# typed: strict # frozen_string_literal: true module RubyLsp module Listeners class Completion extend T::Sig include Requests::Support::Common sig do params( response_builder: ResponseBuilders::CollectionResponseBuilder[Interface::CompletionItem], global_state: GlobalState, node_context: NodeContext, typechecker_enabled: T::Boolean, dispatcher: Prism::Dispatcher, uri: URI::Generic, trigger_character: T.nilable(String), ).void end def initialize( # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists response_builder, global_state, node_context, typechecker_enabled, dispatcher, uri, trigger_character ) @response_builder = response_builder @global_state = global_state @index = T.let(global_state.index, RubyIndexer::Index) @type_inferrer = T.let(global_state.type_inferrer, TypeInferrer) @node_context = node_context @typechecker_enabled = typechecker_enabled @uri = uri @trigger_character = trigger_character dispatcher.register( self, :on_constant_path_node_enter, :on_constant_read_node_enter, :on_call_node_enter, :on_instance_variable_read_node_enter, :on_instance_variable_write_node_enter, :on_instance_variable_and_write_node_enter, :on_instance_variable_operator_write_node_enter, :on_instance_variable_or_write_node_enter, :on_instance_variable_target_node_enter, ) end # Handle completion on regular constant references (e.g. `Bar`) sig { params(node: Prism::ConstantReadNode).void } def on_constant_read_node_enter(node) return if @global_state.has_type_checker name = constant_name(node) return if name.nil? candidates = @index.prefix_search(name, @node_context.nesting) candidates.each do |entries| complete_name = T.must(entries.first).name @response_builder << build_entry_completion( complete_name, name, range_from_location(node.location), entries, top_level?(complete_name), ) end end # Handle completion on namespaced constant references (e.g. `Foo::Bar`) sig { params(node: Prism::ConstantPathNode).void } def on_constant_path_node_enter(node) return if @global_state.has_type_checker name = constant_name(node) return if name.nil? constant_path_completion(name, range_from_location(node.location)) end sig { params(node: Prism::CallNode).void } def on_call_node_enter(node) receiver = node.receiver # When writing `Foo::`, the AST assigns a method call node (because you can use that syntax to invoke singleton # methods). However, in addition to providing method completion, we also need to show possible constant # completions if (receiver.is_a?(Prism::ConstantReadNode) || receiver.is_a?(Prism::ConstantPathNode)) && node.call_operator == "::" name = constant_name(receiver) if name start_loc = node.location end_loc = T.must(node.call_operator_loc) constant_path_completion( "#{name}::", Interface::Range.new( start: Interface::Position.new(line: start_loc.start_line - 1, character: start_loc.start_column), end: Interface::Position.new(line: end_loc.end_line - 1, character: end_loc.end_column), ), ) return end end name = node.message return unless name case name when "require" complete_require(node) when "require_relative" complete_require_relative(node) else complete_methods(node, name) unless @typechecker_enabled end end sig { params(node: Prism::InstanceVariableReadNode).void } def on_instance_variable_read_node_enter(node) handle_instance_variable_completion(node.name.to_s, node.location) end sig { params(node: Prism::InstanceVariableWriteNode).void } def on_instance_variable_write_node_enter(node) handle_instance_variable_completion(node.name.to_s, node.name_loc) end sig { params(node: Prism::InstanceVariableAndWriteNode).void } def on_instance_variable_and_write_node_enter(node) handle_instance_variable_completion(node.name.to_s, node.name_loc) end sig { params(node: Prism::InstanceVariableOperatorWriteNode).void } def on_instance_variable_operator_write_node_enter(node) handle_instance_variable_completion(node.name.to_s, node.name_loc) end sig { params(node: Prism::InstanceVariableOrWriteNode).void } def on_instance_variable_or_write_node_enter(node) handle_instance_variable_completion(node.name.to_s, node.name_loc) end sig { params(node: Prism::InstanceVariableTargetNode).void } def on_instance_variable_target_node_enter(node) handle_instance_variable_completion(node.name.to_s, node.location) end private sig { params(name: String, range: Interface::Range).void } def constant_path_completion(name, range) top_level_reference = if name.start_with?("::") name = name.delete_prefix("::") true else false end # If we're trying to provide completion for an aliased namespace, we need to first discover it's real name in # order to find which possible constants match the desired search aliased_namespace = if name.end_with?("::") name.delete_suffix("::") else *namespace, incomplete_name = name.split("::") namespace.join("::") end nesting = @node_context.nesting namespace_entries = @index.resolve(aliased_namespace, nesting) return unless namespace_entries real_namespace = @index.follow_aliased_namespace(T.must(namespace_entries.first).name) candidates = @index.prefix_search( "#{real_namespace}::#{incomplete_name}", top_level_reference ? [] : nesting, ) candidates.each do |entries| # The only time we may have a private constant reference from outside of the namespace is if we're dealing # with ConstantPath and the entry name doesn't start with the current nesting first_entry = T.must(entries.first) next if first_entry.private? && !first_entry.name.start_with?("#{nesting}::") constant_name = first_entry.name.delete_prefix("#{real_namespace}::") full_name = aliased_namespace.empty? ? constant_name : "#{aliased_namespace}::#{constant_name}" @response_builder << build_entry_completion( full_name, name, range, entries, top_level_reference || top_level?(T.must(entries.first).name), ) end end sig { params(name: String, location: Prism::Location).void } def handle_instance_variable_completion(name, location) type = @type_inferrer.infer_receiver_type(@node_context) return unless type @index.instance_variable_completion_candidates(name, type).each do |entry| variable_name = entry.name label_details = Interface::CompletionItemLabelDetails.new( description: entry.file_name, ) @response_builder << Interface::CompletionItem.new( label: variable_name, label_details: label_details, text_edit: Interface::TextEdit.new( range: range_from_location(location), new_text: variable_name, ), kind: Constant::CompletionItemKind::FIELD, data: { owner_name: entry.owner&.name, }, ) end rescue RubyIndexer::Index::NonExistingNamespaceError # If by any chance we haven't indexed the owner, then there's no way to find the right declaration end sig { params(node: Prism::CallNode).void } def complete_require(node) arguments_node = node.arguments return unless arguments_node path_node_to_complete = arguments_node.arguments.first return unless path_node_to_complete.is_a?(Prism::StringNode) matched_indexable_paths = @index.search_require_paths(path_node_to_complete.content) matched_indexable_paths.map!(&:require_path).sort!.each do |path| @response_builder << build_completion(T.must(path), path_node_to_complete) end end sig { params(node: Prism::CallNode).void } def complete_require_relative(node) arguments_node = node.arguments return unless arguments_node path_node_to_complete = arguments_node.arguments.first return unless path_node_to_complete.is_a?(Prism::StringNode) origin_dir = Pathname.new(@uri.to_standardized_path).dirname content = path_node_to_complete.content # if the path is not a directory, glob all possible next characters # for example ../somethi| (where | is the cursor position) # should find files for ../somethi*/ path_query = if content.end_with?("/") || content.empty? "#{content}**/*.rb" else "{#{content}*/**/*.rb,**/#{content}*.rb}" end Dir.glob(path_query, File::FNM_PATHNAME | File::FNM_EXTGLOB, base: origin_dir).sort!.each do |path| @response_builder << build_completion( path.delete_suffix(".rb"), path_node_to_complete, ) end end sig { params(node: Prism::CallNode, name: String).void } def complete_methods(node, name) add_local_completions(node, name) type = @type_inferrer.infer_receiver_type(@node_context) return unless type # When the trigger character is a dot, Prism matches the name of the call node to whatever is next in the source # code, leading to us searching for the wrong name. What we want to do instead is show every available method # when dot is pressed method_name = @trigger_character == "." ? nil : name range = if method_name range_from_location(T.must(node.message_loc)) else loc = node.call_operator_loc if loc Interface::Range.new( start: Interface::Position.new(line: loc.start_line - 1, character: loc.start_column + 1), end: Interface::Position.new(line: loc.start_line - 1, character: loc.start_column + 1), ) end end return unless range @index.method_completion_candidates(method_name, type).each do |entry| entry_name = entry.name label_details = Interface::CompletionItemLabelDetails.new( description: entry.file_name, detail: entry.decorated_parameters, ) @response_builder << Interface::CompletionItem.new( label: entry_name, filter_text: entry_name, label_details: label_details, text_edit: Interface::TextEdit.new(range: range, new_text: entry_name), kind: Constant::CompletionItemKind::METHOD, data: { owner_name: entry.owner&.name, }, ) end rescue RubyIndexer::Index::NonExistingNamespaceError # We have not indexed this namespace, so we can't provide any completions end sig { params(node: Prism::CallNode, name: String).void } def add_local_completions(node, name) return if @global_state.has_type_checker # If the call node has a receiver, then it cannot possibly be a local variable return if node.receiver range = range_from_location(T.must(node.message_loc)) @node_context.locals_for_scope.each do |local| local_name = local.to_s next unless local_name.start_with?(name) @response_builder << Interface::CompletionItem.new( label: local_name, filter_text: local_name, text_edit: Interface::TextEdit.new(range: range, new_text: local_name), kind: Constant::CompletionItemKind::VARIABLE, data: { skip_resolve: true, }, ) end end sig { params(label: String, node: Prism::StringNode).returns(Interface::CompletionItem) } def build_completion(label, node) # We should use the content location as we only replace the content and not the delimiters of the string loc = node.content_loc Interface::CompletionItem.new( label: label, text_edit: Interface::TextEdit.new( range: range_from_location(loc), new_text: label, ), kind: Constant::CompletionItemKind::FILE, ) end sig do params( real_name: String, incomplete_name: String, range: Interface::Range, entries: T::Array[RubyIndexer::Entry], top_level: T::Boolean, ).returns(Interface::CompletionItem) end def build_entry_completion(real_name, incomplete_name, range, entries, top_level) first_entry = T.must(entries.first) kind = case first_entry when RubyIndexer::Entry::Class Constant::CompletionItemKind::CLASS when RubyIndexer::Entry::Module Constant::CompletionItemKind::MODULE when RubyIndexer::Entry::Constant Constant::CompletionItemKind::CONSTANT else Constant::CompletionItemKind::REFERENCE end insertion_text = real_name.dup filter_text = real_name.dup # If we have two entries with the same name inside the current namespace and the user selects the top level # option, we have to ensure it's prefixed with `::` or else we're completing the wrong constant. For example: # If we have the index with ["Foo::Bar", "Bar"], and we're providing suggestions for `B` inside a `Foo` module, # then selecting the `Foo::Bar` option needs to complete to `Bar` and selecting the top level `Bar` option needs # to complete to `::Bar`. if top_level insertion_text.prepend("::") filter_text.prepend("::") end # If the user is searching for a constant inside the current namespace, then we prefer completing the short name # of that constant. E.g.: # # module Foo # class Bar # end # # Foo::B # --> completion inserts `Bar` instead of `Foo::Bar` # end nesting = @node_context.nesting unless @node_context.fully_qualified_name.start_with?(incomplete_name) nesting.each do |namespace| prefix = "#{namespace}::" shortened_name = insertion_text.delete_prefix(prefix) # If a different entry exists for the shortened name, then there's a conflict and we should not shorten it conflict_name = "#{@node_context.fully_qualified_name}::#{shortened_name}" break if real_name != conflict_name && @index[conflict_name] insertion_text = shortened_name # If the user is typing a fully qualified name `Foo::Bar::Baz`, then we should not use the short name (e.g.: # `Baz`) as filtering. So we only shorten the filter text if the user is not including the namespaces in # their typing filter_text.delete_prefix!(prefix) unless incomplete_name.start_with?(prefix) end end # When using a top level constant reference (e.g.: `::Bar`), the editor includes the `::` as part of the filter. # For these top level references, we need to include the `::` as part of the filter text or else it won't match # the right entries in the index label_details = Interface::CompletionItemLabelDetails.new( description: entries.map(&:file_name).join(","), ) Interface::CompletionItem.new( label: real_name, label_details: label_details, filter_text: filter_text, text_edit: Interface::TextEdit.new( range: range, new_text: insertion_text, ), kind: kind, ) end # Check if there are any conflicting names for `entry_name`, which would require us to use a top level reference. # For example: # # ```ruby # class Bar; end # # module Foo # class Bar; end # # # in this case, the completion for `Bar` conflicts with `Foo::Bar`, so we can't suggest `Bar` as the # # completion, but instead need to suggest `::Bar` # B # end # ``` sig { params(entry_name: String).returns(T::Boolean) } def top_level?(entry_name) nesting = @node_context.nesting nesting.length.downto(0).each do |i| prefix = T.must(nesting[0...i]).join("::") full_name = prefix.empty? ? entry_name : "#{prefix}::#{entry_name}" next if full_name == entry_name return true if @index[full_name] end false end end end end