module SimpleWorker #, hostname, jobid, opts) # # where hostname is the machines hostname or a unique identifier # and 'opts' is a Hash of options: # # :namespace => String prefix to keys in redis used by SimpleWorker (default: simpleworker) # :task_timeout => Fixnum time after which a task expires, this should be > timout set in Runner (default: 10 seconds) class TaskQueue include RedisSupport DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { :namespace => 'simpleworker' } def initialize(redis, hostname, jobid, opts = {}) opts = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.dup.merge(opts) @redis = redis @namespace = opts[:namespace] @task_timeout = opts[:task_timeout] @jobid = jobid @hostname = hostname @active_key_prefix = "#{active_tasks_key}:#{@hostname}" @task_timeout = JSON.parse(@redis.get(config_key))['task_timeout'] load_lua_scripts end def fire_start push_to_log('on_node_start', @hostname) end def fire_stop push_to_log('on_node_stop', @hostname) end def fire_task_start(task) push_to_log('on_task_start', @hostname, task) end def fire_task_stop(task) push_to_log('on_task_stop', @hostname, task) end def expire_current_task @redis.del "#{@active_key_prefix}:#{@current_task}" if @current_task @current_task = nil end def fire_log_message(msg) push_to_log('on_log', @hostname, msg) end def each_task until pop.nil? local_task = @current_task fire_task_start local_task yield local_task fire_task_stop local_task end end def pop @redis.srem(active_tasks_key, "#{@active_key_prefix}:#{@current_task}") if @current_task @current_task = @redis.evalsha(@reliable_queue_sha, :keys => [tasks_key, active_tasks_key], :argv => [namespace, jobid, @hostname, @task_timeout]) @current_task end private def push_to_log(*args) @redis.rpush(log_key, args.to_json) end end end