# frozen_string_literal: true # Public: Methods that generate a URL for a resource such as a Post or a Page. # # Examples # # URL.new({ # :template => /:categories/:title.html", # :placeholders => {:categories => "ruby", :title => "something"} # }).to_s # module Jekyll class URL # options - One of :permalink or :template must be supplied. # :template - The String used as template for URL generation, # for example "/:path/:basename:output_ext", where # a placeholder is prefixed with a colon. # :placeholders - A hash containing the placeholders which will be # replaced when used inside the template. E.g. # { "year" => Time.now.strftime("%Y") } would replace # the placeholder ":year" with the current year. # :permalink - If supplied, no URL will be generated from the # template. Instead, the given permalink will be # used as URL. def initialize(options) @template = options[:template] @placeholders = options[:placeholders] || {} @permalink = options[:permalink] if (@template || @permalink).nil? raise ArgumentError, "One of :template or :permalink must be supplied." end end # The generated relative URL of the resource # # Returns the String URL def to_s sanitize_url(generated_permalink || generated_url) end # Generates a URL from the permalink # # Returns the _unsanitized String URL def generated_permalink (@generated_permalink ||= generate_url(@permalink)) if @permalink end # Generates a URL from the template # # Returns the unsanitized String URL def generated_url @generated_url ||= generate_url(@template) end # Internal: Generate the URL by replacing all placeholders with their # respective values in the given template # # Returns the unsanitized String URL def generate_url(template) if @placeholders.is_a? Drops::UrlDrop generate_url_from_drop(template) else generate_url_from_hash(template) end end def generate_url_from_hash(template) @placeholders.inject(template) do |result, token| break result if result.index(":").nil? if token.last.nil? # Remove leading "/" to avoid generating urls with `//` result.gsub("/:#{token.first}", "") else result.gsub(":#{token.first}", self.class.escape_path(token.last)) end end end # We include underscores in keys to allow for 'i_month' and so forth. # This poses a problem for keys which are followed by an underscore # but the underscore is not part of the key, e.g. '/:month_:day'. # That should be :month and :day, but our key extraction regexp isn't # smart enough to know that so we have to make it an explicit # possibility. def possible_keys(key) if key.end_with?("_") [key, key.chomp("_")] else [key] end end def generate_url_from_drop(template) template.gsub(%r!:([a-z_]+)!) do |match| name = Regexp.last_match(1) pool = name.end_with?("_") ? [name, name.chomp!("_")] : [name] winner = pool.find { |key| @placeholders.key?(key) } if winner.nil? raise NoMethodError, "The URL template doesn't have #{pool.join(" or ")} keys. " \ "Check your permalink template!" end value = @placeholders[winner] value = "" if value.nil? replacement = self.class.escape_path(value) match.sub!(":#{winner}", replacement) end end # Returns a sanitized String URL, stripping "../../" and multiples of "/", # as well as the beginning "/" so we can enforce and ensure it. def sanitize_url(str) "/#{str}".gsub("..", "/").tap do |result| result.gsub!("./", "") result.squeeze!("/") end end # Escapes a path to be a valid URL path segment # # path - The path to be escaped. # # Examples: # # URL.escape_path("/a b") # # => "/a%20b" # # Returns the escaped path. def self.escape_path(path) return path if path.empty? || %r!^[a-zA-Z0-9./-]+$!.match?(path) # Because URI.escape doesn't escape "?", "[" and "]" by default, # specify unsafe string (except unreserved, sub-delims, ":", "@" and "/"). # # URI path segment is defined in RFC 3986 as follows: # segment = *pchar # pchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@" # unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~" # pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG # sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")" # / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "=" Addressable::URI.encode(path).encode("utf-8").sub("#", "%23") end # Unescapes a URL path segment # # path - The path to be unescaped. # # Examples: # # URL.unescape_path("/a%20b") # # => "/a b" # # Returns the unescaped path. def self.unescape_path(path) path = path.encode("utf-8") return path unless path.include?("%") Addressable::URI.unencode(path) end end end