist?(epw_path) fail "Cannot find weather file at #{epw_path}." end epw_file = OpenStudio::EpwFile.new(epw_path, true) process_epw(runner, epw_file, hpxml) end attr_accessor(:header, :data, :design) private def process_epw(runner, epw_file, hpxml) # Header info: header.City = epw_file.city header.State = epw_file.stateProvinceRegion header.Country = epw_file.country header.DataSource = epw_file.dataSource header.Station = epw_file.wmoNumber header.Latitude = epw_file.latitude header.Longitude = epw_file.longitude header.Timezone = epw_file.timeZone header.Altitude = UnitConversions.convert(epw_file.elevation, 'm', 'ft') header.LocalPressure = Math::exp(-0.0000368 * header.Altitude) # atm header.RecordsPerHour = epw_file.recordsPerHour if header.RecordsPerHour != 1 fail "Unexpected records per hour: #{header.RecordsPerHour}." end epw_file_data = epw_file.data epwHasDesignData = get_design_info_from_epw(epw_file) # Timeseries data: rowdata = [] dailydbs = [] dailyhighdbs = [] dailylowdbs = [] monthdbs = [] epw_file_data.each_with_index do |epwdata, rownum| rowdict = {} rowdict['month'] = epwdata.month rowdict['day'] = epwdata.day rowdict['hour'] = epwdata.hour begin rowdict['db'] = epwdata.dryBulbTemperature.get rescue fail "Cannot retrieve dryBulbTemperature from the EPW for hour #{rownum + 1}." end begin rowdict['rh'] = epwdata.relativeHumidity.get / 100.0 rescue fail "Cannot retrieve relativeHumidity from the EPW for hour #{rownum + 1}." end begin rowdict['ws'] = epwdata.windSpeed.get rescue fail "Cannot retrieve windSpeed from the EPW for hour #{rownum + 1}." end monthdbs << [] if rowdict['day'] == 1 monthdbs[rowdict['month'] - 1] << rowdict['db'] rowdata << rowdict next unless (rownum + 1) % (24 * header.RecordsPerHour) == 0 db = [] maxdb = rowdata[rowdata.length - (24 * header.RecordsPerHour)]['db'] mindb = rowdata[rowdata.length - (24 * header.RecordsPerHour)]['db'] rowdata[rowdata.length - (24 * header.RecordsPerHour)..-1].each do |x| if x['db'] > maxdb maxdb = x['db'] end if x['db'] < mindb mindb = x['db'] end db << x['db'] end dailydbs << db.sum(0.0) / (24.0 * header.RecordsPerHour) dailyhighdbs << maxdb dailylowdbs << mindb end data.AnnualAvgDrybulb = UnitConversions.convert(rowdata.map { |x| x['db'] }.sum(0.0) / rowdata.length, 'C', 'F') data.AnnualMinDrybulb = UnitConversions.convert(rowdata.map { |x| x['db'] }.min, 'C', 'F') data.AnnualMaxDrybulb = UnitConversions.convert(rowdata.map { |x| x['db'] }.max, 'C', 'F') data.MonthlyAvgDrybulbs = [] for i in 1..12 data.MonthlyAvgDrybulbs << UnitConversions.convert(monthdbs[i - 1].sum / monthdbs[i - 1].length, 'C', 'F') end calc_heat_cool_degree_days(dailydbs) calc_avg_monthly_highs_lows(dailyhighdbs, dailylowdbs) calc_shallow_ground_temperatures calc_deep_ground_temperatures(hpxml) calc_mains_temperatures(dailydbs.size) data.WSF = calc_ashrae_622_wsf(rowdata) if not epwHasDesignData if not runner.nil? runner.registerWarning('No design condition info found; calculating design conditions from EPW weather data.') end calc_design_info(runner, rowdata) design.DailyTemperatureRange = data.MonthlyAvgDailyHighDrybulbs[7] - data.MonthlyAvgDailyLowDrybulbs[7] end end def calc_heat_cool_degree_days(dailydbs) # Calculates and stores heating/cooling degree days data.HDD65F = calc_degree_days(dailydbs, 65, true) data.HDD50F = calc_degree_days(dailydbs, 50, true) data.CDD65F = calc_degree_days(dailydbs, 65, false) data.CDD50F = calc_degree_days(dailydbs, 50, false) end def calc_degree_days(daily_dbs, base_temp_f, is_heating) # Calculates and returns degree days from a base temperature for either heating or cooling base_temp_c = UnitConversions.convert(base_temp_f, 'F', 'C') deg_days = [] if is_heating daily_dbs.each do |x| if x < base_temp_c deg_days << base_temp_c - x end end else daily_dbs.each do |x| if x > base_temp_c deg_days << x - base_temp_c end end end if deg_days.size == 0 return 0.0 end deg_days = deg_days.sum(0.0) return 1.8 * deg_days end def calc_avg_monthly_highs_lows(daily_high_dbs, daily_low_dbs) # Calculates and stores avg daily highs and lows for each month data.MonthlyAvgDailyHighDrybulbs = [] data.MonthlyAvgDailyLowDrybulbs = [] if daily_high_dbs.size == 365 # standard year month_num_days = Constants.NumDaysInMonths(1999) elsif daily_high_dbs.size == 366 # leap year month_num_days = Constants.NumDaysInMonths(2000) else fail "Unexpected number of days: #{daily_high_dbs.size}." end first_day = 0 for month in 1..12 ndays = month_num_days[month - 1] # Number of days in current month if month > 1 first_day += month_num_days[month - 2] # Number of days in previous month end avg_high = daily_high_dbs[first_day, ndays].sum(0.0) / ndays.to_f avg_low = daily_low_dbs[first_day, ndays].sum(0.0) / ndays.to_f data.MonthlyAvgDailyHighDrybulbs << UnitConversions.convert(avg_high, 'C', 'F') data.MonthlyAvgDailyLowDrybulbs << UnitConversions.convert(avg_low, 'C', 'F') end end def calc_ashrae_622_wsf(rowdata) require 'csv' ashrae_csv = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'data', 'ashrae_622_wsf.csv') wsf = nil CSV.read(ashrae_csv, headers: false).each do |data| next unless data[0] == header.Station wsf = Float(data[1]).round(2) end return wsf unless wsf.nil? # If not available in ashrae_622_wsf.csv... # Calculates the wSF value per report LBNL-5795E "Infiltration as Ventilation: Weather-Induced Dilution" # Constants c_d = 1.0 # unitless, discharge coefficient for ELA (at 4 Pa) t_indoor = 22.0 # C, indoor setpoint year-round n = 0.67 # unitless, pressure exponent s = 0.7 # unitless, shelter class 4 for 1-story with flue, enhanced model delta_p = 4.0 # Pa, pressure difference indoor-outdoor u_min = 1.0 # m/s, minimum windspeed per hour ela = 0.074 # m^2, effective leakage area (assumed) cfa = 185.0 # m^2, conditioned floor area h = 2.5 # m, single story height g = 0.48 # unitless, wind speed multiplier for 1-story, enhanced model c_s = 0.069 # (Pa/K)^n, stack coefficient, 1-story with flue, enhanced model c_w = 0.142 # (Pa*s^2/m^2)^n, wind coefficient, bsmt slab 1-story with flue, enhanced model roe = 1.2 # kg/m^3, air density (assumed at sea level) c = c_d * ela * (2 / roe)**0.5 * delta_p**(0.5 - n) # m^3/(s*Pa^n), flow coefficient taus = [] prev_tau = 0.0 for hr in 0..rowdata.size - 1 q_s = c * c_s * (t_indoor - rowdata[hr]['db']).abs**n q_w = c * c_w * (s * g * [rowdata[hr]['ws'], u_min].max)**(2 * n) q_tot = (q_s**2 + q_w**2)**0.5 ach = 3600.0 * q_tot / (h * cfa) taus << (1 - Math.exp(-ach)) / ach + prev_tau * Math.exp(-ach) prev_tau = taus[-1] end tau = taus.sum(0.0) / taus.size.to_f # Mean annual turnover time (hours) wsf = (cfa / ela) / (1000.0 * tau) return wsf.round(2) end def get_design_info_from_epw(epw_file) epw_design_conditions = epw_file.designConditions epwHasDesignData = false if epw_design_conditions.length > 0 epwHasDesignData = true epw_design_conditions = epw_design_conditions[0] design.HeatingDrybulb = UnitConversions.convert(epw_design_conditions.heatingDryBulb99, 'C', 'F') design.CoolingDrybulb = UnitConversions.convert(epw_design_conditions.coolingDryBulb1, 'C', 'F') design.CoolingWetbulb = UnitConversions.convert(epw_design_conditions.coolingMeanCoincidentWetBulb1, 'C', 'F') design.DailyTemperatureRange = UnitConversions.convert(epw_design_conditions.coolingDryBulbRange, 'deltaC', 'deltaF') std_press = Psychrometrics.Pstd_fZ(header.Altitude) design.CoolingHumidityRatio = Psychrometrics.w_fT_Twb_P(design.CoolingDrybulb, design.CoolingWetbulb, std_press) end return epwHasDesignData end def calc_design_info(runner, rowdata) # Calculate design day info: # - Heating 99% drybulb # - Cooling 99% drybulb # - Cooling mean coincident wetbulb # - Cooling mean coincident humidity ratio std_press = Psychrometrics.Pstd_fZ(header.Altitude) annual_hd_sorted_by_db = rowdata.sort_by { |x| x['db'] } # 1%/99%/2% values heat99per_db = annual_hd_sorted_by_db[88 * header.RecordsPerHour]['db'] cool01per_db = annual_hd_sorted_by_db[8673 * header.RecordsPerHour]['db'] # Mean coincident values for cooling cool_wetbulb = [] for i in 0..(annual_hd_sorted_by_db.size - 1) next unless (annual_hd_sorted_by_db[i]['db'] > cool01per_db - 0.5) && (annual_hd_sorted_by_db[i]['db'] < cool01per_db + 0.5) wb = Psychrometrics.Twb_fT_R_P(runner, UnitConversions.convert(annual_hd_sorted_by_db[i]['db'], 'C', 'F'), annual_hd_sorted_by_db[i]['rh'], std_press) cool_wetbulb << wb end cool_design_wb = cool_wetbulb.sum(0.0) / cool_wetbulb.size design.CoolingDrybulb = UnitConversions.convert(cool01per_db, 'C', 'F') design.CoolingWetbulb = cool_design_wb design.CoolingHumidityRatio = Psychrometrics.w_fT_Twb_P(design.CoolingDrybulb, design.CoolingWetbulb, std_press) design.HeatingDrybulb = UnitConversions.convert(heat99per_db, 'C', 'F') end def calc_shallow_ground_temperatures # Return shallow monthly/annual ground temperatures. # This correlation is the same that is used in DOE-2's src\WTH.f file, subroutine GTEMP amon = [15.0, 46.0, 74.0, 95.0, 135.0, 166.0, 196.0, 227.0, 258.0, 288.0, 319.0, 349.0] po = 0.6 dif = 0.025 p = UnitConversions.convert(1.0, 'yr', 'hr') beta = Math::sqrt(Math::PI / (p * dif)) * 10.0 x = Math::exp(-beta) s = Math::sin(beta) c = Math::cos(beta) y = (x**2 - 2.0 * x * c + 1.0) / (2.0 * beta**2.0) gm = Math::sqrt(y) z = (1.0 - x * (c + s)) / (1.0 - x * (c - s)) phi = Math::atan(z) bo = (data.MonthlyAvgDrybulbs.max - data.MonthlyAvgDrybulbs.min) * 0.5 data.ShallowGroundMonthlyTemps = [] for i in 0..11 theta = amon[i] * 24.0 data.ShallowGroundMonthlyTemps << UnitConversions.convert(data.AnnualAvgDrybulb - bo * Math::cos(2.0 * Math::PI / p * theta - po - phi) * gm + 460.0, 'R', 'F') end data.ShallowGroundAnnualTemp = data.AnnualAvgDrybulb if header.Latitude < 0 # Southern hemisphere data.ShallowGroundMonthlyTemps.rotate!(6) end end def calc_deep_ground_temperatures(hpxml) # Return deep annual ground temperature. # Annual average ground temperature using Xing's model. # Avoid this lookup/calculation if there's no GSHP since there is a (small) runtime penalty. if !hpxml.nil? has_gshp = false hpxml.buildings.each do |hpxml_bldg| has_gshp = true if hpxml_bldg.heat_pumps.select { |h| h.heat_pump_type == HPXML::HVACTypeHeatPumpGroundToAir }.size > 0 end return if !has_gshp end deep_ground_temperatures = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'data', 'Xing_okstate_0664D_13659_Table_A-3.csv') if not File.exist?(deep_ground_temperatures) fail 'Could not find Xing_okstate_0664D_13659_Table_A-3.csv' end require 'csv' require 'matrix' # Minimize distance to Station v1 = Vector[header.Latitude, header.Longitude] dist = 1 / Constants.small temperatures_amplitudes = nil CSV.foreach(deep_ground_temperatures) do |row| v2 = Vector[row[3].to_f, row[4].to_f] new_dist = (v1 - v2).magnitude if new_dist < dist temperatures_amplitudes = row[5..9].map(&:to_f) dist = new_dist end end data.DeepGroundAnnualTemp = UnitConversions.convert(temperatures_amplitudes[0], 'C', 'F') data.DeepGroundSurfTempAmp1 = UnitConversions.convert(temperatures_amplitudes[1], 'deltac', 'deltaf') data.DeepGroundSurfTempAmp2 = UnitConversions.convert(temperatures_amplitudes[2], 'deltac', 'deltaf') data.DeepGroundPhaseShiftTempAmp1 = temperatures_amplitudes[3] # days data.DeepGroundPhaseShiftTempAmp2 = temperatures_amplitudes[4] # days end def calc_mains_temperatures(n_days) # Algorithm based on Burch & Christensen "Towards Development of an Algorithm for Mains Water Temperature" deg_rad = Math::PI / 180 tmains_ratio = 0.4 + 0.01 * (data.AnnualAvgDrybulb - 44) tmains_lag = 35 - (data.AnnualAvgDrybulb - 44) if header.Latitude < 0 sign = 1 # southern hemisphere else sign = -1 end maxDiffMonthlyAvgOAT = data.MonthlyAvgDrybulbs.max - data.MonthlyAvgDrybulbs.min # Calculate daily and annual data.MainsDailyTemps = [] for d in 1..n_days data.MainsDailyTemps << data.AnnualAvgDrybulb + 6 + tmains_ratio * maxDiffMonthlyAvgOAT / 2 * Math.sin(deg_rad * (0.986 * (d - 15 - tmains_lag) + sign * 90)) end data.MainsAnnualTemp = data.MainsDailyTemps.sum / n_days # Calculate monthly data.MainsMonthlyTemps = [] for m in 1..12 data.MainsMonthlyTemps << data.AnnualAvgDrybulb + 6 + tmains_ratio * maxDiffMonthlyAvgOAT / 2 * Math.sin(deg_rad * (0.986 * ((m * 30 - 15) - 15 - tmains_lag) + sign * 90)) end end end